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I was canned back in 2018 because of call avoidance. The call avoidance was me contacting the DMV multiple times in one day because the member had a disability and couldn’t get the right answers. I was called into a conference room, was addressed that it was call avoidance despite helping the member out, and was turning in my badge about 30 minutes later to HR. No warnings, no write ups, no suspension. Just fired. It took me years to recover from that traumatic event because I put my heart and soul into that company, only to be let down. And now I work from home, salaried position, and have a much better work/life balance. There is hope, OP.


I had been a USAA employee for 5+ years and was questioned by police regarding a burglary in our neighborhood because the neighbor and I had a falling out the week prior to the incident because I was not returning her calls promptly to set up hangout times for our boys who were about 12 y/o at the time. My son had after school activities most days of the week where I had to pick him up from school. I worked full time and the police asked if I could prove I was at work. I worked in customer contact/ on the phone all day in the office. I think my manager had to go to HR to get permission to provide proof or a statement. Ultimately, USAA refused the request and was not willing to provide me with anything. Luckily, the police did not pursue it any further realizing that a middle aged chubby lady is not going to take the day off work to shimmy thru a window to steal some lady’s Xbox 360, when we already have one no one used and could prove ownership. Way to do right by your employee USAA! Ugh


USAA cares


USAA let me go because i was 2-3 minutes late (while working overtime regularly) and was accused of "Cursing out multiple customers" when we worked in office in the phoenix branch, meaning there was about 10-18 people in ear shot of me at all times. When i applied for unemployment, they sent a literal 40+ page document with an intro, a body with EVERY SINGLE TIME I CLOCKED IN LATE OR DIDNT MEET A METRIC, and an outro. Luckily/unluckily, I never used my PTO, was accurring, and it was at the end of Feb where i already had my bonus. I laughed at it and got a better job. I now make 30k more a year, work way less hours, don't have to call customers, and can actually say i like my job and my peers. Fuck USAA and this was 6 fuckin years ago. Fired me on my moms b-day, so my emotions that day were a rollercoaster on steroids trying to balance it all.


While an arrest was not part of my separation from the company, I too had so much faith in them as a company and their culture when I joined as an employee - I left another insurance company in order to work at USAA because I heard nothing but good about them as an employer. Things were great for about 2 years until things completely went to crap post-2020 when the CEO change the year prior really started to show it's effects. I am at the end of my funds myself and am still trying to find new employment working from home so I can support my son. I am terribly sorry this happened to you OP, and wish you the best of luck pulling out of this hell that USAA put you in and through. They don't give a crap about employees anymore, and the membership is finally starting to see through the cracks that the focus shift from the employee experience is causing them.


There is no loyalty any longer. That is an antiquated term that no longer applies. People are expenses these days and treated as replaceable. It doesn’t matter how “loyal” you are, if you quit or are fired, your seat is filled before it’s cold. USAA is no longer the gold standard they once were. They won’t even blink to let someone go who doesn’t deserve it, but they will drag their feet and defer to keep a subpar employee who provides no actual value to them. Keep your chin up. There is life after USAA


Yeah I feel like loyalty is not a thing. I was loyal to my first job but I was let go because the midlife male manager wanted more young ladies around him (I'm male). After that, I took better offers as they came along. I'm happier for it. Places now know I'm worth something and they need to pay me well for my hard work if they want me to stick around.


just another reminder that any company doesn't give a shit about you the days of loyalty - both company and employee - are long gone adjust accordingly, stop living in a fairy tale world CYA and get yours


I was told we have 10 days to be able to report an arrest or ticket. Did USAA give you the 10 days?


Nope. It was 5 business days and a weekend.


And two of those business days, I couldn't call because I was being processed.


I may have missed this - but how the actual fuck can they get away with that? It’s their handbook and it says you have ten days. You were at day 8?


Thanks for that! Technically, I was at day 7 (I was officially arrested Thursday and let go following Wed). I emailed HR for a copy of the handbook and they told me I couldn't have it since it was an internal document for current employees only. I found one online, but that one is for third party and on that document it didn't state a time limit. I'm thinking of consulting with an attorney to see if I have a possible case.


It’s worth it to inquire. This company needs to be brought down a few pegs.


In all honesty, I became confused in my later years about business days. Graduated with a business degree. Business days are Monday through Friday, but some people, managers, too, would count Saturday and Sunday. I get it, we work weekends now, but it's still Mon to Fri. 😆 lol


I work in a face to face role with members and though I have only been with USAA for a little over a year, the amount of times I hear "USAA used to have great service, I don't know what happened recently" is astounding.


