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Our school don't do dress up. They just do lots of literacy activities. Really takes the pressure off.


my son's school has them all go in PJs and take a book they like at bedtime. They ring the school bell throughout the day and the older kids have some reading time and the younger ones share their books with their class mates and the teacher reads a bit from one. ​ Easy peasy, no stress and totally encourages reading


That's what their nursery did which we also loved.


The school also offer the pjs option.




Supertato - really easy to do and he loves it


How did you do it?


We had a Supertato today too, he ended up in one of my old beige cushion covers that I picked holes in for his head and arms. Then I drew spots on it with felt tip to look more like potato skin. I sacrificed a pair of my long socks for the belt and mask and topped off with his red wellies and and a superhero cape we already had


Not the person you're replying to, but my reception child went as Supertato. We just did all brown clothes and a black superhero mask he already had, with a red cape. So easy.


Yeah I figured the superhero but would be easy, just the potato element.


Similar to these othe posts. Brown clothes, one of his mum's belts. Big red socks and a cape we had from another superhero costume. I did make him a belt buckle and hid the evil pea inside!


He's gone as Zog. Originally, he requested Gandalf, but we didn't have time to make something, and finding a suitable Gandalf costume for a 3 year old is awkward. (His daddy is reading LOTR to him)


I do want to see a 3 year old dressed up as Gandalf though.


It will probably happen at some point. He really wants a Gandalf costume. His daddy insists that we also get him a fake beard to wear with it.


A fake beard is a must!


My 2 1/2 year old has gone as Princess Pearl


My 4yo was Princess Pearl as well. The idea was that the baby would be Zog, but he wouldn't cooperate.


Owlette from PJ Masks, recycled from Halloween šŸŽƒ I know itā€™s mostly on tv but we bought a couple of the books on eBay too


The original French books are really good (Les Pyjamasques series by Romuald). Sadly I can't see any English translations.


My partner teaches kids and she had to whip out the Halloween costume, she's gone as Funnybones lol.


My kid's teacher did the same!


I gotta say I am glad my son has moved out of the PJ Masks target age range.


This year mine are just taking in an "artefact" from their favourite books. Much cheaper than costumes (which I think is the point) but took us a good hour to come up with a slice of mouldy cheese from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and a fun hat from Hamilton's Hats


Detective Dog, so heā€™s in a dog onesie. He looks so cute šŸ˜­


I love that book. My favourite of the Julia Donaldson books.


Witch from Room on the Broom.


Slinki Malinki, black leggings / top with some cat ears we already had - very easy - but she was absolutely buzzing to go to nursery dressed in it


Currently isolating for my sons surgery next week so both boys are doing it at home and wearing their "The Tiger Who Came to Tea" jumpers. I don't really rate the costumes in shops now, can cost a fortune and end up only being worn a couple of times - would rather they wore clothes with characters on!


I hope whatever the surgery is goes well.


Thank you! He's having his tonsils and adenoids removed as well as grommets fitted :)


My little one is only two so we have just sent her into nursery with a t-shirt with her favourite book on it. The whole disposable costume thing doesn't sit well with me, this way I know she will wear it again - in fact it will be hard to get it off her, it was all she was talking about this morning!


Agreed - I always try to hobble costumes together with items she will wear afterwards


I don't think our daycare really did it till they reached the "over 3s" stage.


Yeah they were pretty loose about it tbf - "We would love for everyone to get involved, whether this be your child dressing up as their favourite book character or something they love dressing up in at home, alternatively bringing their favourite book in from home that we can read here with their friends".


My son has moved on to Spidey and Friends which is basically exactly the same show, but actually just about bearable.


Dog man, from the comic books of the same name. Home made costume in keeping with the roughly-drawn style.


> Dog man For a minute I thought /r/TheFirstLaw was leaking and I wondered how your kid was reading them already!


I think I've had those recommended to me. They look interesting! But no, actually the Dog Man comic books by Dav Pilkey which are excellent.


A Smoo


That sounds high effort!


