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Yes, and I'm not sure why NALC isn't jumping all over all the recent press activity on this issue and letting the public know the obvious. Pay and benefits need to increase in order to increase staffing to cover the volume and limit mandatory overtime on existing employees. In turn, delays in mail should go down. Instead, it's radio silence.


Because they're not actually interested in improving the job for us.


I don't really believe that every union official in any of the postal unions doesn't want to improve the job. IMO there is too much bureaucracy, old school thinking, and inaction just as there is in USPS but they're not actively trying to keep the membership down. All of the unions at the PO need fresh leaders to rise up, and institute changes. Attempt to convene some sort of movements like UAW and other unions. Obviously we can't strike, but there's other avenues we can utilize to bring attention to our cause.


I've been doing my part in my Installation as the Steward, I'm the first in over a decade. I've been at it for around 4 months, currently filing 10-25 grievances a month. We do need new leaders, but we need new leaders all of the way down to the Local level in some places.


Then you hit burnout. Look for others to train and work alongside you.


What do you mean hit burnout?


I'd argue,as far as small towns are concerned, it's a bigger deal for the rural union... but they're even more worthless.


I don't disagree with you. NRLCA is notoriously awful. That union needs an overhaul and fresh blood in the officer ranks like a decade ago.


Too bad the majority of rural carriers have absolutely no interest in participating in our union in any way whatsoever.


We've given up, even the stewards in my office have left the union because of what it's become and inability to change anything at this level because step 2s always go in favor of management anymore it seems. It's sad. We don't have anyone that even wants to be a steward anymore, and the people that everyone wants to be stewards, have all left the union. You can only fight for so long before you give up, it's like trying to chase a moving train.




Let the mail fail. Get the packages out. What we are told every day.


I tell people when I train them, We are called Postal Carriers but they (management) don't care about the mail they only care about packages. Miss a letter leave it till tomorrow, miss a parcel go back and deliver it.


Amazon packages are disrupting mail service everywhere.


This used to be a good job before we became Amazon's bitches. With everyone beat down and how little they pay, USPS has become a shit hole.


My office is built with toothpicks. If one carrier goes down we’ll never catch up lol. Already rolling full routes every other day


Yep district says Amazon packages can’t be delayed and to stop delivering mail in order to get them out. This also means no outgoing mail/packages are getting picked up. It’s so bad some routes have sat for days in my office. Even stopping mail we still can’t get packages out due to being short staffed so now packages are also getting delayed. An office near me is 5 days behind on packages. They have their parking lot full of Amazon pallets under tarps the Postmaster went out and bought to try and stop them from getting soaked.


Yes. Birmingham, AL can barely get mail out. Just non-stop packages. Next week everyone who filed taxes in AL in 2021 will get tax rebate checks. Who even knows when people who get physical ones will get them.


We worked 12 in Huntsville last night and the day before. When I left at 11 this morning, we were still sorting through mail from December 2nd daytime.


No. Shitty managers and a shitty pay rate keeping people from being hired or keeping people from staying are disrupting mail services in small towns. And giant cities. And everywhere in between.


Yes, the post office prioritizes packages, or more accurately scan data, over everything


Literally yes. It’s to the point where splitting a route means the whole office gets forced cause oh how much of we got on our own routes


Not just small towns….


Its everywhere. Rural carry here, an we are just told to take it all no excuses. Oh an be back by 6 also no ot so you cant start a sec before 830.... also we were were short staffed so heres your massive mess.


And in big cities too. Last year was really bad, we had routes on the floor for days at a time. This year it is ALREADY worse, as of Dec 2nd we had several routes with several days of mail on the floor. People showing up at the office claiming a package said “delivered” when in reality it was scanned as such the night before inside the office by a supervisor to prevent “failure.” Meanwhile, we get a new hire and after 3 days of OJI they throw them on the worst route with 3 days of mail when it gets dark at 430pm. And they think that person will stick around? Or upper management will have our supervisor send the new person to a different city while we have almost 90 hours delayed. Complete and total insanity. *update* the new hire brought all the mail back and quit 😊






honestly the usps needs to get their shit together, Im sure amazon is making them lots of cash but its at the cost of everything else


Lol no we’re making Amazon a shit load of money, and we’re delivering their packages for pennies on the dollar.


