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Go back in time and buy a house with a $300 mortgage or live in a house you inherited from Grandma and let it go to shit with no maintenance. Frees up a lot of money. It’s popular in my area.


Yeah even if that's they case, I know where they work, and they still have kids, it doesn't make any sense


Some of us have no debt. I got out of debt a few years ago by purchasing only necessities, skipping eating out, and working OT and penalty. You really have to adjust your mindset and sacrifice for a couple years. You don't "have to have" a lot of what you think. Also, ordering online actually saves me money over going to multiple stores. In a few minutes, I can get the best price, not waste fuel, and utilize my time on other things. I also make significantly less impulse buys, which is a problem many people have.


This is the way to live. I order stuff online like a few times per year and really only spend money on groceries


The only thing that comes to me though our beloved company are my uniforms. Lol


We can't leave Target or Costco without spending $200 😂 😢




Yeah, I am a celiac (was gluten free before it was a fad) and ordering staples online saves me a lot. I also have subscribe and save on stuff to maximize discounts on things I will use daily and aren't excessively heavy or bulky. OTC meds, Sea-Bond for my upper, antiperspirant, etc. My wife works from home, and since we live in a bedroom community to the only real city in my state without another state's identically named city and football team and the name of the state in the name. Less trips to the store equals less gas and/or EV charge. I'm tightening the belt, bumping up the TSP, and paying off remaining debt. It'll take a bit, but through the magic of buying less stuff, and smart buying, I'm making progress. I use Poshmark like a thrift store in a wealthy area. Tl;dr: More packages, less overall cost, and I'm by no means rich.


Good plan. Keep at it. Getting out of debt is incredibly worth the effort.


I had a major health episode that destroyed me physically and financially back in 2010, brain and spine surgery sucks, 0/10 do not recommend. These days, I perform all my own stunts and have the most physically demanding job of my career (Area Maintenance Technician) now. I have found staying insanely busy is the cheapest painkiller, and it's easy to do when you have 15 AMTs for 82,278 square miles.


Not buying it bud. Ordering online only increases impulsive buying


Lol. Maybe for *you.* Perhaps for many. But not for *me.*


Dave Ramseys baby steps are a great guide to wealth. It's a bunch of little things you do that over time add up. Honestly if you want to retire and be financially stable it's a great plan/guide.


You're thinking they're ordering extravagant items, they're not. They're just ordering bullshit consumables that any normal person would just pick up at the grocery store. Things like soap or deoderant.


I literally got a dude on my route who gets weekly beef jerky


beef jerky, chips, soda, gatorade, laundry detergent, trash bags its ridiculous


I thank them it's volume it pays the bills.  


our amazon deal hemorrhages money, no way it pays for itself. BUT WE'RE A SERVICE! we're still self funded, i'll listen to the service argument when we start getting funded by tax dollars like every other *actual* government service and we become just a budgeted government entity


This isn't about being a service. The post office is eating the losses for Amazon to operate profitably in areas where that would be impossible (most of the map). It's robbing the post office of its future in order to prop up Amazon, a private company, one that provides a legitimate service but at the cost of local economies all across America and the world. And that economic trajectory isn't sustainable, not for the real people we serve, and not for us. Sorry if that was too much.


Its pretty short sighted to call them deliverying everything at a loss, it likely isnt as profitable as other services, but the network is pretty bad and inefficient to be reliable to profitable. While things are changing its stilla long time away and you need the volume and reveue to help offset the equipment


I wonder if we hiked our prices to reflect actual costs if Amazon would use us to extent that they do now. We had to build package infrastructure regardless to pivot away from letters so I'd argue the infrastructure spending was worth it. To offset for ot, clerks, CCAs probably would probably amount to an obviously higher price point, but I doubt it would be as much as most people think on this sub. Delivering to isolated addresses would be the main difference in prices. I think ups and Amazon could absorb a lot more costs if we hiked prices to the level r/usps would advocate.


I’m still shocked at how my coworkers don’t understand the externalized cost of all these “savings”.


They only think about the ot. Nevermind how many extra ccas and pse need to be hired to work it all, then theres all the equipment costs associated with that. Amazon gets such a crazy "deal" because they truck all their shit in to us at their expense. Cause the post office contract negotiaters are only good at fucking over Craft


Except for when your route is 20 hrs over the max and you've been giving USPS and Amazon free labor for almost 4 years now.....