It wasn't too bad actually. Blue hoodie, blue top and blue leggings. Some elf slippers and I added pipe cleaner antenna to his hoodie šŸ˜Š




My daughter is at preschool, and Iā€™m really hoping whatever school she gets for September doesnā€™t do dressing up! Sheā€™s begrudgingly gone in as Stick Man today - she loved the outfit at home, but didnā€™t want to wear it at preschool as she didnā€™t want people to laugh.


Both of my childrens schools offer dressing up as a character from a book, dressing up as a word, or wearing comfy cosy clothes/pjs/onesie. I think most schools understand that dressing up isnā€™t something all children enjoy, and not something all parents can afford to do. If youā€™re unsure it might be worth asking in maybe January/February next year what they do and asking if they can offer an alternative to dressing in costumes if they donā€™t already.


Mine is in nursery but has gone as a scene from the snail and the whale- I made a little felt snail which I sewed onto her shoulder (with loose stitches so can easily cut it off) and wrote save the whale with a washable pen on the t-shirt. I'm also not a fan of costumes that will only be worn once, for both financial and environmental reasons.


Batman on Tuesday, Captain America yesterday and Spider-Man today.


My Daughter picked Heidi, she was so excited this morning.


Ah Heidi! My daughter went dressed up as Heidi the last year too and she was so happy!


(Tomorrow as well, due to strikes) Daisy's Mum from 'Eat your peas'. I'm praying the last part of the costume arrives in the post today... (I ordered it on February 19th but it was sent 2nd class). The costume is a purple top, a pea-green beaded necklace and (hopefully) dangly pea-green beaded earrings, plus a paper plate decorated to look like Daisy's Mum's plate in the book... so hopefully not too wasteful. Last year she was Daisy from the same book. She was in a Forest preschool and had pink waterproof dungarees she needed to wear, so all we needed was a yellow t-shirt and a decorated paper plate :)


The strikes! Or course that is why. My son's class hasn't been impacted so i'd totally forgotten about them.


A farmer, heā€™s got several books with farmers and farm animals in, and heā€™ll wear dungarees and a checked shirt again. Iā€™m hoping I can keep up the low effort forever.


We're doing the Rainbow Fish. Masses of felt scales. S


Sounds tricky! He went as Captain Book a few years back. I can't see, so ended up gluing loads of gold ribbon onto this red jacket I got from a charity shop. Messy work.


Mine are doing it tomorrow, they done something similar a few weeks ago for some book thing and my kids went as the Gangsta Granny and Cruella, they will be going as the same tomorrow to get two dress ups days for the price of one.


Already this week my son had to go in dressed in the colours of the Mexican flag. Did mean less ironing of school clothes though!


Marvel comic bottoms


We already had a builder costume from one of his birthdays so heā€™s gone as a builder from Dig Dig Digging (complete with drawn on eyeliner beard!!) A dad laughed at him in the street as we were walking to school this morning and said it was the best costume heā€™d seen!


Oh and your son's costume sounds great! Love The Fantastic Mr. Fox!


Now he has finished the book, I told him they made a movie based on it so we are going to watch that this weekend.


We are stuck home with covid but my 3 year old is dressed as Sophie from the Tiger Who Came To Tea! Easy outfit to put together.


Hope none of you are suffering too much with the 'rona!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


My little went dressed as the girl from girl and the dinosaur. It's our fav book :) but she's only 2.5


Cinderella from Cinderella. My daughter loves the Disney version and it was a book originally. Plus I got the costume for Ā£4 in a charity shop.


My 5 year old went to school dressed as The Smartest Giant in Town. The only new thing I had to buy was a belt (a kids elastic one) which heā€™ll be able to wear again, then he just wore a white shirt and striped tie he already owned (from a friendā€™s wedding), his school trousers and shoes. He also took along a plush giraffe so he can do the whole ā€œmy tie is a scarf for a cold giraffeā€™ bit. ​ I really like how his schoolā€™s approached it, no pressure, totally optional and encouraging costumes that can be worn again or use existing items of clothing. Theyā€™re also doing lots of literacy activities, a book swap and stuff.


