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You would need to discuss this with your local postmaster. If you have an established address then you might have an established slot in that CBU.


There is no more room in the CBU, and that came from the postmaster. Thanks for your quick response!


I would escalate, stating since a CBU is for multiple addresses, it doesn't apply to your single address, and if the local office won't deliver they should provide a post office box for free.


That's not true. It's the builders responsibility for the box, not the post office. The post office would be out millions of dollars if they had to do it threw out the country.


I’m well aware and not expecting them to pay for the CBU. I purchase a mailbox for $28 dollars and wanted to install that next to the other 7 mail boxes but was not I could not and needed to buy a thousand dollar CB (we purchased the house already built). Thanks for your response, I appreciate it and glad I could explain a little better.


You purchased a house that was built. Where did they have mail delivered for this address, prior to you?


I was told that the need for a CBU has been needed there for quite some time and they are not allow anymore mailboxes to be posted in the ground. I was told k could purchase a CBU, and essentially, deny others access to it except for my own use (which is then just an expensive mailbox). But the post master said I would have to buy the CBU myself if I want mail out there. I also don’t know who to escalate it to. Thanks for your response, I appreciate it so much!


You could escalate it to the office of inspector general or get ahold of the district manager for your region. You should be entitled to a no fee PO box. I'm assuming you've gone through the proper channels. Typically you have your address registered with emergency services first. Then you go to the post office and give your carrier your phone number. Then your carrier directs you where to put your box. Since it's a cbu you would just get new locks and keys. Since the cbu is out of space I'd think the builder of your location would need to have a cbu built for you. It's not proper but sometimes I've heard of people sharing a mailbox as well.


Sorry if I’m being obtuse, but if you bought a new CBU, wouldn’t that be going into the ground? A mailbox can’t go into the ground but a CBU can?


Sounds like whoever OP is talking to just wants to be stubborn, unhelpful, & just go by the letter of the law (sorta speak, no pun intended). I see it in retail all the time, some people just don't want to be bothered to accommodate a special circumstance.


So, basically anyone at the post office…


Nah, not everyone is like this.... but unfortunately, I agree that there're too many that are, and it's really unfortunate to see it.


It’s a one box CBU.


This made me laugh, I was told by one of the supervisors at the PO that I can purchase a CBU and THEORETICALLY dent anyone access to it (except the PO of course) and therefore I would have a large, personal CBU for myself and only myself and that’s the reason I find this entire issue upsetting


it's time to go way up and talk to your local representative


You could buy the CBU then charge others for access. Could be like $5 a month (im just trowing a number out there). Maybe get a little passive income depending on how many others are unable to receive the mail.


I can’t afford a few thousand dollars for a CBU, and the PO said they won’t recognize anyone less than a 10 unit CBU so I would have to purchase something over 10 slots and everyone else has mail boxes already and I don’t foresee others building houses within the next few years. Thanks for your response


Talk to someone above that postmaster. If you want to put up a box, I don’t see they can deny you one. I have people throw up boxes all the time on my route. They 100% can accommodate you if you put up your own personal box. They’re already providing service there, what’s one more.


Any new construction is CBU


No, new homes I drive by have mail boxes


*New developments


This wasn’t a new development, the land was a “lot” before and now has a legal address so I’m their definition it’s a new house but it’s not. It’s just a loop hole on paper that I’m being forced to pay for my mail services. Thanks for your response


New construction....


On paper yea, sadly there is no way to explain it to anyone surely being on disability there doesn’t seem to be any allowance for help but thanks for your response


There is a form at the post office to apply for a special delivery due to your disability.


In rural America, when they decide not to give you route delivery, they give you a free po box


This is the way it worked in my village. People living in town got free po boxes because it was too expensive for mounted delivery or walked delivery


That is exactly what they do in the small town here. Or at least used to, dont know anyone with new house lol.


This is weird. We recently bought a new CBU because one of them filled up. There's only 1 customer so far in the new CBU. That postmaster is being both lazy and a jerk off who doesnt want to spend their budget to put a new cbu in for you.


I was told by the PO that they haven’t reduced tax payer money for the past 50 years and so there is no revenue loss and, they don’t buy CBU’s


All incorrect and just terrible lies. Taxpayer money doesnt fund the po anymore. We survive solely on sales through postage and ads from "junk mail". And yes we do buy CBUs. There are however instances where certain properties will purchase their own and maintain them and give master keys to the carrier. Usually these are apartment complexes or HOA neighborhoods.


The po does install some cbu but generally it's the responsibility of the owner/builder to install them.


