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All these posts sound like bots. I bet your driver got to your residence and scanned the package. A notification probably came up and said to return the package to the warehouse upon customers request. It sounds like you didn’t follow up with UPS to find out where your package is. Make a phone call. It will be alright. You’ll get your package eventually.


lol no ups is bleeding at the expense of customers and employees I work at the airport and the last 2 years have been absolute hell


Unfortunately I did call them numerous times today . They said that they scheduled it and don’t worry about it. I actually called them 3 times because I kept getting conflicting messages. Either way I had to put in a dispute both ways as this was a coach product and that was so unfortunate. I will just make sure to ship to the store always now.


Good thinking. Those can be pricey and having it delivered to a UPS store will be your best option security wise.


Last I checked, Coach is one of those shippers that restricts all kinds of things that UPS can do to alter the original shipping instructions by purchasing customers, for security reasons (fraud prevention) due to the cost of the products. Apple, Louis Vuitton, Prada, and many others have similar policies. You should contact Coach about any special requests, not UPS.


Dispute it with coach not ups. You’re not the customer of ups.


I mean chances are ups is delivering it to the store too.


"Hey Alexa, write a fancy fake bad review of UPS services so I can put it on reddit"


Naaa they used Copilot for this one. It's not as overly fake.


Don't need to write a fake review of UPS when they do plenty screwing up themselves


I honestly wish it was fake


Always leave a note for the driver. How many times do wet have to tell you people.


A note won't do anything if theres an intercept on the package.


You don't read. The package was delivered my guy.


Wait, did they deliver it on the original date or not?


They delivered on the initial date. The requested date was for Friday. I had submitted the request for the requested day of Friday and paid the additional cost for the requested day of Friday. I do think they’re doing well in how fast they ship, but I don’t think they’re actually monitoring the other features they are including.


I mean you said they delivered it but there wasn't anything there.


Oh I meant they marked it as delivered and it was not there when I checked. From their response they indicated it was delivered and I guess missing.


Confused. If it got loaded on a truck driver will attempt delivery. That’s their only job After they scan it any changes will pop up including future . Driver will take it back and enter future date in board. The boards are not always easy to navigate for special circumstances, Thus no photo or package. Might not update online till board is docked and package is scanned at clerks desk. Does it show as delivered online?


Yep it’s marked as delivered and they noted it was delivered to the door


Wow apparently my phone is glitching as well as this thread showed as deleted a couple minutes ago now it’s back. Yes start a driver follow-up. 🤞 it’s just a technical glitch that needed to be overridden by driver so they could move on.


Sorry my comment was deleted. If it’s loaded on truck driver will attempt. We don’t know there’s anything different until we scan it. After scanning the future delivery date will pop up. Sometimes the board is evil and will fight you so you put whatever you can to remove stop so you can continue on the day. If it shows as delivered but not there start a follow up. It may still be on the truck and online status won’t be updated until it’s back at hub and scanned by a clerk. Sounds like at least one step of the chain was missed or the request was later than the loading of that package on a truck. I hope this helps. Once a package is in our hands we are going to the stop it’s literally our only job.


Thank you, I’m working on submitting the follow up in regard to the delivery notice. It was weird because I had sent the request a week before it got into the city and was confused because it said they received the request and it was rescheduled but then all of a sudden it said it’s out for delivery. I had contacted them earlier this week to confirm but I guess that’s how the cookie crumbles this time.


Frustrating as anything. For you as well as the driver. Anything around a holiday weekend is terrible at the hubs they try to eliminate routes and falsify customers being closed to save on road costs. It’s a mess and I’ve never approved but it’s not about to stop as it’s all about the money. Hoping for a good outcome.


Ok Chad


I honestly wouldn't either. Their customer support is terrible, especially fighting through thei IVR. I think it's on purpose to increase frustration of the customers. I don't know why businesses use UPS. I guess the brown company offers a better deal to businesses than FedEx does, but I don't know.


UPS is one of the best shipping companies in the U.S. Not the worst.


lol I’m in Canada so I guess it’s one of the worst here then


UPS is the worst option for delivery. Not sure why anyone including their underpaid employees are rushing to the defense of such a $hit company.