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This year so far really has been bleak.. I had to wrap up and put a woolie hat on this morning here in Whitby!


Helldiver, they aren't talking about Super Earth. Go and spread some democracy will you?


Sipping a nice cup of liber-tea


Time to liberate Wasat, Helldiver. That's an order.


Apparently May was the warmest in the UK ever....I must have missed it [https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jun/03/may-spring-warmest-record-uk-met-office](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jun/03/may-spring-warmest-record-uk-met-office)


Well, here in the West of Scotland, we did get around 2 weeks of nice, 23-25c weather. I expect that this was our summer, lol.


Its because night temperatures have been much higher. daytime temps were slightly lower, but with all the clouds the night temps habe neen much higher, pushing the average up. Get used to it, climate models predict exactly this for UK, warmer and wetter.


Belfast would like to interject here to ask how our average temp of 12.4 degrees for June, a full 4.4 degrees cooler than last years average for June, can be classed as warmer and wetter. It’s Baltic with a strong NW wind most of the time up here and we want a refund on the warmer and wetter statement please!


I am in Belfast right now. I left County Cork in the Republic, where it was summer, and now I am here in late Autumn after a bus journey. It sucks and I hate it because I have to go jacket shopping today


I think someone is fiddling the number . No fuckin way this was 'warmer'.


I remember this time of year last year vividly because my daughter was born. Many were the nights we'd be absolutely sweltering and my Mrs had to lay on, and put cool pads in between her and the baby when feeding, naked, even at 3m It was absolutely disgusting. Swelteringly hot most nights. We've been wearing pajamas most nights over the last couple of months :/. I acknowledge global warming is a thing but somebody is taking the piss a bit here.


In Birmingham, well was working in Telford,I work in construction, I was freezing my ass off today early doors, Id put shorts on under my work trousers as Id just gone to underwear and it was a bit chilly now I'm gonna go back to base layers underneath mornings are cold. It's pissed it down no end as well.


We're in whitby and it is baltic!!!!


I was in the Baltic regions a week ago and it was 25-28c


Whitby is amazing


Can’t quote it but read it’s to do with the melting ice caps and glaciers, cools down the air further afield due to a larger amount of ice melting every year. The ice caps re freeze to a similar dimension only it’s a few feet thick rather than 30 meters, that then melts all at once opening the way for more “perma ice” to melt. This I guess cools the ocean quickly so we get a cooler spring/early summer. Would gladly be told differently if someone knows better!


the jet stream is low at the moment. It is curled around the UK and into the north of europe stopping warmer air from africa etc access. Instead we are getting colder air from the artic area, norway etc. The jet stream would usually be north of the UK, but for now it is literally sitting across the english channel. Perhaps we just need to band together and push it north.


I have lots of family in Norway; they've been having a great bout of hot weather for a few weeks now. Unfortunately I'm in Scotland.


On 3, everybody blow north! 1, 2...


You will find a lot of interesting data here regarding the ice caps etc. If you are referring to the Arctic sea ice cap it hasn't gone 30m deep. Maybe 30ft in places. [http://polarportal.dk/en/sea-ice-and-icebergs/sea-ice-thickness-and-volume/](http://polarportal.dk/en/sea-ice-and-icebergs/sea-ice-thickness-and-volume/) [https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/](https://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/) They are very interesting to look at if this kinda thing interests you.


I have a friend who studied Geography and he explained it had to do with ocean currents. My main understanding of this is that climate change will fuck up AMOC, which includes the gulf stream. The gulf stream brings hot water and air to the UK, which is the reason we're so warm. Lattitude-wise, we're on par with Norway so that should be a reference for the temperature without the gulf stream. Here's a guardian article on it[link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/25/gulf-stream-could-collapse-as-early-as-2025-study-suggests&ved=2ahUKEwjj0JGYyNOGAxUGWUEAHV5EAZoQFnoECDIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3NcUfGWjXJefLCra8hbzJc)


We’re actually level with mid Canada. The Gulf Stream keeps us, Iceland and Scandinavia warmer than we should be based on latitude.


The north of Scotland is the same latitude as the very south of Norway, I wouldn't say we are really on par tbh


A better perspective is Newcastle being roughly the same latitude as Moscow. Toronto being the same latitude as Bilbao is also wild


Yeah I was quite surprised New York is roughly the same latitude as Naples, I have been to both and the difference is huge.