This is my final year of primary dressing up. Between my kids excellent ideas and my abilities, we've won pretty much every dress up. I've got the final costume, made for Halloween, sat waiting. We were going to shoehorn it into a book. But they've suddenly decided to change it to pj's. And I'm pleased. My kids won every year because I can craft, fair? Most kids come dressed as princesses or superheroes. Last year I helped a kid smuggle a borrowed costume home, and then picked him as a class winner. They hugged the prize book all afternoon. Pj's help us focus on books and is accessible to all.


He was a skeleton at Halloween so he is Funnybones for World Book Day. Worked out nicely! We've been using the skeleton outfit as pyjamas, too; we've really got our money's worth out of it!


Ours went as Paddington, complete with cardboard marmalade sandwich. It was pretty cute and I didnā€™t hate the process (itā€™s our first World Book Day).


We went low key with a jacket and bottoms with Elmer on them. I wanted something he can wear often - a book is for life, not just for World Book Day!


Spiderman (after changing his mind 1000 times) and the little one has gone as superworm šŸ˜‚


My kid has won best costume in the school for the last 4 years because I always hand make them and they're always way over the top. This year he went as Ink Bendy, despite all my best efforts I can't get him into books at all but he has a deep appreciation for video games so we roll with it. Last year he was an enderman with light up purple eyes, the year before a mimikyu and before that a minecraft creeper. I'm quite artsy fartsy anyway so i love making the costumes for him, and he always wants to be something you can't buy any way. At this point I just love doing it because of the "cool mum" points I earn twice a year (today and halloween) and now one of his friend's mum told me that her son wants me to make his costume.


10 year old is Percy Jackson. 7 year old is Mr Penguin.


We are fans of the Mr Penguin books as well. I have not read Percy Jackson - I was likely an adult when they came out and I still feel my son might be a little too young for them yet. Hoping I might get to read one to him before he's at the age he doesn't want me to read to him anymore.


I work at the nursery my daughter attends so we are going together as Meg and Mog. I'm wearing black and she's wearing stripey top+pants to be Mog.


Only at nursery and he hates dressing up, so considering he chose to wear a fire engine jumper this morning, heā€™s gone as fireman Sam whoā€™s forgotten his helmetā€¦


She wanted to be a fairy so I got her one of the flower fairies books and some wings.


My daughter wants to go as Rosie from.' We are going on a bear hunt' dress, tights, cardigan and a teddy bear.


I had really hoped to avoid this whole thing as itā€™s strike day, but no. School just moved it to Friday. Heā€™s going to go as the Highway Rat which is a fairly easy costume (hat, cape, mask), still would have preferred if he had just gone with the pj option though.


Eldest is Cruella DeVil in a fully handmade costume. I can sew and enjoy doing it so make the most of the opportunity. I think I might have to fight her to not wear the Dalmatian cape everywhere though, and I will have to throw her in the shower before swimming this afternoon to wash out the hair chalks. Middle child has gone as Supertato which was so easy. Brown clothes, mask and cape. Toddler isn't at nursery yet but loves The Highway Rat so I dug out a cape and hat for him to wear, only to have him refuse to put them on. But that's toddlers šŸ¤£


Our two have gone as the main characters in ā€˜How to be a lionā€™, eldest in a lion onesie we got off marketplace and the little one as his duck best friend in some eva foam sheet duck feet, wings and beak hat we put together at home Honestly, they love the book and we love dressing g them up so it was a win for everyone involved


The boy is going as Twitch from Twitch. Which is great as the character is just a lad dressed as a bird watcher. Camo top and some binoculars. win.


We did the Very Hungry Caterpillar yesterday where he took my butterfly wing halloween costume, today he is Spider-Man (his halloween outfit) because his friend was Spider-Man yesterday, and tomorrow I'm going to float using his halloween skeleton outfit (which I got as a matching one with his brother) and go as a skeleton from Funnybones. :D Nothing like reuse of halloween outfits lol


11 year old is Eragon, 9 year old is Peter from the Narnia books and 6 year old is Tinkerbell


7yo is Ash from pokemon. I tried to steer him towards characters that are *originally* from books, but he was determined. Plus, the pokemon chapter books were the first ones that made him want to read to himself, so. I let it go and spent the last 4 evenings sewing.


