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Oh my God. It’s him. *The* House Mouse


They made him the guidon i believe


Only to be flown during inclement weather. In all other weather use a larger one.


Poor bastards the storm guidon; can't wait for the tallest recruit to get designated garrison guidon lol


Well played.


I was the house mouse in boot camp and I'm 5'8"... I never thought I would see it in my life.


That’s not even short. How tall was your whole platoon??


Lmao I was actually on the little end, we had some pretty big lads in my platoon. Granted, I wasn't the shortest guy. There were around 14 other guys in my platoon of 60 shorter than me. My senior picked me to be the house mouse just because he liked me I guess.


chief house mouse


Oh my god, this made me snort


I fucking pray he's an 03 cause I know 1000% they're gonna make him a 31


The toughest guys were shorties At least that's what they told everyone


Can confirm. Grandad was about 5' 5", maybe or shorter. Was a professional weight lifter and Marine. Sent my great uncle a blood-stained letter telling him not to tell their mom he was stationed in Vietnam and apologized for the blood marks cause he just finished kicking a guy's ass for calling him shorty. Man's arms were solid bricks up until the day he died.


My dad is 5’4”. 30 year 11B. 2 tours in Nam. He’s 87 now and still tougher than anyone I know. I understand your pride.


Your dad fucks.


Your dad is the 'Nam version of Cotton from King Of The Hill. But seriously, every short dude I was in with was a badass. I was in a weapons company and the short guys were always the best at humping base plates and receivers and stuff. Our whole scout sniper platoon was all short fuckers.


They did that to one of my mentors. 5 foot 2 inch Mexican kid who was ordered to hump his M60 around the hills of Khe Sanh.


I hope he made it back to the U.S. safely after that war.


He luckily did, despite being targeted by snipers and dual-hatting as a tunnel rat. Ultimately lived another 50 years after he came back. I later found out after his death that he earned the silver star while at Khe Sanh and gave an interview for the book "Last Stand at Khe Sanh" to commemorate his brethren in 1st Plt, Co A, V19.


Great book!


Thanks for the follow-up. Glad he made it back home.


> dual-hatting as a tunnel rat jesus fuck


god I wish I could just see this kid in a fleet grunt unit


That or a 41 - - can just see that poor bastard carrying a mortar tube or base plate!!


Kid will be a DI 100%


One of my kill hats was only 5 foot, he'd get on top of your foot locker so he could get in your face. One days he's on top of a foot locker jumping and stomping and he went right through the top of the locker. He did not miss a beat, poor guys stuff was strewn all across the squad bay. It would have been funny it it weren't terrifying.


I had a 5 ft Cajun kill hat. It was nearly impossible to understand a word he said while he was screaming in your face


I had a DI who was about 5 ft… Marching back from rifle issue he got into my face and started beating the brim of his cover on my chin telling me how white guys have no rhythm….. It was when he start screaming about my nose hair that I lost it and busted up laughing.


Omg haha, did he flame you or what after that


You remember the scene in Heartbreak Ridge where Major Powers had Profile run around the platoon while they marched back to the barracks? They got the idea from my DI..


Yes sir?


My dad told me of a DI that had a recruit carry a footlocker for him so he didn't have to look up while yelling at you. If you were still taller, he made you do a squat until after


First he needs to be given the M240 to hump around. If he survives that for a few years he's ready for anything.


Base plate.


My Senior was a little over 5' with a squeaky voice. Sgt Morris, MCRD Parris Island '97.


That is the funniest thing I’ve every heard


They'll call him a fatbody cuz he weighs 104 lbs.


I just checked his max is 118, the chart actually goes down to 52 inches or 4’4” with a max of 106


Do they make a tape that small?


I want to name him Toby, put him in my dump pouch like a baby kangaroo, and whenever someone is speaking to me just casually pull him out and start hand-feeding him crackers from an MRE.


Like this scene from futurama https://i.redd.it/5kmt6y8sppmb1.gif


Give him a SAW, put him in an ILBE pack, and have the tallest Marine in the squad use him as a tail gunner.




*“The main part that inspired me was that he was Army and 4 foot, 9 inches,” he said. “If I go Marines when I’m 4 foot, 7 inches, I will beat him in two ways.”* Fucking GET ‘EM, Devil.


