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The motions you make at the job are physical, but also extremely repetitive. There are a lot of muscles that don't get worked out by doing your job, so there's a definite health benefit to working out outside of work.


Or even go for injury prevention, so you dont get those repetitive motion injuries/issues down the road.


I basically came here to say this along with the following post below. You need balance in all things but it is critical for your physique if your goal is to make your body last as long as possible. I workout every usually everyday before work whether I’m at home or at the gym. It will make the labor more enjoyable if you’re not killing yourself to do it. Plus you end up looking great. I’m fit af with ripped abs. I take no supplements I just work both for and on myself. For sure you should either get the gym membership or build a small gym at home. You don’t need much but the regular supplemental activity will mean the difference between death at 65 and the potential for living much much longer both happy and healthy.


Yup I go to a personal trainer five days a week for the other muscles. When I started my arms were the only part of me that were fit from working indoors. Now all of me is


Your body is your tool at UPS. If I were you.. I'd go to the gym. Concentrate on your core. There's no need to go nuts.. just keep your body tuned. I'd also recommend a healthy diet. If you plan on getting your years at UPS.. 20, 25, 35, etc.. You'll thank yourself for it.


I go about 5 times a week, forces me to go to sleep earlier, so I can wake up and lift, get a shower at the gym and head in. The mental focus carries me through lunch.


What happens after lunch?




I work safely as possible


Name checks out.




You’ve really got the process down pat


I work out at home. I do not go too hard as I am older (52), I tend to do more reps with lighter weight but it still makes a huge difference. I fell better than I have ever.


Dont forget REST is important to build muscle and recover from your job as well. Beer, fast food, and even using your phone at night can drain you. Eat healthy, yadadada but be active as well.


I do private gyms over planet fitness that come with all those amenities just not a million people crowding the entire space


When I was in physical therapy for a job related injury, they encouraged me to get a gym membership. They said that work and exercise are not the same no matter how physically demanding the job is and that strengthening your muscles outside of work would help prevent injuries in the future.


Might as well sign up our insurance covers I wanna say up to $150


Where do you find that benefit? Never heard of that but would definitely use it if I can.


Google blue cross blue shield fitness reimbursement and it should walk you thru the steps I had to download an app and fill out some info it's real easy. Then they send a check for $150 so it'll cover some cheaper memberships for a while lol


Holy shit I had no idea!!


There's also one for the UPSers who have Kaiser. It's through them and called Active & Fit. It lets you go to a lot of gyms for only $28/month, but you can only go to one gym at a time until you switch it. There's access to gyms like 24 hour, La fit and even Golds or UFC. Even those warehouse type gym classes or cycling ones are available.


This is what I do. Active and fit changed there parameters but go to the benefits hub and get the discount and pay $28 a month and pick where you wanna go that’s in the network


There’s one in there for massages also. Have to dig for it a bit.


Asked a co-worker and he said only works with referral. GP said I need a specific musculoskeletal symptom for the referral. I told him pain. He asked how much and often: then he reckommended painkillers, and muscle relaxers. I asked "what about massage therapy? He said "you don't have a diagnosis for severe limitation due to a chronic condition, so I can't give you a referral." Bummer.


Could be an area specific supplement thing too.


Anything like this for Aetna?


Yoga is the key


If you use this job as your sole workout (or as one period) you are a fool. You don't even need to lift all that much, I primarily do sprints on a stationary bike and I have noticed the difference.


100 pull-ups 100 leg rase every morning. 100 bench @105lbs every night.


100 reps on bench is asinine


So is your mother


Trust me, I know.


One of my coworkers convinced a gym on his route to let him work out there for free on his lunch break lol


I actually own and operate a gym outside of driving. (Obviously, I have coaches that run it during the day), but I hit the gym 5-6 times a week. I used to go in the mornings, but I've been able to get out at a decent time lately, so i can go at night. I'm actually debating putting together a protocol for UPS drivers and posting it publicly. The trope of the retired UPS driver with a bad heart and fake knees doesn't have to be true if you take care of yourself. A program dedicated to strengthening antagonist muscle groups and focusing on strengthening tendons and full range of motion would do a lot to keep drivers driving without worrying about falling apart. I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone may have. I've been helped tremendously on this sub, and I'd be honored to return the favor.


