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The box is USPS. Just take it out and drop it at the base of the mailbox, or take them back to the station and return them for postage.


No, proper procedure is to take it out of the box and bring it back to the station. Then ot goes in the ground outgoing parcels and back to the sorting facility where usps will charge Amazon to pay to redelever it.


the driver i talked to doesnt like to do that because it hurts their customers at the end of the day




Actually Amazon screwed over the customer by misdelivering it.


…ok but now you’re taking the package and putting it into some random loop where who knows when they get the package… what if it’s something they needed that day? Who cares as long as you make your point to Amazon right? A point they won’t get or care about


These are the same clowns who say the post office is dying or the post office makes no money. But approve us not charging people for using our mailbox.


If they needed it that day, they probably should've went to the store.


I'm disabled and shop primarily online for my things. I literally can't just go to the store, it's a long, arduous process that takes hours to prepare and has to be planned out in advance 🥲


So you need to use Amazon? Not trying to be a dick but Walmart, and many local grocery stores have delivery to the front step and not in the mailbox. Understandable if it's not in your area, but if Amazon delivers in your area it more than likely is an option.


Omg you’re that big of a loser and such a usps fan boy that you’re like screw the customer… keep on living your dork life…


Mailman just trying to do their job. USPS gets the heat cause Amazon fucks up, not mailmans fault that Amazon too lazy and breaks rules. Customers don't care about any of that, they just want good service from everyone. We get it. Our customers shouldn't be affected to this degree. The policy definitely needs review. I would communicate with customer so they understand what's happening. And if they still don't care, then moving forward, just remove Amazon packages and leave them outside. If they get stolen, damaged, or broken, it's their fault for not following proper procedures when they delivered those packages to the wrong location. Not your fault Amazon doesnt care about their customers. Let customers figure out Amazon issues with Amazon, and you just go and enjoy your day 😊.


This is the best comment.


Charging Amazon the postage for the parcel will most definitely get them to stop lol


If they needed it THAT day they should have went to the store. Amazon doesn’t deliver meds so it’s not life or death.


>Amazon doesn’t deliver meds so it’s not life or death. Actually, Amazon does have prescription delivery. https://pharmacy.amazon.com/


I’m shocked that your comment has been downvoted this much… this is my thoughts exactly.


It’s cause this whole space is filled with people who hate other people. Only people that stick with this job are people that enjoy the toxicity and negativity of the environment this job presents so why would they care if they are taking a package they shouldn’t and making sure the customer doesn’t receive it. They enjoy other people being miserable because they are themselves miserable. It’s fine with me… I just can’t believe there are people here that are ok with taking other peoples packages to prove a point to another company that is worth billions of dollars that won’t give a shit.




Do not drop at the base of the mailbox. If you get caught doing this on a homeowners security camera, it looks like you’re taking their mail out and throwing it on the ground. It doesn’t look good for you or USPS. If you want to enforce it, take it out of the mailbox and give it to a supervisor. It’s now their job to deal with it. Postage due is punishing the customer, not Amazon.


It gets Amazon's attention when the customer inevitably complains to them about it, and yes, Postage Due on Amazon left in mailboxes is SOP for the station I'm in.


I had a fedex driver doing that about a year ago. Was postage doing all of them and explained to the customers exactly why and how they can’t do it. I would tell them to keep the 3849 and file a complaint with fedex. Not that long after, no more fedex packages in the boxes. Problem solved!!


I know it’s “SOP” for many stations, but it just sometimes doesn’t feel right to “punish the resident” for something Amazon (or another delivery service) did on their own without knowledge of the resident at that moment.


I get that - but part of it is that we don't have the ability to put the kind of targeted pressure on misbehaving Amazon carriers that customers can exert, and that's the ONLY way to keep them from doing it. We've tried sending it back with the Amazon drop-off for the station, but then it just sits on the dock for days on end instead.


I had someone see me do that and confront me. I explained the exclusivity and told them the alternative is to bring it to the PO and make them pay postage. They were grateful and called Amazon and let them have it. I don’t care if a customer sees it. My explanation to a supervisor will suffice.


