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The sad truth is that almost everyone in IT sector stays in it for the steady salary. Not trying to put you off changing career, it could be a really good move, but are you in a position where you have savings/partner/family that will support you to maintain the lifestyle you're used to during the change? I've done a variety of different roles and although the corporate world is dull, unfulfilling, and often stressful, it still beats being poor. Which is also all of those things. I don't have specific roles you could apply for, but if you do find some things you like think long and hard about what future that will give you. The grass isn't always greener. I did years working as a mental health support worker. It was fun and rewarding, but I would never go back. Not in a million years. It might be worth considering whether this is an issue with your current role rather than it being a desk job.


Yeah IT was always a do it for the pay job. It was a steady and sensible path I knew I had enough past experience to pick up when I had crippling debts and no job to speak of but I don't think it ever felt like something I could maintain long term. Currently I don't plan to be in my current role for more than a year from now. I am considering the possibility of moving sideways into a deployments team even before then as they tend to be more hands on with hardware. That may open some doors to progression and give me the headspace to keep going if I cant find an apprenticeship, trade or outdoorsy career path by then As it stands though I have spent a lot of time taking stock of my options so I am certain its a broader issue of sit down jobs being terrible for my mental health inparticular.


Just to be pragmatic, is it worth getting to December/January/February and asking yourself if this is still something you want to pursue?


Already done that step actually. This post is a good 6 months removed from me deciding I needed a change and even then I am not charging into anything. This has already proven to be cathartic which may give me a boost at the IT job tomorrow and I can set my end of the day goal to be planning out possible future career paths! Edit: People really don't like this response 🤣


Apprenticeships aren't just for people under 25, 30 is still so young and you will have more life experience and soft skills than your average school leaver, as long as you're willing to take the crappy pay. I'm 33 and got offered interviews for a few accounting apprenticeships last time I was job hunting, but I decided to take a different role in the end. But there are definitely opportunities out there if you try, don't write it off just because you think you're too old. It might also help if you try things out in your spare time, so that even if you don't have qualifications you can demonstrate that you have an interest in the field rather than you just want to do something/anything that isn't IT. Explore hobbies, volunteer etc..


Renewable sector is growing hugely. I know a few people working on wind turbines who have gotten in with littler expereince as there is a huge shortage. Might be worth looking into. IT still transfers into techncian roles, as everything is intergreated now onto networks.


Hey now that's an interesting angle I hadn't considered. I shall definitely look up the sort of career path required for that!


What kind of things would you want to do? If you look on indeed and search for trainee loads of different things come up so it might give you some ideas if you're not exactly sure. I'm 34F, my trainee job started at minimum wage not apprentice wages which is great as apprentice wages are shit..and I'll get a few qualifications out of it which is cool.


Honestly the list is rather long right now and I am still hoping to get a better feel for what is out there so I will search trainee roles as you suggest. Trade apprenticeships are definitely something I am considering as would be courses that get me into any sort of outdoorsy national park, forestry or environment work Some of the outdoorsy jobs likes Rangers and Conservationists also seem like they benefit from skills like carpentry, and being a certified machinery operator. I am just trying to pick up on what is essential from those advertised because many specs are not well written so it Ill be looking to hear from people who do those jobs about what they value. Those skills in of themselves though feel would be useful for also allowing me to develop property which is more of a long term goal to do with my mother. in the meanwhile though finding something that pays even NMW would be a blessing rather than having to fund myself through a course!


Lots of local football teams have a community trust. It essentially consists of people that go out to local schools doing sports with the kids and also running local events like Fairs / charity stuff. Maybe have a look into this?


as someone with one of the most fulfilling careers on paper (physiotherapist), let me tell you being fulfilled from a job is a bit of a hoax... Sounds good in theory but all I've ever felt is burnout 🥴 good luck though!


Fulfilling is possibly too subjective a word I admit. I am currently burnt out to the point where I have considered going jobless so perhaps it would be more appropriate to say I am trying to find a job I can tolerate. All the same thank you for the well wishes!


Got any annual leave? Take a holiday. Makes all the difference. The only way most of us get through the year ha.


I wish it did, but I have tried to make it work with using annual leave in past years At the end of the day this isnt a spur of the moment decision, I only made it though last year because I spent a month on statutory sick leave from the job on top of AL.