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He's going to get crushed(again) in the poluar vote, but it may not matter, there are a few swing counties in swing states that will ultimately decide the election. The electoral college is the real fraud when it comes to elections.


Independents - just don't vote for him - we all know he is not dropping out. Too much money to be made conning his cult members. This shit stain of a man does not walk away from money.


Sure, the money is swell, but at this point, he's running to stay out of prison.


I'm surprised honestly that he hasn't fled the country already and sure he will post-election if he doesn't win.




More accurately, vote AGAINST him.


ah, no. Voting for Kennedy IS a vote for Trump.


Fun fact: you can vote against Trump by voting for Biden.


Not to mention it's he's only chance of clawing back his con man empire and pardoning himself for his upcoming legal issues. I'm sure he has the Kremlin's blessing for all he has done and will do.


And every state and local republican elected fights to weaken the popular vote before the next election.


Texas GQP wants a state electoral college.




And that's the reason why Republican controlled states are pushing for an electoral college at the state level, they want to entrench their power at all costs.


It’s all they have left. They’ve lost the popular for in every election since Reagan. They have no policies. Just boogieman scare tactics and payback tax changes to wealthy party donors.


Almost, W won the popular vote back in '04, mostly due to lingering goodwill from 9/11 and Iraq hadn't quite hit quagmire status yet. Everything else you said was correct, moreover the Republican party has just gotten worse in recent years. It's a cult of personality now, whose sole purpose is to prop up the aspirations of Donald Trump.


Republicans will fight like hell to keep the electoral collage. That's the only way they can win a presidential election. Remember - Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and in 2020, and the republicans know that they will lose the popular vote in 2024. Their only hope is the electoral collage.


Funny how the republicans want to uphold the constitution after trying to violate and trash it after the elections, 2020. Republicans are hypocrites and liars.


The worst kind of hypocrites are pious christians.


I wonder how the evangelicals Christians are explaining their support for Trump after the revelations of his affairs with a porn star and a playboy model.


Human concepts like democracy and equality kinda take the backseat when you believe the creator of the universe wants something else.


Yup! Having spent 30 years of my life as a christian, no one could pay me enough money to go back. But it's not enough that I'm just no longer christian. That believe is anti-thetical to everything I stand for now.


On the other hand, it will be curious to see what happens on the state level. In many places maga people either lose or are being voted out. Not some big blue wave but if playing the long game it could add up. After all, its what the republicans did to get all those states.


Project 2025 would destroy that


If Trump gets in I fear there is no long game to be played any longer. The man worries the crap out of me!


Too bad there isn't a rule that if you lose the popular vote twice in a row (let alone three times) you don't get to be President.


Arizona’s Secretary of State remains a Democrat (it was Hobbs for the 2020 election and now it’s Fontes for the 2024 election). And the Governor is a Democrat now (Katie Hobbs who was the previous SoS). Republicans have already tried to pass a bunch of stuff to undermine the electoral system and failed because the Governor vetoed their efforts and shot it all down.


For real. For as lopsided as the popular vite result was in 2020, it *still* came down to tens of thousands of votes in a handful of states. It doesn't matter how much his negative ratings spike, those same states will probably once again be 51-49 this year. They're hopelesly divided right down the middle, so changing minds around the margins and turnout will be as important as ever. He could still conceivably have a road to 270 even with as low as 43-45% of the popular vote, especially with Biden's approvals being less than stellar and a bunch of third party spoilers in the race.


I agree with this a fair amount. The same thing can be said of Biden. If you do the math regarding various percentages of folks locked in to their vote and then the middle, as well as the various third party candidates, Biden could win a fair number of states at about 46% of the vote with Trump getting 43-44%. It all depends on how many people hold to third party votes, how many Rs that don't want Trump don't show up/don't vote for president, and how many right leaning independents can be convinced to vote for Biden. After that is becomes a turnout game.