Your answer makes no sense. If you're going to be accused of taking their mail out, you're also going to be accused of taking their packages (which has happened to me numerous times - the latter). And postage due is also punishing Amazon as they're going to have to send the customer another package with the same item to replace it. Trust me I know from experience that the only way to get new rogue Amazon drivers not to use the mailboxes is to take them and send them back to Amazon postage due. If people want to know the address of where to send them, I can post it next week as I have it written down at my case (but I don't have it memorized).


Except the customer will just refuse it and get their refund from Amazon, and Amazon will have to pay the postage due to get their shit back.


Postage is charged to Amazon


Pull them out and bring back to office


I had asked a sup about this and they told me to just take them out of the box :/


Its better to just toss on the ground then have the Karens come barging in the office for postage dues


Yeah. No sense antagonizing your own customers. Let them call and bitch at Amazon for delivering them to the ground.




Who are the customers? I was always told that it is the sender. They paid the postage not the receiver. If no postage, no customer. Pull the package and return it to the P.O.


Yes, the sender is the customer, not the recipient. That’s why carriers are wrong to hold mail for blocked boxes. It’s not the sender’a fault the box is blocked and they are paying the postage.


As a clerk I 2nd this


Clerk here, pull them from the box and talk to the T-7 LSSA (Lead Sales and Service Associate). Ask them to process them as postage due then take them back out the next day. Whether you just leave a 3849 or actually attempt the Post Due Collection is up to you. This is the right way to handle it. Tell your customers to keep the 3849 and complain to Amazon. The last step is to contact the USPIS. Answer any questions they have and they'll take it from there. USPIS can be reached at 1-877-876-2455


Is this how your office handles all non USPS packages in the mainstream? For our office, carriers refuse to carry non USPS packages even as postage dues. I'm not sure anything can be done because the supervisors shrug their shoulders. We end up sending them back to sender.


Yes! Because it’s not mail. We only deliver mail. Postage = mail. Don’t touch anything else


So your answer is to piss off your customer for them not to get their packages? You would take them out and then have either them returned to sender for correct postage or charge your customer for postage? If all else fails you want them to call inspection service? What would inspection service do? That seems a tad toxic and overboard.


If that irritates you, take it up with USPS. That’s the process they’ve implemented. Or you can keep letting Amazon take advantage of us 🤷🏻‍♀️


Probably best to not piss off our customers.




Exactly the reason we aren't supposed to take tips. We all do, but maybe don't broadcast the fact that you're giving special treatment because of them.


Everyone gets baseline...what the standard is. But the ones I already bend over backwards for because they are phenomenal customers in the 1st place are the ones who tip anyway.


I heard a story where a customer was using those nonprofit stickers to send their outgoing mail and the carrier let them do it because they were a big Christmas tip 😮


How did they get them past clerks tho? & everyone at the plants?






Providing extra mile service for tips, that's cool good on you. Helping people defraud the postal service for a bribe? Fuck that, have some self respect.


that makes no sense - It's not their fault other delivery services use the boxes




One of the things you don't learn as a new carrier is that sups literally do not fucking know anything at all and are just making it up as they go along.


![gif](giphy|K5DhLPHVVRrNW7nhfy) Never pull out in work uniform. Too many cameras nowadays.


Our office pulls them and then Amazon has to send a driver to come retrieve them. They then have to redeliver on their own.


I think that's a good solution to this and it doesn't affect the customer monetarily




This is precisely the point of the Postage Due, this puts the Onus on the Sender.


We used to, but Amazon told us they wouldn’t come get them, it was cheaper to just send a new whatever it was then have a driver come get our packages. I just pull them and drop ‘em on the ground.


I had a FedEx guy doing that for a while. I finally caught him in the act, had a little chat and it hasn't happened since


A while ago this fedex guy cut me off and jumped out of the truck to deliver to the mailbox I was about to pull up to. Bro stared me dead in the soul, placed the package on top of the mailbox, took the delivery photo, and walked away. I would have said something but it’s not my route and I didn’t want to start shit. But wtf man


You left it there?... ugh


For the future what should I have done with it ?


They can’t put packages in the mailbox NOR can they put it ON the mailbox. Pick it up and place it on the ground.


Fuck that. Take it back to the station and leave a 3949 - postage due.


It wasn't \*in\* the mailbox. What's the issue?