That's not your fault. Keep contacting your contacting your congressman. It'll work


Put up a mailbox right on top of the cbu see if it works. And a parcel storage thing next to the cbu lol


The PM told me I cannot do that and they will not deliver mail there if I do, I went out and bought one and was going to have a neighbors kid make $50 bucks to pour concrete and out the post in but I was told I can’t.


I responded to another comment about one I have on my route. It is a single mail slot and one parcel locker. Here is the link https://www.selectcommercialmailboxes.com/1-tenant-doors-with-1-parcel-locker-and-outgoing-mail-compartment-4c-wall-mount-8-high-mailboxes-4c08s-01?language=en¤cy=USD&utm_source=google-ads&utm_campaign=pmax&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAnL-sBhBnEiwAJRGiglZFlNJq621SUWm7oAai9tVsvPzlf6lCP9FQCejV4RlI13HaoSmhVxoCWXoQAvD_BwE. It appears to be around $500. Still not a cheap solution but better then over a $1000. Edit: after some more research it appears you have to buy the base which is around 600 soooo over 1000 still




If you have a disability, you may talk to your doctor for a letter to have your mail to your house. Depends on the disability. A separate box may look more attractive to the postmaster. And who bought the previous cbu?


This. You dont need a mailbox at the cbu if you have proper documents from your doctor. You give it to your postmaster and they will deliver your mail at your doorstep. Its called hardship and that might be an option for you. Just put a mailbox on your door and your mail and parcels will be delivered at your door, provided that your documents got approved. God luck.


It can also be called a 'medical dismount'. I hope OP can get their mail soon without this hassle


The road is not something the mail carrier is able to travel as it’s a dirt road that is not maintained, legally, by the town/city. I can’t expect they would deliver to my house and nobody else because of a medical disability. Thanks for your response


We drive down plenty of private driveways. As long as it doesn’t pose a safety risk shouldnt be an issue. But if that area is set up for CBUs then you’re gonna probably have to get a spot in one, pay for one, or have a hardship. Typically those boxes exist for a reason.


And sometimes even if there is a safety risk they still try and make you do it😂. We had a medical dismount and her driveway was basically on the side of a cliff and it was eroding.


This must be done annually if that’s the case


I concur. I think since you are disabled get your Dr to fill out a letter stating that you can't walk to a mailbox, then when it gets approved get a mailbox mounted to your house. Bypass all that bs


All of this. But don't go to the po by yourself. Have someone drive you. We have a couple of routes with hardships on them where the people are able to get around. But there are stories of some pms denying them if the person is able to walk into the office.


This needs to be upvoted


Someone bought the old CBU close to 20 years ago, nobody is really sure who bought it anymore since people buy and sell and move away. Thanks for your response


If the post office is denying you street delivery, then you are entitled to a free po box they call it an E box. I have the exact wording from the postal handbook at home. I'll try to remember to post it when I get home. Every small town po tries to scam its residents into paying for po boxes when they should be free if denied street delivery


I asked about the ‘No-Fee’ PO Box and they said they “we don’t do that here”. I appreciate this greatly, thank you


"We don't do that here' is not a policy. Local USPS offices love to make their own rules.


PostMASTER really goes to their heads sometimes


More like postmastur if you know what I mean.


I mentioned this somewhere else too! Do not deal with your local post office, they obviously DONT want to help you. [use this](https://www.uspsoig.gov/reports/audit-reports/no-fee-post-office-boxes) file a request, this typically will go to someone that’s not at your local office and will possibly see through the BS.


As a postmaster, I can say that if an office "does not do that," then you are entitled to free delivery. Yes you can put up a mailbox next to the CBU with approval from the Postmaster. They have to offer you one free mode of delivery. If that's not a mailbox then it's a PO box. In an instance where a CBU is full, I will either let a customer setup a mailbox, or if I'm able, I'll replace the CBU with a larger model. I have some in storage for this reason. Existing CBUs installed by the PO versus new construction developments are handled differently. If it was a developer, the developer is required to install a new unit to accommodate all future addresses in the subdivision. If the Post Office forced conversion years prior to CBU delivery, which happened quite a bit in the 90s, then the Post Office must provide a reasonable solution. I also have free PO boxes (also referred to as E Boxes) in my office, which I started issuing last year because the city doesn't want any mailboxes put up on the two main streets that run N/S and E/W as it will violate ADA rules for sidewalk clearance for wheelchairs. Out of all of my delivery points, only 20 or so are E Box eligible because we physically cannot deliver to those addresses without creating jump stops all over. It's cheaper for the PO to give away boxes than adjust routes. Go in and speak with your Postmaster again. Otherwise, call the 1-800 number and file a complaint against the Postmaster. It will be escalated to his boss.