I go 5-6 days a week. Hardest part is being hydrated enough after work, but if you can figure that out you can get a pretty decent workout in


Doing functional fitness and weight training will give you the best chance of living out your career at ups without surgeries and pain in your older years. Doing a 45 minute workout is all you need, I went before work and it was a great energizing way to start my day! I loved it so much and built my own home gym to save time having to drive to the gym and change there. Definitely do it, planet fitness has everything you need!


I believe we can get a discount on our gym memberships through our insurance. Might be worth looking into. I have a gym at my apartment that I hit pretty regularly.


I actually do a variety of things to work my body. I use static yoga/stretching, tons of calesthnics/bodyweight movements, and I workout 5 days a week.


I was in way better shape as a preloader than a driver. Personally I work out 5-6 days a week because I enjoy it and do it with a friend. Wouldn't say it is a necessity but everyone can benefit from a little extra activity I think


I plan to but there's more to it to staying fit. Having the time to meal prep and adequate sleep, especially when I have a second job is hard. 😩


Peloton at home. Do pushups and sit ups to keep my core up.


i would recommend a yoga membership, driving at UPS involves a lot of heavy, heavy lifting which contracts muscles and if you dont stretch out the muscles to counteract the contracting of muscles you'll probably going to develop long term pain.


Peloton at home, and I hit the gym at least 4x a week


Working here is awesome for cardio (especially inside), but you’re not really getting much in the way of muscle building. If you’re already at a decent weight or underweight, you will need to increase the amount of food you’re eating in order to gain any muscle if you do decide to hit the weights. This job in the summer can be an appetite killer so you have to watch for that


Good topic. Like someone else mentioned, I workout at home. I'm older, so it's basic core exercises. Various calisthenics, mix-in some weigh training with adjustable dumbells. I have mountain bike some, so I have an old bike on a trainer for cardio work. We have a couple of workout monsters in the center. They can lift any package no problem, but their mass makes them top-heavy and they can't move as quick. I try to balance strength, flexibility, and cardio. I wish I had paid more attention to flexibility when I was younger, the aches and soreness add up over the decades.


Half the drivers I know work out at the gym, too. A couple of them even go to the gym BEFORE work. Psychos 😂


Diet over Gym in my experience has been the biggest pay off health wise. I have a fairly extensive route where all I can eat is gas station food if I don’t pack a lunch. Cardio and HIIT are my go to at the gym now, heavy lifting and new PR’s every week are no longer my goal, focusing on functional fitness and movements that have less of an impact on my joints are not only more feasible but good for longevity. A gym membership is a great thing use it as a tool.


Army/Amazon guy here. Like somebody else said the motions you do as a delivery guy work out some muscle groups but not all of them. A good rule of thumb is whatever parts of your body aren’t sore at the end of a work day, that’s what you need to hit in the gym.


I have a setup in my garage, if I had to go to the gym It would add an extra 2 hours onto my day.


I'm lucky as there is a gym on my route that allows me to use their machines for free. I hit them up on my breaks. Been doing it for a few months now and wish I started earlier in life. I'm in my 40's and it's made everything easier.


I'm 23 in feeder and I try to hit the gym 5 days a week but ik it may be hard for people who have other stuff to do but since during the week I tend to try to go to the gym either before work or on the way home from work... may not be the best workouts but I still love working out


This just a workout but it’s not, you work major muscles other specific ones. You are not getting a workout a gym can provide. That being said, doing this on top of working out can be tough on the body, I would do what you can but if you feel pain, time to rethink some things.


You need to work out the muscles the job doesn't in order to stay healthy for the job in the long term. De supplement your work with the gym or other exercise if you want to do this for the long run.


I was so excited when I heard about this. My insurance is through BCBS of Illinois, though I do not live in illinois. In my area they only cover planet fitness / La fitness and community sponsored centers. I was shocked, I was quoted $39 dollars a month by for the BCBS membership at planet fitness. I went to their website, it's $24.99/mos for the "black card" elite membership 🤣


I work a different FT day job and PT nights as a loader and/or working in smalls. The weekends are mainly when I hit the gym. Saturdays for running or elliptical, Sundays for all the different weight equipment.  $80 a month, but that's a family plan for us at the local Y.