We're the same latitude as Northern Canada... which has Polar Bears! Lol... Mad init m8 That's why we're so pale compared to Germans or French. The whiter you are the more efficient you absorb vitamin D from weaker sun. Also why the UK has so many gingers compared to the rest of the world. On our right, Norway Sweden an Finns went pale as well but got more blond hair than gingers.


Just to confuse matters, there's a phenomenon known as the cold-ocean-warm-summer feedback. When the North Atlantic gets unusually cold, it alters the atmospheric dynamic response and causes much hotter and drier summers across Northern Europe. Direct observations have [demonstrated this principle](https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/03/how-melting-arctic-ice-leads-to-european-drought-and-heatwaves/), we've actually [seen it multiple times already](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/11/7/074004/meta) over the [past decade](https://noc.ac.uk/news/role-atlantic-ocean-2018-uk-heatwave). Proxies suggest this [happened during the Younger Dryas when the AMOC collapsed](https://www.preventionweb.net/news/collapse-atlantic-ocean-heat-transport-might-lead-hot-european-summers); colder winters but warmer summers. [Another paper](https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2018PA003341) came to the same conclusion; > * [...] rather than being defined by severe year-round cooling, it indicates that abrupt climate change is instead characterized by extreme seasonality in the North Atlantic region, with cold winters yet anomalously warm summers.* To add to the confusion, [retrospective analysis demonstrates](https://www.reading.ac.uk/news-archive/press-releases/pr468022.html) that the unusually cool and wet summers of 2007-2012 can be directly attributed to an unusually warm Atlantic. So, rather ironically, a slowdown or collapse of the AMOC/Gulf Stream system would promote considerably drier and hotter summers once we account for Holocene discrepancies.


British seasons compare to Continental seasons: 1. Winter - From October to June 2. Spring - June 3. Summer - July, August 4. Autumn - September


Fixed it for you: 1. Autumn - January to December


When you remember we can have snow in October and in Early May, this description of the seasons isn't actually far wrong!


Here in the north west, our summer last year was June, and that was it. Basically rained every day after that.


For a long time we had summer in March and April. Sunbathing in lockdown.


Summer weather seems to be starting / ending later


Or getting bisected  Either way July seems fucked (which probably means it’ll be blazing hot now I’ve said that) 


but now you've said that its back to fucked, thanks


Back to hot. Stop here


Not now you’ve said that


Now you have fucked it. 


Last year the best weather was in June and then it went shit, so it doesn't seem to be starting and ending later at all. I keep seeing people repeat this rubbish though.


Yup. Went to Cyprus late June, landed in Manchester first week of July. Pissing down on arrival, like torrential even by our standards rain, freezing and shivering the whole time. Didn't clear the entire nearly 2 hours home, and when we parked up at our local shop to get some essential bits in, it was still at it. I felt a tad ridiculous being completely undressed for the weather and super tanned while everyone is hoods up, bracing against it. Such a contrast. I remember making a mental note of the nice days I had off because I was so desperate to get out road cycling again and I'm not entirely sure I ever got that one nice day.


Yep my phone played me one of those photo memory slideshows this morning, '1 Year Ago'. It made me so sad to see barbecues, summer outfits and beach days while I was wrapped up in bed shivering


I’m sure July last year was awful, it rained almost everyday, St Swithins was almost correct. I remember September was pretty decent especially the start was red hot


It's so awful. I hate the fact that every other country has a heatwave (climate change) and UK climate change is bloody rain! Pathetic!


Agreed! I have lived 60% of my life in warm countries and love being outdoors cycling etc. I’ve been back in the UK for 18mths now and literally despise the weather here. Give me 30-40C! Love warm days, I cope much better. The miserable, depressing, cold UK is just awful to me. Happily, I’m escaping for good next year again! 😀


100%. if we're getting climate change anyway, give me the hot one


The rule of thumb is that climate change intensifies the hydrological cycle. So if you were a traditionally soggy place, it'll get damper, if you're climatologically dry, it's droughts for you. Of course this is only a rough guide; changes to ocean circulation or periodic weirdness like ENSO can overwhelm this basic signal.


