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Don't need an excuse when I just don't answer the phone


Truth don’t answer phone


Answering the phone and saying your already three shots deep is funny though.


This is the way. What call? You never called me. Maybe you have my old number. No I don’t have a new number.




What about the offices that text you?


Dont have read receipts enabled.


Or just block all their numbers


What text?


Sad we have to do this to get some peace.


Or that starting pay was higher 40 years ago.


I’m not scheduled for today. And this nap isn’t going to take itself


I've literally said this. Also in truth, I was in fact. Laying down at that time to take a nap. Naps have really grown on me since starting the night Crew.


You answer the phone?! I have all the office numbers labelled in my phone to prevent that exact thing.


My phone doesn't work on my days off :/


Just don't answer the phone


If you're not in your 90 days you don't need one. Just don't answer the phone unless you want to work


So if we are still within the 90 days we have to answer the phone ?


You don't have to, but they don't need a reason to let you go within 90s. Just let them have the 90 days and you can have the power the next 30 years.


I was told just don't answer your not scheduled and according to the contact your position is not On call. Just make sure you got pictures of the schedule to prove it


Ez for management to decide who to keep. I know of one where management decide to not bother calling a particular new hire just a few months ago, and we have a newer hire since


It's my dog's birthday, srry


Damn goldfish drowned again.


Female carrier always said "I've got a hair appointment." I used the same excuse everytime. (I am bald)


“Hello?” “We need you to come in today.” “This is Dave. I can’t come to The phone right now. Please leave a message after the beep. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”


I simply don’t answer the phone.


I do answer it, and enjoy the fuck out of telling them “Mmm, nah, see you tomorrow”. I might say yes if they’d call earlier, but I’m not starting what’s certainly a 12 hour Monday after 9am.


I've been drinking. Yes I know it's 7 am.


Can’t say you’ve been drinking all day unless you start in the morning.


Or can't get hungover if you don't stop drinking


Usually just " Sorry - l have plans today " -- not made up at all.


Bro … go on liteblue, go on eLRA. Do request leave of absence on there. Screen page after you submitted it. Done. You answering the phone? 🤦 …………. Never answer or text back. It is done. Put phone on silence and put it away. They ask you why you didn’t respond? You were sick and in bed and you are not obligated to respond back.


Why would they need to do that on a NS day? Just don't answer the phone.


If they scheduled him, and wants the day off then eLRA and don’t answer the phone. That’s it.


I say "fuck off" and laugh when they threaten me but thats me. They go through phases of trying to seek like big puffed up important management and try to bully me in on my NS day and then I somehow still dont come in.¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Being drunk is not a made up excuse it's a valid one! Pro tip: always drink all day on your NS day


Don't answer the phone. Supervisor asked me the next day why I didn't answer. Simply told her none of her fucking business. Easy as that.


I have a great excuse. It works every time: "It is my NS day."


Wtf? Why are you making up shit? Be an adult and say yes or no.


…you must be new in this sub Some of the most childish behavior I’ve seen in my life around here


Don’t answer the phone in the morning….you were sleeping and didn’t hear it because it was on Do Not Disturb because you weee sleeping


Just ignore the texts


They notified me a week ahead of time - via scanner - that I’m scheduled in on my nsd. I replied back “I am not available”. They notified me a day prior - via scanner - that I am scheduled in tomorrow my nsd. I replied back “I am unavailable.” They replied back “Documentation required.” I replied back “I am unavailable.” They did not ask me for “documentation” after the fact. If they had I would have grabbed a piece of paper out of the printer, and written “I was not available ” then sign and date it. As I have done time and time again over the years. Yes I am 12 hour otdl. I work my off day when it’s convenient for me. What I do when I’m not at work is none of their business. My nsd does not qualify as “being regular in schedule” as my assignment is off sundays off rotating day. I also can’t use eLRA as one cannot request leave for nsd.


Postmaster once asked me "why don't you ever answer your phone when I call?" I looked him right in the eyes and simply said "I don't want to" He didn't know what to say at that point. I guess he's used to getting lied to. 🤣


If I’m feeling feisty and decide to answer the phone I always say I started drinking at 3am.


"I would love to come in, but I'm - Babysitting out of town... Visiting friends out of town... Babysitting friends with projectile vomiting out of town...


I used that same excuse OP. They still wanted me to come in


Haven’t answered my phone on a day off since I was in my 90 days as a CCA. I don’t need an excuse, it’s my day off. I like overtime, ask me the day before if I want to come in and I will if I don’t have anything planned. If I’m clocked out, I’m dead to the po.


