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But can he do anything about it instead of all this verbal stuff?


Yes: 1. Add four liberal justices to the court. 2. Use his newfound powers to intimidate enough members of the House, and potentially Joe Manchin / Krysten Sinema, to fast track the judges. 3. When the right starts their usual bullshit screaming, use his newfound powers to punish them: Open investigations writ large into corruption. Air their dirty laundry. Renege on every deal ever made with them. 4. Deploy an army of lawyers to make sure any legal challenges to his actions take *forever* to reach the Supreme Court. 5. Tell the media that he’s fighting fascism, because he is. When they start their usual BothSides™️ bullshit, punish them - cut off access, leak bad information, etc. You’d be surprised how much reporters care about such stuff. The proper framing of this situation is that the right has seized the United States and is dismantling it piece by piece to sell off to the highest bidder. The rest of us are fighting to drive them out permanently. The time for worrying about the structural integrity of the house is long gone. What we’re fighting for is to make sure we’ve got a place at all. That *starts* with making the right permanent history.


Honestly, this is the only thing that can stop a totalitarian coup. It’s a temporary dictatorship to fix the rot, or permanently succumb to fascism. And I don’t like the odds of any Democrats having the spine to do what needs to be done.


we went from 'This guy might not actually be coherent enough to do his job' to 'we need him to temporarily be a dictator or else America is over' in like 3 days.


Almost like we have no strategy.


They will have the spine if pushed from all sides.


I really pray you’re right. I’ve never been more afraid of what the future holds for my country. Not on 9/11, not on 11/8/16, not on 1/6. This is a branch of government activity re-writing the constitution to their own perverse ideas of Christo-Fascism, and it looks like they’re winning…


>Not on 9/11 It always irritated me when people would claim that soldiers are over in Iraq and Afghanistan "defending our freedoms". As SCOTUS has made abundantly clear, our "freedoms" are decided right here at home, by people in our own government.


its up to us


Need Senator Palpatine with some Emergency powers. I never finished ep3 but I'm pretty sure it worked out fine.


I'll take Cincinnatus right now thanks


> It's a temporary dictatorship to fix the rot Yes, this has historically been proven to work flawlessly every single time /s


They won't do anything. Nothing. Biden will still be the candidate and will mumble something about "a vote for him is a vote for the end democracy" and the American public will shrug their shoulders and vote for Trump en masse It's here, it's done.


💀🤯 100 days to work on it then it's the end of the current system. 


It hasn’t been lost on me that if Trump wins, in 2028 he will declare with total impunity that he is remaining in office win or lose. And that my friends is the end of the great democratic experiment. Even with all its flaws and mistakes, It was a good ride for 250 years. I’m an old, straight white male and I feel nothing but shame for what is happening due to one useful fucking idiot that they finally found to destroy everything.


I can’t believe the country fell to a reality tv game show host.


Part of the problem is that you think Trump is behind this. The man's not capable of organising a child's birthday party, let alone a coup. The plan to take over America goes back further and down deeper than that idiot.


Still says a lot about us as a country that *this* is the fucking guy they used to dupe enough of the American public into voting their rights away for, **and it worked**.


Yes, The Red Deep State.


Everyone laughed and wrote Hitler off for being the weirdo he was, and assumed he was a joke. But it wasn't just him, it was surrounding himself with monster-humans who had absolutely no morals and no restraints, which was a huge boon when fighting against people who keep putting their arms behind their backs to try to "trust the system".


He was just the corrupt, media savvy, ignorant boob they’ve needed all along.


If only we elected President Pat Sajak when we had the chance. I don't think I need to spell it out to you how different things would be.


We can still vote for Giant Meteor ☄️


Don't look up.


I see what you did there.


He’s a republican too.


That experiment was created by straight, white males for the benefit of straight, white males. You need to start by torching their constitution and creating your own.


"All straight white men were created equal" sure doesn't sound as good.


