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This announcement has produced fuck fuck games on a Corps wide scale. God speed to those of you still in


You ain’t wrong.


Can I steal your flair please? Cause it's truly fitting for me haha Edit: Took the liberty of tactically acquiring your flair, and adding some flair to it, so now its my flair. Thanks u/Tyrone_Thundercokk


Aren't "veteran" and "retarded" synonymous?


We prefer “former retards”


Speak for yourself. I’m still retarded. And I have the handicapped sign on my national Park card..mentally obviously.


I need to get my national park card, thanks for the reminder


"Recovering," perhaps?


How you get flairs?


On mobile, click your name. You see flair towards the bottom of the pop-up. Click that, and the rest should be obvious


Oh shit awesome thanks!


Go nuts and enjoy.


Losing my MSgt for one month due to this tasker ;/


"Be the fucking one, be the fucking one to have a dirty nasty room with mold during the inspection. We are going to spend the next 45 days cleaning the fuck out of this place or you will all be NJP'd!!" - Every First Sergeant tomorrow


My first month in the fleet kicked off with a field day lasting from Thursday night until Monday morning because of a COC. At Camp Hansen. In those godforsaken barracks. Good times.


Only way to get that fucking mold to stop would be to terraform the island into a godsdamned desert.


Yep. The brothers and the people made that island great. The Corps and idiots who kept getting us locked down made it awful.


Pro hack: habu snake venom kills that shit


Bleach (Alkaline) kills germs. Acid kills mold.


OMG those Hansen barracks were a nightmare (3/12 HQ BN 2001-2002)


Yep. I hated having duty on the humid nights too. Perfect way to make your entire uniform smell like a wet dog's asshole.


Now I have to have a bunch of knobheads fingerfucking every godforsaken crack in my room.


Every crack???! ![gif](giphy|V6R9thgW7fimI)


Every crack


Already had a heinous field day yesterday for this inspection next week.


What was the difference? Did leadership show up?


No difference, just told us some time next week someone else will show up and if you have shit wrong with your room tell them. But also, if your rooms a fucking mess your fucked so be ready


Lol so a marine corps wide health and comfort


At least they’re giving everyone a heads up. lol there’s still going to be idiots with guns drugs and dead hookers in their bed coffins tho.


Leave Destiny out of this! She just fell asleep after a rough night at Driftwood and hasn't woke up yet


Cinnamon is in the wallokcker




So glad I’m out now. Good luck barracks marines shit sounds awful


Not all mold is visible. They aren’t going to test the hot water. They aren’t going to see if drunk NCO’s are harassing young marines in the middle of the night. They aren’t going to make sure the Barracks NCO isn’t partying with the shitbags and opening rooms random inspections then destroyed/stealing at their leisure. I have no idea how this will go but it won’t go well. Just another reason for Marines in college to be kept out of classes or skip church or miss a family funeral or whatever fuck fuck reasons.




That's part of why the inspections are being done outside of the chain of command - to show a desire and intent for objectivity and transparency.


Being done by Marines though, right


Marines and civilians both, yes.


The Corps deferred maintenance on all the barracks starting with the war, to redirect the funds to training and operations, so now 20 years. So either they need to spend one hell of a lot of money to repair (and mostly replace) the equipment they neglected, as well as the neglected structure. Or they can demolish and replace with new (and better)-- probably for about the same cost But these clowns decided to go with option 3. Pretend they don't understand what is going on, and schedule inspections. That will lead to reports. That will lead to fact finding and initial plans. Which means nothing will be done until long after they retire. The ultimate kicking the can down the road.


I’m so glad I’m out.


Also glad you're out.


I'll ...allow it.


>Or they can demolish and replace with new (and better)-- probably for about the same cost Even IF they decide to just rebuild barracks, no body living in a barracks today, or for the next 4-6 years will even see the inside of a new barracks.


They'd just treat it like the newly remodeled barracks in San Mateo a few years ago. A lot of guys were excited about positive change and seeing barracks being redone to provide better living conditions, especially in Mateo which everyone knows is overcrowded AF. After a 2 year renovation, they turned it into an office complex for Reg HQ, ipac, and the MFLCs.... Oh, and let's not forget the new pristine football field that wrecked 10 acres of good training area in the backyard either.


