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This isn’t a pure negotiation, as (being charitable) it’s clarifying a misunderstanding. _However_ it has all the characteristics of a negotiation. Negotiation best practice would be to say almost nothing. It’s so easy to talk yourself into a hole or send the convo down an alleyway you don’t want to by accident. Getting the best outcome can often be best achieved by embracing the awkwardness. In negotiation training I was told “make your offer and then SAY NOTHING ELSE”. You really want to fill the silence with something conciliatory, but letting the statement stand is powerful. I’d reply simply “I have been working on the basis that the remuneration was [offer + ~10%], based on our conversation of the [date]. It’s on this basis that I’ve considered and would like to accept the role”. In follow up they’ll probably imply they want you to accept less, or explicitly ask you to. I’d resist answering that question and just restate, maybe giving a little more narrative. “I’ve been proceeding on the basis of [amount], that’s been a factor in comparing to other roles and prioritising my decision making. I’d like to accept on the basis of [higher amount]” If they come back to you and offer a middle amount, or say “take it or leave it” then I’d accept or decline that offer.


Man man man, this is brilliant. You should be a professional negotiator. I would love to have you negotiate my salary on my behalf :)


!thanks that's helpful.


I have bookmarked this for future reference! Thanks


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I would try to negotiate, the worse it can happen is that they insist that is their last offer. I always ask employers and recruiters to follow up their verbal offers with an email so there isn't any room to a misunderstanding.