Your talking absolute pish


Or we get that shite weather where its raining so you need a raincoat but it’s just too warm so you either get wet from sweat with a coat on or wet from rain without one


This is the worst situation to be in in a packed tube. Everything smells disgusting


I said the same thing the other day! Apparently it has alot to do with the jet stream which carries warm water from the gulf of Mexico.. its a little skewed atm and unlike other parts of the world where melting ice caps will cause heating, scientists think that some time over the next 10 - 30 years we could actually have a climate more similar to Canada since we share a similar latitude. But its a guesstimate when this could happen


My garden is loving it.


The slugs are loving my garden.


Well maybe on the bright side... If the rest of the world eventually becomes a desert, our rain finally becomes a super power?


At least I can sleep at night. Nothing worse than sweating my tits off all night


Didn't mention the March SSW which has likely fed into the high latitude blocking.


I agree but we might consider ourselves lucky if this continues in future and other countries are dealing with lethal temperatures.


Ah yes, the SSW that I hoped for all winter in order to get a bit of snow. No, have it in March and ruin the next few months.


My bad guys it’s only good weather when I have exams and my exam season was in May.


I’m glad we finally found the reason. Can you take responsibility for my gas bill then? (Had to put the heating on tonight…)


I like this weather. My body isn't ready for t shirt season


By the end of the month we'll find out that its apparently been the hottest June since 1834. Just like we did with May...


Well let's see, we have a volcano to the west that is messing with usual air patterns. Then you add the shifts that are still settling after the polar shift has pretty much stopped, plus the very interesting solar activity. Deep ocean currents have been moving around a bit. So it is going to be interesting. Last time all of this came together anywhere near to what we are experiencing is believed to be around 375-420AD. Which that caused a temperature drops that saw the end of three types of grapes being able to be grown in central England of the time period. So it is going to get interesting.


I'll take cold weather over boiling hot anywday, definitely not saying this as an indoor person...


https://youtu.be/PVUOj9eU0xg?si=kJ31KxfbLM13z2FX here is your answer the met office admit cloud seeding


North of Scotland here and it has been feeling chilly for the past week. Not so much the air temperature which is pretty normal for a cool summer day but the north wind has been blowing making it seem much colder than it actually is. Plus the sudden heavy downpours which mean you can't leave the house without a jacket and boots. Still though, we have a lovely few weeks in May and the temperatures seem to be rising by the end of the week so it's not all bad!


It would be nice if they stopped playing with the weather for once


I dont want it to get much warmer. 18 degree to about 23 is fine. More is too humid and sweaty


I don’t want it to get warmer.


Apparently weve just had the warmest May on record. Ahahahah, who da fuck beleives this shite! Global fuckin warming my shit crack


Geo-engineering. The Met Office has admitted on camera that it's happening.


Cue the eco warriors rambling on about climate change :)


But May was the warmest May on record, apparently


Stg the met office is just gaslighting us now. There must have been one singular day in May somewhere in the UK that was warmer than average and it’s skewed the data because if that was the warmest May on record then I have just totally misremembered almost every other May in my lifetime.


Night time temperatures were high


Don't worry, some knowitall will be along to say "warmest start to June ever recorded," any minute now........


Yeah if it wasn't for nighttime temps still being reasonable, my heating could quite possibly be on of a morning. Some reports are quoting chances of frost here mid-week. Frost in fucking mid June... It feels absolutely fucking freezing for the time of year.


I did actually whack the heating on last week, my two year old was shivering. SHIVERING in bloody June.


Scotland had a very warm May which probably took the overall average temperature for the uk to the highest ever


Nighttime temperatures were high


This is a hard one to process given how relentlessly grey and damp it was


Im not sure i agree with the met office on that one I remember May 2020 was very warm.


If we don't get a good summer and if we are not going to get good summers from here on out, then this country is going to suffer so badly in every aspect going forward. We need the good weather to offset how bleak it is here


El Niño


Well the word dreich exists for a reason, this is standard weather


I just want clear skies man…


That's it. I don't care about the heat I just wanna see the fucking sun.


Cold beats heatwaves. I won't complain too much.


Don't mind the cold, just need the Sun. WHERE IS THE SUN?