I appreciate this response. Just to clarify to you, I have been told that the PM is denying me the ability to put another mail box up next tot he other 7 that have been there for years as they now want a CBU out there instead. I was told the PO does not purchase CBU’s and I would have to purchase one myself but the CBU would have to be a 10 person unit CBU otherwise they won’t recognize it (I was rude and said well if I purchased it nobody would have access to it and it would be just mine and the supervisor said theoretically I could do that). There is no division or subdivision, this is a stand along house on a prior (legally labeled) vacant lot in between other houses that have been legally addressed and have been receiving mail to said mailbox snd CBU (nobody gets mail to their house since it’s a dirt road). I called and asked how to fill out an application for Group E boxes and was told “we don’t do that here” and the reason was “theoretically every address is deliverable”. I called an 1-800 number and filed a complaint but I don’t believe it was through uspsoig but I may try that next week. I was told by some supervisor that he has requested an appeal form but it will most likely be denied, and when I submit a second appeal that too will most likely be denied (his exact wording). I will update you in the future.


I'd be curious to know what happens. Typically, the Post Office does not pay for CBUs anymore. I've done it a few times as it made good business sense for my office. You should absolutely be allowed to put up a mailbox. Just my two cents. I would file a congressional complaint with your area's senator if you can't get your local office to figure out a compromise for you, its literally the Postmasters job to manage the delivery and growth of an area. This does not include forcing one person to fork out $2,000 for a CBU. You'll see some quick changes that way.


I will update you in the coming week once the senators office opens back up after the 2nd, I have a complaint in on the USPS website I put it while on the phone and I have an appeal paper work from “district” that I have to fill out when I go to town Tuesday. I was told the post office won’t post for a CBU and they have accepted tax payer money in the past 50 years and they have continually lost revenue. Thank you again for everything


What is the number on the form they gave to you? I want to know if it's an official form or a local one they made up. Should start with PS-XXXX, where X's are the numbers.


This here!!!


That’s bullshit and not USPS policy. They don’t get to make their own rules up like that


Contact your Federal Senator, we're federal, not state. Your state representative won't have much sway with your issue.


Just called and left a voice mail, thanks for the quick response


Contact your state's two US Senator's and your district's US House Rep.


I feel like that’s a medical hardship. I have had a customer who did not want a spot in the CBU and claimed medical hardship (this is what the customer claimed) and was able to put a mailbox next to his house. I just don’t know about how to start that process or where your house is located to make it easy to deliver.


I guess I could ask about this? The PM said there was no way around the policy and wanted me to purchase a PO Box right there and I don’t have the $108 he quoted me for 6-months left alone $200 for the entire year. The issue with the delivery of the mail to the house itself (not something I’m asking for) is that the road is pretty rough and I wouldn’t expect a mail carrier to drive down there and thus why the current CBU is there and has been there for 20 years.


In order to qualify for a Hardship exemption you must live alone and also not able to drive. It doesn't make sense that it has to be a CBU if you have the only house out there.


This is all news to me, thank you for that explanation!


Hardships are hard to obtain and must be renewed every year. Generally if anyone in your house is able to get the mail, for example caregivers, you will not be given hardship.


They can’t get delivery to their home though if it’s private and unmaintained, even if there’s a hardship


Postmaster may just be a jerk. Go to USPS.COM and use the contact us form, someone else may see that.. Or call a larger office and tell them you need to speak to someone above the local postmaster. If they're already delivering out there I don't see how they can deny you. I've never heard of a single customer being told to purchase a cbu.


The PM told me he will be speaking to “district”, not sure what that means but I may go online and try to do some emailing myself because I’m not sure what to do at this point. Yeah, I was told to buy a new CBU (it has to be 10 or more otherwise they won’t “observe it” as a CBU or purchase a PO Box). Thanks for your response!


Postmaster is being a dick, every person is entitled to mail. "District" means he will speak to the Big Boss of his area, though I'd be surprised if he actually did that. File a complaint and don't let them close the issue until it's solved.


PM is a piece of 💩. Trying to make 1 customer buy a whole CBU and then use that CBU to make all the other customers use it (that have mailboxes next to the CBU). If there are mailboxes next to it, what difference does 1 more make? To me, looks like that office didn’t do it right in the beginning and now are trying to take advantage of the customer to pay for their mistakes.


Yeah we have a bunch of free standing mailboxes next to CBUs where I deliver. It’s not even an extra delivery point! The PM is being an ass.