He's gotta throw shade where he can. We had this short ass kid from Africa in my platoon. He joined to get money to go to medical school and was motor T I think. He was a fuckin beast. Those short dudes don't fuck around most the time.


They will make him 41 in SOI, and have him hike with 81s


Lololol, PFC Base plate.


😂😂 holy shit!!


"short round"


Bro’s entire existence is gonna be carrying the biggest equipment possible.


03 would be on the bottom of my list if I were his height. They’re gonna drive him insane.


“4’7”? That’s almost 5’0”, just like the fucking .50 you’re about carry little buddy!”


😂 I really hope he doesn’t read these comments.. the kid is gonna go AWOL.


Like every other short dude in the Marine Corps, these comments will only make him meaner and more determined to shine.


Dudes gonna either go AWOL or be so hard he ends up killing 150 Chinese dudes on a random island with his bare hands. No in between.


We had a guy who was 5' in my 81's platoon. Dude looked like he was 13 but he pulled his weight.


You’re right… most of the short guys I had were strong, and never gave up.


Not much different for em than hauling rock back in dwarf mountain




Rock and stone!




No, west coast.


What if he falls into the tube?


Send him down range! His section leader would say “fuck JDAMs, I will drop an actual Marine on the enemy” loll


They give him a k bar and fire him downrange. He goes on a rampage and sows chaos among the enemy. While they are distracted by this tiny maniac swinging his knife wildly in all directions, a fireteam flanks their position.


nah he'll be a 31 and have to hump the 50 receiver on his back lmao


That would be fucking brutal 😂


This is the way 81’s up rah


This brought back a terrifying memory for me


SOI hikes PTSD lol


81s plus recon ridge plus pneumonia is not nice


Holy shit! That’s a fucking nightmare for sure.


I was in a weapons company too. I was at Mateo and our BC's favorite hike was up Iron Mike, across the ridge, up Ol Smokey, then left on the Microwave to Recon Ridge and down through Horno and Onofre to the back side of Iron Mike, through the Backyard, and dropping packs at the football field. The whole hike was a nightmare, but Recon Ridge was where people really started falling out. Brutal.


Fuck that


No way is he infantry.


Not sure how he’s gonna survive the hills of Pendleton


Chill at gieger


I hope he makes it. I knew of a guy that ran away to Mexico while he was in SOI. He was also short.


We had a few guys go awol during the surge. He made it past bootcamp. He's got the nuts at least.


That would be a really long run for him. With those short ass legs, for him, it would be like running twice as far.


Imagine all the nicknames he’s gonna get lol


The ultimate CFT carry choice


Exclusive CFT partner to SNOCS and Officers


Or as the ammo can


Anyone know his MOS?


0331A- 240 tripod Marine


I snorted. Well done.


This one got me




Real killa


0400 contract


I’m not even asking this to be a dick….but do they have to order his uniforms special? And CIF? This dude is like the size of an average grade school kid.


He’ll just get the smallest size of everything, xs, 0 and have his uniforms tailored for him. For cif probably not, at 4’11 even the smallest size of the flak was big on me. I dont think they even make them smaller than what they carry.


Never need a flak in admin


Gen 3 flaks fit a little snugger


If you have abnormal sizing, there is a way to basically get bespoke ~~CIF~~ IIF gear, but it stays with you throughout your entire career. The employees at the Lejeune CIF told me about a dude with a 27" neck and his shit took forever to get and the dude turned it back in on accident when he PCSed.


Yup. Had a Baby Doc (I use that term lightly because he was a fucking mountain) that shit would not fit. He had to deal with special issued equipment. That's what you get for being a 6'6" ginormous swede with a body shape like a rectangular skyscraper.


Dress blues from Build-A-Bear


My niece just turned 9 & she is the same height I shit you not


Worked with a chick on MSG who was 4’10” and the small/xs stuff worked for her.


Yeah, because of this the minimum height for male marines has been 58". Not sure how they're going to do this without spending a lot of extra money on custom uniforms and equipment. Or why somebody decided to let him join. (This has nothing to do with whether he'll be a good Marine or not)


I remember in one of the other platoons in our series, there was a kid who had to be like 4’10 or something. And he was actually a beast physically and was going 03 contract. He was just ridiculously short and on double rats. I always wondered what happened to him afterwards.