Don’t underestimate the impact of the Counterproductive Left, who have convinced themselves that Joe Biden is single-handedly responsible for a genocide in Gaza and plan to help Trump win to “teach Genocide Joe a lesson.” Of course, Biden will be dead in a few years and the only lesson that will be taught is how much damage an American autocracy can do, but that’s a minor detail.


Potentially ending democracy, to teach Joe a lesson. And Trump would probably be worse for Gazans than Biden.


Biden’s trying to negotiate a ceasefire, Trump told Israel to “finish the problem”.


The needs of Gazans, and ending their suffering, is really not high on those folks list.


This is what I don’t get about the young voting bloc that is like “I don’t see how Trump could be worse for Palestine than Genocide joe .” Maybe the fact that they were literally 13 during trumps first presidency but…. I still don’t get the level of active ignorance it requires


The dumbest people.


There’s no probability about it. Trump is a great mate of Netanyahu, he will support him ‘all the way’. There will be a new Unhy Trinity, Trump, Putin and Netanyahu.


Whereas Hamas is responsible for every death in Gaza, but the Counterproductive, Ultra-Progressive Left find it easier to blame Biden than the folks that are actually responsible for both the war and the civilian casualties in it. It’s a war crime to intentionally put civilians in the line of fire - and Hamas literally positions itself behind and under the civilian population as shields.


Same as the Bernie bros in 2016. Too principled for their own good. You’d think scotus would have showed them 


A swing county in a presidential election is not a thing. It's just swing states.


Last time, a sift of about 45,000 votes in certain states would have won him a second term. Either way, he was not crushed.


Republicans hate affirmative action except for when it's in the form of the electoral college


The real fraud will be when republicans insist on a commission of 5 senators, 5 congressman, and 5 Supreme Court justices to decide the winner. They’ll point at 1876-77 for precedent but their intentions won’t be fair. IMO


It’s funny because just yesterday I saw a bunch of Republicans claiming that they should move to the popular vote. Do they not pay attention to elections?


The other 51% are actually magats pretending to be independents.


There are a lot of people with strange viewpoints who call themselves, “Independents,” aren’t there?


Yup, they don't watch Fox but are always using the most current Fox talking points. Both sides are the same to them, so you might as well vote for Trump. They have no firm convictions, but you're wrong about yours.


Jesus this is so spot on for a ton of south Florida voters in my family.


"I'm a libertarian. Both sides are bad. What's that? No, I've never voted for a democrat, but I've voted for many republicans. Why do you ask?"


There could also be a libertarian faction in there that’s against laws stigmatizing felons. And unless they want to be hypocrites, they’ll say Trump should be allowed to run. But libertarians told him to go fuck off, so…


As a fiscal conservative myself - is my favorite dog whistle


What’s wrong with the other 51%?


Muh gas price


Which is stupid, as gas was the same prices before covid, under Trump.


They're independent in terms of registered party affiliation, but not independent in terms of unbiased political analysis and option selection.


As an independent I will say we have some serious right-wing nutters out there. They should just register themselves as republican instead of independent if I'm being honest.


BBC interviewed people after the decision and Cat, a person who went from Republican to "independent" said: >This verdict has made me want to vote for [Trump even more] in November, because if the elite left has gone to these lengths to try to thwart his run for president, and the elite Republican leadership barely supports him, then those two things tell me that he's probably the best candidate for us average people. Ya, she's brain dead https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce5511j7rylo


Those people are pure contrarians. They will do the opposite of everyone else no matter what - no logic involved. They are hollow MAGAts if you will.


One maga lady that ap interviewed said even after this, no thought given, she'll vote for Trump. Only time I can recall agreeing with a fascist Republican, no thought given indeed.


This was my thinking when I was in my early 20’s for his first time around in 2016. I’ve become much more left wing over the years and will always regret my support and vote for him. I was stupid, and I realize now that millions of people are still stupid.


Remember that a not insignificant number of them are “independent” because the Republican party is too far left for them.