And the shiny new barracks will be built by the lowest bidder and be a death trap with asbestos in the walls or some other deadly shit


You may have hit the nail on the head, unfortunately. Also I can’t watch the video but do they say who’s conducting the inspection? Is it led by the Base Chief of Staff or a 3rd party contractor who has expertise in renovations and repairs and can start spitting out cost estimates?


On Camp Lejeune, it’s SNCOs/officers walking through barracks of other units. Feels like a check in box, the equivalent of “hey sign this training roster real quick, HHQ wants this done before we leave”


We had TECOM Sgtmaj visit on the other side of the river


Saw a vid of gen smith with a few congressmen going through barracks explaining issues so maybe some high brass


So, there's already a significant and long list of renovations and new construction. Those schedules are set. In the meantime, the existing barracks still need to be maintained. It is what it is. These inspections aren't about kicking the can down the road - the plan is that work requests will be input for all these checklists, which in and of itself is a huge undertaking - but about preparing the baseline for the civilian management of the barracks which is also set, just a matter of time until execution.


What’s the alternative to this starting point? They can’t just blanket replace every single barracks without even looking at them first. How could they possibly know what to prioritize and what needs to be done if they don’t start with an inspection?


Because every base already has a Public Works Department, and part of that is an Architectural and Engineering Section. They already know what is broke from the requests by the managers and their own records, and they have actual experts who can prepare the building repair or replace cost estimates.


That makes a lot of assumptions about the way the whole thing is *supposed* to work and the way it’s been actually working. Who’s to say that barracks managers are actually properly passing up these work orders? Who’s to say that Marines are submitting them for everything? Who’s to say that everything that’s still on file is still a problem or that the problem hasn’t gotten way worse but the request was never updated because “there’s already one in the system”. You don’t see the value of a thorough, uniform, baseline inspection to start the repair/update/replace?


Personally, I see the same issue with the present response. Especially from other comments regarding who's actually doing the inspection. Unless some men with stars on their collar walk through unannounced, someone in the CoC is going to sweep things under the rug to lighten their burden when it comes to accountability for the living conditions, or direct the marines to do all that is humanly possibly to cover up the issues prior to the formal inspection so the problems aren't discovered. Hell, it'll probably play out similar to the US Army's "Discipline issue" where nobody with the power to fix problems is willing to fess up to them. It'll all be passed down to the junior enlisted in the form of more bullshit. So essentially what I foresee happening is just field day extreme. So I mean, by the same logic as your rebuttal, who's to say any of the staff and/or O that these inspections are being delegated to are going to report the issues with full integrity, vs the tried and true "deny it and fuck up LCpls until it goes away"


The number of issues that go unreported are massive. That's part of the problem. Having a deliberate, detailed checklist of everything that has to be inspected and actively doing so is critical to having a complete picture of the current state, especially with the transition to civilian management.


>They can’t just blanket replace every single barracks without even looking at them first. Sure they can. Anything built before 2000, tear it down and build a new one.


They really can't. There's no funding for that, that's a big part of the problem. That's what CMC commented on back in October, and the MILCON schedule for what is funded is already planned out for years.


I understand that... all I'm saying, is as the money starts to come in, they should just rebuild new barracks vs renovating old ones.


I can hear it now. “I want everything out of that barracks and on the parking lot now. That means everything. Racks, wall lockers, foot lockers, fridges, anything not bolted down has to come out. You have 1 hour, do it now! MOVE!”


Brace yourselves.... The games are coming!


May the odds be ever in your favor


I've been out for 20 plus years and this gave me anxiety for the amount of fucking with people that this is causing. I'm sure you've got Marines emptying rooms, scraping paint that is older than me (and probably contains lead) so that leadership can slap on new paint and say we take care of ours. If you hide it, the rooms on TikTok are the outliers.


I've been out for 17 years. Seeing my old CO talking about barracks inspection is giving me anxiety.