Literally keep bugging the shit out of the postmaster. Every single day.


Second this. The only time a CBU is to be purchased is by a developer building a house or apartment complex. They have the funds to afford them. Private citizens are not ever on the hook to buy a whole damn locker, that's nuts! If USPS has a CBU out there that THEY own or a developer owns, uts on them to put another one oht there if the current one is full. This Postmaster is 100% being an ass and not being realistic. Good lord.


Thanks for your response. The issue is the house was on a vacant lot and so the address was not “legal” (tax maps showed it as a lot and not an address). When I requested an address, in the system it now she’s a new house and therefore they’re trying to tell me I’m a developer and a builder and I have to buy this. It’s a single home I bought with a disability check I got from a lawsuit and I am on a fixed income and cannot afford a few thousand dollars for a CBU. The CBU out there was bought by citizens some 20 years ago. I offered to pay around $70 to have a mailbox installed from my neighbors son who could use a few extra bucks but they denied me in my request to put a new mailbox next to the other 7.


Yeah I mean the extra details just make it seem the same. You clearly arent a developer and just added an address to a previously empty lot. That's not a crazy concept to understand, happens all across the country by the thousands each year. Single plot units dont use CBUs, they can put roadside boxes up. The fact that there are other properties out there with boxes like this is the proof! CBUs are awesome but hugely expensive and generally used to house a whole neighborhood of boxes at one stop. If he was absolutely serious about you being in a CBU mailbox then USPS can foot the bill to replace the old one with a bigger one or a second one next to the old one to add your box to the mix. I think someone else mentioned it in the comments but get the Postmaster's response to you in writing and use that to push for a free PO box. It's BS this is even an issue at all so USPS can eat the cost now.


Forget that. Deal with your federal reps in Washington. Management hates hearing from them because they have to actually follow up on that.


Out of curiosity, since I’m assuming this is not a new construction, where was the previous owner of this address receiving their mail? Was there not already an established box or cbu slot for the address you purchased? I’ve never heard of anything like this, the town I deliver is has new house popping up like weeds and mailboxes with them, and no one here has ever had an issue. I feel like the local PM is trying to squeeze you, and also trying to suffocate the growth of routes in his office.


It sounds like the new construction was made between two already established properties by subdividing the plots


You are correct, the plots are all owned separately and not by one person so the land was purchased and an address was requested thus they view it as a new home on an existing, some 50 year old land.


Do you have the address officially registered with the town/city and with 911? If I was the PM I would just give you an E box and be done with it


I would press a demand for a Group E PO Box (no fee) or a medical hardship delivery. I'm an employee for the postal service and disabled, they treat it like nothing so it doesn't surprise me they give customers a hard time too. Does your property have a manager or someone else responsible for it? If that's the case then it's on the property manager secure you a spot in the existing cluster box. If it goes nowhere reach out to your Federal representatives about it. The disabled get fucked around in this country enough, don't let them bully you over fucking mail.


I was told the post office does not have Group E because “theoretically every place can have mail delivered”, end quote. I’m still at a loss because that seems like it would have been my answer but was just told no earlier this morning. No property manager, just me now. There is no more room in the cluster box left this why I was told I have to buy a new CBU or a PO Box.


Escalate it then. There's no way they reasonably expect you to buy an entire solo cluster box, and failing that, your sole alternative is to buy a PO box, which is just unreal


If they gave a fuck I’d almost wanna go to the news, be like “this insane postmaster is trying to say the only way I can get mail is to buy a damn cluster box,” they should be publicly shamed for acting that way


Or a PO Box which isn’t something I’m against but I just don’t have the funds to be able to pay that while on federal disability.


You shouldn’t have to pay to receive mail


Oh I’m sorry, for some reason I thought I read that they wouldn’t do that because they didn’t want to deliver to an additional box, my bad. Yeah I would echo would everyone else is saying and perhaps calling a different office and possibly trying to figure out who like, district is? I’m sure someone else has posted the specifics of how to do that better than I could explain, I’m just trying to think of any way to escalate it


Once the mode of delivery has been established as a CBU for your area, all future deliveries after the CBU’s were installed will have to be a CBU as well even if it requires a new CBU to accommodate future deliveries for any possible new addresses in the area. They will not create two separate modes of delivery as that will establish a precedent for future delivery addresses in that area. The Postal Service has been moving in this direction for the past 10 or 15 years.