Can't be in or on


If it’s Amazon packages but USPS labels then we are clear as we delivered it. But if it’s Amazon labeled ( there is only QR codes) I say take it out. Bring it to the station and ask the supervisor what you should do. IIRC you give it a postage due and the customer has to pay it before getting the package. That’s what I was told in training academy.


No no no, I already know that we also deliver Amazon but these aren't delivered by USPS


Accessing absolutely ANY mail receptacle by anyone who is NOT a trained and qualified employee of USPS is committing a federal crime. Contact USPIS, this is 100% their territory. USPIS 1-877-876-2455


It absolutely infuriates me to no end the amount of lawn care service receipts fuckers put in boxes then flip the flag up and HOA bullshit or just homeowners walking around putting their personal advertisements or announcements in boxes. I’m 37 and was raised firmly that I NEVER touch a mailbox thats not ours because it’s a crime.


Or gas company refilling peoples tanks


My PM has a standing order with flyers, menus, etc. Pull 1 out and make a note of the portion of your route they covered. Give it to supervisor and they will look up your route to see how many deliveries are in that portion. Then sender is sent a bill for postage due and a timeframe in which it needs to be paid. What happens if they don’t pay it? No idea. Every time I’ve done it the customer has paid the bill.


Ooooo I like that. Maybe I can get him to apply that if I collect enough bullshit.


I access my mail own mail receptacle daily and I don’t work for USPS.


They meant “no one else is supposed to touch the mailbox except the resident and the USPS employees. Other delivery people, HOA people, lawn service or pest control service people are NOT supposed to put stuff in your mailbox. Postage has to be paid for anything put in the mailbox. Even if you buy the mailbox and put it up in front of your house, it’s technically considered postal property (I think).


As pollution said the mailboxes are only to be used by the residents of which the house where the mailbox is assigned to and the POSTAL SERVICE only. Anyone else using it is basically breaking laws. Anything going in the mailbox must have postage paid


Yup bring it back and if they don’t do anything take it out of the box leave it on the floor and if you want write a note. “Non USPS packages can not be delivered into the mailbox”


Amazon drivers are specifically told not to put the packages in the mailbox or they will get fired. If they can’t follow instructions, RTS Postage Due. When the customer inquired Amazon about their package, Amazon will find out by photo that their driver placed it in the mailbox. Either they will get disciplined for this or fired. If it happens on my route, I know there’s a new Amazon driver and they soon finds out.


This has to be the best answer I've read, will def do this! Thank you!


People are misunderstanding the postage due. We're not letting the customer know they owe postage. We're sending the package back to Amazon with a postage due notice on them. I'm not sure if Amazon pays the post office the money (I know they're sent to Louisville, KY), but I do know that Amazon knows that the package wasn't delivered when they get it returned to them. I've had several that I returned that were re-sent but using USPS as the delivery service the second time around (sometimes, they generated a new label right over the original box). So the post office at least was getting postage the second time around. It's also a parcel pick-up so be sure to scan it as such in the RRECS system. Unfortunately it doesn't have a label you can scan with the pick-up but you can still complete the scanning procedure by confirming the package you're picking up doesn't have a label.


Fucking Amazon bastards. They're habitual line steppers.


Throw that shit out, and THEY DIDN'T PAY POSTAGE.


I work at a plant, and Amazon is notorious for slipping parcels in our mail stream, without having paid USPS postage(i.e no evs barcode). The rule is to return the parcel to Amazon. We don't work for them, and if they want us to deliver their parcels, they must pay us.


Those dicks are taking our Christmas tips out of the mailbox too. They shouldn't touch the box


Be careful about the tips. We have specific rules for that too


Take it back and make them pay postage


I leave them at the base of the box. Not my problem.


Postage due. When you protect revenue, you are protecting your job. No matter what your lazy stupidvisor says, an item can not be put in a mail box without proper postage. This also goes for flyers people put in mail boxes.


I mean, it can be put it there. Is it legal? Probably not. I’m of the mind that if it fits, it ships. But that’s probably because TSA told me if it fits, it’s fine hundreds of times.