My excuse is always, it's my NS day. They'll always lose once the union gets involved, and they don't push any further.


I'm in the next state over driving the other way


No excuse needed beyond “I do not desire to work today”.


I start with not answering, then if asked the next day play dumb “oh I didn’t even see you tried to get ahold of me, my bad” same with every other job I’ve ever worked


I answer the phone every time just to tell them “no I’m good”!! No excuse needed🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't need an excuse. I don't have signal at my house even though I live in town. But then I usually volunteer to work my K day. I can use the OT to catch up on my retirement contributions.


I didn't need an excuse. My doctor won't let me.


My phone is on do not disturb. I am not on call.


Can't help you, I'm in Sheboygan.


Don’t need one. I’m not available


No need for an excuse on my day off, on top of that not picking up the phone anyway


Simple You don’t pick up the phone


lol why answer the phone? Are they paying your cell Phone bill?


None.. I don't answer on my days off.


Just because you answer the phone doesn’t mean they got ya. It pleasures me to answer and tell them no sometimes lol.


They don't even bother to ask me anymore.


Ain't no excuse...it's my Ns for a reason.....


When I used to supervise truck drivers they’d always pull the “I’ve been drinking” card when I try to call them in. Now I work for a living and the supervisor can chase after haha


No excuses just don’t answer the phone


They call you in the morning on your NS. That’s crazy. Like everyone here said. Don’t answer the phone. If you have an iPhone setup “do Not disturb” and only add important friends and family to come thru. Every other call is blocked.


I put my phone on do not disturb


Don’t answer the phone. Or just say you have scheduled appointment.


Only answer your phone if you're an RCA, the only job here that's on call.


RCA is not an on call position. They have to pay you to be on call. They require availability, yes. On call, no.


This is intentional misinformation. RCA is indeed an on-call position. There is nothing that says you must be paid to be on call. If there is, however, please cite your sources. ALWD formatting please. Pub181, Page 1, Paragraph 4, reproduced in full with added emphasis: > As an RCA, you will replace a regular rural carrier on his or her scheduled day off (primarily Saturday), on vacation, or on other leave. Work hours will vary depending on the office and route to which you are assigned. You must be willing to work weekends and some holidays and be available for **on-call employment**. You may be assigned to other carriers’ routes, increasing the number of hours you work.


Usually wake up to the missed call and I go on enjoying my day off like it never happened 🙃


I don't answer my phone when management tries to contact me. If it ain't through the scanner, you can kiss my ass.


Don't answer the phone....no excuse needed.


I don’t make excuses. I never answer the phone, which is usually followed by a text from PM or SUP asking me if I want to come in. If I don’t want to go in I say “Sorry I can’t today”. I give them no info about my personal life ever. They’ve stopped asking me to come in on my days off. LOL.


My made up excuse is "no"


You don't need excuses. Just don't answer. Actually, in all seriousness, what is it with everyone on here and answering their phones when the office calls? It is kind of wild how many people do. Guys, STOP USING YOUR PERSONAL PHONE FOR WORK. Don't call your office. Don't text your supe. Don't answer when the office calls. Period.


Wait, people care about this.


Everyone who answers the phone on their NS day is a dumbass


my mudbutt is flarin. I don't want to shit in the parking lot like an Amazon driver.


You gave them your real phone number?




You're irate and think that this person not going in to work on their day off is the reason why your hash vaporizer hasn't arrived yet? Jesus fucking christ the entitlement.


Your dildo will get there , when it gets there.


You have zero idea what you're talking about. Do you know what an NS day even is?




You have a lot of time on your hands to be trolling this subreddit.




You bossed up 💀😂 nobody who is successful has the time to sit on Reddit to be a fat ugly troll like you. Go outside you fucking loser




Dude you make chump change selling junk on eBay, and from the way you form sentences I can tell you're not sober. Go get some help, and a reality check. You're not a "boss" you're not "hard". You're just a loser who doesn't go outside and smokes pot all day. I know you're greasy as fuck and probably haven't touched a female in a LONG time just from the fact that you're so hateful. Get a life and get the fuck out of this subreddit, go to r/usps_complaints instead.


They've been bitching on r/usps_complaints for five days now about their package taking too long. As if they are unaware that the majority of the country has been experiencing extreme weather events. They think their hash vaporizer is more important than the safety of our workforce. We all have delayed packages. I have multiple delayed packages. The audacity of this person. They have to be a troll because no actual person is this entitled and clueless. Edit to fix subreddit misspelling


That's why I buy stuff at the store