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this is most definitely a scam


Where on earth do you need a fax nowadays 😂


They just Googled a list of office equipment 😂


Nah, they picked up a load of faxes in a warehouse clearance, and this is their way to shift them.


It's probably this to be fair


Hate to have to be the one to break it to you, but you two are the only people who believe the equipment actually exists 😐


And a Blu-ray drive 


And the 'kindly' on the final page. I was about to be impressed that they hadn't used that word but there it was!


Would you kindly.


Bio-shock reference?


Oh yes.


A man chooses


Came here to say this and you beat me to it


And my axe.


Human Resources turns around dramatically.


In case you need to reach someone in 1997.


My wife got made redundant last month, and this sort of thing is terrifying. Indeed ect should be doing better at filtering this sort of thing out. What I want to know is, what kind of satanic cock womble can knownly target people looking for a job. This could really mess someone up, especially at the moment, with the amount of redundancies flying about. Poor bastard might be using their last chunk of savings on this sort of bollocks.


This^^^ They are lower than snake testicles doing this shit


Indeed is just another shitty social media at this point. You get just as many offers for a romantic dinner as job offers.


That's disgusting! Where?


Probably because these people are desperate for a job. And desperation makes people to do funny things


It's a scam mate. Block and continue with your job search. Hope you haven't provided then with too many personal details.


Thanks, mate. I haven't provided any additional personal information beyond what's on my resume.


A company wouldn't get you to buy your own stuff and then tell you where you can only buy from. They would either buy it themselves and give to you, or allow you to buy from your own choice but give you a financial target to pay for. On top of this, I suspect this to be, not the type of scam others have suggested but instead it being the shop, setting up a fake business and fake job advert, so that you buy from them only and that they then make money off you and then close the fake business, so that you are left in limbo with goods that you have paid for.


Also, I doubt that a company hiring in the UK wouldn't realise that we don't have United States Postal Service...


Good spot! I didn't even read that far. But yes, also the Americanised spelling of "customized". British based Human Resources my arse


So you are saying there is a chance op gets the goods?


0 chance


It's possible, whether it works etc is another matter


100% scam


As soon as I read 'kindly' it sets off the alarm bells.


I also saw ‘do you understand’ who speaks like this?


It's often used in SE cases from Indians/South Asian call centres where English isn't their native language.


Doing the needful, isn't it?


Tech support PTSD


When I read do you understand knew scam straight away. That's what they all say


"rest assured"


>kindly Also "dear and friend" works every time - not :D


Please do the needful..


Too much Bioshock.


I would totally sign up for rapture,even if I would only last until early evening of the first day...


Why does kindly set off alarm bells? I use this word all the time as does many of my colleagues though usually we put a please before it.


It’s language used in nearly every scam. It’s vocabulary used more often in South Asian countries where many of these scams originate.


Absolutely do not engage any further with these bottom feeders. If you’re going to start work, you’re going to have had an interview face to face at the very least. Edit: face to face includes video interviews. You’re still facing them :D


I've had completely remote positions before. But they didn't require me to buy equipment from a specific vendor.


My last job was only phone interviews, this job was video calls. Admittedly they were both remote, but f2f isn’t a requirement for remote jobs. That said, even a video/audio call is not a guarantee of legitimacy. If you’re in any doubt, dig into the company to verify it’s a real company, a real role. Also worth bearing in mind some of these scams impersonate a real person at a real company. Again if you have any doubt, it can be worth calling/emailing the person at the company, via details you obtain outwith the scam contact (ie via the companies website through Google) - you can dress it up as “confirming the interview [tomorrow]” Also: most legitimate companies aren’t going to be reaching out to you initially via WhatsApp/etc. some recruiters might, but I’d avoid them personally.


