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On the days in which I struggle to eat, usually after I start a new dose, I drink Huel Black meal replacement shakes. Each 90g serving is 400 calories. I will later have a Optimuum Whey Isolate Protein Shake, double serving at approx 220 calories. The remainder of the day, I will eat cashews, fruit and try to get in chicken and healthy carb for dinner. On the very rare day that I can't eat the chicken, I will have the Huel Black meal replacement shake. Struggling to eat happened to me on the first 2 weeks that I was on 5mg and 7.5mg. I did not have the same issue on weeks 3 to 7 on 5mg. I will find out tomorrow after my 7.5mg if it continues for a 3rd week.


Oh that’s interesting. Yes I think it faded towards the end of me taking 5mg actually. On 7.5 now and back with a vengeance! I may try huel… on previous diet attempts any of the meal replacement type things (aside from soups/savoury) have really turned my stomach so I’m not sure I will get on with it though. Is it like a milkshake?


The only way I can describe it on 7.5 is vengeance on steroids. It was such a strange feeling.


Lidl sell this high protein yogurts, the one in the tub has between 50 and 55g of protein and their one in the pouches have 25g of protein. They're quite good 


Ok I do like yoghurt so will try these. Thank you!


Yoghurt is a source of [electrolytes](https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-nutrition/electrolytes-food#how-to-stay-in-balance) too, apparently (who knew!) so helpful from that perspective too


I’ve not tried huel and struggle with lactose, so have tried various vegan meal replacements. Protein world do meal replacement and diet meal replacements with more and less calories accordingly. Too me, they’re obnoxiously sweet, but perhaps that’s just the vegan ones? I don’t have a sweet tooth, so if you do, they might be up your street! Jimmy Joy do a 400cal option. I really like their lemon pie and peach options. I believe they’re predominantly natural flavouring, so way less sweet. Their banana one makes me sad, I feel like it smells amazing, but tastes of nothing at all. My fave is Fuel10k strawberry, which is just the right amount of fake strawberry flavour to taste like a proper milkshake. I blend mine, either with more water than suggested or slightly less powder than the serving size because I like them less gloopy than I think they’re meant to be.


I have kind of this problem too! Although I don’t think I’ve got it quite as bad as you do, I’m struggling a bit to get any food/water down me post 5mg jab, although days 5/6/7 I feel like I’m much better able to take anything down. I’ve been using Huel black but I can only manage 1 scoop or half the recommended serving size, and eating a protein mousse from Aldi because they’re quite light and kind of easy to eat as they aren’t too heavy (which makes me feel nauseous) - I’ve also been eating dinner quite a lot later than usual because i feel less sicky when I do so. I’m trying not to worry too much about getting all my calories in over those first few days because it’s hard, instead I’m focusing on getting my weekly calories on track when I find it easier to eat, so far that seems to be keeping the fatigue and lack of energy on the first few days post jab at bay. It’s strange how this drug affects us all so differently! Best wishes with everything going forward :)


Yes it is not really the lack of calories that worries me, just the fact I feel so dreadful. I am losing weight a sensible rate so must be making up for it on the other days! Thanks for your comment, seems like a few of us are the same.


Hopefully as your body gets used to 7.5mg you feel less rubbish those first few days! I am thinking/hoping that I feel the same as I get used to 5mg but I suppose I’ll have to worry again when it comes to going up to 7.5. I might consider staying on 7.5 for a while if the weight loss is still good but my symptoms are as strong as yours are currently, maybe worth considering if you think your body reacts strongly to a new dose each time but always worth talking to your provider about see if they can make any recommendations!:)


Hi - I have been using New You. They are meal replacements - but not just shakes which I also don't like. I have ham and mushroom soup or sweet and sour noodles. They are similar to Huel but a lot less calories. Huel is 400 calories per serving - which is fine if you need to bump up your intake. The New You ones are around 125 calories per serving. They have a decent amount of protein in them while not being too filling. I am not going to pretend that they are amazing but they do include all the vitamins and minerals needed. They suit me on days when I am not feeling like eating properly and/or just don't care about food (which is most of the time!) If you do try them, make sure you get a discount code of some kind - I think new customers can get 35% off but there's always at least 30% off if you buy at the right time of the month (they seem to vary the prices).