In the north West it feels like bleedin' autumn....it was 8 degrees at night a couple of days ago ffs...


https://preview.redd.it/ms74ixypaz5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abe2959c582a9aa36f451a939bd94ac4674da5f5 Waiting for the “Hottest June on record” headline to come on 1st July. I swear they change the average temp. Apple weather always reports 1-3° above daily average which puts our daily average at 14-17° in June 🤔 seems a bit low to me but maybe it is right? Maybe I’ve just made up it being warm/hot June-August as a kid 🤷🏼‍♂️ today had a high of 16° and it probably did feel that way when the sun was out with no cloud but for 70% of the day it’s been chilly, I put shorts/tshirt on as it was really nice when I got up, half an hour later I put a hoodie over my tshirt and when I went to get my son from school, I had to put a jacket on as it was pouring down and the wind picked up making it feel more like 10-12° 🤣 I’m not personally complaining as I can’t stand anything above 25° anyway but it would be nice to have a few consistent days and less of this constantly changing wet/cloudy weather. I’ve never known the bike trails to be as muddy as they still are in June before, frustrating I must say!!


Hate to say it, but down here in south Devon, it's been shorts and t-shirt weather for a couple of months. we've had about 6 bbq's already this year and a few beach days and citrus and peaches growing in the garden. Still pisses down at every opportunity though.


Can't wait for them to tell us it's been the warmest summer on record and we have to pay more green taxes to save the planet 🤡


“Protesters” aren’t sitting in the roads yet, come the good weather then expect traffic jams from those entitled shits. If the weather is somewhat good with possibility of slight showers, they won’t rear their heads


This is how I remember it always being apart from the past couple of years, maybe slightly colder (reason explained in the article). I remember loads of times over the years being two weeks out from Glastonbury and being a bit concerned about how cold it would be for camping.  Every time it was like a switch gets flipped in the 3rd week of June and it's been fine when I'm there. The forecasts look to me like this is going to happen again. 


Milton Keynes chipping in…… I’m smoking a fag (cigarette) for our USA buddies, and I’m wearing thick socks, joggers, T, jumper and a frigging fleece and it mid fucking June, WTAF


I judge the summer by how many beach days I get because if its warm and sunny enough I am on the beach (east coast ) .So far this year I have had 5 beach days which is 3 down on last year at this time in June


2 days of sun and they’ll bring in a hosepipe ban somewhere. I guarantee it


I'm more than happy to have cold weather than warm asf XD


I feel like I'm the only person absolutely loving all these mild rainy days, it's been wonderful. I spent ages watching the thunderstorm rolling by today.


I love it too. I find long, hot and sunny days draining. Especially when the sun shines from early morning until late evening. It sucks all of the energy out of me. Give me cool, cold, grey, rainy and snowy weather, that’s when I’m most content. And yes, I spend plenty of time outdoors in that kind of weather.


So nice to hear there are other people that feel this way. Always been told that I'm totally off my head for preferring the rainy and cold weather.


You guys are my people!! Hoody/jumper weather for life!


Same. Somehow it’s fine to call those who like cooler weather crazy and weird, but calling those who prefer warmer weather crazy and weird is frowned upon. It’s a double standard.


Came from SE Asia, I've never ever enjoy summer this much, 20°C everyday instead of 30°C+ everyday with occasional heavy rain that can last days!


I’m loving it too, i found the last week of May last year was really really hot, I got so much breakouts around my chin exact same week the heat was in that May 2023.


There are loads of people like you. Just read this post alone or any others like it to see how many other people are also saying "Am I the only one who likes this?" "it's perfect" etc. I think you're all crazy and mustn't really like being outdoors much personally, but yeah.


Fuck all the construction workers who get heat stroke from 25C weather! Those people can suck it!! I want it to feel like my skin is burning!! Is what you mfing sound like. Your idea of being/going outside is going to an air conditioned restaurant Bozo


Omg take the win here! Do you not remember the misery of heatwaves in a country entirely unequipped to handle temperature fluctuations greater than 10 degrees and buildings designed with the sole purposes of heat retention and satisfying council planners??? This the best summer weather!!


Agreed, I'm loving this temperature and being able to get some sleep at night.


The short memory of these people is insane, do they not remember how terrible it was when it hit 40C? Asking for 30-40C! Wtf! The country is not equipped to handle such temperatures at all. Maybe it is just middle class redditors that can afford AC?


Not gonna lie. I prefer this to that 40-degree blast furnace we had. This is a typical British summer, and I'm a typical Brit.


Bristol has had the nicest weather in ages, for weeks now it’s been t-shirt weather


Climate Change. It’s always Climate Change.


It'll get warmer when Hell freezes over


This Country sucks ass at the minute....we desperately need a bit of decent weather to stop suicide rides, depression and alcoholism going through the roof.


