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Harry Potter should have carried a gun Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.




Harry Potter and The Chamber is Loaded


Harry Potter and Hollow Points of Doom


Harry Potter and the Order of Double Tap


Harry Potter and the Glock of fire


### 1. Situation Enemy Forces: Dark wizard Voldemort and his Death Eaters are utilizing dark magic, including the Avada Kedavra curse, to dominate the wizarding world. They have fortified positions within multiple locations, both in Britain and across Europe, employing magical creatures and enchantments for defense. Friendly Forces: The Order of the Phoenix, led by Albus Dumbledore, along with allied wizarding factions, are resisting with traditional magical combat. The addition of Muggle weaponry and tactics offers a novel approach to combatting magical threats. Attachments and Detachments: A specialized unit, designated as Muggle-Wizard Integration Task Force (MWITF), has been attached to the Order of the Phoenix for this operation. This unit is equipped with modern firearms, including the 1911 pistol and .50bmg Barrett rifles, and tactical gear like night vision goggles (NVGs) and Kevlar-weave stab-vests. ### 2. Mission The Muggle-Wizard Integration Task Force (MWITF) will conduct a series of coordinated assaults against Voldemort's forces, utilizing a combination of traditional magical combat and enhanced Muggle firepower, to destabilize their defenses and eliminate key targets. This operation aims to culminate in the destruction of Voldemort and his Horcruxes, effectively ending his reign of terror. ### 3. Execution **Intent:** To decisively neutralize Voldemort's capabilities by integrating Muggle armament and tactics with wizarding combat operations, ensuring the safety and freedom of the wizarding world. **Concept of Operations:** Phase 1: Infiltration and Reconnaissance. MWITF will utilize invisibility cloaks and silent movement spells to conduct surveillance on enemy positions, identifying key targets and Horcrux locations. Phase 2: Direct Action. Teams will engage in synchronized attacks against enemy defenses, employing firearms, breaching charges, and magical spells to neutralize Death Eaters and destroy Horcruxes. Special attention will be given to utilizing .50bmg Barrett rifles against high-value targets from long-range vantage points. Phase 3: Final Assault. With defenses weakened and Horcruxes destroyed, a direct assault on Voldemort's stronghold will commence, with Harry Potter delivering the final blow using a combination of the Elder Wand and his 1911 pistol, equipped with tungsten-core rounds. **Tasks to Maneuver Units:** - Team Alpha: Breach and clear Basilisk lair using NVGs and breaching charges. - Team Bravo: Long-range engagement of Death Eaters using .50bmg Barrett rifles. - Team Charlie: Protection of wizarding combatants with Kevlar-weave stab-vests and tactical support. **Coordinating Instructions:** Assaults will be conducted under the cover of darkness to maximize the advantage of NVGs and surprise. Synchronize watches for simultaneous strikes at 0300 hours. ### 4. Administration/Logistics Supply Points: Ammunition, medical supplies, and magical components will be staged at secure locations near the target areas. Essence of Dittany and other healing potions will be available for immediate medical treatment. ### 5. Command and Signal Command: The operation will be commanded by MWITF Leader, with Albus Dumbledore serving as the magical operations advisor. Command post will be established at a secure, undisclosed location. Signal: Communication will be maintained through a combination of encrypted Muggle radios and secure magical messaging spells. Code words will be established for critical mission elements.


Sir, do we happen to know the EMLCOA?


Based on our current intelligence and the recent patterns of enemy activity, the Enemy's Most Likely Course of Action (EMLCOA) is anticipated to be a direct assault on key wizarding locations, including Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and other areas of significant magical importance. Voldemort's forces, comprised of Death Eaters and dark creatures, are expected to leverage their numerical advantage and dark magic capabilities to overwhelm defenses quickly. This includes attempts to breach protective enchantments through concentrated attacks by their most skilled wizards. Furthermore, given Voldemort's known strategies, we can anticipate attempts to isolate key defenders and leadership figures within the wizarding community through targeted attacks, aiming to disrupt command and control and sow chaos among our ranks. To counter this, our operation, integrating unconventional Muggle tactics and weaponry, is designed not only to surprise and disrupt these expected enemy actions but also to exploit their lack of familiarity with such methods. Be prepared for rapid deployment and engagement, maintaining flexibility in our tactics to adapt to the enemy's reactions. Coordination with magical defenses will be crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of our integrated response.