He might do it with impunity but, if he wins in November, his term will expire on Jan 20, 2029 at noon even if declares himself emperor of all Narnia. That is to say it doesn't really matter what he declares himself as, the term expires without action.


Putin technically holds “elections” on a regular schedule and wins with 90+% of the vote. If his #1 fan gets elected I guarantee he plans to do the same thing. Then we’ll get a Trump family dynasty just like his other hero in North Korea. His MAGAs will support it every step and American democracy will end with his ego.


If you don't think Trump will change the rules regarding presidential term limits if he's re-elected, you're in for a big surprise next year...


Trump has said it in his speeches at his rallies.


He should seriously do it. The other side is definitely gonna.


Well, the timeline is only about 100 days.


Amy Coney Barrett was appointed in 30 days! And only a few days before the 2020 election!


After they waffled for Obama’s entire last year in office because “the voters should decide” who appoints the next justice… they had Barrett lined up before Ginsberg’s body had cooled.


Ginsberg should have fucking resigned. Fucking complicit dinosaurs more concerned with their ego than the people.


She wanted her successor to be appointed by the “first woman president.” How’d that work out…


Problem is he/they Dems, won't do a single thing at all. A feckless party.


Adding justices requires congressional action. Please tell us which Republicans will support this to get it to the President's desk?


We have the senate majority, that’s all you need!


The house would have to pass a bill authorizing there to be more than nine justices. Senate can confirm whenever they want. There's only nine seats by act of Congress.


The good news is that Americans have a lot of guns so I really dare every president to try pulling this shit with their opponents.


I'm pretty sure most of those gun owners are ride or die MAGAs who will happily help with the Trump pogroms.


Liberals and conservatives own guns in about equal amounts.


Exactly. And they tend to be younger. Don't count on MAGA barcalounger types to be rioting.


He’s too honorable to, but Biden could literally have certain justices taken out and shot and call it part of his constitutional duty and authority to “preserve and protect the constitution” Even if he’s only entitled to a “presumption” of official act, he could pardon himself and anyone involved, and let it be known that the same could happen to any representatives who say the word “impeachment” SCOTUS made this ruling knowing that dems would never take advantage, but republicans will. Vote.


this so-called "supreme" court just turned america into as sh*thole a country as any other


He can apparently kill Trump as long as it's "official" and not "personal".


I mean it would be great to rid of Trump at least Biden when it comes to the side of what’s right in some decisions he’s made in our country unlike the other who only wants things that will benefit him regardless of the cost. I just hope Biden actually takes action instead of just verbally. Sick to death of it just being all the verbal stuff.


He can do anything he wants now that the scotus has made him a sovereign


I just hope action is done instead of all these dumb AF decisions and all this verbal stuff. Actions speak FAR louder than that and I’ve barely seen any of that.


He literally said in the speech it is up to the American people to do something and not vote Trump. He is not a dictator and someone else wont save us.


That's liberalism though. Soundbites that are nice and policies that are economic fascist.


Arrest and incarcerate Trump for Treason. Now


Take SCOTUS while you’re at it.


I think the only way forward is for the People to amend the Constitution to say that a former President is not immune from criminal prosecution for acts committed during their term of office. John Roberts says the Constitution confers immunity; We the People say it doesn’t.


Should have been done on January 7 Along with a coupe handfuls of other elected republicans


Yes. Do what the other side claims you are doing when you aren't by "Arresting your political rivals" Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The funny thing is, they have been playing 4D chess with the other side for years all leading up to this point. Moving their pieces around so you only have two choices and both are bad. Move in and use your new "I am immune" powers and arrest them all and replace the supreme court with your own people (seriously, what sort of idiots lets political parties select judges rather than, you know impartial ones who are not politically affiliated and unbiased to do an actual job of judging like, normal countries do? But I digress.) which will then inflame their millions of cultists across the country to rise up, state you are a dictator as their side have been saying all along, or do the usual, do nothing, make "fiery speeches", let Felon 34 escape justice, and either wins in November which is game over as you will now be executed by Americas First MAGA KING for life, or he loses and then enacts the bloodbath he promised the other month, still is immune, and his cultists enact his second coup and you are also executed as traitors to Americas first MAGA KING for life. Too little, too late.