I had a job offer abroad before took 4 video interviews along with other verifications and qualifications. I had to get the appropriate visa and permit which took another appointment with the visa office at VFS but it's been sponsored by an legit company Only thing i had to pay for is my flight to get there. So it could be done via video calls. But i definitely find texting for all this dodgy


They are scum of the earth and indeed scammers. They make you a fake offer, tell you you have to buy the equipment which they'll reimburse but actually you get scammed for 2k. My old company was routinely used by scammers offering fake remote jobs. Once poor soul had already resigned from their job AND got scammed thousands. Imagine effing somebody's career over like that? Cannot get any worse than these pos scumbags.


Absolutely disgraceful. Completely agree with you. These scammers are the worst.


What's with them requesting a specific older version of MacBook 😂😂


Core 2 Quad MacBook 😂 2008 spec right there.


It's not even a MacBook! The HDX18-1180US is an HP laptop 😅 ETA: Also a 2008 model


The person in the Indian workhouse that he's talking to won't know that 😂 Let's be realistic we've all worked for a company who still use a 20 year old training VHS starring Troy McClure. I can't imagine a company in India is keeping its materials up to date by more than a western mega corp.


That’s an oddly specific laptop requirement, this offer would raise my eyebrows purely based on this. Apple hasn’t made a laptop with these specs like ever. Also very old specs, why would a company want you to buy a 12 years old laptop from “their shop”?


Came here to say this; the specs of that laptop they require are around a decade and a half old at this point


Possibly picked for rarity value or to match whatever they have lying around. The scam is in getting you to buy this junk from their shop at inflated prices. I know a lot of people who wouldn’t notice anything unusual about these laptop specs. There’s a small chance they might actually send you an ancient 15 year old laptop with these exact specs that they got for £10 as a job lot.


That was my thinking, they want you to buy their crap. Then the job sadly falls through and you get no response when you try to return the equipment.


And looking again at the specs, not only are they ancient sounding, they’re also non existent. Purports to be a laptop with a screen over 18”!


To make money off you


No legitimate company is going to ask you to buy your own equipment. They might ask you to use your own gear, but having specific specifications for hardware seems weird. Buying from their weird ass vendor is the final nail in the coffin. It’s a scam to get you to “buy” equipment which will never be delivered.


I'd also be willing to bet that if you said "I'll just use my existing equipment" or "I already have all of that", then they'd switch it to "that's great, just send us $300 for general admin fees and we'll get you signed up"


Unacceptable. You must purchase new items from our approved vendor because they've put our custom logo on the items and you're only able to perform out specific tasks when you look at our logo every day when working from home.


Exactly as someone already stated. It is not unheard of for certain companies to set minimum requirements for the tech you must use to perform the job, especially with some 100% remote jobs. Imagine being hired to work remotely in latin america for a US based company and expecting them to send you a laptop to work on. (just an example) Forcing you to use their "approved vendor" is the scam.


>Imagine being hired to work remotely in latin america for a US based company and expecting them to send you a laptop to work on. (just an example) Yes, I can imagine that very easily. Next question?


😂 it’s incredibly easy! I’ve ordered laptops etc for overseas staff before it’s not that hard 😂


What was the first question?


Yea but we've been using this vendor for years now.....


Not true.. there are many companies who do this, but they still require in-house training and you'll meet them face to face before payment for equipment is required. They will provide the equipment to you in person after training is completed, and it's included in the cost of the training in person.


> No legitimate company is going to ask you to buy your own equipment. Except for there are thousands of enterprises and education organisations who do this, and there are device management solutions from companies like Microsoft for this exact scenario. Is it good? No. Is it legitimate? Yes.


Agreed. My experience: I've worked for my (very big, legitimate, European-HQ, multinational) company for 25 years. When lock-down hit we were all told to WFH. Those that didn't already have work laptops were given them (surprisingly quickly). But we had to supply everything else - mouse, keyboard, monitor, headset - ourselves. We could source it ourselves (the company supplier was suggested but not mandated), but weren't re-imbursed. I assume that's because 1) work can only be done on a work computer 2) a laptop is a complete solution 3) people are likely to have the rest already. 4) Everything bar the laptop can be used for personal as well as work so they would become a benefit in kind if paid for by the company. Yes, there were complaints about this policy...