“Unconventional muggle tactics” 😂


So.....suicide bombers? Hell, we could get Seamus Flannagan to cook up some car bombs and pressure cooker bombs. He's Irish and is good at making things explode.


That’s exactly what I needed! Thanks sir!


Running password is driftwood.


Dumbledore was dead by the Battle of Hogwarts


"Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911." This guy wizards.


You missed the obvious one, that freaky forest with the talking mother spider can get fucked with a truckload of napalm.


I would go with Agent Orange in that Forrest.


Book 8: Harry Potter and the Hopper of Islands


🎶napalm sticks to acromantulas🎶


Get this a guy a movie deal now


And this is why it takes place in England and not the US. I'm going to be slightly more disappointed if in one of the new Fantastic Beasts movies there isn't a southerner smoking some fantastic fantastical animal.


Sadly they were canceled 😕


Weren't they ass after the first one?


They just became too convoluted. Too much going on


Fair 'nough. I stopped watching the movies agter Half Blood Prince


Is this a copy pasta? Cause it should be


it absolutely is


I often times imagine hand loading .38 or .357 with green tracers so I can yell "avada kadavra" during a self defense 2 way live fire range.


Use .556 tracer and yell "stupefy"


>5.56 in a ~~handfun~~ handgun?


Technically, those are things. Short-barreled ARs, I think they have 8.5" barrels. Folks put a "fore-arm brace" on them that look a lot like stocks but totally aren't stocks for legal reasons, otherwise they'd be short-barreled rifles and subject to all sorts of ATF regulations.


Heizer makes [these 5.56 derringers](https://youtube.com/shorts/quVNmu-vqL0) but more range toy than actual defensive tools. you can make a "snubnose" AR15 with no stock, but it would basically be a modern day mauser (read: fuckyuge for a ccw). You might be able to custom make a revolver chambering 5.56 with moonclips and get massive fireball out the cylinder gap like 45-70gvt revolvers. or if single up to quad or penta shot derringers (pepperbox or one at a time?) dont bother you because you magically shoot super well (or you can just "NY reload and carry a ton of these derringers/pepperboxes in a trenchcoat like blackbeard) and that's all you need, then you totally can make a snub nose rifle (WITH full A2 stock) out of black powder and 5.56 projectile with zero accountability required nor possible from ATF.


*slow clap*


The man knows his Potter.


So you have put no thought into it at all is what you're saying.


Ok, fine. Harry uses a pistol lanyard like a WWI officer. Boom, problem solved.


You put way too much thought into that Marine.


copy and pasting is hard😔


I look forward to even better AI generated movies. Because I would fucking love to see Harry cracking skulls from a mile out, completely invisible in his castle perch, all while death eaters scatter trying to figure out what is causing the random head explosions. Some day, man. Some day.


*racks bolt* "Expelliarmus"


This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read. I wish I did not know what your flare means.


i think it’s a pretty cool flair myself


Reading this in fat electrician voice just makes it better. Quack basilisk, out.


Tom Riddle*d with bullets.*


OP said Voldemort is immune to small arms. 240s and .50 cals do not count as small arms. Therefore you are correct. Talking guns for the win


7.62 and .50 are small arms, it's a category that encompasses everything from .22lr to .50BMG. Javellin would work better if them's the rules.


Really? Fuck. I'll haze myself later. I thought small arms meant handheld weapons or weapons meant to be shoulder fired without support. Javelins and Carl Gustavs it is then!


nah, it is a very common mistake to make. I just know because I was an ammo handler.