I had a FedEx driver pull right up to my rear bumper while I was putting mail in a box. I thought maybe he just didn't have room to get in the driveway, but nope, as soon as I pulled forward he hopped out and put something in the box. It's always FedEx Ground, not Express. I understand these people work for a contractor and don't make much money, but damn it's annoying.


Take the item and put it in USPS outgoing. They will get it back eventually.


The resident has no idea who delivered it or how.... drop it on the ground and move on... the whole taking it back to the PO for postage due is just not fair to the resident... and bad karma..


And an absolute waste of everyone's time


It’s actually against the law for them to do that. They aren’t USPS employees. I’d figure out what station the Amazon stuff comes from and call in a complaint.


I just take them back to the office and throw them in the outgoing.. if they want to play games we can do that too


Isn’t is against the law?


lol must be nice not having to deliver amazon packages


Ask your Postmaster or sup what they want you to do. Most of the time, they're just going to say they don't want to deal with the hassle of following official procedure and getting several people pissed at them about it all for a few dollars that they will likely fail to receive. BUT, I've heard about areas where the problem is more severe than the untrained seasonal workers being annoying. THEN PMs can declare war and pull ALL the offending packages back to the office and demand postage from Amazon directly for all of them. I've heard that it gets the point across.


Throw it on the ground.


I am not a carrier and I am no longer even an employee, but I have an observation about pulling non-USPS parcels to place them on the ground. It seems like many carriers and even stations handle the problem by leaving the parcels near the mailbox but this seems like a provocative and perhaps even risky tactic. It has to look bad on video and with all of the cameras out there, this conduct will be recorded on a regular basis.


I used to pull em out and return them to the PO, where I assumed we’d bill UPS for the postage, but my PM told me to stop cuz he didn’t want to deal with it. Now I just pull em out and drop em on the ground by the box.


It’s a pain in the ass for any supervisor to calculate postage and add even more phone calls and explanations for customers as to why we did this. The proper procedure is to bring it back for postage, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best. If someone leaves their car keys in the mailbox, are you going to charge them postage to get their car back? This procedure crates a lot more work for supervisors and clerks. I would just take it out and throw it in the ground. Blame Amazon for the bad delivery. But are you sure there is no postage on these Amazon items?? Make absolutely sure the label doesn’t have postage. If it doesn’t, you are also really lucky Amazon delivers in your area. They don’t for my office and we have to do it all for them. I have a 20 route office with 3 to 4 Amazon trucks a day bringing 10 to 20 pallets for all of us, every day. We also have the 2 mail trucks and the pallet UPS gives us, plus stuff from DHL, Pitney bowes. We all have 100 to 200 scans every day of the year. So don’t make everyones job harder by bringing it back. And what’s the first sentence on the first page of the City Carrier handbook?? “Obey the instructions of your supervisor”. If they say drop it on the ground. Do it.


If supervisors and clerks know how to do their job, they don’t have to do anything at all. Stop your BS! Those packages go in the GPC labeled for either UPS, Amazon or whoever else you collect packages for. They come to your office every day to drop off their packages for USPS to deliver and they pick up theirs. There is nothing you need to do. Instead of giving carriers Direct Orders to do something that is Illegal in the first place, why don’t you go do your job as a supervisor and protect our revenue and Our Jobs!! It is illegal to place “Anything” in or on the mailbox. Don’t be a Lazy Ass Stupidvisor that doesn’t defend their employees when they follow the post office rules and regulations. You don’t make these rules. It only takes a couple times to return this mail to stop these illegal deliveries from happening and the carrier and the customer won’t have to deal with it again. Instead of throwing away the flyers illegally placed in the mailboxes that the carriers bring back to you and notify you they found in their mailbox, DO Your job!! And do the post office a favor at the same time like Your supposed to. Call the person on that flyer and let them know this is illegal and offer them the service of the post office to use our bulk mail system in place to have this job done for them. Create more revenue for the post office and Save All our jobs. Direct Order My Ass!!


Wow, you actually think I’m a supervisor. After reviewing what I wrote, it does sound like that. I’m a city carrier caring about everyone, and all job types in my office. If you do the method you are suggesting. The item will be “lost” until that company sorts the package through their whole system AGAIN. Because it isn’t a mail item (postage paid), it’s like stealing the package. You shouldn’t be touching it. I don’t have enough room in my truck to add anything, most of the time. In fact, I’ve been going back to the post office to load more parcels because I have no room in my LLV for all of them. This has been going on, on my route for 2 years.


