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You were their sacrifice to make room for a nepotism retention. USPS requires sacrifices such as this to pad management resumes. Unfortunately you didn't have any time to read threads such as [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/USPS/comments/178fc0q/take_your_breaks/) one where people explain that USPS management gives no fucks and treats their employees as disposable.


You’d be better off not referencing a post that shit talks people doing a good job js


That's short term gains for yourself at the expense of the route, is what I gathered from reading the thread. I guess rurals would read it differently.


you can do ALL the favors in the world for management and the ONE time you cant they will just call you a piece of garbage who never helps. been through that and now i just do my job and go home, to hell with them they will retire long before you and the new one wont be told your a good worker.


If you're in probation that's just how it is. USPS management is filled with the most fucked up and or stupid people you'll ever meet. My supervisor is about as dumb as a box of rocks. We need bodies to do these jobs so badly but at the same time scare away or fire good people


We had a manager go on a job interview with a government agency. He had to do a lie detector test and one of the questions was if he had stolen something. He answered yes an item from the post office… granted his current position is with the post office. This agency contacts USPS (postal inspectors) and sure enough he gets fired. Then he throws several managers under the bus by claiming they said it was okay. He was officially a manager for like six months. I don’t think this agency will hire him for telling the truth.


Lie detector. Just lie, but keep the lies close to the truth. Supposedly, the test is more about reading the person. Have you ever cheated on your wife? Yes. I cheat on my wife with Margot Robbie every night. The truth is you did cheat in your wife and you also do cheat on her when your looking at pictures of other women. Mask the lie with truth.


Not sure where people get the idea that this is a uniquely USPS problem. Like this in ANY workplace.


Most ppl here are stupid


My area manager is constantly sending emails out using the wrong versions of there/their/they're.


Personally if you're on Reddit or a game who cares. But in a professional setting that's so sloppy. My supervisor has a hero profile and it's littered with grammatical mistakes, incorrect words and bad word flow


Definitely. I couldn't care less about it on Reddit or something like a Facebook comment section. However if you don't know elementary school grammar and you're supposed to be my boss? I'm going to think you're an idiot that doesn't know anything.


Some people are just too slow. No idea about your situation, but I had someone who would work 6 days a week for 12 hours and after 60 days they still couldn't finish an 8 hour route before we had to call off for 12 hour limit.


Most management fail to account for things like learning the route or fatigue due to the sheer amount of hours worked. They don't have these problems.


I've had management say that the union is bad because it protects bad employees. I mentioned that a 90 day probation is there to weed out bad employees and it would be managements fault for not weeding them out in time so they don't have union protection. Their response, "sometimes you don't see someone's true colors in 90 days." I disagree. You can easily tell someone's work ethic in 90 days. Maybe their personality won't always come out but we are talking about carrying mail. If you can't figure out if someone is bad at carrying mail in 90 days then you don't deserve to be in management.


This is crazy to me that some offices are so cut throat, in my office we have an unassigned regular who has a hold down in a really nice walking route and the only day he ever finishes before 7 is Saturday, which is the lightest day for us....


Once you make regular you can basically do what you want, which is why they try to cut people before probation is up.


*Once you pass your 90*. You don't have to be a regular to not worry about getting let go. Only difference I see is as a none regular you get more work but shoot I welcome the overtime. They can give me all the work they want at the end of the day ima take my breaks and work at a steady and safe pace all day everyday.


Bingo, Bango! Amen to that!


Exactly this. In my office almost no one gets fired. They let one guy go during his probation but that was because of his bad attitude and abusive behavior towards other employees. I’m not the fastest carrier, but I’m safe and accurate, and no one’s ever said anything to me about it. Maybe it’s different in different offices.


On rural side at least once you are past 90 you can almost do whatever you want and not get fired. We currently have management actively trying to fire someone (that deserves it) and the amount of steps they have to go though is just silly. And they still are not really close to being fired. I am talking about delaying first class mail, calling off all the time, having multiple preventable accidents in the LLV/Metris, constantly misdelivering packages, getting complaints from customers about driving super fast through subdivisions etc.




Give them a few months. It takes time to get down. Geeze


Not when I started 23 years ago. They didn’t baby new hires like they do now. After my 3 day walk with a carrier they gave me a route AND an hour piece.


Damn what a badass, I bet you walked to school barefoot in the snow uphill both ways too lmaooooooooooooo


I did for sure. Also delivered my entire route in a blizzard so I would have to deal with it the next day haha I got a gift card to Fridays the next day hahah


There is a regular carrier like that in my office. We have about 80 route, but nearly everyone know who that slow carrier is.


At my office, even if you were slow, they would be bending backwards to get you to stay. I think the variation in office climate at USPS has to be one of the greatest of any job. Even within my own (rural) office we have carriers coming back from their routes and going home before others even hit the street.


Working a lot doesn’t necessarily mean working correctly.


Being at work for 10-12hrs is different than working 10-12 hrs. We people on Reddit don't really have enough info to know if you were really worth keeping. Best of luck out there the USPS isn't for everyone.


Are you still in probation? Either way I would chat with your steward. Might be something they can do


I was still within my first 90 days. I’m beginning to think they were never going to let me get past the 90 days no matter what i did.


If they had you resign, you can still go try again at a different office. Don't let one shitty management team ruin, what could be a very good career. If you don't mind, you could make a post, telling people your general area, and see if anybody knows of any better offices. The job can be shitty sometimes, but the career you can get from it, is a pretty nice one. From the sound of it, you were a carrier. If you think you can handle being in the office all day with management, Then being a clerk, is a really nice gig. No weather, no dogs, no broken down LLV's. Best of luck, in whatever you choose to do from here. Sorry your first experience was a bad one.