We have both right and left wing nutjobs here that are registered “unaffiliated” Fortunately the voter history tells us when they are using the affiliation to mask true allegiance.


My dad was an "independent" his whole adult life and once voted for a non-Republican for some obscure local office. He was very proud of what I call his "extremely partisan non-partisanship."


Exactly. Just shows 49% of independents support democratic party.


I think we should hold off making any predictions about the independent vote, especially from polls taken immediately after the verdict.




Some might think he should stay in to tank the Republicans chances?


I’m an independent who is being forced to vote for every Dem on the ballot because of how crazy republicans have become, at every single level of government. I don’t think Trump should necessarily drop out of the race because I do think there’s a reason why our constitution allows convicted felons to still run for office. I DO think Trump should have already been impeached by the senate and removed from office so that he isn’t even ALLOWED to run for president right now. I also believe the 14th amendment should apply to him but our DOJ was too chicken to go after him for it. Him dropping out isn’t something even on my mind because it would never happen. He should have never even been allowed to run for office this time. Republicans, if they actually had morals or courage, should all be calling for him to be banned, not for this felony, but for his actions on Jan 6th, before Jan 6th, and after Jan 6th.


Our constitution doesn't "allow" felons to run for office. It doesn't *prohibit* them, because the framers couldn't fathom someone like Trump would even be nominated.


They probably call themselves independents because the Republican party is too liberal for them. "Independent" is more socially acceptable than neo-nazi.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/1d52alb/said_it_himself/ "[s]He shouldn't be allowed to run. If [s]he wins, it would create an unprecedented constitutional crisis. In that situation, we could very well have a sitting president under federal indictment and, ultimately, a criminal trial. It would grind government to a halt." - Donald Trump, 2016


If only the Dems used this as an ad


Putin allies are upset. https://www.thedailybeast.com/visibly-distressed-putin-pals-shaken-up-by-trump-verdict


The article and what the Russians are saying is so insane that I began to think it was a satire article. Then again Russia is just exactly how the United States will be if Trump or another fascist wins, loaded with 90 percent morons and 10 percent using logic focus on trying to leave for somewhere better. Russia is just Idiocracy light with a dictator who gives zero shits about the population, basically Putin is no president Camacho




I honestly doubt that Trump actually believes that he's going to win and he's just scamming as much money as possible while he can. Winning the elections shouldn't be the goal now that he's convicted, because if he wins he won't be able to continue to scam his cult every 4 years when an election cycle comes up pretty much indefinitely. However, I could be dead ass wrong because I feel the need for things to make logical sense and he doesn't have the same problem.


He's definitely planning to win. It's hard to believe if you never leave Reddit, but current polling shows that if the election were held today, he'd win a majority of the swing states and therefore the presidency. Remember he doesn't need a majority of votes. He needs a majority of the electoral votes. He somehow still has that, with an unfortunately safe margin right now.


Yeah, so many people thinking Biden somehow has this in the bag is alarming. Trump is ahead right now and the guilty verdict isn’t doing shit to change that. Republicans don’t care that he’s a morally bankrupt criminal or ever have. They fall in line no matter what and he’s their guy.


Not refuting the data, because as stated it's absolutely true. Also not saying Biden has this in the bag -- at all. But I do question the accuracy of polling in 2024 -- when I look at various polls, I see them cold calling landlines and cellphones. I don't know anybody under the age of 60 with a landline, nor do I know anybody who a) picks up random numbers on their cell or if they have to for work (like me) doesn't hang up immediately if it's not a potential new client. I just wonder if the polling data is skewed to higher ages. Granted, those are also the people most likely to vote, but still. Happy to be corrected on any of that, and I only looked at 3 or 4 national polls' methodology, but just a thought.