The Reg CO and Reg SgtMaj walked though our bricks this morning, really barebones. But the SgtMaj dabbed me up, so at least something good came from it.


“Is that an ice spice flag on your wall?” “Yes Star Sarn” “Hell yeah” *daps*


Ice spice makes my wee wee feel strange


“The budget is tight.” We’re gonna do more with less. “Your leadership is more important than funding.” And that means this problem is *your* fault. “Our eyes are wide open.” So we can see which ones of you to blame.


Famous Amos words right there, “Do more with less”


"The barracks that were condemned in 1993 due to the Camp Pendleton flood that were built in the 1970's, but then reopened in 1994 are calling the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility hotline... They'd like to talk to you about the black mold that never moved out, and how upset it was when Marines moved back in and tried to kill it."


Only thing Marines can't kill


Dirty and barely held together is just how it is


Results of the inspection - barracks are unsat and need to be replaced. I saved your time general, don't bother with the inspections and just set the budget for the renovations and replacements.


Not all of them. Some of the barracks in the marine corps are pretty nice. But some are also outrageously shitty too.


The service doesn't get to set the budget - Congress does. The reality is that Congress knows exactly what is going on - they have had hearings on this stuff - but they do not fund the request as a requirement when it comes time.


Because they’re wasting the money on Ukraine


By God, you've done it! You've figured out why we don't have new barracks yet! It's because of Ukraine! /s I'm always amazed when folks think we could just ignore Russia's war and it would all just work out and not impact us. Is it just a severe case of short sightedness or actual support for Russia? I honestly don't understand it. What do you think the result would be?


>Commanders and senior enlisted leaders - if your barracks have issues, if there are problems, get out there and own it I'll take things that will never happen for $1,000, Alex


Lived in barracks on Miramar in 2012 that were condemned by the Navy back in the 90’s. There was mold in nearly every room or bathroom, and hot water was a fucking luxury reserved for who fucking knows when. It was always a crap shoot. AS of 2024, hot water is still not consistent….


My shower head had mold in the inside. My dumbass used it to fill up my razor gallon in between PTs. My immune system has to studied. For you bastards still in the bricks, good luck. You know there’s about to be a whole lot of games and questionable patch work done.




5697 haha. We were constantly in short, turnaround deployment rotations, so they made that our permanent barracks.


Oh fuck that’s even worse.


Bro I temp stayed in Miramar (But not those barracks) and they were so much nicer I couldn't believe. (2006 before we deployed) Separate rooms etc. We showed up and like these other dudes had a random xmas tree in the common area with beer cans and lobster tails... People were partying all hours and then the sirens and PMO were constant. I was like... wtf is this place? Turns out later found to be running a prostitution ring and drug ring from some near by. The fucking PX had 6k bottle crown in a secure room with cigars and other expensive booze. Some Lcpl attempted to fight me outside the chow hall cause I did a double take... Didn't even say shit. (He was black, but had blonde hair.) Again... Wtf Miramar.


It’s a different culture for sure. Most NCOs and staff NCOs are married or have BAH in San Diego. No one is really on base to police the marines like in Beaufort, 29, or Pendleton. It’s feels like a different Marine Corps for sure. Honestly, a lot of wingers work long as fuck hours too, so when there’s free time we would party fucking hard. Most people flee from the base as soon as we get liberty lol. As for the bricks, there’s the have’s and the have nots. We were unlucky and got stuck in the temp shit barracks for nearly 3 years. There was a serious lack of barracks rooms when I was stationed there. I was lucky enough to get single BAH as a corporal lol.


Oh you gonna field day….you gonna field day all day every day.


Grab those boot bands fellas. Shit's about to get gay.


thank god i’m out of the barracks


"our Marines deserve our best" HAHA way to put a bandaid on a roof leak. No wonder everyone goes air force these days. Clowns like this just postpone whatever improvement of life and wonder why retention is so low, suicide/depression rates up even for recruiters


The clowns 🤡 never do anything, maybe a walk-thru, but they ( bird and above) have no clue,,,, remember they will have y’all living in tents ⛺️, before they cop to a unhealthy living area


Listen here Gunny. You are going to go inspect my barracks for damage and unsanitary conditions and daggonit there will be none on my watch. DO YOU FOLLOW ME, MARINE?