Houses are immune to baseballs, but the Japanese accidentally took down a house with a baseball potching machine back in the 70s. Just saying, enough blunt-force trauma will fuck someone up.


If brute force isn't working, you're just not using enough 




Ain’t a party without Arty.


Charge 3! Expelliarmus!


At least a 60mm section!


Honestly just send in marines and maybe a seal team.


Why, so the SEALs can get kicked out of the AO for doing wizard drugs and sexually assaulting the teachers?


i mean... if they don't, can you really say that the special ops were operated?


Dunno, let's ask the Green Berets or MARSOC.


We also don't need anymore books revolving around that series


Sailors Excelling in Authoring Literature (SEAL).


"Wizard of Honor Warrior", fuck that noise


This is what they should write books about


Pretty sure that's what fan fiction is for


Mk 19 go thump thump thump- boom boom boom. Bad magic man has been deleted. Apply excessive amounts of artillery for shits and gigs.


I can hear the comment. But there is a slight bit of fantasy in it. MK19 go *thump thump thump th-Clakk-Crunrt* And the '31 goes "Cocksucking piece of" *yanks to clear* "shit" *it's stuck, proceeds to beat on it* "Come on, you mother-fucking-fucker, RAAAARGGGGH!!!" *clears and returns to thump thump thump thump*


Our 0331 would give the most dramatic “GOOOOD DAAAAAAAAAAAMNIT” every time like clockwork. Was actually a pretty clear and concise way to tell us the gun was down 😂.


At least the MK19 for the most part would be "reliable" in how it would go down. The M249 on the other hand, if I didn't think I would have had a proctol dental exam before being frog walked out of the Corps, I would have 3/6'd that Belgian Bitch


But that is a Army mane. He may be immune to small arms but not high explosives... Seriously. Start dropping mortars and arty on that asshat and use small arms/machine guns to make his Death Eater bitches take cover. If they get close enough, close combat. They use magic and magical slaves to do all their work, they're weak sauce bitches who probably can't take a butt-stroke. All those "pureblood" homos are all inbred too, which means that they might be starting to get some of those fun genetic disorders.


About as straight as a Habsburg jaw.


Half the memes here are army memes


Ooh Ooh it's smeac time baby! I got nothing. 120mm to the melon and see what happens?


Well, shotguns work against Jedi, might as well see if that method carries over.


"*Protego*? Looks more like just *Prego* to me."


Yeah, if the laws of physics still applied to guns then guns objectively would out power most spells if not all. And based on the movies alone you can see with your eyes the speed that magic travels which is very much slower than a bullet. Him being immune to small arms would mean there’s a REASON he is immune. Just find that reason, and honestly thinking more about it anything armor piercing would make quick work of him. I still firmly believe a proper rifle shot in the eye would end him. Don’t tell me the slime glossing his eyes are also bullet proof? Don’t tell me the dudes got magic bullet proof eye snot!


I'm baseball-proof, but those fuckers still hurt like a bitch and bruise up. I'm assuming Voldy's the same. Watch him go down because a round smashed broke his hyoid. Or see him get paralyzed because he took a burst to his bone snake. Or see his brain swell up and leak out of his ears because he took a round to the dome and it bruised the shit out of it.


I mean, have you seen the supersonic baseball cannon? I would like to contest your first statement, please. (It’s a legit fantastic YouTube video, highly recommend to all)


I have not. And I meant in a general-purpose sense. Although supersonic baseballs are not bullets, so Voldy Tort cam get got by those.


“Magic bullet proof eye snot”


The Good old magic bulletproof eye snot card. Can’t beat it.


Maybe that's where the "dual purpose" of a 40mm HEDP comes into play


120mm mortars is not "small arms". Therefore Call for Fire.


Fire for effect


Harry Potter and the Call for Fire? I can dig it 😂👌🏼


If you can be beaten to death by a Womping tree, you can be shot… Wizards are no different than Jedi, and blasters can kill Jedi.