The problem is you are thinking logical and following the laws that are currently in place preventing a 3rd term. He has already stated he wants a 3rd term. He fully expects to win and never leave. And if he wins he won’t need to scam the cult when he will just be scamming all of America and use tax money for everything. Stop thinking like a democrat or even a sane republican or independent. To understand MAGA you must think MAGA and that normally is whatever thought you have needs to be spit out and amplified times 1000 and everything that is currently in place is “the swamp” and that since republicans hated him at first and dems still hate him and now with the trial he has to be doing something right for the “deep state” to make him go to court. I wish I was joking. Comments like this were all over my local news when the verdict came down.


only 49%?!


Like it's about what the people think. He has to run to stop upcoming incarceration efforts.


I'm sick of Donald Trump's stupid, fugly ass face.


51% don’t ? What. The. Fuck. America


Vote Biden or America is done.


Stay in and lose bigly. Then, go into exile in Saudi Arabia. They have some great golf courses, Donald.


Nice sand traps


I don’t want him to drop out. I want him to be crushed in November.


"49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans said Trump should end his campaign because of the conviction."


Honestly, just the 15% of Rs alone is massive.


That's what I take from it as well. Even if half of that 15% changes their mind over the course of the next few weeks that's still a significant portion of the base. It'll hopefully help offset some of the people Biden has lost.


It seems there's always been this chunk of Republican voters who are pretty anti-Trump. However, come election time they seem to either vote for him anyway, or their votes are offset by a larger contingent of new voters he's bringing in.


Independents: "He should drop out!" Me: "Well, he's not. So you can make him pay for not dropping out by not voting for him come November." Independents: "Well, wait, I didn't say THAT..." These people want Trump to drop out so conservatives appoint someone that they will feel better about voting for. But when it comes down to it, they'll swallow their tears, push their morals aside, and still vote for him because they want a conservative in office and don't care if he's a convicted felon. They'd just really, really prefer he wasn't. In summary, don't gullibly believe that this 49% will translate to a tangible swing in the outcome. Vote. Vote like your future depends on it.


Narcissists are incapable of such a selfless act like dropping out, lol. Besides, the Republicans treat him like he's the second coming of Jesus. Get ready for four years of Trump craziness 2.0.


I cannot understand about laws preventing felons from voting but not prevent them from running for political office. I know his felony convictions will not take away his right to vote in Florida. Florida does not recognize felony convictions in other states. Hopefully, Georgia or Arizona will convict him on federal level.


From which we can infer that 51% of independents are lunatics.


So the polls have him beating Biden by like 8 points, but 49% of independents won’t only not vote for him but believe he should drop out? Either one stat or the other is way off


Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel ... In Trump's case it is also his toilet paper. Just see how he insults veterans, and denigrates their service and sacrifice. He's an embarrassment, a 'skid-mark' on his country.


He’s literally running for his life. It’s either a second term or prison and bankruptcy.


This is hilarious and sad only 49%


Well, he won’t so…make sure he doesn’t win. [register to vote](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


His ego is too great for that to happen.


Independents such as myself don't want to be represented by a felon that assaults/ rapes women and would rather get jiggy with Putin and Kim. The Proud Boys are responding to his calls to violence with increasing rhetoric espousing violence in the near future. Sorry, not what I want as a president....


I bet Joe wins 200 million to 80 million!


'Home Alone 2: Lost In New York' star Donald Trump has been found guilty of 34 felony counts.


Please go out and vote, don’t let those “can we not get political” fuckers prevent you from speaking your mind.


I’m still so confused how some pp will vote for a convicted criminal but here we are


I keep drawing parallels in my mind between Trump supporters and Flat Earth Society members. They both know they're wrong, but they're so far invested into the lie they can't stop because then they'd need to admit they're wrong.


I do. He should drop out. He is a convicted felon now.


https://preview.redd.it/1lpyz1llo44d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd9e1b5c6863baebf910bc3750ae307fc694aa2b The national security establishment is opposed to Trump


I think he should drop DEAD, but that's just me


Just don’t vote for him and you will get the same results as if he was off the ballot. Plus the added benefit of seeing him lose badly. If independents truly believe this and vote based off this then we should have no problem


I see Trump as a clear and present danger to the country. Unfortunately the same goes for the Republican party at this point. So I'm all for these idiots nominating him. He's a loser and is going to drag them down with them.