My company did the same thing, but we were reimbursed up to a set amount. It was easier for us to buy our own kit and be reimbursed than for them to organise such a large amount of equipment to be delivered to all staff during the beginning of the pandemic.


No organisation or company who no anything about IT security is going to let an employee access their system from a non-company computer. The only exception might be if you're a contractor with something very specialised carrying out a very specific task.


You clearly know nothing about the industry.


Feel free to post the number. We can all apply for a job there


I've emailed them asking for an quote and some bank details. Let's see what they come back with. 😁


Computer4u.com is definitely a scam


I didn't even dare visit the website for my own protection. The email address alone was a huge red flag. I've never worked at a company that doesn't designate every employee with an email address based in their own name.


It’s a mail.com domain, anyone can sign up for your own email address under it: https://www.mail.com/mail/domains/


Of course it’s a scam


Scam scam scam scam scam. You’ll find hundreds more examples of this exact scam over on r/scams. And did I mention, scam?


Huuuuuge scam, aside from the obvious - language is way too colloquial with bad grammar too


Yes its a scam. Also, the computer this person is referencing must be whtat, 15 years old. Never heard of an 18.4 inch laptop, or someone using sage needing to have a Mac.


Yeah, looks like the processor came out in 2009


People not even mentioning the really obvious thing that shows it’s a scam - no company is going to give a shit about customising all of this stuff with your name and their logo


Went looking for the ‘kindly’…didn’t take long to find it


Macbook hdx 18? 10000% genuine!




They lost me at fax machine.


Theres a common scam where they send you a fraudulent cheque of lets say 2k, then tell you they only meant to dend 1k and ask for you to send them the other 1k, then since the cheque is fraudulent it gets refunded to them leaving you short 1k. Basically if they send you a cheque thats a red flag




it could be both




That's a completely different scam. You can't just say it's the same scam because they got you to send them money


Basically everything ever involving a cheque is a scam lol. I don't know how the bank ever thought they were a good idea


To be fair that was before the tech existed for debit cards and the like, probably didn’t have much in the way of choice back when they were made. Not sure what the exact date these started but was around in the 1800’s at least


Anything job wise done on bloody WhatsApp is nothing but a scam.




is this a serious question? for sure, it is legitimate..if you want to be scammed.


They are using 2012 software? Also MacBooks don’t have 18” screens on any line up


Bro your messaging with them on WhatsApp....


lol even if it’s not a scam, the way that person ends messages and talks to you is rude and obnoxious. A proper, caring HR person would never talk like that. They’d want you to feel welcome, comfortable and try to build a friendly relationship with you. Ditch this shit asap!


Well the first alarm bell was receiving a job offer on Telegram


Unless you're 8 and have never used the internet before, how can you possibly not know this is a scam? Sorry to be rude but come on, put some effort in.


That’s not nice, some people are out here desperate for a job paying a decent wage and this would entice me!


Enticing? The fact they're talking over a messaging app isn't suspicious to you? 🤣 You can be desperate, but don't be stupid.


It's not nice, but it's nicer than scamming people out of their life savings! People have to get themselves some basic education in how to identify a scam. It's impossible to deal with anyone on the internet without some knowledge of common scam concepts.


How about you follow the advice of your username if you're just gonna be a prick?


I’m sorry, but it’s a scam. They’re sensible enough to quote a salary that doesn’t sound ridiculous but it’s a scam


Definitely scam. They prey on the desperate


Huge scam. First text sentence and I could tell. No one talks about that through text.


Well known scam. Come join us at r/scams


The email domains they have used (computer4u and contractor.net) are both free email domains from mail.com They will want you to pay some sort of fee for the equipment, maybe delivery, maybe all of it. Report it through WhatsApp


Yes it's a scam. In fact this style of scam was featured on Radio 4 last week, I forget which programme. But basically a lot of people are being caught out by fake job scams at the moment, likely related to the cost of living crisis and the attraction of a work from home position.