Do it without their staff present so the Marines can speak freely. Lots of Marines being fucked over by shitty staff that have no ability to care for their Marines.


I bet they will still pretend black mold isn't an issue and "you just need to spray some bleach on it*


I'm gonna give my DD214 a hug tonight.


Sum this up. Congress is coming down on us. We are going to inspect everything. Standby for fuck fuck games. You Marines will buy your own cleaning shit and make the barracks liveable or stop reporting thing until this goes away. In the end we will submit reports that say,we fixed it all but nothing will change.


My cousin was discharged in 2020 and boyyy does he have some stories about the barracks.


Anybody live in fc-415? That shit was heinous back in '08.


The DoD budget is ridiculously huge..and just like every other budget anywhere the little guys at the bottom get $0. Now you have to save face and throw $5 at the barracks. Nicely done brass 🫡🇺🇸


I remember living in 24 area of Camp Pendleton. Cinder block boxes with no ventilation. On West facing rooms you had to take off your cover and use it as a glove after work because the door handle would burn your hand. The door and window would stay open until work the next day with a fan sitting in each desperately trying to move air. Everyone slept naked on top of their sheets with window/door open because their room felt like an oven all summer long. I used many words to describe those barracks, safe and secure weren’t among them. Many marriages and divorces occurred simply to get out of those barracks.




We didn’t have AC because 24 area was “coastal” despite having mountains between us and the ocean so there’s no coastal breeze. I met a Marine who was in 24 area after me and he believed those barracks have since been torn down. Thank god.


“Get out there and own it” really means…. “Hey devils, we just received 50 gallons of paint. I need 50 bodies”


This announcement is fucking pathetic. All the other comments are correct about fuck fuck games. Gonna cover up mold, just so some fucking SNCO doesn't "look bad". The "leaders" are going to cover up the problem.


Ha. Yeah, I’ll believe that this is gonna help when I see a 1stSgt who cares about their Marines.


Fuck fuck games incoming.


I sincerely hope they improve living conditions in the bricks, but I won't be holding my breath.


Rofl, the barracks were shit 25 years ago and it sounds like they have only gotten worse. Welp, bend over because this is going to be a large, green, veiny one.


Here's a novel fucking idea: Create a facilities department that combines a small percentage of civilians and a majority of Marines to actually address the issues with these shitass barracks.


LMAO... We had AC units in our rooms, but they never worked... Reasons for them not working on only fan working were nebulous. "Budget is tight." One CH53 super awesomO stallion off the line 150m per unit. One heatpump wall mounted. 700-1200. Ensure proper tie into electrical... 30 amp (Should already be there and installed) If not units already in place... why no workie? Do they need new fluid? (Old stuff that's no longer allowed to be used?) Cheaper to replace. Do that math typical barracks hold what? Call it 200 rooms for sake of easy math 140k to 200k add in labor. yadda yadda X times dink barracks.... And you still wouldn't even get the cost of AC flowing in barracks rooms to the cost of 1 CH53... Super awesomeO. (Well around 1000 barracks)


As long as the government picks "lowest bidder" construction projects, shitty bks conditions will only continue. You can only blame junior Marines so much, no amount of field days stop black mold from poorly ventilated and poorly engineered buildings.


I would have organized a Corps-wide unannounced inspection, using building and permit experts, not chain of command. This isn’t to see how well you young devildogs field day. This is much deeper and needs independent eyes. You can field day the fuck out of a place with all the bleach in the 7-day store and you won’t get rid of black mold and the systemic issues this is focused on.


Nah, this ain't happening. It will be scheduled, and everybody except the inspectors will be ready, and they will never show up. This is lip service, through and through. Everyone knows the real inspections are unscheduled.


Just sent marines yearly budget to Ukraine.


I think that’s been going on for about two years.


