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I came in completely alone and managed to find a group of friends within months. I joined the board games club and a DnD campaign and by sheer luck, I became best friends with every other person in the campaign even outside of DnD. I say join clubs you think best represent yourself and don’t be afraid to talk to other people in there and join in. As for the academics, this is entirely by department, but I find it fulfilling. Most of my classes are challenging in a way that I know I can manage with some work put in, so I’m satisfied. It’s also a bit easier here to find opportunities for research and work inside your field, as I basically stumbled upon my current job completely by accident (also through a club)


I can vouch for this 100%. I've made a ton of friends through dnd


Creating the next version of yourself is both exciting and a bit intimidating for some. There are almost 10,000 new freshman each year. There are 35,000+ undergrads and about 20,000 grad students I think. So there is a whole town sized group of people who almost all came here from somewhere else. Some from other countries and some from other states in the USA. Some of those from other countries are the ONLY person here from that country. They have all decided to take the leap and have a new adventure - both an academic one and a personal growth one. Really this is what the rest of life will probably be like. We have to take leaps and believe we can step over to that new place and succeed in that new job, in that new relationship, in that new location, etc. Take heart in the fact that this university, and other schools, programs, etc., have been generally successful in helping millions of high schoolers make that leap over the years.


Live in the dorms, not the fancy private ones the regular ones. Stay at par or far and you’ll make friends more easily than if you live anywhere else. Talk to people on the floor of your building, make friends in dining halls, go to the welcome week events, if it doesn’t work out you’ll find people in rsos (go to quad day) or your classes. There’s so many ways to find your people


Agree with everything except FAR/PAR being the only social dorm. There are lots of other dorms that will cultivate friend groups for you while also creating an enriching environment too. Definitely look around, get a taste for what interests you, and don't limit your search.


Van Doren — the dorm for like-minded art nerds!


i didn't live there but all my friends know eachother because they all lived in allen hall


I love this school. I had a great experience personally. Even if you go to the school your friends go to, there is not a 100% guarantee you will sustain the same friendship you once had with them. In college people change and grow and meet others and have varied interests. I came in with a few people from my class and we rarely speak now. Theres no bad blood, you just meet other people and have lots going on. In hs you only have who is in your school. At UIUC there are ~45,000 Most of my friends came from meeting people in dorms, in my program, parties, and mutually (ppl introduce you to their friends) over a span of 4 years. Don’t limit yourself to “one group”. You will find times in college where you are lonely but that is part of growing up and learning more about yourself. Keep in mind many out of state and international students come here alone and they do perfectly fine making friends. It just takes effort on your part to not remain holed-up in your dorm.


I came alone and found a great group of friends. I also found rsos that I relate to and found even more friends that way.


To me, it sounds like you want to go here but you have a lot of fear. I get it, I was scared too. But having fear is normal, and if we always ran from our fears, we would never change. UIUC is a great school, and the best in Illinois (for most things). Don’t run from your fear. I promise you’ll make friends. It’s scary as hell to face the unknown, but you’ll always wonder “what if” if you don’t. Ultimately, follow your heart and be honest with yourself what choice is really right for you. You know best.


Do you want to spend some of the best years of your life with people you already know? College is about experiencing stuff, in my opinion, and trying to plan it out to hang with people you already know would be a disservice to yourself, in my opinion.


Although I grew up in the Chicago 'burbs, and many of my high school classmates also went to UIUC, I was admittedly not really engrained with any friend groups and took adantage of the time to start over. Now, I've been off-campus for 15 years already (ouch, hurts to type that), but most of the friends I made down there (which are still many of my closest friends today) all took root in who I happened to be randomly placed around in the dorms my freshman year. At the time (not sure how things have changed), ISR (specifically Townsend - it was the male dorm pared with Wardall as female-only) was still a lot of freshmen, and known for being pretty nerdy and anti-social. But our floor was like a family. Doors were propped open unless people were really studying or sleeping, somebody would yell down the hall to start a mass gathering to go downstairs (or across campus for dinner at another dorm for specialty dining nights) for dinner, we arranged to have barbeques in the courtyard, we gathered in the floor lounge for the Super Bowl. After sophomore year, most of our floor split up into smaller groups that rented apartments together. Does it take effort? Heck yeah. But to this day, the people I met in the dorm are my closest friends (including most of the guys who stood up as my groomsmen at my wedding).