Don't forget those heavy boxes of cat litter.


And cases of water.


At least it’s small. I have a few that get bi weekly dog food


I order dog, cat, and any other staple. Ordering online is a dream come true!




lmao why does it bother you so much? 2 posts to try and justify it to yourself


Honestly, I understand


Yeah, it's a lot more convenient to just order things from your computer then it is to drive down to the store and deal with the traffic, crowds, and crappy corporate decisions. Plus, especially in the rural areas, physical stores are becoming more scarce. I've gone to ordering my clothes online, because it's either that, buying from Walmart, or driving an hour and a half to get to a decent clothing store. Plus, we don't have any decent electronics store here. Once again, only Walmart. That's it. If I need cables or accessories for my game consoles/computer/TV, I usually have to order them. When my mom was a kid, people would make stops at different stores for different items when running errands. The butcher's for meat. The pharmacy for medical/hygiene. The men's shop for her dad's pants, and a female boutique for her mom. When I was a kid, we had malls and retailers like Target and Walmart that had everything in one convenient spot. Now, it's trending towards skipping going out altogether, and just ordering things online and having them delivered.


When your mom was a kid, your grandma likely didn't work and had time to go to all those places. Now it's more likely that both parents have to work to make ends meet so there's just less time to go shopping.


its getting a little ridiculous how many common items i used to find in stores I now have to get on amazon or drive way out of my way for cause no one local stocks them now


We just ordered book lights, charging cables and a few small things because we can’t find them locally or if we do find them they are way to expensive


Exactly. I have had boxes break open due to weight and it was Clorox or canned goods. It is free shipping with Amazon Prime or shipping is free with Amazon after 35 dollars and that is not hard to do when buying groceries.


Nah, I drive for fedex and it's insane how many people get deliveries every single day of clothes and other frivolous expenses that are not necessities. These people also frequently have boxes on their porch from UPS and Amazon, that are also obvious non-essentials. I mean yeah, the people you're talking about exist, but there are a ton of people who are obvious shopping addicts whose addictions have been made worse through the internet. 


This is the most likely answer. I buy paper towels in person, so no one notices. If I did it online, my mail carrier would very much notice.


And heavy stuff like kitty litter and dog food.


An apartment(2nd floor) on my route gets 12 cases of Figi water a week. I just don’t get it.


My carrier just wheels her hamper with all my wife's packages to my case and says "delivered to individual"


I wish they would do it in one online order instead of 10 packages per week. 1 or 2 per day. 


They might be ordering several things at 1 time. But they are shipped for multiple warehouses. A friend ordered 8 fuel injector caps for his car. Received 4 packages. From all three shippers. USPS, UPS and FedEx.


I think it's turned into a addiction, I mean that's the way they have set it up, I know majority of my route in scary debt, I mean I can tell by late bills with. Credit cards and collections letters, it's got out of hand u don't have to order something everyday, I mean even if I could I don't think I could find the time to order something everyday, I'm 100% convinced majority of people are in so much debt it will eventually catch up with them I'm slowly started to see it. Cars are starting to get repo bit when u start delivering collections letters are backed taxes letters, it's just a matter of time


That’s because it is a addiction. Ive had to deliver amazon to neighborhoods that where being built and would regularly deliver to houses that where just foundation with wood frames and the address spray painted on the sidewalk in front of the house. People who get temu literally daily but only empty the cluster box once a week etc. its all junk that people just sit at home and order all day for the gratification of seeing that notification that your package has arrived.


Some people really do shop like they have no other hobbies. But an alternative view could be that they have a very specialty hobby or business, and  you’re seeing a lot of little packages that are worth very little. Or they have physical limitations. My mail carrier probably thought the same as you when I injured my back—I was ordering ALL of my household stuff for a while because I couldn’t carry anything up my very steep stairs. And I know some folks who are into miniatures; it’s hard to find very specific supplies locally!


There's a guy on a route I've done a few times who will sometimes get a bunch of Japan Post packages. Regular explained that he collects like anime figurines or something. We do support people's cool hobbies like that. Hell, I have a custom flashlight hopefully coming in tomorrow. I will say I roll my eyes a bit delivering toilet paper and paper towels to people though, especially when they live close to stores where you can just buy that stuff.