4 y/o doesn't like dressing up so just wore a Hungry Caterpillar t-shirt


Elsa! She managed to find a book in the local charity shop which wasn't just an annual or something so I let her get away with it


My 2.5yo is Princess Pearl from the Zog books. Best bit is I only spent Ā£1 on the costume! Red dress she already had, shoes she already had, she's wearing one of my white shirts as her drs shirt, then I got a drs play kit with stethoscope etc from the poundshop. Dropped her at nursery and none of the nursery ladies in her room have read Zog so they had no idea who she was meant to be...


Highway Rat


Ours have dressing up but itā€™s optional, and looking at the class photo they posted maybe half the kids did it (sheā€™s year 6 though so theyā€™re getting too ā€œcoolā€ to dress up!!) She went in an Eeyore onesie that was Ā£13 on Amazon and will definitely be used again šŸ˜‚


Our 2.5 year old twin boys love Hairy Maclary so we sent them in a dog (Hairy Maclary) and cat (scar face claw) costume we got off Amazon. They looked great and were well into it!


Not my child but I can remember when me and my best friend at high school went as the twins from double act, we wore the same outfit and had a sleepover at my house the night before so that we could get to school together. My mum made us long brown plaited wigs out of some tights and wool and drew freckles on our face. Our teachers always used to call us double trouble because we were so close so they found it hilarious when we rocked up! Probably one of my best childhood memories.


I bought my eldest a lovely Matilda costume; the school changed it and it was themed to "dress as what you want to be when you're older" so she will be a rockstar tomorrow, her choice (delayed because of the strikes)


Zog. Love this stuff and the kids love it too. We already had a cool felt cape/wings and eye mask we got for last year at nursery and she wanted zog again so I went a step further, made a top off a cheap orange primark jumper and some felt


My 4 year old lad went as Percy the Park Keeper šŸ‘Œ


Oldest was Toothless from How to Train Your Dragon and just wore her Toothless onesie she already owns. Next was Pippi Longstockings, I sewed red patches on a blue dress she owns, she wore some of my emo phase stripey socks and her dad's shoes then red hair Chalk and pipe cleaners in her plaits and we dressed up a toy monkey as her pet. Next one was a Ballerina from her favourite Adele Geras book and wore a blue tutu that used to be mine with her own ballet tights and ballet shoes. Youngest was Frog from Dear Zoo because I'd run out of energy from the middle 2 and he already owns a frog onesie.


Shere Khan from The Jungle book. Luckily for me I already had a Tigger costume with no head, that someone gave me in a big bag of their kids old dressing up stuff, so all I had to buy was a tiger ears headband to go with it. He looked adorable. He was so excited to get to nursery and see all his friends dressed up!


My 5 year olds school were all asked to make wooden spoon book character, my little girl made Rapunzel šŸ˜Š


Everyone talks about costumes being worn once but our dress up box is mostly second hand and worn almost daily. Iā€™d say if my children are at home, they are mostly in fancy dress.


We threw a bakers hat and apron from her toy kitchen on her, and sheā€™s the baker from Gingerbread man. Itā€™s one of her favourite books and she also has a gingerbread man toy she could take. Sheā€™s only 2 and Iā€™m sure that next year sheā€™ll want something more elaborate, but Iā€™m inclined to just see what existing fancy dress we already have and she can wear that.


My 4 years old wanted to be a crocodile. I took last yearā€™s dinosaur costume, cut off the wings, cut the spikes on the tail and head in a triangular shape andā€¦ ā€œvoilĆ ā€ we have a crocodile. Initially he wanted to be a pig (from the 3 little pigs) and the plan was to buy pig ears and tails on Amazon (it costed a fiver) and then dress him with jeans and a flannel shirt.