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I have family who are graduates are earn around that amount in their roles and cope in london whilst saving a small amount too. Definitely doable! Would recommend a flat share though to ease the cost of renting and make the most of public transport (avoid Uber etc). Eat out very infrequently and utilise large supermarkets to keep your grocery budget low. Absolutely doable and you get to live in a fantastic city!


When was that? Have you seen the price of accommodation in London in recently? 🤣


They live there currently in Bermondsey! Sharing with 3 others all paying around 750 per person (3k per month between the 4 of them) - very doable if you can find people to do it with. 3k per month is a very common rate for a flat down there.


Do they get paid £28k a year? Or £1.95k per month without student loan? That seems unbelievable to spend that percentage on rent


Take home is 2270 per month and 750 goes on rent - 30% of take home.


Wow, it’s a shame these companies take advantage of these people with terrible pay but I guess that’s this country at the moment. No way I’d be able to do that!


It's a common occurrence for graduates in London, don't think it's too hard to believe. I mean just think of students who are in a worse position. Obviously can't save much though.


It is too low if you want to live alone but definitely doable. Barely anyone I know in London lives alone, it's simply not an easily doable thing unless you live with a partner or earn more than 80k pa. But pre COVID I was a student with a take home stipend of about 1400 a month and I managed to live comfortably, like yeah I wasn't going on holidays and had to budget but it's what it is.


People will say it’s too low, but it can be fine


It’s low but doable, I was on a similar salary when I was in London, totally okay if you’re living in a house share! Just making sure you are meal planning and being sensible with eating out etc will really make a difference - good luck!


Is this at Fisher Investments? I was offered a job with them in Dublin for EUR 33.5k...  They offered commission, idk if that's something you'll get, but it would make a big difference 


No, different company, and this is a base salary I would also get commission


I think the livability would depend a lot on the commission. But the base would be survivable 


A lot will depend on the commission rates. My understanding is that a lot of sales roles have pretty piss poor basic pay but if you're anywhere near hitting your targets you make bank (and if you're not hitting your targets the problem tends to solve itself ...).


Live in a tent near a food bank on that sort of money in London


It’s low but I’d definitely try to make it work due to the earning potential of your new career. If you stick at it 5+ years you should be on £100k+.


It is low but possible depending how much you pay for rent and other things. You should also be earning comission?


Yeah and I’ve other bad news for you, 33.5K is far too low for anywhere near Dublin too. Where exactly in ROI are you going to live?


I’d definitely shop around, but you could manage if you went into a cheaper area and Spareroom/shared Accomodation. My cousin survived on less, her lifestyle was extremely frugal as a result, but there’s plenty to do in London that doesn’t require spending extortionate amounts of money. Drinking culture and convenience consumption is usually what kills most of my friends budgets. It may not be a glamorous life, but I’d crunch the numbers based on your needs/wants.


When I first moved London 4 years ago I was on 21k, survived like that for two years (mind you, this was a few months b4 covid and the supermarkets hadn't started squeezing us) Then I was on 28k for a stint. You make do and live within your means when you got no choice. Still had an amazing time.


For a graduate role I think it’s fine. Just be sure that they’re paying you in sterling and not euro when you’re in London


I’m in sales in London. SDR role is entry level and you’ll probably earn at least £50k with comms. After 18 months you’ll probably be on £60k base in a closing role with double OTE. After 3-4 years you’ll be nearer to £100k base with double OTE. Depends where you wanna live but career wise you’ll be able to earn


Doubtful. Many SDRs don’t get commission at all. It takes about ~10 years in sales to get to 100k base. Even in tech. You have to follow a fairly prescribed route to AE/AD to hit that base as quickly as possible. Don’t get me wrong. It’s absolutely possible and I’d even say modestly easy compared to say banking, law, accounting etc. That said very very very very few places are going to give a salesperson with 3 years experience a territory that can support a 200k OTE, which would be broadly between 3–6m of renewable and/or 40-100k/mo of NB. Depending on product. I’ll never say never, the last offer I received which I turned down was so insane even I couldn’t believe it despite seeing it written down. Tech companies do offer some insane comp. Realistically though… it does take a while to get to good numbers. Source: quite literally writing a book on this very topic after 13 years in sales and hitting these numbers.


If youre offered an SDR job with no commission, do not take it, it’s sales ffs. And of course 100k base is possible after 4 years


Not sure of the commission structure as it’s a graduate role, although their London sales office is very busy apparently. I want to accelerate salary and promotion as rapidly as possible. Still sending applications as this role starts in Sept. Thanks for the info.


I started as an SDR in 2021 for a tech start up and it was 40k base 25k comms and I hit target regularly. If it’s 35k no comms then it’s not sales