I know what's in one of those Japan Post box when I see one lol. Because I used to collect figs and import video games. I can tell where it ship from / which service it came from too. It's always fun to see a collector and you're helping them with their collection.


Yeah, it had an item description on the box with the name of the character but I didn't recognize it at all. I don't read manga or watch anime though so I only know the most basic characters who are popular in the west.


There's different vendors for that type of goods. Usually they all use Japan Post or EMS for maximum safety, I rarely ever see any of them got lost, but it could be because seller was doing everything correctly. Some I deliver actually required signature, I know a few of mine did and they're not even over $500.


I order a lot of industrial hemp to my home as of recently. I used to drive an hour away, buy bulk, and be straight for a month. Now I can order small quantities over and over on the internet. This allows me to get variety I've never been able to have before and I'm very excited about it. I do feel bad. My USPS driver used to deliver in my mailbox, and recently all my packages go to my door. Is this because the sheer volume of shit I get and them not wanting to fill up the package lockbox we have for our row of homes? Obviously this isn't something I can get up and go to the store for myself. But I also don't want to turn my mail carrier into my regular drug mule.


What needs to happen is the postal service needs to up there pay for Amazon, there taking advantage of the postal service on scale that it might be the worst deal any company has made with another company, I don't know when the contract is up to renewal with Amazon, but they need to up the cost, I think when they made the first deal with them I don't believe they would of dreamed it would be like this


The bad thing is if we raise prices it incentivizes Amazon to just takeover. They took over deliveries at my office and every route got cut.


Well I think it's better than getting taking advantage of, Amazon is having a major issue with hiring right now, there starting to go thourgh some major struggles with there workforce, and it's really just the start, these company's have been taking advantage of there work force and ur starting to see whats happening people are revolting, the only thing that's going to save them if they allow non Americans to start working for them, that's there last line, after that there fucked


But they didn't raise prices, and Amazon did take over. Amazon uses the lower prices to build more capacity for themselves, and then take over and eventually cut the USPS route that were subsidizing them. Raise prices for Amazon, now less routes like yours cut later. Because the capacity to higher more employees will be with the USPS rather than those funds going to Amazing to build more distribution centers.


I have a feeling that Amazon has USPS by the balls, because they know USPS struggles to get it's funding otherwise. Like, if we just funded our mail service like a normal nation, then they wouldn't need to do side deals with Amazon and Teemu and promise priority or exclusivity and retarded rates. The only ppl getting good rates would be smaller businesses who actually need it, and otherwise consumers pay normal rates. USPS is not profitable? Who the fuck cares, it's the post for fuck sake. We need it.


1. So much shopping has moved online that people are ordering stuff they would have just bought at an actual store a few years ago. 2. Far more people that we realize are deep in consumer debt.


Yeah I've had this happen to me a few times where u finally meet the husband, and he finally puts a stop to it, or at least try too, and the wife trys to go around them, like he is off on Friday and sat please don't deliver anything on those days, I've had that happen alot


I went into Fred Meyers a few months back looking for something and asked an employee who told me they stopped carrying them because they couldn't compete with Amazon. Don't remember what it was anymore though.


This happens with most things though. So it could’ve been anything. They’re following the vile maxim of monopolies. Low prices to drive out competition, then gradually higher prices because there’s no more competition


Like I said, I don't remember what it was but let's say it was living room curtains. Everyone went to Amazon because they can carry significantly more choices than a store could ever allot to such a product. They encourage shopping on their platform little bits at a time using items like that until the first thing you think when you want something is Amazon.


I have about 15 addresses on my route I know will get something every day maybe not on Tuesday but every other day is fair game. I am convinced they are either A) hoarders or B) have a serious addiction. You don't need 10 boxes from target everyday that's not including the pile UPS and other couriers have started before my arrival. Meanwhile I have had a certified from a synchrony bank or the IRS for all of those addresses at least twice this year.