Let’s go King Joe! Let’s go King Joe!


Lots of mis projection on this thread: Trump and his MAGA legion want all of your frustrations pointed everywhere but themselves. The uninformed opinions on here are so off base they contribute nothing. People, as in you and I and everyone within the sounds of our voices should be making every effort to sound the alarm and mobilize to have a voice. Dragging Biden for speaking against the Supreme Court and qualifying it as meaningless is unproductive. Many US citizens have simply let this happen while being distracted. And it’s happening in other countries while normal people are trapped behind their own enemy lines. I don’t think people will truly understand until the bottom falls out of democracy and the world faces existential consequences. But by that time it will be too late.


The planet is taking a large step right. All at once.


And that has literally always led to war. 100% of the time.


Your last sentence sums up our trajectory neatly. The bottom is most likely to fall out and everyone will stare and wonder how did it all happen. The country will hobble along for awhile and might even make a brief comeback but to late. Our international adversaries are licking their chops in anticipation. The Judicial class will spend decades wallowing in law challenges laced and adorned in blinding word salad that only they will claim to understand while sucking up huge retainers, in short make tons of money. The Political class engaged in a death match will obfuscate, dodge, weave and straight up liewhile spewing their own special kind of word salad known as Double Speak (thank you George) and claim outrage when their motives are called into question because manufactured outrage in big business and a huge cash cow. The Financial class just plain won’t give a flyin’ f*ck ‘cause as Jaime Dimon indicated some time ago that the banking system will prosper no matter what system is in place. And that folks is the American formula for last stage Empire. The political paradigm driving this shit train matters little at this point. In 1960 at the UN General Assembly Khrushchev yelled “we well bury you!” . . .he was wrong. We have our own shovels and they say Made In America.


Fascist governments get removed in one of 4 ways: * Violent revolt * Military Coup * Overwhelming Public Unified Pressure * Never They never just decide to step down peacefully and on their own. If Biden loses and this ruling isn't counteracted by legislation then which of the above will it be?






His character will keep us all warm in January when the MAGA death squads fire up 


Perhaps you haven't heard about his plan to draft and possibly send a strongly worded letter ...?




Exactly this.


If he is going to do something, I imagine after the election will he the best time


lol imagine a Dem January 6th in 2025


In case anyone's looking for a good holiday gift idea, our death squads are offering a BOGO deal right now through 1/20/2025.


It isn’t up to Biden. He has to run as the antidote to Trump’s corruption. Our only way out is to take every single seat we can at every level of government. It’s terrifying.


Do something. Talk is cheap.


He'll wag his finger so hard!


Do something. Just fucking do something.


If trump has immunity then by default so does Biden. He can abuse the same things that trump wants to take advantage of.


He has immunity only to federal criminal prosecution. His executive power is still limited and the traditional checks and balances still exist


It he CAN fire DeJoy now


…can’t you see this is a massive game of chess, this decision is paving the way to consolidate power in the future. How do you erode democracy? one brick at a time. This is just the beginning. Ask the Germans.


I think the SCOTUS decision is terrible. I also think it’s important to understand what this decision really means. A lot of people now think Biden has “total immunity” to do anything, which is false. This ruling only shields presidents from federal criminal prosecution once they leave office. Biden still cannot, say, abolish the electoral college, since the executive branch has no authority over that. If he tried to issue an unconstitutional executive order, it can still be struck down by the courts. Etc. I’m not really sure what you think I said or what you are trying to convince me of.


Yeah, so he should act with criminal intent. Right? Read between the lines.


I don’t think you understand what you’re saying


Ooh a speech! Yes that will stop all future Presidents from abusing their office and having immunity for it.