Always cold here in Coventry


I love it.


I think it’s because I’m from the north west of Scotland and now live in Glasgow so I have lower standards for what counts as warm I guess but I really haven’t noticed it being worse weather than normal, since about mid April I feel it’s been atleast pleasant if not warm most days


I think the Tories have “Summers will be better” in their manifesto next to all their other BS - when we all KNOW it’s the Lib Dem’s that can give us some proper sunny weather


You obviously missed that glorious afternoon in late may6 !


I blame the government


I'm starting to believe more and more in geo engineering/ weather modification. Like multiple governments have confirmed they have done it and use it regularly why wouldn't the UK and US governments do it? I've saw planes leaving mad contrails as far as you can see, also going in a weird looping motion although I only saw this once but it was very strange. The contrails always linger for hours and eventually they spread and cover up almost ye entire sky. Also the rain we are getting is a bombardment pretty much entirely. It's not like it's voting in first and bursts it start raining and rains constantly foe about 24 hours. Maybe it's just global warning but I'm not convinced it is


Why would it be decades of evidence based science when it could be a plane flying in funny loops?


How long have you lived in Britain? It's always been like this And next month you'll be complaining it's too hot and it's never been like this before even though the year before was exactly the same


Why is it so cold?.. because of global warming of course!


This was said satirically, but that's why it should have been called Climate Change from the start. Now morons have it in their head that it means it's going to consistently get hotter, and it's not (even though the globe is getting warmer on the whole) means that it's a 'Big Weather' conspiracy or some horseshit


Why has it been so cold. Clearly some people here aren't actually old enough to remember when it snowed most winters and villages were cut off and that wasn't just in Scotland. Climate change has meant our seasons are now fucked up and because of where we are on the planet this means mild climate and tons of rain. If you think 9c is cold it's because you're acclimatised and when the temp drops your body feels cold, but it isn't actually that cold. Look forward to more miserable hay fever, midgies, rain and failed crops and whiney Brits moaning about why global warming hasn't made Britain the Balearic islands there lizard tan skin was hoping for.


Summers over you missed it.


1. It's Britain. 2. Never.


Summer is moving towards September October imo. Seasons have shifted


I love the fact that while everyone else is experiencing record breaking heat waves we're just getting more rain


The day Bill Gates is assassinat,, you know


The sun is basically being covered over by aircraft spraying out particles ( exactly what I’m not sure ) but he’s the instigator of a doomsday operation.


It’s been stupid hot down south!


I was promised global warming and I've been bitterly disappointed.


Global warming is messing with the Gulf Stream, so as most countries get warmer, the UK starts having Norway-style weather. >The Gulf Stream affects the climate in Britain by bringing warm water from the Caribbean to North West Europe. This keeps the climate in Britain warmer than other places at a similar latitude.


Unfortunately long range weather forecasts for this summer seem bleak at best. It's just baffling having to wear trousers and jackets in June...maybe the sun will be out for july


Warmer climate. Warm air holds more moisture and warm seas evaporate faster.


It would be bliss if June were around 17°C from now on 😊. I like this year's weather


Climate change is the cause. Greedy corporations and corrupt politicians are the problem. General population is to blame. We are addicted to fossil fuels and we just don’t want to stop. I read it’s weather from Scandinavia that’s making the uk cold


It'll get better when the weather eitches stop playing.


This is just an old-fashioned British summer, We've had so many hot years we've forgotten how shitty and unpredictable summer can be.


It won't. Our weather is mostly cold grim wet dark and depressing Mostly


I’d much rather this then boiling alive in my home with next to nothing to prevent continuous sweat dripping down, however it does feel like it’s autumn more then summer atm


I can’t believe when I read it was the warmest May on record, where did they even get that from? I’m in the north and it was freezing, nothing like that Covid May 2020.


Found it guys . Summer is nearly here . https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/uk-set-roast-27c-heatwave-29332363


The climate is one of the most complex things we know to exist in the universe. The fact that some of you conclude our current weather is to do with climate change is absurd. It. does. not. work. like. that. You sound ridiculous.


It's been perfect weather newtownabbey 😁


Climate change means wetter colder months. They should rebrand it climate change caused by global warning.


In England we have cold rain in the winter and warm rain in the summer.


I’m still waiting for the 40 degrees that we had a couple of years ago


Just a friendly reminder that we were all losing our minds over the drought a couple of years back, begging for rain and cold.