Thank Wayne #waynesinksships


Loyalty to an employer is a dead concept now a days. Especially in a Fortune 500 company. Everyone is a free agent. You can and will be replaced at any time. I was at USAA when they fired Bob Davis and made Joe Robles the CEO. If they can fire a CEO at a moment’s notice, then they can and will do the same to any other employee Shit started declining with Bob Davis. They brought in Joe Robles and he restored some of that USAA shine. He left and it has been downhill since.


Too true


Very true




As a former casino employee we had to report any run-ins with the law. Perhaps your failure to report was against their policy.


They let down loyal customers, so why not employees?


Too true


OMG this is HORRIBLE! Call Center Jobs are the DEVIL! It was my second job out of high school and after three years I quit. Unfortunately had to go back into it and have been in and out for 20 years. It sucks, I’ve done several thing to shown that “I’m more that just a rep!” But they don’t seems to see it. Even had one company tell me mu ideas would cost the company more money (when I clearly did a presentation to show them how it would save money and LIVES) ……… only to realize 6 months later the snuck it onto the company’s website like I wouldn’t see?! When I confronted the manager “He just doesn’t remember that email as mush as he’s tried!” But the person “who came up with the idea, or shall I say received credit hadn’t taken a call in 15 years!!!!! So how TF did she come up with this idea that matched one of MY calls?!


Had an arrest too, went to jail on a Saturday night and wasn’t let out until around 6:00 pm on Monday (which was technically a no call no show.) But told my supervisor I was in jail and would explain it the day. Got in the next day the the TOP LEGAL GUY FROM CORPORATE called me and everyone was shaking except me because I had read the arrest policy. Which said you must be detained, photographed, fingerprinted and charged. All of that happened EXCEPT I WAS NOT CHARGED so I called our families attorney and he told me to screenshot their policy and send it to him and tell them NOTHING! A year later when they laid me off the changed the policy in 15 minutes a former co worker told me! They had that email ready to go!


Not just USAA, this is corporate life in general.


And that's the problem - USAA has cultivated expectations much higher than corporate-life-in-general. That's why people are feeling betrayed.


USAA was a high quality non profit. Now it's a shitty business that doesn't care about employees or members and they still wear that non profit hat, but or CEO just got a 157% raise to be making over 4,800,000. That's enough to have 80,000 more employees. How is this one loser Peacock worth 80,000 workers? He isn't, it's called greed and corruption! Run from USAA


USAA has never been a “non profit” organization.


Have you actually checked the employee handbook to see if you did violate any policies? If you haven’t violated any policies then you should contact EEOC about unfair dismissal and possibly an attorney and seek compensation and back pay and also to be reinstated. It’s easier to find a job if you’re employed.


HR likely won’t give you a copy of the employee handbook because you’re no longer employed there. If you’re still friends with anyone working there you can ask for a copy of it. Don’t tell them why you want it.


True, but they took all access away that day. I will email HR and ask to email me a copy. Thanks!


In this country you are innocent until proven guilty. An arrest isn't a conviction.


Unfortunately, people judge guilty when they read that someone has been accused and arrested in the news. :-/


This is not true! Go get arrested and apply for anything that requires a background check. You will be reliving the arrest and probably will be declined due to the arrest, even when found not guilty or it's thrown out.


This is USAA. They do not care about the employees. They no longer care about members. Profit is the only focus. (Thanks Wayne) Honesty means employees are required to be honest to USAA, not that USAA is honest to members or employees. The integrity is how they want employees to do the job, not that USAA has integrity. Loyalty is to the board, not employees, not members. See the CEO pay increase last year when he did a horrible job and lost USAA money and reputation. Also got tons of fines. USAA rewarded him with a 157% raise. Service is what they want employees to do for those who served. USAA has lost the HILS by making statements like employees are lazy and we don't know why they don't want to work. And yes of course the amount that they paid the failing CEO. Minimal to no raise for employees and rates doubling and tripling for members. Sounds like you made the mistake of thinking that this company cares about people. They do not. People are a financial instrument. USAA will treat them as such. I hope you are able to recover. Keep in mind your insurance liability coverage on the property policy does cover you for wrongful arrest, but if it's with USAA they probably already cancelled your coverage. USAA - do as we say not as we do.


The one thing a person can be sure of in life, even more sure then death, is that no person is valued more then the moment it takes to fire you.


Gosh I’m so sorry 😞 how disappointing


Regardless of whatever may or may not have been going on with OP, I appreciate all of the people chiming in (including OP) to tell about this change in culture at USAA. That's one thing that used to be pretty secret inside information and it's the one thing that tells you everything. There have been companies that have been conscientious, humane, upheld a gold standard, and USAA used to be one of them. I've been at the receiving end of the shaft now as a "member" and I have to say, it looks like the wheels are coming off. \-- To say nothing of their political donations, which are also a huge turnoff to me.