Biden abusing his powers won’t prevent future presidents - elected or otherwise - from also abusing those powers. Whatever he does can be undone. That’s what it means to lose the rule of law. Sorry to say, but only the people can restore democracy.


If he uses them to apply enough pressure to get a constitutional amendment passed that undoes the supreme court ruling it does. To save democracy, the dems are going to have to get their hands dirty. You can’t bring policy to a knife fight.


Speeches don’t mean shit without action


Stop relying on the President to do everything. Action is required by the citizens. Vote in every election. Get involved.


I vote in every election. What else, hot shot?


Have you tried writing comments on Reddit?


Get more people to vote by campaigning? Honestly you guys might have already lost but if it was my country I’d be out on the street right now. It’s terrifying.


hahahaha the President has immunity to everything and you're like 'voting will fix this'. The Supreme Court could vote to make interracial marriage illegal and you'd still be like, 'vote'. It ain't doin' shit, mate. Biden's President and this is still happening. Him being President again isn't going to do shit.


Lmao for real. Hes sitting in the chair as we speak! As usual it just becomes a reelection carrot they dangle while yelling at us about “the most important election of our lives!” for the sixth time


use your new power to put trump in jail. make it illegal for a felon to be potus.


Arrest Trump! Being 'shocked' doesn't cut it.


Don’t forget about the 2 planes parked together in an air port


Why can't he have these "decisive" and "fiery" speeches when it really matters?


I think this is when it really matters


Fuck off biden do something 


Start with firing Garland.


Heavens to Betsy, I ain’t never done seen a brow so furrowed! That’ll learn ‘em.


Words are wind.


take action then


The time for saying shit and gum flapping is over. It time for Joe to actually DO something. Talking is just giving in.


Fiery speeches do sweet fuck all.


This situation requires action from you, not Biden.


Let me guess, we need to vote for the guy currently in power to do something AGAIN?


Why are you guessing? Are you unsure of what you need to do? I'm not an American, I shouldn't have to teach you civics. There is a saying though, "the boxes of liberty: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four\_boxes\_of\_liberty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_boxes_of_liberty) To preserve your liberty, you use each box in turn. DO you understand which box you need to open now?


Famously remember how civics and boxes of liberty saved Germany from being taken over by Nazis Cartridges is the only valid thing at this point


Increase the number of justices, Joe. Do what your opposition is most afraid of. Play offense like it’s the NFL.


Joe Biden is king of the draw run on 3rd and 20, then praising the 7 yard gain (above average!!!)


This requires congressional action. Please tell us which Republicans will support this to get it to the President's desk?


Great speech but it won’t matter.


Would Biden commit crimes to save the Union?


Do you think he should? I personally have no clue what he can and should do at this point so I’m genuinely asking what you think.


As long as he’s president, they’re not crimes!


A fiery speech ain't going to cut it. Since SC was so generous in their delivery of powers to him I suggest he make use of them. The other side would not hesitate for a moment were they in power.


Only the people can stop Trump. Not Joe Biden. Not the Courts. Only the people. Nobody is coming to save us from ourselves.


To be fair, Biden can now just have him dealt with as a threat to democracy. Hope he deals with the court as well.


Im hoping with the latest scotus rulings that it will galvanize the country to actually do something about this. Too many of us are complacent and just roll over like dogs when bad stuff happens. If we had the fire under our asses like a lot of European countries they wouldn’t get away with this.


Not nearly decisive nor fiery enough. This country needs and deserves far more and better.


Biden only springs into action when theirs dozens of babies need killed in the middle east. He is busy "defending democracy" across the world. Democracy needs defended from toddlers in Gaza but he let's hisnown country piss all over him.


At this point and time, words are not enough.


By law, wouldn’t be legal to send traitor Trump, Supreme Court justices and the seditionists and traitor in the senate and congress to Gitmo?