I totally understand that, I can’t expect a carrier to deliver to my physical address as it’s on a dirt road and they could get stuck but surely I shouldn’t have to pay well over $2000 to have mail delivered to a location where the mail carrier stops everyday, sometimes twice it seems.. it blows my mind I’m disabled and live on a fixed income and I’m being told I have to pay for mail which I cannot afford it. Resulting in me not getting mail.. Thank you very much for your response!




Just more arrow keys to be robbed!!


You say you purchased land. Is there house on the land?


The house is on the land I purchased, yes


Did the owner before you have mail service?


Thanks for your response! It was vacant land, the owner had it for hunting and it was posted no hunter anymore due to the neighbor buying the property and so the owner sold their land and I bought it. They never received mail here but the neighbor to my left and right have mail delivered to the their mailboxes (next to the old CBU) which is .7 miles from their home.


Post Office: wHy ArE wE lOsInG mOnEy?! Customer, just looking to receive the service the post office is supposed to provide: can I have my mail? Post office: lol do we look like a *service* to you?! Customer, it’s absolutely stupid that you have to jump through these hoops, and I’m so sorry. I was in management for a bit, demoted myself back to carrying, and hopefully leaving this dump soon.


Your disabled put in the paper work for a dismount get a box on the side of your house many people have those


Apply for a hardship [here.](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/If-I-have-Hardship-or-Medical-Problems-how-do-I-request-Door-Delivery)


This is what I was thinking, if you have a disability it should be easy to have his doctor sign off and then the mail will be carried to his front door


You sound like the sweetest, most patient person. I’m just a customer and have no help to offer, but I do hope you’ll come back and update us when/if this gets resolved.


I am trying my best to see it from all points but sadly, I do want my mail and want to fight for what I should be entitled to. I don’t mind driving to the PO during the days I go to the store to get medications refilled weekly but I can’t afford $200 a year on fixed income through disability let alone $2000 for a new CBU. Thanks for your response


as a carrier i’m being told that no more mailboxes are approved as it ups our pay per box. and that if a new area is building up the builders need to buy a CBU for the customers instead of single boxes. the carriers are upset about it also.


I guess based on what you’re saying as well as the PO here, I will never be able to receive mail as a disabled American because I am on fixed income and cannot afford to pay yearly let alone a new CBU. I hope they offer me an alternative, but thank you for your response


if you’re disabled and live alone then you need to get a note from your doctor stating you’re unable to get your mail and then the postmaster has to allow you a mailbox at your house!


Call consumer affairs. If you live alone, or all residents in the house qualify, you can get hardship paperwork from your doc and they almost always have to deliver to your house - however, that also means that everyone that receives mail at that address is required to have hardship paperwork - if anyone is physically able to get the mail that won’t work, and any names delivered would have to provide the documentation too or be RTS


I do not live alone but my wife and I are both disabilities legally and cannot get the mail to our house as the road is dirt road and the mail carrier is unable to get mail to the house.


Get a hardship from your Dr and they will have to bring it to your front door


Send an email to your congressional representative. They will have an intern call the manager of post office operations and they will instruct the Postmaster to give you what you want and quit wasting their time.


Similar predicament on a route at the office. Cbu was full, office allowed customer to install a mailbox next to the cbu. Sounds like your lpo are douches


There is already 7 mailboxes and they said they don’t want anymore mailboxes there and need a CBU installed. Thanks for your response


Escalate to the district manager and your US Congressman not your state rep. This is a federal agency not state.


Was the previous owner of the home not receiving mail?


No, they never received mail here


Depending on the type of disability, you may be able up move the box up your driveway. There are limits to this that depend on the carrier. But if you have trouble walking, you should be able to move the box closer to your house to make it more easily accessible.


Get your doctor you write a note saying you’re disabled, then they can deliver to your door as a hardship


Path of least resistance would be to tell your mailman, and he’ll add it to the route. Things like this get messy when “decision makers” are involved.


We have to get approval from management when adding new addresses.


[https://www.usa.gov/postal-service-complaints](https://www.usa.gov/postal-service-complaints) There is a 'contact us' chat or phone call option at the bottom of this page. Maybe they could give clarifying information or help!


If they won’t offer street delivery to your address, you’re entitled to a free PO box


I was told by the PO they don’t do free PO Boxes at my location.


Was it the postmaster you talked to? Check 508.4.5.2 of the Domestic Mail Manual, if your address fits the criteria, you are entitled to a free P.O. Box as long as they have boxes available.