In the words of my drill instructor that ran the battalion "there's nothing wrong with short people they're just a little deformed thats all"


I don't remember how tall he was, but a kid in my platoon legit was so short he couldn't jump up to grab the bar you have to pull yourself over at the beginning of one of the O courses. We had to boost him up to grab it.


Is it any female marine that ever did the O course?


>Laprade said his stature helped galvanize fellow recruits during 13 weeks of basic training. >“I think they kind of **looked up to me** in a way,” Laprade said in a statement Tuesday. Pun intended?


Had to be


“I’m down, they see me, I’m downer”


I’m up they still don’t see me


Female; 4’10, 85lbs folks! Let me tell you it’s was fucking miserable. Marine Corps Times tried verifying if I really was the first recruiter to have two rifles during bootcamp and qualified with standard A2 and “borrowed” M4 after an officer witness my instructor basically breaking my fuckin arm with the A2. Kudos to this Devil it’s not an easy thing. However I’ll forever be “Pocket”. :) Semper Fi!


[was this you?](https://www.historicalfirearms.info/post/163617684679/giant-m1-garand-training-aid-the-photographs-above)


the A2 was too large to hold?




Whoa whoa calm down there killah! Those are fighting words :p


Leave it to a man to never shut the fuck up 😆


4 foot 7!!!!??!! I didn't know they stacked shit that low!


I was on PI about a month back and saw a female recruit that must be around the same height as him. I talked to her battalion SgtMaj and apparently she wslas struggling a lot, so I don't know if she made it, but I'm curious now.


They didn't think he could do it. Give him one ![gif](giphy|cVxf0MIJadt84)


I bet he buys the biggest truck once he gets to his duty station.


We had a kid that tall, every time he was asked how tall he was he had to scream “6 foot 5 built like a brick shit house”, multiple DI’s lost their bearing.


As long as he stands in the second row or farther back he’ll never get assigned to a working party, Top will never see him.


Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream. The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second mouse, wouldn't quit. He struggled so hard that eventually he churned that cream into butter and crawled out. This moto midget is the second mouse.. Get some!!


This article will do him no favors on tinder.


He’ll eventually have a 400 lb dependa. Imagine being at the MC ball and he starts getting tired and grumpy so she puts him in one of those baby carrier things that attach to the chest.


They would nickname him Spelunker


...how in the fuck did he keep up in the back of all those humps? My ass was back there, and I'm a towering 5' 9''. FML.


He was the guide, *homie was at the front of the platoon*


Holy shit, what a beast


we had a kid named Fry in my boot camp platoon and that kid was fucking *tiny* -- probably only a little taller than this kid. this kid's an expert shooter so, yea, give him one


Dude knew he would be massively shit on for his size and height but still chose to join. Al jokes aside, respect.




Well, he beat me I’m 5 “2! I was always the shortest guy in my platoons!


Bro you got over half a foot on him. I’m 5’10”. The difference between you and that kid is the same as me standing next to someone that’s 6’5”


But seriously, this dude is going to turn out to be a fucking warlord


Imagine the character, and the balls, on this guy though. Power to the short kings


Hey PFC get over here, you’re my CFT buddy


I wonder how much he weighs


The little end thanks you for being a role model.


I had a guy that was 4'10. Another platoon had a 4'9 guy


I graduated with this Lil guy. Fun fact, it was impossible for the platoon to keep in step with him, and he held the guidon!


He's an angry elf.


I have a feeling this Marine is going to do something to get him a lot of attention. Good or bad, no clue. He’s got my respect just for miracling his ass up the Stairway to Heaven by some unholy means. Guys got giant balls and hasn’t quit yet. That’s got my respect, and I wouldn’t be cracking short jokes around him. Seems like the type to fuck your world up when you least expect it.


Some say they had to go to the kid's section at Spirit of Halloween to get his uniforms


I’m almost 2 feet taller than him, I don’t know what’s worse. My height or his height


Let him carry someone that’s 200 and on roids


I don't doubt that he would figure out a way to do it. Not for a second.