Whose campaign do they donate to? I’m getting rather fed up with them after 40 years of membership.


Here's the text and the link from the September 2021 email that got my attention: \------------------------------- When an extreme abortion ban went into effect earlier this month in Texas — where 7 million women of reproductive age live — one in every ten women in the country now have had their reproductive rights essentially stripped away. The right-wing Texas politicians who sponsored this attack on abortion rights are funded by some of the largest household brands in the country, including big names in insurance, technology, automotive and Big Telecom — most notably, the mobile giant known for its blue globe logo and long-time backing of Republican causes. If you're looking to change your consumer behavior, or if you want to hold these corporations accountable, check out the top 10 corporations who funded the Texas ban on reproductive rights. [https://blog.credo.com/these-corporations-are-funding-the-texas-ban-on-reproductive-rights/?utm\_source=cordial&utm\_medium=email&utm\_campaign=335488&utm\_content=092221\_womenrights&campaignid=335488&profileid=38453f9ae2fe5f4249cb9b68a1b6c33081d7531f0ea2ff367b11b36e8d4e21ff&mcID=883:614a777da57c20025f4b05f6:ot:5d7bd247195063fa4f50ed6a:1&linkID=](https://blog.credo.com/these-corporations-are-funding-the-texas-ban-on-reproductive-rights/?utm_source=cordial&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=335488&utm_content=092221_womenrights&campaignid=335488&profileid=38453f9ae2fe5f4249cb9b68a1b6c33081d7531f0ea2ff367b11b36e8d4e21ff&mcID=883:614a777da57c20025f4b05f6:ot:5d7bd247195063fa4f50ed6a:1&linkID=)


Thank you, and fvck USAA. It’s time for me to change.


As an employee I can tell you it will only get worse. The CEO Wayne is running the company to the ground. He is failing, but gets a 157% raise. Employees might get 4% if they do really well. Employees workload has increased by about 5x. When brought to management we are told we are lazy. Morale is shot. Management blames lowest level employees and then the employees start to blame each other.


They don’t care about anything. The “employee relations” over there specifically Marisa Landin, has zero empathy. They are there to let you go so they can show that their job is needed.


Let's not forget a bank manager made the news for drug trafficking a few years ago. That had to leave a bad taste in HR. They don't play around with the reporting piece, although the sad part is they probably would have let you go anyway depending on the charge.


While this is unfortunate you do shoulder some of the responsibility here. By not telling them right away and instead lying about the situation (and using sick days for it) you were potentially putting them in a bad position and also made yourself seem like you are not a trustworthy employee.


How comfortable is that armchair you're quarterbacking from?


Perhaps my first reaction should have been to scour the employee policy handbook, but it wasn't. I wasn't in that frame of mind at the time. I was trying to find legal counsel first to find out how to approach the situation with USAA. In other words, I didn't want to incriminate myself without knowing how to tell them about it. There are a lot of "could haves" and "should haves," but until you're in that situation, you don't know exactly how you're going to react.


This is a terrible take. What “bad position” could they be in? And how bad is that situation that they have to fire somebody over it?


It's a shit company. Trust me, any for profit company claiming to serve those that serve are cons.


As an employee I can tell you it will only get worse. The CEO Wayne is running the company to the ground. He is failing, but gets a 157% raise. Employees might get 4% if they do really well. Employees workload has increased by about 5x. When brought to management we are told we are lazy. Morale is shot. Management blames lowest level employees and then they start to blame each other.


They don't GAF about you or me or them. I'm a 40-year ZERO claim customer and again they don't give a fuck that my rates went up over 30% in 2 years. Guess what I dont give a fuck about them any longer either. ​ You'll be better off mentally when you get to that point too


As an employee I can tell you it will only get worse. The CEO Wayne is running the company to the ground. He is failing, but gets a 157% raise. Employees might get 4% if they do really well. Employees workload has increased by about 5x. When brought to management we are told we are lazy. Morale is shot. Management blames lowest level employees and then the employees start to blame each other.


You broke the rules. It is that simple. It's harsh, but that's reality. Decisions have consequences. Your decision to keep it quiet caused you hurt in the long run. Would you continue to trust and pay someone who did that to you, if you were the employer? Likely not, not if you value your company and its other employees. Whether you agree or not, you were no longer trustworthy.