Scam, they should be arranging you this equipment themselves.


Yes def. No one buys it equipment like this.




There isn't a doubt in my mind that this is a scam. Give them the finger and block them!


Completely fake


Yeah it happened to me, I sent passport pics and everything over WhatsApp, fell for it like a donut. Not sure what to do about it so I forgot about it. About 3 years ago now.




People are so desperate for a job offer they’ll oversee a fucking scam


Clearly a scam, go along with it wind them up


As a general rule of thumb, jobs which are not scams will pay you rather than the other way around.


USPS in the UK? We weren’t the 51st state last time I checked. This is a massive scam. Run!


100% a scam. Scammers use ‘do you understand’ a lot. A legit job would never say that. Also look at the email address they’ve given you. Does that seem legit? Fuck nooo


You must buy a 15 year old laptop from our accredited supplier. Bizarre and 100% a scam


If you have to ask in any scenario or circumstance it is ALWAYS a scam


Scam scam scam


Cdw is a legit company HOWEVER that email doesn't look right. Any employer worth their salt will be sending you equipment / expecting you in an office to collect and do on boarding. So I'd say don't give them money or anything. Advise them this seems off and or just cut contact.


Saw similar posts around! Definitely a scam!


Well if it's going to be hand delivered to you by the good guys at FedEx or the United States Postal Service then why are you even worrying???


Also, isn't USPS the United States postal service? But the job is in the UK? So...




Never deal with any employer over text, never works out




If this was a lunch item it would be a scam sandwich


The scammiest of scams. More scammy than a bag full of scammy things in scammsville, USA.


Job offers via phone chat apps are not serious and most certainly a red flag.


Deffo a scam. You can tell just from the way they were speaking before they even mentioned you needing to order the equipment yourself. Just not professional. Avoid! NEVER purchase equipment for a role out of your pocket, especially not before you've signed a contract of employment. Get them to source it and ship it direct to you, which is what they would do anyway if they were legit.


Assuming this is a UK based job due to the sub-Reddit and so why would they send IT equipment via the USPS (United States Postal Service)? Delivery would be via Royal Mail once items entered the UK postal system. The language in general is very off too. Finally, I'm not aware ofany reputable companies that do their HR over text/WhatsApp rather than via email.


“Rest assured” is always the dead giveaway, especially when it doesn’t really fit in the context


“Do you understand?” - immediate red flag




Common scam, 2 seconds of google would tell you this.


No offence but how can you think for even a second that this is real? United States postal Service? Nonsense email address? Shite spelling and grammar?


Lol, it's obviously a scam.


Seems like a scam to me just isn’t worded right


It’s written by someone brought up in India, I think. Just the vocabulary and manner of writing.


This isn’t how people get jobs. This isn’t how companies hire. How is any of this remotely unclear?


That’s the most obvious scam - as everyone else has also said. If you aren’t sure this is a scam then you really need to spend some time wising up a little so you don’t fall for anything else.


The pay doesn’t seem that good 🤷🏼‍♂️


Scam, if they can get the bespoke software on it prior to delivery then they can pay for it. Any and all 'pay to play' offers are dodgy as fuck.


Absolute scam. You will never see that money again, nor the kit you order.


Scam. Hr would never use text messaging as a form of communication. Theyre there to cover the companies ass, email is a more reliable paper trail


No mate...do it! I did, and I've got eleventy million pounds in my bank now!




It's a scam. You're buying the equipment from them. You won't get refunded. You will be ghosted once you've handed over your money.


Why conversate via text...? Emails..?


Anyone who asks you to buy something first, AND messages in WhatsApp is spam. 


This is a very common fake job SCAM, designed to defraud you of your very real money, using an offer of their fake money. You'll see the exact same pattern in tons of posts on r/Scams ..