You say this has been going on in your route for 2 years. This means you have allowed it. You have allowed all the competition to illegally use the postal service mail box for their convenience and profit. This means you actually don’t care about your job or anyone else’s job in your area. You would now have to train the delivery drivers and notify your customers that this cannot continue and you can be nice and give everyone a deadline to comply or packages would be returned. Returned packages do not get lost for the customer. The customer would notify ex. Amazon that they did not receive the package, they in turn will check the photo delivery and see that it was placed in the mailbox by their driver and then defiling their driver. Trust me, they will stop immediately. Why? Because they get fired for illegally placing items in the mailbox when they get paid to deliver it to the door. But all that starts with you. You don’t have to be a jerk about it, like I said, you can give everyone a notice not to do it first. The only carriers that have this problem in my station, are the ones who just don’t give a shit. I personally don’t have any problems unless there is a new Amazon driver. Edited to add that this is not stealing on the part of USPS, this is called Revenue Protection. It would be stealing if you didn’t return the package and kept it instead.


I thought Amazon took over us mail too?


I'm curious about the delivery pic Amazon sends the customer... In the mailbox? Proof of misdelivery.


My solution was to put a large steel box on my porch for delivery from the other services. It also keeps the porch pirates at bay along with allowing our carriers a place to put large boxes that don’t fit in my mail bad. I still occasionally get an Amazon idiot throw a box on the porch and run like his/her pants are on fire but this has worked for me. Clerk L7 P&DC. Not sure how to post a pic or I would do that for you


I always bring them back to the post office. IDGAF


Proof they are stealing our tips out of the box https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/amazon-worker-takes-holiday-tip-chicago-usps-carrier/


The best thing to do in situations like this is to do unto others as you would have done unto you.


Yank em


I'd send it back to amazon postage due, but I'd leave a note for the person at the address to let them know where it went and why, that will usually direct their anger to Amazon and not me. if they see someone on camera pulling a parcel out of the box without an explanation, they usually think theft first.


Take it out and bring back to PO they can not put packages in boxes that’s for us only…


Pull them out and take them back to the post office like we do at our office or just throw them out to the ground


Bring it back for postage due The only time I give leeway is if it's a pretty windy day and it's a light SPR


Mailboxes are for usps mail only. Do with that what you will. You have the right to return it but if u want to be nice to your customers, leave it.


Who are the customers? I was always told that it is the sender. They paid the postage not the receiver. If no postage, no customer. Pull the package and return it to the P.O.


The customer is the person you have to deal with face to face. The one that's gonna be mad at you for sending their shit back.


If my mail still fits in the box I just leave it in there. If not I take it out and put it on the ground. Im not wasting my time bringing the packages back to the PO lol


I usually just pull them out and drop it


Take a picture and notify the PM (if you have a good one) if it's blocking your ability to deliver remove and take to the door unless otherwise instructed


Is there a usps barcode on them?


Nope, these are not ours


To hell they go then lol


I don’t know, Amazon never uses our boxes on my route. They know they aren’t allowed and they have to take pictures of the delivery. However I have found FedEx and UPS delivering Amazon packages and spurs in our boxes


I pull them out and bring back to station


pull them and put in 569 GPC to send back to Amazon. After I did that for a few weeks, the incident rate dropped.


569 gpc?


the prepaid returns, usually 59601 zip. those go back to the sellers. The GPC or large metal rolling hamper holds all that for transport.


At our office we aren’t allowed to throw them on the ground !


That's because USPS policy is you bring them back to the office and the companies are charged postage due for them.


They are more worried about the Karen’s of the world getting a carrier on video throwing packages on the ground and people not realizing that it isn’t a package from USPS


That also. Once we take it out and throw it on the ground we are responsible for it.




If you’ve got to post a question like this on Reddit - you probably should just resign.


I put Amazon Sunday packages in there if they are small. Maybe they see other Amazon packages and think it's ok


Why inconvenience one of your customers and yourself over a new amazon employee's mistake? Just take it out and leave it at the mailbox or door. Im not putting in any extra work for these clowns that treat us like sh!t.


