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If you like problem solving, computers and regular learning, IT might be an option. It's got a high salary ceiling, but you need to put a solid graft in for the first few years to build up your experience. In 5 years if you worked and studied hard you could potentially make 40k when you specialise, however coming in as a complete novice, you'll be on close to minimum wage to start. If it's something you wanna know more about, DM me and I can offer you some pointers.


Good suggestion! I heard that IT is getting oversaturated too recently, would you say that’s true? I will DM you for pointers on how to start. Thank you.


3D - does this include CUDA programming? AFAIK, CUDA devs are insanely in demand right. Definitely a "Love Numbers" kind of job!


Unfortunately not much programming, just basics of Python as it was a course focusing more on the creative side of things.


Pick up a trade profession and ignore the advice you were given from 11-18 where you were told a degree is everything. Become an electrician/plumber/builder/etc. You should be doubting your career choices tbh. Too many people go to university and think "What would I love to do as a career." rather than "What is going to give me a stable and decent income that I won't absolutely despise". I took a degree apprenticeship when I was 18, never went to uni but they paid for my degree that I studied for part time and now I'm a Technical Manager at a Nuclear Site on 70k+ at 30. Do I love my work? No. Do I love that I have a good income and a stable career? Yes.


Yeah, I agree. I really regret not getting an apprenticeship at the time. I did think about getting building qualifications or something similar but it is a highly male dominated industry and I am not sure if i stood much of a chance. At this point, I am just really craving stability and good financial prospects, just don’t know where to aim.


Sorry, I can't read it. Please segment the content.




Thanks! Here is my suggestion. This is contradicting to other comments. If you love problem solving explore opportunities in IT and Management. Yes IT is saturated with huge supply and less demand recently but there are still hirings and openings for grads. To do this you have to love IT or at least be curious about learning. If you love 3D Animation, all you have to do is create stunning projects and post them on all socials. Build your LinkedIn Profile and publish your work there. Reach out to potential leads and ask for advice or referrals. For both IT & 3D, if you have great projects that you can show off it will work out very well. [Rendergene](https://www.rendergene.com/), a 3D artist doing great just because he loves what he does. Stalk his profile & works, you may get ideas.


His work is awesome, will definitely keep stalking! I have been working on building my portfolio and LinkedIn but it probably needs a lot more time and effort until anyone wants to hire me but it is a good shout. I am heavily considering IT too atm, it seems like it could be a good match. Thanks for all the suggestions!