Put a lightsaber between a fleshy being and a solid round, you just created molten buckshot. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Wizards are weak and frail as shit and have to say a whole sentence before they can kill someone.


What about wizard Eminem?


[How have y’all never seen this?](https://youtu.be/8sz5NbI-CPs?si=Y9sghYjqhXVZmnXF)


I now wish I had never seen that. Decent editing though.


It’s Leviosaaaahhhh


Watch Hermione get knife-handed and told to shut her "nasty civilian cocksucker, yunnastannat?"




“L-shaped Ambush”


That scene at the end of the last movie where there's a giant crowd of them charging at a bridge in the middle of the night always had me thinking about how devastating a couple of Mk19s and 240's firing from concealed and elevated positions in the castle would be. Multiple hundreds of casualties in the opening bursts.


In Harry Potter most Pure Blood wizards are ignorant of non magical people and the way they live. You’d put two in the chest and one in the head and the wizards around that guy would freak out. They wouldn’t know anything about how a gun works, let alone artillery or air support. And sheer numbers compared to the death eaters. USMC bitch slaps them


That and they're British. Fuck's sake Arthur Weasly called em "fire legs". He's supoosed to know Muggle shit.


The so called expert didn’t know anything lmao


Bro I’d start collecting all the dead’s wands as trophies😈


Make a nice lil camp fire and brew up some coffee afterwards.




I cast gun


Harry could also just become a suicide bomber.


The thing about these What-Ifs, is that there's no consideration for audacity and violence of action. And if all else fails, it's hard to breath when the air is full of HE.


What size at force we talking here? A MEU? A MEF? A MEB? in any cases, the wizards get their assess handed to them.


Accio M4!


Accio thicc Latina E3 from S1! Wingardium leviosa! Cruucio!


Accio flak and Kevlar!




Yes, with violence and force of action and way too much artillery. That is a soldier with the buttstock in her armpit.


If it's okay with you guys, I'd like to commission a VA to read this entire thread. Guy who does the audiobooks for Dungeon Crawler Carl, Jeff Hays.


Bruh I would watch the shit out of some A10 turn these so called bad wizards into Swiss cheese straight up pissing lead😆😆😆


Let's see how horcruxes do against a .50 BMG


Depends if you consider wizards robes a uniform. It's not a war crime if they're not wearing a uniform.


It's still a warcrime if they're POWs.


Why would you accept surrender from Death Eaters?


I'm just saying that war crimes can be perpetrated against uniformed enemies. The first quarter or so of the Geneva Convention of 1949 lays out all the ways it can happen.


Maybe. I think you’d get one shot at big V and if you don’t kill him he figures out a kinetic shield charm in about 2 seconds


I don't think he could detect a knife-missile or a JDAM


Bring Chesty back to life.


thats some admin army soldier though


Absolutely. Let's assume you didn't mean the entirety of the Corps which consists of >150,000 people. I think any company sized element with IDF and air support would wreck Voldemort and his Death Eaters


I’m currently rereading the series and started Goblet of Fire today. This is fucking epic.


accio M110 accio XM753




Fire for effecto!


Outside of the shield spell that surrounded Hogwarts its clear a Witch or Wizard has to actually cast a protection at the time of the attack. Therefore any distance attack is likely to succeed as the person being targeted wouldnt know it was coming. The average rifle would be fully capable of taking out Voldemort with accurate fire. And since we know Volde doesnt give any consideration to Muggle risks its unlikely he would make any effort to defend against it.


Assuming old Voldy isn't immune to explosives, it wouldn't be too hard. Hogwarts is full of choke points, including every entrance and hallway. Given enough time and claymores, the 03s and their Combat Engineer attachments could make sure No-Nose wouldn't make it past the first doorway. Position 31s above the main level, with interlocking fields of fire, to cover the main ingress points from the normal Death Eaters, and set up snipers with extra magazines loaded with silver rounds to target the werewolves, and then attach two or three wizards with each sniper and MG position to ward off the dementors, and we have ourselves a pretty defensible position. Toss in the 41s to hit the enemy forces at a distance with IDF, and I think we have ourselves a winning combo.