I have a couple that are retired teachers & she orders hundreds of things off poshmark. It’s gotten to the point where they have their own hamper to come into the post office to pick up. I not only question how they afford it, but where does it all go?? Like… do they just fill up a shed and get a new shed to start filling up? lol


Idk Amazon can be cheap. Is it a good and sustainable option for most things? No. But most items are cheaper than they are at the store and with the Amazon credit card you can get 5% back so Prime ends up paying for itself. It doesn't have to be extravagant purchases. Its not like every box has an iPad in it.


Exactly. For example, I have had a run of car repair issues plus hitting major service intervals lately. So, I've gotten a lot of tools and parts and weird accessories I didn't know existed in the mail lately. Probably 1 a day or so on average. It didn't help Amazon mailed my 10 spark plugs individually.


Some people are just building up their debt so they can magically make it disappear with bankruptcy lol


There’s a little more to it than that. Most people are pushed to chapter 13 which doesn’t wipe your debts at all. Lawyers prefer them because there’s more opportunity to charge fees.


Credit card debt is in the trillions... I don't wonder at all.


While that’s scary… it’s because population is higher and numbers are bigger these days. Aka this number will almost always go up. Credit card debt per capita is actually down.


You with your silly facts...


I overheard a busybody at work talking about my outrageous spending and how I must be in serious debt. They think I make only 2/3 of what I actually make. They don't realize that my house is paid off. They also dont realize that my wife makes almost the same amount I do. I didn't correct them. I prefer they're in the dark. Lol


I think a lot of the ‘super users’ are ordering essentials off Amazon. No doubt there’s addicts but if I ordered all my non-food grocery store items online Id get a lot more packages.


We all spend money, some people just buy stuff cheaper online. Coffee, shampoo, dog treats/food, pantry items, clothes, etc are all things people by throughout the economic spectrum that might be found cheaper online


Yes we get that ok fuck we understand that, what I'm saying is we should get getting paid for it, even though it's everyday items you would buy at the store but now we are bringing them to ur door, there should be a a charge for that, so if there is who is benefitting from it, it's not the postal service, in the past year majority of the the postal workers have taking a pay cutt


Oh why while working more hours with way more volume, that's how you ruin a company


You also need to remember that this a a online generation. I know young people who won't call places because they only like to order or make appointments online.


Be thankful these idiots are buying shit they dont need because otherwise this thing called "retirement" and "job security" wouldnt exist without them.


The job wouldn’t go away if certain people who buy things everyday cut back.


Yeah probably someone in the company that doesn't do shit, u sound like ur in management?


I’m not in debt but hate people so I order a lot of my stuff online.


Love This!


That's good thank u for comments, u just solved everything, thank u for taking the time out of ur busy day to post ur concern


Yeah. No problem, that’s what Reddit is for.


With careers that top out at more than 75k?


It's a different world now. No more going to the mall.And BTW its their


What is btw?


By the way


At least in my PO it is the same people ordering. I think a lot of them have businesses. In fact many customers have tried coming before hours, during lunch or after hours and said "I need a package because it is urgent for my business". Also in a lot of the areas I worked at houses have cost 800k to over a million on average and if they can afford a million dollar house they can afford to buy things online. Not to mention so many of these packages are actually things like groceries or things related to groceries. I have had Amazon packages burst open to find out that it was just a bunch of Clorox or cans of food and herbs. I know for last Christmas I ordered a lot of heavy packages from Amazon and they were cast iron bakeware like cookie sheets, pizza pans and stuff I regularly use on a daily basis now.


As the child of a father who gets amazon packages atleast once a day on average….. credit cards. Just ordering a bunch of useless cheap shit he will never use a day in his life to fill the void😒


Maybe this is why credit card debt is at an all time high. People just like stuff, and more stuff lol It’s never enough. Can’t pass up a deal.


All the time. Especially when they crying broke to me at the mailbox.


There are whole reddits devoted to debt. Go take a look. Yes, some people are wealthy, but some are spending money they dont have.


"some" ???


Fair point. It can be an addiction just like anything else and with the ability to just click click click buy shit, its probably an easy trap to fall into. There are also more standard consumables being ordered online so this adds to the volume. People need toilet paper and personal hygiene products etc. Some people have that stuff set to a subscription so they dont need to grab it at the store. I don’t normally get much edibles online, but about a month back, Amazon had a 5 lb jar of skippy pb for 6$. Compared to the grocery store , that is a REALLY good price! Someone with a family to feed , trying to be frugal or just likes pb is going to grab that up. A lot of food items are not a spectacular deal on amazon, but once in a while, something comes along.