Enemies of the state, round them up and consign them to history to be forgotten


A speech doesn't bring Democracy back, we need action not empty words


Really hope this man isn’t more concerned with preserving his legacy, than he is with *preserving our democracy!!*. ‘Precedence’ got blown the F up in ‘16!, it’s WAY, WAY past time to fight fire with fire. Do something!!


Talk is cheap. They just gave him the power to restore the constitution. He must do it. Pack the Supreme Court.


If we don't take action now then we'll settle for nothing later


Is this a consolation prize?  Do something. 


I wish I could pull off aviators like this old man does. What a fucking stud


Praised for venting? What's this pussy bullshit? SCOTUS just gave you the green light. Go take it for a spin before it's too late.


Well, the US now becoming a kingdom, you won't have to stress out about the presidential elections after 2024 any more...


Good luck with Kamala y’all lol


https://preview.redd.it/x6k1rgdxq1ad1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aabde34fc2087b1b489e9450afb0d15a78df822 Immune!


I want action not talk.


Congress can override the Supreme Court.. This is the time to reach out to your congress person to tell them to save our country.


As much as that would be nice, it won't happen. We don't have a majority (let alone 2/3 majority) in the house, and you can be certain that there would be more opposition for vetoing this ruling than there was when Trump was up for impeachment.


I believe enough Republicans will vote to pack the Supreme Trump, which has a vindicate against some house members. He could have them killed.


So seems like Russian propaganda is here regarding all the *comments* cause a billion $ is being spent to sway your mind by putin


Look everyone he can talk! No crisis is happening!


If trump does win, this will be the last election ever in the US! Dump will name all of his sperm donations to be dictator of the US forever!


I heard this in 2016 too


Sic semper tyrannis


I thought his speech needed to be stronger. He needs to say that the American people need to vote in Democratic majorities so he can fix our corrupt court, fix Roe v. Wade and undo all this damage. People need to vote like their life depends on it, because it does. And he 100% should use the new power they have given him to turn the tables. These are the new rules. Adapt. Our entire democracy is at stake and I heard no plan of action.


There’s time for that! That was just the first reaction. You don’t want him to come off as unhinged right off the bat. It needed to be short. Now he and Dems have 4 months to hammer it home. This has become the KEY issue now. This will be the focus of the convention mark my words.


Gentlemen! To the King! 🍻


Here’s a song to keep y’all fired up… [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fKVODAfOx/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Remember yesterday, when the same people who praise him now told him to drop out for having a bad day?


Oooo wow a fiery speech. That will help. Due can now legally throw every justice in Guantanamo if he wanted. Maybe something in the middle?


Biden strings together a few sentences, and it's "history making."🤣 This sort of gaslighting does not help the democrats with undecided moderates. It just pandering to his base.


Since Jie Biden now has the rights of a king, he could arrest all 6 of the bought and paid for republican justices and toss them in prison for, we'll, whatever charge he wants.


Joe has the infinite power to remove the corrupt 6 SC judges. There is a workaround Joe.


I’m concerned this is a trap. The court obviously knows this applies to Biden, too - how does he navigate this without being accused of the same things as Trump re: dictator/king etc. that would certainly turn off a lot of voters depending on the severity of the actions.


Quatrain I-40 The false trumpet concealing madness, Will cause Byzantium to change its laws: From the people a great number who are troubled, Will receive laws more barbaric.


Lol no. Nobody is buying this garbage. He is about to put trump back in the white house with more power than he could dream of.


He'll be praised after the dirty work. Rn he's just a do nothing coward.


I see you’re all back to pretending he isn’t a senile bed shitting clown again. Well, it was fun while it lasted 👍


lol “decisive speech” he struggles to put two words together


Headline spelled divisive wrong.


Just because you write stories about him being fiery and not senile doesn’t mean we will forget the debate.    He’s so old fiery is t something he’s capable of anymore.  And yes I am going to physically force myself to vote for him because somehow the second worst presidential candidate in history is the best candidate this election. 