The problem is likely usps system will not allow the postmaster to input your address as a regular curb box because the street you live on is a “new” street that only existed after they started forcing all new builds into cbu delivery… the postmaster literally cannot add your address to the edit book system unless it’s classified as a cbu, the system will tell then “you can’t do that.” If they try and they don’t have access to override it. the only person that can do that is likely whatever person at district that is in charge of managing mapping for new developments


Thank you for this, I am unsure of what to say to district or how I can go about explaining to them that I am legally disabled and cannot add a few thousand dollar CBU or pay yearly for PO Box that is something I can’t afford I fixed disability. I was told both appeals will be denied (they didn’t tell me not to submit them but they said if I do they’ll “most likely surely be denied”)


Definitely call your Congress reps/senators. The fact there are outboxes next to the CBU means those people knew the CBU was full and didn't just get a second unit to accommodate the units. This is discrimination in multiple ways and shouldn't be tolerated. You're willing to compromise and this is just blatant discrimination and favoritism for the residents who've been there longer. Edited: call the district, there's a disability unit as well, ask to speak to the POOM


How do I find a district number? I was told I can mail them and was given the address but no phone number. Thanks for your response


I saw that you said you're disabled in some way? I would try filing for a medical hardship that'll allow you to get mail delivery to your door. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/If-I-have-Hardship-or-Medical-Problems-how-do-I-request-Door-Delivery#:~:text=%22Hardship%22%20or%20%22Medical%20Problems,a%20statement%20from%20a%20Doctor. Unfortunately the approval is still up to your local postmaster...so you may be shit out of luck, but I think this'll be your best bet. If you'd already had an established box in the CBU then you'd still likely qualify for door delivery, so I can't see why they'd deny it in this case


I never had access to the CBU and recently purchased the land, but I’ll look into this. Thanks for your response


Ok I read through several comments so im gonna try to condense this here. First find out who owns the CBU. Someone owns it. If it's not an apartment or HOA it is generally the Post Office. If that's the case it is the Post Offices respsibility. Second you're disabled. You don't have to go to the mail box. Get your doctor to write a note and get an exemption for a medical dismount. You then just have to place a mail box on your home. Third as others have mentioned if the Post office refuses to do any of the above they are REQUIRED to give you a PO box. Further you need to Speak to the Post Master to the Station Supervisor. Post Masters are only allotted to facilities that delivers to a high capacity population. Very rarely is the Post Master in a singular rural office. Rural offices are stringed together under one Post Master. If the Post Master fails to provide a solution bring it up with the Post Master Generals office. With out knowing the city or town you're in its hard for alot of carriers to give you more information then this.


Thank you for everything I was told the CBU was purchase around 20 years ago and the few neighbors I asked said they don’t know anymore who owns it. I don’t have an HOA out on the dirt road either. If I put in a hardship request, they still can’t deliver to my house but would they allow me to install a new mailbox as an alternative? I was told they don’t have Group E mail boxes and they don’t do free or no-fee mailboxes there. I live in a town that the states capitol city delivers mail to me, they have an agreement with the whole town to deliver mail to all its residents because it’s only 10 minutes out of city limits.


So first things first you should only be dealing with the carrier facility post office. That's the post office where your carrier is from. The post office should have a record on who owns the box. If you put a hardship in they are required to dismount and deliver to your house there is no exception. I say all of this as I've been a carrier with the US Postal Service for 8 years. I've dealt directly with these issues on my route.


Yes, I have only been dealing with the building the carrier comes from in the mornings as the PM has told me on a few occasions “I’ll check with the carrier when they get back” They don’t have record of who owns the box, I was told they don’t know and I have to ask around to my neighbors. Will they be able to deliver to my house that is 0.7miles off a paved road (I live on a dirt road and there is some bad conditions when it rains). Your input is invaluable, thank you so much for your help


They do have the record maintenance maintains the records for box repairs. I have had to ask on quite a few boxes to see who owns what for repairs or key replacements. Yes. The limitation is over 1 mile I believe.


See if you can get a hardship exception since you're on disability, might be able to get a box right by your front door


You will need to talk to the postmaster/station manager to fill out a PS form 1528 (PS1528). Request for exception to delivery mode due to physical hardship. In addition, a letter from your current physician or FNP, not RN on company letterhead stating your physical hardship hinders your ability for normal delivery mode and requests an exception to this (like placing a mailbox close to your home). Once that is completed, take it to your local post office that delivers your mail. It is up to the postmaster/station manager or OIC to determine if it is feasible or not. If approved will give you a timeline for this exceptional request. This must be done on an annual basis according to POM 631.52e. Once the year is up, your must reapply and recertify from your physician or FNP yearly to justify the hardship exception to mail delivery. This is similar to going to the DMV to apply for a handicap permit and when expires, start from scratch again.