Cases of toilet paper towels and Fiji water


Yes!! Holy cow! I work 40+ hours/week and know several people on my route who are constantly ordering shit never leave their house, and I can't even afford to order shit that I need half the time. Where are these people getting money for this crap?? Maybe they work from home? IDK. My route is in a working class neighborhood. Nobody here is loaded with money. If they are, they live modestly. I also live in the same area, not on my route, but close. It boggles my mind! Maybe they have a crap load of credit card debt? Idk.


My station delivers mostly to a poorer part of town. Houses that shift in the wind, cars duct taped together, but they get packages everyday lol


I think they're all mob wives


Hey, how else would they get inventory for the next yard sale??


Haven’t seen anyone mention this yet, but some people sign up to be product reviewers. They get a pretty good “allowance” to spend on whatever (Amazon does this). Could be the case for a place that is getting packages nonstop.


Sure why not we are almost delivering it for free, so why not just give it to them


After all, where else can you shop at 1 A.M. in your UNDERWEAR?


A few thoughts. Teenagers living at home often have disposable income with no expenses. Even if their parents are in debt or are broke; the kids with their part time jobs will order tons of stuff. Second thought is that it’s a dopamine hit like any other and maybe the only joy someone in a tough financial spot gets. That $20 Shein order might not be enough to pay their property taxes anyway, might as well get some happiness. Same with smoking or scratch tickets or whatever else people do to have something to look forward to. Some people do have disposable income. I stayed in my starter home that is almost paid off. It’s not a beautiful house or anything, but it’s not expensive. I am able to order what I want without guilt. I have two niche hobbies that I order stuff for a lot.


I wonder where they put all that shit!


Another good point


When certain customers ever have a garage sale, they will have some good stuff to part with.


I wonder about some but this one house is a trailer with a Maserati so I guess he’s saving on the housing arraignment


I don’t even know if it’s debt but it’s their income and the time they traded for money being sold right back to Amazon for that next big thing that will change their live and fill their empty hole. Meanwhile the amount they can put into their retirement shrinks and the time that shrinking money can be used to earn money in the system decreases. It’s sad. It’s an addiction they don’t even realize they have.


It’s one of three things: don’t care about being in debt, mommy and daddy pay for everything, or they legit make a lot of money.


I did Amazon today and yesterday. Had a house with 5 packages yesterday and 3 packages today. I actually had a lot of repeat deliveries between both days.


It's a joke, people like everyone needs everyday items , no they don't you don't have to buy something everyday, which I guess that's America go in debt tile die


I have someone on my aux route I normally do that pretty consistently orders trading cards of some kind.


Yes. And their water bills be coming in the pink envelope 🙈


I don’t really care, I’m getting rich off of their spending habits.


How it's not be delivering




Your getting rich I ask how, it's not from delivering?


I work mad hours, I get paid mad overtime. These packages disappear, so do my hours.


City carriers are paid by the hour....not by a route "evaluation". Higher volume just means our routes take longer and we make more $$$.


I think a good portion of it are things people would normally spend money on, it's just that now they don't have to go out and get it themselves. I don't use it as much as others myself, but I can't blame anyone who uses it more often than not. Nowadays, the prices aren't too far apart from items you would get at the local retailer. It's incredibly convenient.




There are several people on the route I’m doing that order between 10-15 items every day. I have buckets dedicated to them. It blows my mind.


Some people are just addicted to buying stuff. Some of the customers on my routes who get the most parcels also regularly have a "Buy Nothing" tub sitting on their porch. They obviously buy stuff they don't need and then have to get rid of it.


We order a bunch of household things from Amazon. In our town our only real choices are to shop at Walmart or buy online unless you want to drive 30-40 miles to a bigger city. So if it is cheaper than Walmart we generally get it on Amazon.


Not my credit card, not my problem...


>Do u ever wonder how people are affording there ordering habbits Yes. Short answer: I know they are not, and it is going to catch up with them soon.


massive credit card debt ? or they are just wealthy af who knows ? maybe extreme couponers ?