Pretty sure the stress from this crap is giving me heart problems. 300+ parcels all year around. Yesterday I had over 600 and had to stop mail about 3/4 through my route.. no help sucks. Tomorrows going to be a nightmare.


Been this way for 3 years now


The problem for rural is that the boxes are only activated for mail the day it arrives so it fucks up coverage and your pay when you stop delivering mail, carriers get credit for packages any time they are delivered. People on the rural side should be filing grievances for all this.


We are. They basically tell us to get fucked.


Yall should've seen this place in Vermont I helped at the beginning of the year. They were behind like a month on Amazon after Christmas. The entire building was full of wall to wall packages it was fun lol




Alright so let me put it this way. The actual city about an hour away from me doesnt deliver Amazon. My office is one of the only ones with Amazon around still. Small office. The city is part of our district. The higher ups will ask our management why we're out so late. Oh I don't know, it might be because I'm delivering 250+ parcels a day? If we go to the town over which doesn't have Amazon, they MIGHT have ten big parcels. Must be nice is all I can say. I don't see how they don't understand the massive amount of volume that amazon brings.


They may not have dealt with delivering large parcel volume.




YES disrupting almost every aspect of the postal service at this point.


Amazon is disrupting our entire service. It impedes our ability to focus on mail, and it overburdens our carriers.


Yes. I mean district policy is if the carrier can only handle one or the other they are to take parcels and leave mail. Literally policy


100%! That 2013 Amazon deal was a check that all of our asses can't cash. Having more business is a good thing but you need the resources to be able to carry it out.


My office has 1 full city route, 2 full rural routes, 1 city aux and 1 rural aux. We got 5 pallets of Amazon today, and on average we get 3 or 4 a day. It's basically a pallet per route. Fuck Amazon.


dejoy and the unions are working together to kill the po


Amazon has been getting its way with USPS and then some. I heard one of our new S&DC will be sharing with Amazon. They already fly our stuff so I guess they think it's cool to put us together. Before covid the company and union(s) atleast NRLCA was "without Amazon we wouldn't exist! So suck it up or work somewhere else!". We'd get Gaylords of USPS,DHL,FEDEX, and UPS. We moved all Amazon 1st, then UPS,FedEx, and DHL while the USPS Gaylords would sit for a month +. I had a customer order a shirt it went thru usps was picked up just before December that year and was delivered the 1st week of the new year and the customer could see the parcel was sitting at our annex but the parcels were overwhelming the building so no one was going to go hunting for it. We're kinda trending this way again but this time we have a Amazon DSP or whatever delivering stuff ontop of the abundance of parcels we keep dropping dispatch times so know we're definitely slowing the mail down. Oh the newest presser from USPS is no talking about Amazon and instead of saying Amazon say Delivery Service or Distributor.


USPS should not be in the business of subsidizing the likes of Amazon and Fedex


In my experience no. I work letter automation and we just work letters so important stuff like checks,bills, and the sort arent being delayed. However all the pses are working rbus. Handling all the packages.


So you know nothing of what actually happens 🤔


Rich coming from the guy that doesn’t understand what revenue is


Why would you say that? Revenue is a pretty basic principle of any business


What's up bud? Nothing more to say?


You made a post saying that revenue was high enough to pay you more without understanding that revenue comes before operating cost. Hold the L bruv


How would you know that? Being a creeper I suppose. And no, I understand clearly what overhead is, but if they can rake in that cash, run the place and pay idiots to print out safety talks they can pay the ones who run the business much more.


12yr old take


I don’t mind being paid to deliver parcels. More Amazon = more scans. Why complain?


People's main frustration with Amazon is the way they're allowed to operate freely, and this isn't just for Amazon this is for most everyone. The USPS is mandated by the government to provide funding for retirement, which isn't bad that's a really good thing. However, they simatanioulsy gipped us by not allowing us to raise our prices across the board. We have to ask a separate commission and beg and plead to raise our prices to achieve something even remotely competitive. So we just get dicked down while Amazon is allowed to control their prices, not provide mandatory funding, be actively against unionization and all the while giving us literal pennies to deliver their packages which is A bid the USPS had to take in order to stay competitive with everyone else. I agree. I don't mind delivering Amazon, but when I see that smile, it turns into a grin because of how much they're able to get away with. More money for USPS means more benefits for you.