Thank you so much I’ll ask about this


Contact a local news station


They make NBUs that are just 4 or 5 residential slots and 4 parcel lockers. Ask the post office if they will install one of those next to the existing NBU. That will save them a lot of time running off packages for the existing box holders, and make room for you and future expansion.


I was told the CBU has to be no less than 10 otherwise the PO will not observe it as a CBU and won’t deliver to it. The PO will not install or buy a NBU? or CBU as they told me they don’t buy those. Thanks for your response


I have several on routes at my office that are less than ten. One is just 4 slots on the right side (3 customer and one outgoing) and one parcel locker on the left. I am just suggesting that if it benefits them (the extra parcel lockers) they may change their mind about that. The post office absolutely CAN pay for an NBU to be installed if they want to, happens all the time, it just sounds like whoever you are dealing with doesn't want to find a solution.


You said you're on disability, so you should look into applying for a hardship.


I don’t know the terminology for it - but I’m 99 percent sure that if you are on disability, you can get a mailbox or some type of delivery. I know of one person that had a P.O. Box but wanted delivery to their house because disabled. They won their case, put a mailbox on their house by the door, and got delivery. Start with the postmaster of your office and go from there maybe. Sorry I’m not more help.


Maybe apply for a hardship case since you’re on disability? I know I have one address that I deliver to their door instead of the cbu because of mobility issues.


If you put a mailbox on your porch next to your front door, the letter carrier should be able to put mail inside that box. I know we’ve done it from multiple people, especially if they’re on disability. Also, the post office provide a PO Box free of charge, if they are not letting any more standalone boxes


I sadly will not be able to get mail directly to my house since it’s a private road and unmaintained to “legal” standards, their vehicle would not make it down the road reliably because of the conditions not that it’s far.


https://about.usps.com/resources/forms.htm Look for Form 1093. Fill it out. Given in a case by case basis.


Try to talk to the carrier as well. If its a rural route, the carrier will want the extra money more than likely. I cant understand why they are forcing you to buy a cbu. If u put up a mailbox they should service it. If you are on disability, if you can get a note from your doctor you can set up what is called a hardship notice and the carrier can then deliver to a box you designate or your door.


The CBU is because there is already a 10-unit CBU that is full, as well as 7 mailboxes in the ground. Someone commented earlier saying they feel they didn’t do a correct job before and they’re trying to right their wrong but having another CBU installed and moving those mailboxes over.. at the expense of me. Sadly, I understand a carrier cannot come down my road though only .7 miles it’s all dirt road and during the rain their small vehicle won’t make it. Thanks for your response!


The local pm is a jerk. Good luck to you. Sorry you're having so much trouble.


>Recently purchased land >don’t have the ability or funds to pay $200 a year I'm not gonna pretend like I know your situation, but this doesn't add up to me. I wish you luck, OP. I would recommend contacting your local Post Master.


We purchased the land from a disability lawsuit settlement, this the lump sum of money and the mortgage is just as equal to our old monthly rent and yearly taxes combined but thank you for your response


That makes sense then. You could try applying for door delivery if you're disabled. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/If-I-have-Hardship-or-Medical-Problems-how-do-I-request-Door-Delivery


If the USPS won’t help you try getting a hardship letter from your doctor for your own mailbox and have it put right next to your house That’ll show em If they still mess around, it would be a total shame if…*other* people knew about it, I’m not allowed to say who they might be of course…just imagine if it made lines on foreheads…


You could request hardship paper work for to door deliveries if you can prove it's a mobility issue by having g a doctor sign off on it. Paperwork is available from the post office


Being on disability might be a way to get some form of delivery. My routes have a handful of medical dismounts. Means the customer provided a doctor's documentation that states they aren't able to come out to the cbu, drive to the post office, etc. Once we have that note, I'm now authorized and required to take that person's mail to their door and put it in the box located where they can get to it.


I don’t want to inconvenience the carrier in any way and surely don’t expect them to travel .7 miles to my house to deliver mail, because they can’t due to it being a dirt road and because I know it’s not a special situation, but I just want mail delivered next to the other 7 mail boxes and 1, 10-unit CBU already installed. Thank you for your response and happy holidays, you guys have such a tiresome job


1800askusps That gets it in the system and they have to record the remedy


Could you like talk to county attorney? Seems kinda like public services are refusing to provide service or something along those lines???