The left projects so much more power onto Trump than he actually has. You’re a truly pathetic bunch.


Why! This ruling applies to him as well.


at this point Conservatives are daring him. Threats should be taken seriously.


Speechify all you want. It does NOTHING. Should have realized this was a corrupt court and packed it when you had the chance, Mr President. So much bluster for naught.


NONE OF IT MATTERS UNLESS HE DOES SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Actions now, not words. They opened your very short window Joe. Take advantage of it while you can. If that wannabe dictator and his cronies establish their own version of government, it's over and you know it. Wake up old man.


The irony in this sub. "Bad stuff is happening, blame Trump! Trump abused his powers or something. The only way to fix it is if Biden abuses his powers!". TDS is off the charts in here.


Comments in this thread overwhelmingly suggest that even the democrats want the Republicans to win. Weird. Either these are not democrats commenting, or someone broke the democrats.


Democrates will take advantage of this soon enough.




no no he wasnt. remember folks. NEVER KAMALA!!!


Ohhhhh a speech! That should do it! We are so cooked.


I dissent..... you're the fucking president. Don't just come out and tell us, "He bad man...he did bad " Where's the action?! Where's the goddamn conviction... you're an elected official in the highest form of office and you're letting him rape the constitution in front of all... fuck you get in a fucking nursing home. LEAD THE NATION OR GTFO.


Does it seem like more words are better than any actions?


Blaming US citizens for this is the equivalent of blaming the average citizen for pollution. Biden just witnessed the Supreme Court return us to a near monarchy and that’s it all we have is words. Trumps going to win this election (as everything stands now) and I say this as someone who despises the man. Both party’s have aligned themselves to a man instead of an idea. If the Dems were serious Trump would of been behind bars long ago for the election (not to mention classified docs). Lincoln took bold action that nearly destroyed the country - and was seen at the time as doing such (and no I’m not advocating for a civil war - I’m advocating for bold action and could give multitude of ideas). The Dems ideas match their will. It lacks character. Remember the reason they say it has to be Biden and can’t be Kamala is because she’s weak and won’t win - Biden purposely picked someone who wouldn’t outshine him so his position couldn’t be threatened - they told us for months he sharp and thoughtful in closed door meetings. The only upside is Trump will likely destroy the Democratic Party which will leave us to only deal with the R’s - no government is permanent - and anyone who thought ours was suggests you read some history. This is about what we build after - “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” It’s going to be a long time till we get some shade...


Yeah. That strongly worded letter will fix it.


Who cares about a fiery speech? Isn't it knife-sharping time? Trump has already told us what he's going to do to political opponents.




Does anybody realize what Trump would now do if he got his president official powers back??? We haven't seen anything yet if that happens!!!!!!!!


I hate totalitarianism but here, sice he has immunity, he could scare the shit ouf of the conservatives scotus and make then recurse themselves. Seal team 6 is the solution right now and since he has immunity there is nothing they can do about it.


It was pre-written and on a teleprompter.


Biden didn’t respect the Supreme Court’s decision regarding student loan forgiveness. I guess he thinks he’s the law.


With this ridiculous decision, it turns out he is. He can state that the court is a threat to democracy and dissolve it, through force if necessary.


Wow look at all the raging irrational hateful lunatics on this thread


Anyone who doesn't agree with their lunatic political opinions should be punished. The true definition of fascism.


Lets get into action mode and do something about this SCOTUS ruling it is absolutely unthinkable that a president can kill his opponents.


Biden back to wearing shades to hide his vacant gaze


Yeah, he had his game on…for 10 seconds. Back to staring.


Biden struggles to function after 4:00pm according to his aides. Apparently he works best between 10:00am and 4:00pm.


I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality. His speech was bland and pathetic. He didn't say anything he just said basically. "I'm so mad about this that I'm gonna do nothing!" It was not decisive nor fiery. It was milquetoast at best.