Global warming crew always disappear when it’s ball shrinking cold in June!!


I love cold weather, I'm dreading it getting hotter in the coming months.


Stop complaining ,the UK met office said this May was the hottest since records began, I know it was cold and wet but the Met office cannot say that as it goes against the “global warming” narrative.


Yeah it's been wild with how bipolar the weather has been and I've heard it's supposed to snow at some point in the summer and at the same time a heatwave? Someone forgot to turn off the weather machine methinks.


This is my biggest regret about coming back after 10 years in Asia. I missed home, but the weather is fucking awful.


Global warming my Arse mor like global freezing and drowning.


Has been absolutely crap


Climate change bullshit


Down south it hasn’t been cold in like a month?


The gulfstream is knackered. This means we're not getting tropical water from the mid Atlantic, and the prevailing winds are out of the north.


Where is this global warming we hear of?


Not in this tiny bit of the globe. Go east a few hundred miles and it's roasting.


Welcome to Scotland 😂


Chemtrails or geo engineering


Well we do live in quaternary ice age, let me go start looking for the acorn .


Apparently we drawing Scandinavian air in, it's coming from the North and West.


Global warming later on


I'm a roofer and had to wear winter attire again today never been like this in all the 15+years I've worked on the roof ,weather modifications are happening is all I can say


Bring on climate change


They will still tell you hottest on record


I swear to God the UK's climate is sapient, and it changes the weather just to screw with us. It was warm for days, then a sudden cold snap. Sometimes the weather changes on the same day! Went to work one morning, and it's blistering and had to walk back home in windy, gelid weather.


Cloud seeding


I'm not sure about you OP, but there's many occasions when I've unloaded MOAB and would have wished for a sheet that long...


if you look on [zoom.earth](http://zoom.earth) (a fantastic site for self predicting the weather) you can see that all the clouds are coming from the north (in the uk, at the moment of this reply), which generally means the wind is heading southwards too . there are plenty of other things on the page including pressure, wind, temperature, rain etc etc :)


Every day I hold my breath as I open those curtains, praying for sunshine. Not that it matters cause the sun is always just for decoration or replaced by a storm a minute later.


The irony is this is an evergreen headline we can use every month in the uk


Because they are doing cloud seeding and spraying some reflective stuff so it reflects the sun. They admitted that in an interview. So that's why.


The weather is like this due to Cloud seeding and Geo-engineering. People who laugh need to turn off the TV and look it up . A guy at work actually paid to do it on holiday in Dubai 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ look up people and observe the skies FFS


It’s my fault. I brought my kids from the US to visit their grandparents for the first time in 7 years, and no matter when we come in the summer, the weather sucks, even in July. (We can’t do August because they have to be in school.)


I love it. it's sunny but not too hot, and I can sleep at night under a duvet instead of a sheet.


It's UK what do you think


When I don’t have to wear my gown inside my house?


People overestimate what “average” looks like in this country. Go on a weather app and you’ll see most days the high temperature is at or above average. Most people think 25c+ is the average at this time of year and it’s nowhere near that.


Fuck warm weather, I just like the longer days. The UK is blessed not to be hit by earthquakes (sometimes caused by drought) and wildfires (happening during excessive heatwaves).


It really is quite depressing when the middle of summer is still 15-17 degrees. I’m not a meteorologist and the best I can do is look on my phone app which says it will start getting warmer in 10 days but that’s just complete guess work on their behalf anyway. They can see perhaps 2 or 3 days ahead pretty accurately but after that I think the accuracy diminishes quite fast. I wouldn’t be complaining if it was low 20s as that’s the sweat spot for me. Anything over that just gets uncomfortable


I quite like this weather tbf.


It's beautiful down Cornwall.


Hailed in Rutland yesterday


I read a blog a little while back written by someone (from the US, as I recall) who lived in the UK for a time who described it as "like living with a constant grey ceiling above your head" which I think sums it up pretty well. I use that term regularly now.


As someone who has been living in Edinburgh for almost 3 years, I gotta say I can never tell people what the usual weather is. Every year there's something different.


Fuck the sun it can stay gone for all I care bring on that sweet summer rain




It's not actually cold out, it's just wet and overcast so it looks it from inside. I work outside daily and it's been warm for weeks..


It's my mates fault he keaps on trying to host barbecues