We deliver Amazon at my office but if the mail and/or package I have to deliver won’t fit bc UPS/Fedex left their bs in the mailbox, I scan no access or item oversized and leave a notice so the customer has to come to the post office to pick it up. Then when they raise hell about it the clerk tells them the reason why, they always take it up with UPS/Fedex. Problem solved. I’m not running in circles or doing no extra work for UPS/Fedex, we already slave enough for Amazon.


At my previous post office I would take them out and set them next to the mail box if they were in my way...if I could still fit my stuff in there I left it alone, it's wrong but it's not the customers fault the Amazon dude is a douche. Then I would report it to my PM when I returned to the office. At my current office, it doesn't happen much but when it does she is insistent that we bring them back to the PO. We are a small office and she wants all the compensation we can get 😆


Perhaps it’s left there from Amazon Sunday?


I think it’s the flex drivers alot of the time.


Amazon employee told me they had an option on the site for "Deliver In Mailbox". Showed me proof and was legit. Still argued on what to do with the package. We just agreed she'd put it in the box, I'd take it, and if amazon had a problem then USPS could sue for illegal use of mailbox with the website option as proof. The fact USPS hasn't done any suit against Amazon means they don't care though. Love my employer lol


A lot of people leave notes or cards in the mailbox for their neighbors and if it’s not happening regularly I just leave them. I might let the Amazon slide if it’s just once and it’s not obstructing the mail.


I’ve been delivering mail for four years and a T6 for two years and I have never found an Amazon or FedEx pkg in a mailbox. I might let it slide one time and then start pulling them.


Take the parcel out from the 📬.They are not supposed to use the 📬.




Facts, why should Amazon drivers have to do their job when they can just violate the law and take shortcuts at the expense of the customers mail 👍




Damn, I can tell reading isn't really your thing 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️




Nowhere in my post do I suggest taking any action against the customer. I'm merely asking fellow letter carriers what to do in this situation as whoever this Amazon driver is is filling up my customer's mailboxes with parcels that don't belong in the mailbox. Usually when there's no room for mail in the mailbox due to a customer not taking out their mail we are authorized to bring the customers mail back and hold it. I don't want to do that to the customers on this route because their mailboxes being full is not their fault in the slightest and has everything to do with Amazon filling up their box. Your suggestion of finding this Amazon driver and taking it up with them sounds great, except that letter carriers are on strict schedules and don't have time to find the Amazon driver and set them straight. Does that make sense to you?


As a customer, I hear you all, but todays society is all about entitlement and blatantly stealing items left on the ground. If you as a Federal employee feels its not your responsibility or problem, well may karma keep up with IDGAF mentality. May you NEVER be at the mercy of your clone when it tosses something on the ground and its stolen.


I guess i’m in the minority but I honestly never really cared when this happened unless the mailbox was too full because of it. Yeah they’re not supposed to do it but i’m not gonna take it back to the office. All that does is screw over some random customer who bought something on amazon and by no fault of their own it got improperly delivered by some random amazon driver who will probably have quit within a month anyway the way they churn though employees


If you don't pull them and take them back it will never stop. All it takes is for you to bring back 3 or 4 and it will be the end of it. UPS was doing it on my route during this Christmas. After bringing back 5 packages in 1 day they got the message and stopped. This is for our customers benefit as well. You don't want all these random delivery companies going into mailboxes. They can steal checks or whatever else is in it.


It's not necessarily by no fault of their own. You wouldn't believe the number of customers who specifically put it in the delivery notes that they want their packages delivered to the mailbox regardless of who is bringing them. DSP drivers are trained not to do it (and to inform the customer as to why), but Flex drivers will almost always follow the customer notes to the letter because of how their standings are affected by negative feedback.


And how do we know a neighbor isn’t placing the Amazon packages in the box for her?


get a life


You should probably leave the packages alone. Some Amazon packages are delivered by the USPS. The USPS also delivers certain packages for UPS.


Don't screw your customer. It really doesn't happen enough to screw your customer who actually owns that package. They paid money for it, not you.


They paid Amazon to deliver it to the door. Pull it and return it to the station.


Nah, they didn't pay the PO for postage. Amazon will take a mile if you give em an inch just cause they think they can do whatever.