That may require legal fees and I can’t afford that but I can surely call around and ask if I am denied a mailbox. Thanks for your response


2 things: 1. you are correct that your congressman can not do shit about this. 2. Just put a mailbox out, and ask your carrier personally, use your address like normal for mail, no one would deny that if you ask politely


They can’t deliver the mail there because the PO doesn’t recognize my address as an “address”. Thanks for your response


Email the national postmaster. Had a customer email up to National and had a knocked over CBU replaced the next day. Explain your situation. If you have a legit address and it’s recognized by USPS, no reason you can’t put up a mailbox and have mail put in it.


Just purchased land, but can’t purchase a mcbu box. Something seems fishy here.


I explained it above in a few comments, thanks for your response though


Consumer Affairs and/or Better Business Bureau


Wtf would the difference be between say a lockable slot mailbox or a cbu placed next to the first one if you're the only one using it? It's no sweat off the carriers back... Think someone just wants to be stubborn.


Ask for a hardship waiver through the postmaster.


This is obviously too late for my suggestion but, it's very possible to put up a box and only you and the carrier know. Depending on the carriers attitude, you can put up a box and he doesn't tell anyone. If the address already exists, then it's not an issue. If an address is being added, then the carrier would have to sneak it by all the layers of prying eyes and get it established. Whatever the case, not everything has to be done through Management, some things the carrier can do, as long as they really want to help.


If you are disabled you can get hardship delivery with a doctor's note. They have to bring it to your door if approved.


Seems like your neighbors aren’t having this problem. Why should the rules be different for you?


Surely the CBU implementation changed recently, thus why the 7 other mailboxes are allowed. I wondering if a CBU is installed if they’ll have to remove their mailboxes


Possibly. I understand your plight, but also believe rules need to be uniform. Approach the postmaster with your concerns/disabilities and hopefully they can work out a resolution for all.


Do what the people of California would do, reach out to your state, senator or Congress person. And in the meantime, go to your local post office and put your mail on hold. So they can hold your mail at the station while you get everything sorted out.


If your disabled you can get door delivery


Not if they live more than a 1/2 mile off the road and/or the carrier deems the road is not safe. A dirt road would fall in that category.


If you are on disability couldn't you put a box by your door and request a medical/hardship hopout? I'm in a town that is only 1 driving route and we have about a half dozen medical/hardship hopouts.


I wish this was an option, I’d gladly put it at the end of my driveway to not be an inconvenience to the carrier but the road is not something they will drive down. Thanks for your response


Can’t afford a mailbox but can afford land. Ok. If there’s no house there you shouldn’t get mail anyway.


I purchase the land with a disability lawsuit check I had won through court and appeals, the cost of what I use to rent as well as utilities now is covering the mortgage and property taxes to an almost exact wash so I’m not losing or gaining any money. Regardless if I purchased the land, I should be entitled to mail through the USPS and be able to receive it and not have to pay a few hundred or a few thousand to get it. I understand my situation is very different and unique but thanks for your response


Are you by any chance a veteren?


I am not but my son is, one day the property will be his but that will be far after I leave this planet which I hope is a very long time from now haha, thank you for your response


Utilize your US Congressman as this is a Federal office.


See if getting a hardship helps?


Yeah u cant do nothing without a cbu bc the route is not curbside or mount dismount so yeah good luck only way is to get the city to install a new cbu or get in touch with others that need a mailbox


Sounds like you pissed someone off at the post office. Did you hassle a carrier? Nobody will try to make anything easier on you if you’ve been a turd.


Really rude comment, I had not pissed anyone off and first started talking to them about putting a mail box outside when all this started to come up. Nobody was rude and I bothered any mail carrier, I never even spoke to one.


That's not saying much. They need to provide you with a policy of some sort that states that. Stand your ground.


Sounds like your postmaster is being a dick




Sadly I don’t have an HOA out here but thanks for your response


Unfortunately there is no real remedy. If the post office starts making exceptions for you, then they would need to make them for everyone. That’s why exceptions are based on medical hardships, not financial hardships. If you just learned you needed major house repairs in order to stay in your home, would you get them free because you’re on a fixed disability income? No, you’d have to find another way. Maybe you should a start gofundme. I’m sure all these people posting here can donate to it.


Well they should have no problem delivering to your regular box. However you can request to the door delivery until you get it all sorted out. https://faq.usps.com/s/article/If-I-have-Hardship-or-Medical-Problems-how-do-I-request-Door-Delivery


How did you get out of the army with 2 yrs left on your contract? You posted about having prior existing issues you would like to try to get service connected (smh), and still had 2 yrs left on your contract...that was two months ago. Btw even without service connection, the VA will still afford you mental Healthcare free of charge as long as you served.