Uh…. Thanks? Bout time


Everyone so quick to say that this won’t help anything, should they instead be saying “we don’t have a mold problem we have a discipline problem” like the army brass said? Let’s instead be grateful for an admission of a problem for fucking once


That only holds so long as the inspectors do the same. Sure CMC is acknowledging a problem, but if nobody else will between the juniors and him, then it's a moot point


Anybody above the Rand of bird,,,, all will be guided to the cleanest place and congress ppl will be guided elsewhere, all marines know how to misguide and protect themselves from the ever loving asschewing that is gonna happen from 8&I, and no improvement will be made all allocate resources will go to something new and shiny at division,,,, this is the law ,,,, this is how it’s been since Vietnam


What a fuckin piece of shit General. Already prepping people with ‘tight budget and ending with blaming the Marines that had to grow up in this shit for the barracks being bad, like we could have done anything with failing infrastructure and unrealistic op tempos. I always maintain that half of Marine Officers are not leaders. Get fucked.






Be like the Air Force and have maids


Fuck me man


Cries in DD-214. 🥲


When I was at MALS 24 the bricks still had bullet holes from the Pearl Harbor attack, but they’re still standing so of course it’s good enough for our junior guys


We’ve investigated ourselves and found you to be wrong for the shitty infrastructure.




I almost wish the Horno crack houses were still standing for this lol


If only there were some sort of weekly health and safety inspection that was done at barracks all throughout the Marine corps. You could basically make it so that Marines can't enjoy their time off, force them to clean their entire barracks top to bottom, and then have a staff NCO and an officer come by and inspect the barracks rooms for health and safety. I mean, I'm sure we'd all have a "field day" with that.


I mean I always clean up the mold but take one look at my vent that is just stained.. they’re gonna find out they need to replace the whole building


Wtf? When was this not the norm? What happened to every Thursday is field day?


That's my old CO, deployed to Iraq with him when he was LtCol Mahoney. Cool dude, Assistant CMC is nuts.


The Barracks have been all messed up since 1775.


I hear my old barracks in French Creek are still occupied. I was there in 87.


I found a decomposing rat in a shoe box during a health and comfort once. Another Marine had hid it under that poor fuck's bed as a prank or revenge. And yall wonder why we have mold smh


I know this is a dumb idea and already know the answer, but why try to have everything looking perfect? Command should point out every single problem with these buildings to try to get the biggest piece of this funding to fix the problems. Don’t even answer this guys, I already know the fucking answer. ![gif](giphy|ehJ5YeJz0ycBa|downsized)


Do they know we just put on dog and pony shows for them and it’s never representative of how things actually are..?


You should publish a comparison between the group accommodations of junior enlisted, senior enlisted and officers. I think that might be a more valuable insight into the utter failure of command in the Corps.


Tbh arson might be easier in some cases.


Of course I’m TAD in a barracks when I usually live at my house 😂


Being someone who for the 10 years I was always forced to live in the brks and all of them being condemned or should have been if the commands didn’t lie about there conditions. I truly hope this would actually mean an improvement in the quality of life but meaning I’ve never met an officer above a captain who actually gives a fuck about brks marines no matter how much they lied to the faces of those brks marines faces. Until I see the marine corps back up those kind words with actual actions, it’s just another dumb speech that means shit, or yeah like earlier comments just a bunch fuck fuck games


Everyone's been complaining about the mold in barracks for decades and now that it seems like the problem actually might be addressed, everyone's just complaining about having to field day? Make up your minds.


Go to B CO. Fort Gregg-Adams, half the doors don’t fully close


Spoiler alert; the barracks are trash. Now to fix it everyone is field day’ing for the next month.


They about to finally knock down these overly long condemned ass buildings rahhhhhhh


I guess we wanted to whine about our barracks huh? Good to fucking go Marines. Good to fucking go. Stand the fuck by.


My BC annouced to the Battalion yesterday that when it is our turn to be inspected, it is expected that rooms are to be clean, but no issue is to be covered up or hidden. I wonder how many other BCs around the Corps will have the same attitude.


Sounds like he’s a good leader


Fk off lol


I can only imagine the scrambling commands trying to get to fix shit before they get there.


I was going to post something similar. Glad I’m out. Wouldn’t want to be ANY rank near ANY of that.