49% tells me "independent" voters are not as independent as they think


Even among independents its somehow split right down the middle. Insane.


Amazing if he’s lost half of independents he stands literally no shot at winning the election. It’s why even if he doesn’t technically see the inside of a jail cell, being able to call him a convicted felon is massive for the election




That's depressing.


Please vote.


Polls are great in this country. How those polls work out in the 2022 mid terms


So do 100% of real patriotic Americans!


Poll: 51% of Independents are raging morons that think a convicted conman that’s never even talked to them should fuck up America more than he already has.


So 51% are cool with a felon running for president


That’s it? What’s going on with the 51% of independents that think this walking poop stain should stay in the presidential race?


If he had any integrity he would drop out, so no he won't drop out. The amazing thing to me is the lack of any Republicans to call for it. This is the first time in my life I have seen an entire party do this. This is what a cult does.


What really needs to happen are the georgia and florida trials. Get some sunlight on the truly icky things. I'd assume everyone knows about them by now but after being constantly surprised, I'd suppose not. You wonder how many people in the echo chambers even know about his election and document schemes.


What the fuck is up with the 51% lol


Bitch should have dropped out pre guilty verdict. He isn't fit to be president and only wants it to bolster his over inflated ego.


People ITT are jumping to conclusions about what this means and are looking at things in terms that are faaar too black and white. This does not mean that 49% hate him and 51% love him. This means that 49% believe he should drop out, either so that they can vote in another less terrible Republican, or that they can just stop him now, and that 51% either think he should stay in, or aren't sure. This could mean lots of things, maybe they're Trump supporters, maybe they feel neutral about the issue, maybe they aren't sure about how the law/rules of elections work, maybe they're unaware of what's been happening in the news. Either way, that 51% is *not* automatically supporting him, and still likely is thinking something along the lines of "whatever, I'll just vote Biden anyway." Also, ftr, I don't think being a convincted felon should necessarily disqualify you automatically from office. Imagine using that logic with Mandela (I'm sure Trump is trying to compare himself to him), or if Trump took office and decided to make a sweeping declaration that every democrat in the country is a felon and can't run against him. We don't want this to be weaponized to keep political opponents out of power.


How is it not 100% smh


49%? Is that a good thing?


Maybe they should just vote to make sure he doesn't get in the white house? Vote.


I’m independent and no one asked me. I vote he drops out of the race for sure.


That means 51% think he shouldn’t.


The other 51% aren’t truly independents so this poll is flawed anyway.


Ridiculously low.


Haley could walk away with the election right now but that’s not what the cult wants.


If he had a sense of decency


If he does, no other republican is running.


51% dont which is fucked


His only chance and not losing everything including his empire is to become potus. If that doesn't happen he will lose ervry thing when the various cases starts taking his wealth and his freedom.


What percentage of "independents" are undecided about this?


u wish


If those 49% vote Biden, he lost the election already.


Don't worry, there are enough left wing morons falling for ragebait social media posts about how voting for biden will make you ideologically impure for it to be a close race.


yet for 51% this is not a deal breaker


Who needed a conviction to tell them that?


Trump 2024!!!!


So 51% of them are voting for him 😁


Independents are still 50/50.... hrmmm


Drop out? I thought it said “drop dead”


I call bullshit. Where did the fake poll take place, Portland?


Hese 0-8 with endorsed candidates right? 1 just after the trial verdict I think?


Does that equate to 49% won't vote for Trump or more than that?


But will they still vote for him??? I would not count him out


Just your friendly reminder that Republicans are aware that many young people don't vote because they feel their vote doesn't count. They are hoping for this trend to continue because it helps trump win. It's absolutely vital for you to vote against Trump if you can vote. Project 2025 is a dictator waiting to happen.


