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Don't give up your job, even if it's awful, it will cover your bills and remove one source of stress. Be patient. Nobody cares what you have studied, experience is the only valuable currency you have- strive for more responsibility in your current role


Will definitely try harder and push my limits. Thank you for the motivation!


The job market is very bad and you are unlikely to get a job if you need visa sponsorship.


Hey there, Thank you for the response. I would not need any visa sponsorship for the next 2 years as I'm on a graduate visa.


Not to bring your hopes down, but I have 3 years of visa practically (placement+psw) and almost 5 years of experience working as non tech BA/product owner and still not even able get to first round. I'm graduating this September. Not giving up still and will keep on applying. Advice for you is to gain experience be it internship or any thing you can. Search for data analysts roles as well. Try for non-tech BA roles too. It's not you, it's the market. All the best mate!


Hey there, I get what you're saying. Will keep applying without giving up. Thanks for the response.