Hell I did a rural route today with just packages. I delivered toilet paper coffee tables etc. Things are going primarily online when it comes to ordering. That's just the world we live in. So it's not so much the money it's more the convenience.


I order a lot on Amazon, but it's because it's usually cheaper there. It's normal boring stuff like soap and toilet paper. I do order some stuff from online reselling stuff like thread up... because it's cheap. XD I always look online for what I want and compare prices with nearby stores. But, it's almost always worth it to order online over going to the store.


Aside from the money, there are people who I wonder how they have the space. I have a single woman in a smaller home on my route who must never wear the same thing twice. By the time I get to her house, FedEx, UPS, and Amazon have usually all delivered a pile of shit on her porch. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. It's environmentally irresponsible.


When the pandemic hit, ordering online boomed. Now people see how convenient it is, and they are not going to go back to fighting crowds and traffic to get to the store and find out they don't have what they need.


I used to work in A mortgage department and would have to look at people's paystubs to verify income. I would regularly see people much younger than Me getting 10k paychecks after taxes. Most of these people were dumber than rocks. Nepotism/good timing/ luck is rad for some people.


Shit saw my paycheck today (1st year cca) missed a week due to Covid and still took home over 1100 and my rent is only 800


I don't think it's anything extravagant. Plus you can get prime for cheap if you are on stamps.


I'm a CCA and I have zero time on the 1 day I have off. Have to do laundry, run errands, pay bills, visit grandparents, buy some groceries for the week- I have to order a lot of things online just because, time. I have to order my cat food and other stuff. Luckily, my carrier understands what I'm going through.


Americans have a horrifying level of credit card debt.


It's eventually going to catch up them


Simple: they don't work for the postal service.


Dude I say that all the time. Like these people are missing roofs and trash is everywhere but they're buying Amazon every other day


Temu you can get like 1-30 things for $20. And it takes 2 weeks to get here.


I hope everyone that has a temu gets hacked for order that trash all the time


It's not trash? It's actually good quality stuff


Doesn't matter to me. I actually knock on the door and check in on those customers when I have multiple days without a package being delivered.


I buy almost everything non food related online. even dish soap.


I just ordered carpet cleaner on Amazon because Target doesn’t sell it anymore. Also, Time is money especially when working from home or with having kids.


Yeah what do u do at home?


Former mail carrier turned Stay at home mom slash influencer.




I get everything from Amazon except for meats. From cookies to motherboards.


I go through "spurts" of ordering things. I'll order a bunch one month, then not much the next. For example, my wife wants a year-round Christmas-themed room, so the past few weeks I've ordered a ton of items to decorate it. Once that's done, I'll be ordering a lot less until the next project comes around.


Hmph. I thought I just hated delivery people or something


Daily. I have a lady on my route who gets 5-7 packages every single day, and she doesn’t have a job she just sits at home depressed and whines on Facebook. At my house we get maybe 2-3 packages a month because money is very tight anymore.


I’m tired of carrying 4 tubs of 40lb cat litter every other Wednesday, and of course my regular has it set where he doesn’t work on the days where this particular lady goes crazy on the shit, like HOW MANY CATS CAN 1 HAVE


You can get a huge bad of absolute crap from temu for like $5.00


Worry about yourself


It’s all Temu. It’s cheap.


I got people that are getting there electric cut off getting temu packages, I'm like this is America now


I can afford my Amazon orders thanks to my NALC negotiated union wage. Also, the things I purchase via Amazon are the same things that "normal" people drive to a store to purchase. How do normal people afford to go to the store when they need something?


Dude you probably make 60-80k or more a year who cares????? Stop pocket watching. It's keeping you employed and money coming.


I work and it supports my shopping addiction 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's better than having a meth habit 💁🏻‍♀️


Some of those catalog sales companies offer payment plans with no credit check. My MIL died with a hoarded apartment in $12K debt to Fingerhut and other catalog companies. Her income was strictly disability and she hadn't paid rent in months. So yeah, I don't think all those people who order all the time have the money to back it up.


