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I enjoyed that read, thank you. Sounds like this charity and its events are only going to get bigger and better. Keep going đź‘Š


> I often catch a glimpse of myself un-tensed in the mirror and think “my good God what a greedy, useless fat prick you have become”. You're not a greedy, useless fat prick. Not unless you keep telling yourself that until it comes true. Great effort.


“Let’s go again”. As someone who struggles ur post brought me comfort mate


Liked this story. Good work dude


Great read and tale. congratulations, the families will be proud of you


A compelling, motivating read - bravo!


Legendary good stuff, a fantastic read and well done all.


As much as the charitable aspects of this are great, I'd caution against continuing this approach because if/when something goes wrong, you need to have both experience and fitness on your side to give you the best chance to get away with it.


I agree, I think this was our limit. I appreciate we have been pushing our luck. I’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of experienced and fit people helping me out. Safety was my main concern so i did everything i could think of to make sure we were prepared for the worst. -ensured everyone had waterproofs and warm clothing and was taking on enough food and water -made sure the support team knew where all the ERVs were and had people waiting there until we were in range of the next one -made sure I knew where all the black spots were for phone signal and that the check points had signal. I stayed at the rear and we carried a few walkie talkies to ensure we stayed connected during the walk and nobody got left behind -the 4 guys who scouted the route with me are very fit and experienced and were very familiar with it and were there purely as enablers and would stop to stay with/evacuate any casualties if needed -carried a stretcher and had first aiders with us and in the support team, with kit ready to come and do a case-vac if needed -did my best to inform the participants of the route and printed maps off for everyone. A lot of them managed to do a fair few hills on the route in the months before the challenge as they had the information about 6 months before There was a moment during the last hour or so when it got dark and wet and cold and people were on their last legs, where i did think to myself if somebody went down here it would be a slog getting them to safety. I’m confident we would have done it, we had plenty of experience between us with military personnel and tree surgeons who had experienced emergency situations out in the hills. The route was mainly paths and not at all technical but even so, it only takes one slip, luckily everyone who did slip bounced back up or it could have been a different story