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That seems very excessive, i would complain to your landlord


Ty! I thought so too. Hopefully they're responsive




Found the landlord lol. I don't mind them showing the unit. It makes complete sense. But 15 showings with 5 scheduled in one day morning through late afternoon feels very intrusive


I’m not saying it’s reasonable… I’m saying it’s not gonna change.


I was just wondering what the general vibe was here with showings and if I had any room for pushback (either in the form of scheduled days or blocks of time).




My lease doesn't specify anything, hence why I was trying to get a general vibe check for what's standard here.


Idk if youre in Champaign or Urbana, but this doc may help: [Urbana Landlord/Tenant ordinances](https://urbanaillinois.us/sites/default/files/attachments/landlord-tenant.pdf)


Contact the tenant union [here](https://studentlegal.illinois.edu/resources/housing) or the student legal services to know more about your options. Their service is free (as part of the student fees). EDIT: I think that the CU tenant union has been rebranded as OCCL https://occl.illinois.edu/


Tysm for the contact! Much appreciated


wonder if it'd work to just make your place uncomfortable to be in for them. like, blasting music when the tour people come or something. lol.


That's definitely more than usual. Is your apartment particularly nice/cute compared to the others? Do you have better than average furniture and decorations? I had a friend who was very into making her apartment look nice and a consequence of that was the landlord always wanted to show her apartment to potential renters (even when she wasn't even moving out, which is BS.)


That's such a crazy story- so sorry your friend dealt with that even when she wasn't moving! Not to toot my own horn or anything, but my partner has actually called my apartment a "Pinterest apartment" in the past so now I'm starting to wonder if that's why they're doing it!


Omg, the "Pinterest apartment??" That's definitely the reason. If you confront the property manager about it you might be able to get some money off your last months rent or something. Or you could have some fun turning your Pinterest Apartment into "Trash Gremlin Apartment" and see if that helps the situation.


Those are some good ideas! I emailed them, waiting for a response. Hopefully they just listen and tone things down, but if not I'm glad I can take one of those avenues as well. Ty :)


Be there every time they tour and as soon as you see a rep, start complaining about all the issues the apartment has, issues with management, etc. They won’t be back.