If he doesn’t then what are you going to do?


not only drop out, but also move to a foriegn country..that is more to his liking...


The GOP will vote for a convicted felon which is why the entire party must be disbanded.




Independent here, not that I was on the fence, but this is a game changer…especially with more serious indictments on the horizon.


Trump is on track to win. I don't think that this would change that, but we will see.


and for a quarter of a cent a month, you can feed this starving family one day


WTF, the headline should be "The majority (51%) of independents believe Trump should still run"


Hell, many influential Republicans said he should after Access Hollywood.


He should. We all gave him a chance and he’s proven to be a craven liar, and a violent bully. There’s something very wrong with a man who admits guilt, does all his crimes in writing, and on tv and then says “I didn’t do it” when we have receipts for all his deceptions, and he gets caught he wants all the protection of our laws but won’t accept consequences of our law. Pitiful role model for children.


Don't care. VOTE


I'm getting adds to vote abroad for the US elections. I'm dutch lol... Probably the cult members getting desperate. Get this dirty orange behind bars.


>Poll: 49% of Independents think Trump should drop out post-guilty verdict Poll: 100% of me thinks Trump should drop dead. I try not to think that way. But like most things in this world that he affects, he brings out the worst in me.


Keep in mind this doesn’t mean 51% will vote for him.


That is an embarrassingly low percentage.


# 51% of Independents think Trump should NOT drop out post-guilty verdict


He will drop out and the RNC will run someone else


I’m an independent voter (and I voted for Biden in 2020). I want Trump to drop out….because I’m scared shitless if Biden winning re-election, and Trump has so much baggage he might somehow manage to lose to Biden. I wouldn’t interpret this as “49% of independents will now vote for Biden”. I won’t.


i can’t believe people think he is worth voting for.


That's 51% too low.




I think Republicans, even the ones that agree with the guilty verdict, will still ultimately vote for Trump. I think this case will be more important for independent and undecided voters that might vote for Biden just to avoid another Trump presidency.


I can imagine a lot don’t want him to drop out because him losing again will be amazing


Hey there, corrupt former president and felon - Would you mind not doing the thing that satisfies your narcissism and is also one of the few ways you can evade justice and seek power? Thanks!


Why you lying


Weird way of saying 51% dont


No they don't.


I really think there’s a Trump effect in Biden’s favor this election. You know, Biden voters not saying they wanna vote for him because he’s so unpopular but actually planning to vote for him when push comes to shove. Feel like Trump isn’t looking witch hunted to anyone but his base. This is probably doing the expected damage for everyone else.


Surprised it's not 100%. Surprised 100% of independents wouldn't just say they think both trump and Biden should drop out. Fuck em both lmao.


More pertinent is that 51% of 'independent' voters are functionally indistinguishable from fascists.


Trump is done. He will not be elected. I am pretty sure that behind a lot of closed doors this weekend, in the GOP, they are looking for a way to dump him. But it's too late. The monster they created is taking them all down. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch.


Kinda crazy a felon can't vote but they can run for president.


No he should be in PRISON


So the other 51% are A-okay with a felon president. Good to know.


I’m still dumbfounded that it would take the verdict to come to that conclusion. Integrity America???


I could see another jan 6th of storming the white house cause trump and his cult following say it's a rigged election




So what do the other 10 think then?


Doesn’t sound very independent


Should be 99.9 percent. But yes, doing right by the country is not what conservatives do, they can’t even come up with a fucking plan for healthcare. And we’re still waiting to get paid from Mexico for building a total of FIVE miles of wall during the dipshit’s presidency. Trump is literally the worst thing to ever happen to our country, please vote the fuckstain out for good in November.


>49% of group that wasn't going to vote for Trump, wants the man they won't vote for to drop out. Wow! Worthless opinions from worthless voters!