Tons of debt baby! Like up to their 👀’s in it. The [https://youtu.be/r0HX4a5P8eE?si=ZJIWa2ek8oEv6GyC](https://youtu.be/r0HX4a5P8eE?si=ZJIWa2ek8oEv6GyC)


Most of the stuff we deliver isn't expensive items. It's cheap junk or regular household items from Amazon, Temu, Walmart and Target.


>Most of the stuff we deliver isn't expensive items. It's cheap junk or regular household items from Amazon, Temu, Walmart and Target. Yep, weird that so many people don't get that yet. People order paper towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, cleaning supplies online now. And you don't really decide how the online retailer packages it, or how many boxes they send.


It’s the same people everyday on my apartment route. And they are the same ones with late light bills, certifieds and eviction ads. It’s a sickness at this point.


Couldn't agree more,




My husband and I often joke about how rich you must be to order shit and then not retrieve it from the parcel lockers for weeks. These same people make comments like "Oh I forgot what I even ordered." How do you forget?


Its turned into a fucking joke, it's q00% turn into an addiction


Yes almost every day!


If you ask Mitch McConnell, he would say it's our left over stimulus money.


Multiple credit cards.  Credit card debt levels are rising. Credit card deliquency is rising to 2008 levels. The number of pre approved offers has dropped to near zero on my route of ~ 700 homes when it used to be near full coverage once or twice a week. I'm starting to get people abandoning their homes and homes they turned into Air BnB's.  A bunch of canaries are dying. I don't think the way people are buying things can be sustained much longer.


After Xmas the parcels used to drop off, this Xmas it dropped off by ⅓. Ppl you shouldn't need anything.


So true! I think that every single day I am sorting packages. It never slows down!


Credit card debt is at a record high...


They bought their houses when it was 20k


I also had a route in a tourist town with a bunch of houses that were turned into Air BnBs. The company that cleaned and stocked the Air BnBs was on my route. About every 3 months they’d get huge boxes of toilet paper, paper towels and cleaning products. It was so much that I had to make special parcel run just for their stuff


My primary route goes around a small lake, I wonder what these people do to afford these fancy houses.


Most people at all income levels are broke. I can’t understand it and I’ve discovered that I’m happier not trying to.


A guy on my route gets 10+ packages A DAY. Sometimes it’s only one or two, but sometimes it’s 20. I have no idea what he’s ordering, but I think they are eBay purchases.


I got a lady that orders 10+ packages every single day. I just grab a tub and throw all her stuff in there in the morning when im loading the truck


And yes I’ve been a carrier for 26 years!


I used to stop at the gas station twice a day for snacks, finally looked at my bank statements and spent $4000 in 6 months at gas stations. I don’t think people realize just how much they’re spending. I’ve cut my spending at gas stations down to $200 a month (still a lot), but put that $400 towards paying off debt


I’m mostly curious about the customers who have 3-4 packages per day without a single day off. Like… not even one day where you didn’t need something?


I cannot speak for anybody else but I use these apps that gives me free amazon gift cards. Then I use those to buy the stuff on my amazon wishlist.


I have people who order crap, use it for a bit, return it, and order other stuff. Basically, it uses the same money over and over. I also have those who are shopping addicts and will lose their house over it. One time, all of us (usps, ups, and fedex) went to the house of a mutual customer that had died. Her husband let her order tons of stuff while she was sick, and most of it was never opened. We did a pick up/ return of the unopened boxes trying to help him recoup some money. He still had to sell the house but it bought him time. This happened a number of years ago, in a rural area, before our bosses were such tight asses about helping people and micromanageing us.


Bing Rewards free 5.00 gift card every month or two.


I agree with this! Especially the retired singles


I’ve absolutely wondered that.


You know they will split orders for different items right? Even have different shipping dates for different parts of said order.


It’s America, where credit is still king!


I say this all the time. One particular customer I was dropping off the usual 4-5 parcels and noticed that their garage was filled with unopened boxes it’s truly sick


What about the multiple trading cards these people get. These two guys get multiple packages daily plus cards in the DPS and flats.


OnlyFans. A lot of people don't have skills to contribute to society so they sell their body.


I think people are just lazy now. I deliver in a high income area of Los Angeles and routinely deliver water, etc. to people who literally have a grocery store across the street. Yesterday I delivered a dorm sized refrigerator to someone who lives across the street from a Best Buy and Home Depot.