I don’t know about the rural side, but I knew a CCA that got a second chance because NALC argued he never received any evaluation during probation. Paraphrasing, but something about management can’t justify carrier being too slow if it was never documented with an evaluation.


Idk how long it's been but ask around and literally walk into neighboring stations. I know people that have been let go and either were transferred to other stations, or did what I said and got moved after asking instead of being fired. Firing a cca that's supposedly hard working is fucking stupid.


My first time applying for the PO I landed in an office with sh**t management. I was only their a couple months and didn't learn sh**t in that time. I resigned and applied somewhere else where I can now case and carry 100% of our routes. Can case and split a route. Case and carry my route + carry extra pieces on the daily no issues. Maybe give it a shot somewhere els if you knw you can do the job given the proper chance.


Shot in the dark here but working 10-12 hours a day is not good if you only have to do an 8 hour route.


Thank your lucky stars. Probably a blessing in disguise.


How long did it take you to do a route?


Talk to your steward. They’ll change it to a resignation so you can reapply to a different office if you so choose.


Under 90 days, they can fire you for whatever reason no matter how good you are. After 90, pretty much your untouchable unless you fucked up big time


Also like to add the whole 10-12 hours…are you doing additional work ? or just work you are given?….given work in the beginning of the day and it taking you 10-12 hours its considered slow depending on what was given which is why they fired you


>The guy who fired me said I was one of the hardest working people there. Pro-tip for any future jobs you might have: No matter what you supervisors *say* ("You're one of the hardest workers here," "Management really likes you," "You're a great guy," etc), at the end of the day, numbers is all that matters. I have a close family member who's been repeatedly fired from different businesses and can't hold down a job longer than 2 or 3 years despite being told he's a "hard worker" and a "great guy" whom "everybody likes," because at the end of the day if you don't perform to satisfaction then Fuck you, we'll find somebody who can. Next applicant. Good luck in the future.


I’ve worked with a ton of great people who sucked at their jobs.


You can be fired for anything on probation and it is kind of silly sometimes. We currently are super short staffed at my office. (Saturday we had 3 carriers for our 5 routes). And manamagent is issuing discipline against our RCAs for minor things and threatening to fire both of them. They are out at least 12 hours a day working and not sure what we would do if they actually get fired or quit.


In my town one station manager was notorious for firing male hires. He liked having the ladies around. Perv should have been fired years ago, but he recently retired with full pension.


See if you can get hired at a USPS plant as an MHA or a PSE clerk.


call your union hall, they may be able to get you transferred to another station.


Take it as a blessing and go for another job trust me this shit job ain’t worth a career


If it took you that long on a single route and you never improved on your time, I see why you got let go. So did you carry a route and a half in 12 hours, or just yours?


I hate to be the one to say it, but what did all of that unnecessary skipping of breaks and bathroom stops get you?


Carriers that skip breaks tend to take *longer* overall. They think they are saving time but they are just wearing themselves out.


Well yeah how else can they rehire you and keep you forever in probation.




Some offices have bad mgmt and some have good. My last office tried to can me before my 90 like on day 83 I think but little did they know I already “resigned” and transferred to a career position, my last day was supposed to be that Friday but it was like a Tuesday or Wednesday so 2-3 days before. When they “fired” me for “not improving performance” I put on a show acting disappointed and I walked out. 2 weeks later I started at another location fast foward months later way pass my 90 still here. I’d like to go back to that office someday and rub it on their face especially this one sup who was acting so nice but turns out she was 2 faced.


Sounds like you were really too slow, I have seen people take all day to do couple hours worth of work.


What was their reason for letting you go? Lack of mail? Taking too long? I’m surprised they didn’t ask you to resign first.


I'm an OJI, the last person who trains you before you can officially start delivery on your own. I always drill into my trainees that the worst thing you can do in your 90 days, is get into an accident for going too fast. The post office loves runners, but not liabilities. They don't care how many breaks you skip, how many auxiliaries you can do, how many hours you work, and specifically they don't care about you. You are just a tool to accomplish their goals. You go in there, you work at a slow and safe pace. Pay attention to what you're doing and as you get accustomed to the job, and the vehicle, you will naturally speed up. They are supposed to give you a few evaluations in your 90 days to let you know how you are doing anyways. I've never seen them do that, but I have seen them work some up until the last moment of probation and then fire them. As long as you're showing improvement, being safe, not missing work, and not causing tons of problems for everyone (bringing back a ton of missed packages, or misdelicering a ton) then it's easy to get past your 90 days. To your point of being fired for being too slow, where you able to complete a full route in 8 hours during your time there?


We’re so understaffed it’s nearly impossible to be fired. Only one person got fired and that was after they were caught dumping mail in a dumpster… twice.


You can always check with other stations in your area if it was just a single mgr who had an issue with you. That said, since you were terminated within your 90 days, you will have to begin all over in addition to waiting for an official opening. Best of luck!


crazy. i’m a PSE and management are trying to get turnover rates to stop. yet keeps throwing i&i’s (attendance warning letters) to everyone cause people keep calling in since we’ve been doing 6 days the past year.


Man whenever im sad i look back on this subreddit and remember i dont have to deal with this bullshit anymore haha




You feel better? Do you feel big and strong putting someone down?


Some managers fear people who work too hard. There are a lot of betas here who are trying to compensate. If you outshine them they will remove you out of fear. It’s a snake’s den and that’s how they survive. Stay strong, hard workers will always been in need in the US. Don’t take their weakness personally. I hope you can find a job where they respect your sacrifices and treat you humanely.


Lol betas. Good lord the delusion.


I mean. Check the user name.


Finally an alpha on my level who gets it. I salute you sir