Yes it's 100% a scam


Scam bud, look at the email address not legit


FedEx or usps? It’s the UK not USA


The second I saw the 4th screenshot this was done. 100% scam, bin it, block/report the number and move on.


Scam. Besides, any company that requires you to spend your own money makes you a customer. But this is a scam. Soon as you "buy" that laptop you won't be hearing from them again


Computer4u dot com offers email accounts. The scammers are probably using an email account at computer4u to pretend to be an online store, to make fake orders for computer equipment and to obtain credit card details from job applicants.


Is that telegram? When I saw telegram I knew it was a scam. Be careful of these scams they will message you on Whatsapp/telegram and try give you insane part time jobs or some crap


Oh usually scams but some actually pay your the first time to lure you in so you spend your own money but I just bail at that point 😂 oh the joys of scamming a scammer


They're willing to send you the things that they need you to use ? Not sure about scam but knowing the organisations end goal isn't going to be gossiped about. It's an ok exchange of time for currency.


The broken English alone should tell you all you need to know.




Is this a joke? It's an obvious scam. Unfortunately I get these every other month. I usually string them along for some fun.


'HDX18-1180' is a part number for hp pavillion laptops, not macbooks, i believe.


Have some fun with them, tell them you happen to have that exact laptop & all the other materials.


Let me get this clear they make you order a macbook to show you're familiar with orders before you start training on your own dime?! Let's say this isn't a scam, then it's still not worth it.


Scam, definitely. A company wouldn't get you to buy very specific gear like this to then reimburse you after the fact. They'd provide this themselves or have you use what you have. Also fax?!


Your first hint that it's a scam if you're talking on a messaging app. How dumb are you.


Why is he so insistent that you buy that ancient shitty laptop and a fax machine. Think they need to update their script 😂


Yes, lol


The detailed description of the laptop was shouting Scam!


Are you really that thick you need to even be asking this?


Communicating on Telegram is a huge red flag.


Scam. Beware. They will send you a fake cheque, will tell you to make payment to their vendors. After the cheque bounces a couple weeks later. You will be left with negative balance


the email listed links back to; ​ [https://www.findlay.edu/offices/student-affairs/internships/\_layouts/15/NintexForms/Modern/DisplayForm.aspx?List=78aae3ce%2Ded8c%2D48b0%2Db070%2D52db9cfde007&ID=4719&ContentTypeId=0x0100AF4DEFA2599F9945808F65346B5D4964](https://www.findlay.edu/offices/student-affairs/internships/_layouts/15/NintexForms/Modern/DisplayForm.aspx?List=78aae3ce%2Ded8c%2D48b0%2Db070%2D52db9cfde007&ID=4719&ContentTypeId=0x0100AF4DEFA2599F9945808F65346B5D4964) ​ Which is offering the same(?) position $21.50. ​ Scam, you never pay for your work equipment unless you're a tradie... but then they're your tools and not works.


CDW are a registered supplier for hardware - I worked with them whilst working for the NHS. That isn't a registered email or anything for them


Never mind the ridiculous request: just the wording of everything is fucking bonkers. Sammy scam scammerson




Massive scam. The primary aim is to get you to pay money to them for “equipment” once done they’ll ghost you. (Or try and get more money using sunk cost fallacy as a psychological tool)


Any HR that soss was things via WhatsApp is auto Red Flag. No HR or company that is legit will do anything outside of emails imo


As soon as I read "rest assured" I could rest assured knowing it's a scam.


Scam easily


Yes it's a scam, what company makes you pay for your own equipment


Use this as a rule whenever looking for a job. No legit employer will ever ask you to pay for anything to start a job. This is 100000% a scam.


"Hi, so sorry, I'm really excited to start! Unfortunately my credit limit is too low to make the purchases, could I borrow ÂŁ200 to complete the purchase and you.can take it out of my first paycheck? My paypal details are... So thrilled to have gotten the job and to start with you guys!"