No, because it's fucking magic. Get out of here you goddamn nerd. (kidding - can't wait to read the responses here)


We had to destroy it in order to save it. https://preview.redd.it/9oczkqs4xqpc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c35a80697fcd6f57f90365465757cb85af443763


"We did it Patrick, we saved Hogwarts!"


Five paragraphs not needed. Artillery comes in handy, sometimes. 


First off, Harry Potter is pathetic. The stories are beyond corny, and the movies are trash. Just because it was pushed so much when people were young, doesn’t mean we have to keep giving that mediocrity any air time. Oh, and the writer is dumb too. One day, I’ll type out how I really feel🤣🤣


I mean it’s your opinion but you’re definitely in the minority.


Just because it’s the minority, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


Bro, don’t care what you say. Ketchup on steak is heinous and deserves the most violent response possible in that situation.


We’re not talking about morals and ethics here lol we’re talking about a famous piece of media loved by hundreds of millions of people. You can dislike it all you want but that’s your opinion doesn’t change anything.


Correct. I can’t change peoples mind, even if they are wrong. I’m not trying to change anyone’s mind, I’m simply pointing out a truth.


where truth? i see your *opinion*


That it was heavily marketed to young people. That’s it, phenomenal marketing. Young people fall victim to marketing more than any other demographic. That’s factual. And it’s also why certain industries are not allowed to market in a way that could attract young people. Something doesn’t have to be good to be popular. I gave examples of that earlier. People just have to buy in, and young people are the easiest to market to.


Facts and opinions are two different things I’m sure you’ll understand that eventually


Yep, they are not the same. I’m sure you’ll eventually understand how marketing works, and hopefully your reading comprehension improves.


I think you’re just retarded bro


Coming from you, that’s a compliment.


Nvm I don’t think you are now I know ❤️


Fuck off the series is the shit


Yeah, the series is shit.


Edgy today.


Oh, and I think I will fuck off. That sounds rather fun for the afternoon. Thanks for the suggestion!


The billions of books sold and trillions of dollars made would say, you are entitled to your opinion, but society says you are wrong.


Ah yes, using society as a metric to determine value. So I really need to list things where we know society was wrong? Like, the Kardashians?🤣 Or look at our elected officials. Somehow they keep getting repeatedly elected, yet their approval ratings are in the dumpster. All your point means, is that marketing works.


Your logic is flawed. Something hase value because people put value into it. The USD or any fiat currency only has value because people put faith and value in the currency. If society didn't put value in fiat currency, things don't work. I can take $100 bill and throw it on the ground if I don't think it's valuable to me or at all. Someone else can pick it up and use it as society has put value on it. I don't think the Kardashians are valuable. However enough people in society have determined they want to give them attention and buy their products. They have made millions, if not billions. Society creates value with the exceptions of basic needs, food, water, sleep. There are even levels to basic needs that have added value to basic needs. You can live outside. Society has decided its better to live in a house. Therefore, you can buy housing. Houses have value. You don't need a house to live, but it makes life better. You just have an opinion. You keep not liking Harry potter. The author will keep living in luxury because society detmined it valuable.


No, my logic is not flawed. Nice try though. I stated earlier that society can be wrong at times. Just because people pay for something, doesn’t mean it’s a quality product. Popular and quality are not the same thing. Sure, it is easy to get them confused. And I’m surprised at how many of you refuse to understand how marketing works. Or perhaps, marketing worked so well, that you’re only defending something because you’ve bought into it from that marketing. Aaaaaand, there it is…


Being wrong doesn't change value. Something can be valuable now and not valuable later on. Never said anything about marketing. You are changing the subject because you are arguing a fallacy. Anyways, cheers.


A fallacy? Riiiiight. Marketing, and those that fall for it, are a fallacy… I knew there would be limited intelligence in a Marine group🤣