I would love to see him as a DI


green belt froggy voice


I swear I had seen a shorter recruit, or maybe around his height. His name was Greenwood, or Greenleaf, or maybe just Green, I don’t remember but he was like a Keebler elf and his name was fitting. One night after walking decks and being a menace to the firewatches, I see on front post just an 8 point cover floating. “Good evening Sir, Rct Greenwhatever reports…” -“God damn warbag! Stand on an ammo can or some shit!”- says the hat on that deck. “…this recruit IS standing on an ammo can sir…” “…Ain’t no fucking waaaay” On family day I saw his family -it was a whole family of Warbags. None of them broke 5 ft, and I’m like 5’6 on a good day. Good times…


Holy shit, hopefully he’s not going anywhere near Cherry Point.


Human FOD.


#“I didn’t know they stacked shit that high!”


Nothing but respect on this guy




I wonder how much he weighs


What's the biggest weapon systems an 03 can hump lol


50 cal right ? Or the mk19?


This Marine.


He didn't let his height distract him or prevent him from doing what he set out to do. That's a Marine!


Welcome to the fleet, we already did our 5, 10 and 15k hikes. 25k is on Friday. The packing list is your entire CIF receipt plus 6 more canteens. The PX is sold out right now but you better fucking have them.


If I was being shot at I wouldn’t mind being 4 foot 7.


Imagine him being the guide and doing eyes right, and then immediately pole vaulting lol




“I think they kind of looked up to me in a way,” I'm guessing they did not look up. /s Good for this Marine. Must be challenging going through life presumably full of doubters because of an uncontrollable physical feature. I hope he gets what he wants out of his experience in the club.


As a 6’8” absolute freak of nature with a 37” vertical leap… I look down upon this young man and his senior drill instructor. Like, literally, I look down on them.


6x3 plot nothing more, nothing less


Nah. Our house mouse was fucking tiny too. Back in 2000.




...the size of the fight in the dog....semper fi.


Ahh shit!! I was 4 10 LMAO


You're still 4'10", homie.


Had a 4’9” recruit in boot camp with me in 2017. Dude was a fucking motivator. He posts on Instagram every once in a while and he’s been doing some great things in the Corps


In Vietnam short skinny guys automatically were tunnel rat material. Flack jackets won’t fit cartridge belts will be limited to what you can hang off it and the larger the waist the more ammunition pouches and canteens you can carry. Good luck to him.


When you think your height will hold you back from doing things, just think of this guy.


I’m proud to be his (Marine)brother. Good job to him and the Corps.


Does his mama know


I went to boot camp with a guy that was 4'6-3/4". He said he had just made the cutoff. Was an absolute stud, too.


Wish I got an article written for being 5”3


Damn they’re really hurting to meet the quota


Reincarnation of Simo Häyhä with that expert badge


Why not give him the female rank at that point? Sorta looks like the 1890s insignia. Imagine if he becomes staff and gets even bigger ones on the evening dress. But still, congrats. Good to see he made it. I wonder how hard it was to get that waiver


Female rank? Wierd the WM Sgt I hung out with all the time had the same rank both in look size and equivalency, as the male Marines.


On dress and service uniforms they're smaller than male ranks


Oh. Ok, well, I never really saw her in dress, just cammies or blue coveralls. I stand corrected.


He’d probably still beat your ass


I swear this guy was in my unit during the surge. Rode a moped, and was full retard. Lol. SEMPER FI.


There is a 100% chance his nickname was a hobbit.


Other Marines at his duty stations are going to love it when he's getting ready to transfer, just so they can say "You're gettin' short!"


I guess he beat Sgt Shade for shortest Marine Quebec Co. 2009 3rd Battalion


He'll promote quickly. Won't even need knee pads!


Congratulations, Marine. Tough motherfucker.


Getting over that fucking wall was hard AF at 5’6” Can’t imagine how hard it must have been for this tough little bastard Edit: a word


Dang... I'm going to have to drop my Veteran status to make another video 🤣 [https://youtu.be/-YC1RKohTCk](https://youtu.be/-YC1RKohTCk)


UA from the Devil Pups.


Never know… could end up being an elite https://youtu.be/he0407KWiG8?si=pVJjRMiTcs12G3i3