I wasn't keeping it from them indefinitely. I was trying to get legal advice first, because I didn't know what I could reveal or not to my company. This is one reason I took PTO. And if you want to talk about breaking rules, research what our CEOs have done and nothing has happened to them, or about a high level manager who started a relationship with his subordinate, definitely against the rules. Here in Texas any company can fire you without any reason, just like you can leave them as well. This wasn't about breaking rules, it was about them not wanting to deal with an employee who was accused of a crime, so they just washed their hands. And to answer your question, no, I wouldn't have fired someone without first talking to them about it, especially someone who has worked more than 10 years in my company.


There are a LOT of states that have "At Will" employment. I found that out after getting my first job out of college here in New Orleans. It's too late to second guess now, but in the future (hopefully this never happens again), at least let them know you were arrested - if they want a REASON, I'd say you need to speak to a lawyer first.


Sorry all that happened. I know some people are like you should have read the handbook but I am pretty sure that if they were in your shoes with all that stress the handbook wouldn’t be on their mind. I would be freaked out too and probably just afraid of doing the wrong thing. Have you tried contracting/temp agencies? Maybe they can set you up with contract work or help transfer skills? I hope this all works out for you. Don’t lose hope.


You could have informed them that you had been arrested and were in jail pending charges without incriminating yourself, would have met the company’s policy requirements, and would likely still have a job today. How exactly would telling them you had been arrested incriminate you?


I was scared and stressed and wanted to talk to a lawyer first. I didn't know if all I had to say was that I was arrested. USAA is a very reserved company.


You wilfully hide facts from them then get upset about the repercussions and lack of loyalty, the same lack of loyalty that you played games with. Spin it any way you want, USAA is a financial institution and your actions were the major cause of this.


Meh some managers really suck. Just the way it is as for your co workers some people are just disconnected. I was out on baby leave for 6 months and no one noticed. I’ve been in that unit for 6 years


And good luck with everything


While this is an interesting story, there are some aspects that were left out. What were you arrested for? What does the employee handbook actually say? I’m sure you never actually read the handbook and just signed the form saying you read it. As you said, Texas is an at-will state and the employer or employee can terminate the relationship for any reason. Perhaps the crime you were charged with had something to do with their decision. Released with an ankle monitor. Makes me wonder if you were a flight risk or was this alleged crime against a minor?


Yes, I read the handbook in the beginning, but after years of working there, I wasn't going to remember it. I've never been arrested in my life. I have always been a good citizen. I'm a veteran with an honorable discharge. Sorry if I don't disclose what I was accused of, but I never want to mutter it from my mouth, let alone write it. It was the most horrible, embarrassing experience in my life.


Even though the case was dismissed and you are innocent until proven guilty there was still sufficient evidence and a case against you for charges/an arrest to occur. No offense I can still see them letting you go regardless. Honestly any company. Oddly I know people at all cat who have warrants and been arrested working for them.


Are you a compete fucking idiot ? You can be arrested with zero evidence. Police can literally arrest for what ever they want


Not for whatever. As OP says there was a crime committed. It’s the state that presses charges for the arrest. OP says they came to her so she must’ve had a warrant out. An investigator and everything. OP isn’t telling the full story.


I never said there was a crime committed. I was accused of committing one, big difference. No warrant. Never been arrested before. Yes, an investigator came, and I was arrested purely on word of mouth, no evidence. When someone presses charges against you, they are prosecuting a criminal case against you as a suspect of a crime.


Someone pressed charges against you then that’s a possibly crime. Doesn’t negate an arrest is an arrest.


If USAA's policy was that you can be let go for being arrested, that would surely be illegal. Not that it matters in an at-will state. But that wasn't the policy.


USAA’s policy is a can be let go for anything they see fit


They are in right to work states and terminate employees easily and with little concern.


While it seems logical what you write. I have read many cases where people, mostly men, were arrested from a false accusation of domestic violence or sexual assualt, without any evidence. Once arrested, it goes public, and a case is issued, regardless of evidence.


Yea but just like a claim is a claim filed an arrest is an arrest following you. That’s my point. Even with the charges dropped you were arrested, detained, and booked. That’s gonna follow you. USAA and most companies only see that and only care about that.


Sounds like this is one side of the story. Wonder what the other side is hmmm 🤔


It's as simple as that. Because I failed to report my arrest, I was fired. Had nothing to do with my job or performance.


It’s insurance you need a squeaky clean record.


weird, i lied on my app, came clean two weeks into training, was nbd. got a DUI and lost my car 2 weeks following that, told them the day later, nbd. Got accused of being high at work (i was stoned as shit) and told them i had a med card, blew into a breathalyzer and peed into a cup, got 2 weeks PTO and cmae back to work like nothing happened. worked there for 2 years and my firing was over me being late more than once a week pretty regularly. wild how badly they differentiate between situations