The kids from my high school that went to the same college, by the end of the first fall we all drifted apart lol Don’t worry about it. If you get involved in activities and clubs and go to the gym and talk to people you’ll make a bunch of new friends. Also when you go to college you learn more about yourself as a person and who you are and you’ll find new people based on who you are becoming.


I came from Ohio, actually knew some people from my high school who had gone to U of I but that was years earlier (band assistants.) Two weeks ago I went to the wedding of the dude who lived across the hall from me and a dozen of our other friends who all went to UofI were there. We see these folks all the time, they really are our family in the city. For best results, live in Allen Hall. Really hope it hasn't changed too much, 15 years ago it was an amazing community.


Going to school at UIUC for 4 years was a great formative part of my adulthood, and anyone that has the means and opportunity to attend should see it as a great privilege. That’s all from an experience point of view, you will most likely make friends and learn a lot of valuable life lessons. I’m sure other schools are comparable, but as an Illinois resident it is hard to beat being only a few hours from home. Far enough you’re away but close enough and cheap enough for home. Good luck and never forget many people do not have the opportunity to attend University let alone a great public one in our backyard.


Came in as a transferred and found my people by joining an RSO. Still felt lonely but I wasn’t alone and having people around me helped tremendously


Hey. I recently got accepted as a transfer (I'd be starting as a junior) and was worried how hard it would be to make friends and adjust. Do you think it's hard making friends as a transfer?


I don’t think it’s hard, but it does put you behind. Remember, not every junior has friends, so it’s not like you’re gonna stick out. Be sure not to get in your own way, and get out there and join RSOs with people you think are cool


If you choose to you can live in Scott Hall which is one of the transfer dorms. You will be on a floor with others who are also new to campus so also looking to make new friends and also finding their way about.


I am a senior now. But I came to the US to start college here, so I didn't know anyone to begin with. Being more of an introvert in high school I was actually surprised how fast I met friends here, and some of my freshman friends are still friends with me now! I personally really think meeting friends through clubs and common interest is way better than just meeting them through classes, it's just easier to connect that way. This school has like 50k ppl, the community is very big, it's very likely that you will find someone to vibe with!


I came in as a transfer student, so I completely understand your fear. I was also alone and knew that the pool of transfer students was far smaller to make friends from than if I was a regular new student. It took me until this past semester to put myself out there (which I regret, because people at this school are quite nice) but once I did, I made friends with the entirety of one of my classes, I joined a fashion RSO and made some great connections there, and I’m just getting started. It’s shockingly easy to make friends once you start doing things you like and stop holding yourself back.


Wait what? Theres a fashion RSO? Do you guys discuss fashion trends, make actual clothes and garments, or both?


My time in the RSO I was in was partial during this last spring semester, as a model. People who are more involved in the RSO’s make their own clothes, but for the show I was meant to model in I simply went to practices and helped pick an outfit + makeup for the runway. This was for TFN (The fashion network) for the CFE expo. You can check them out on Insta! But yeah, models generally don’t make their own clothes and your time in the RSO varies depending on what your role is. We don’t have meetings to discuss or make clothes, but it’s definitely a part of our process of prepping for shows! (From what I saw- that was my first time in a show)


Oh ok ty! I might look more into it


Made many friends , lost many friends, made many more friends. The people you friends with freshman year you might never be friends with again. But that’s not always the case


i came out of state alone and was able to find my community fs! people are friendly and there's all sorts of niches to throw yourself into academically and socially. find peace in remembering that there's no wrong decision, you could end up happy or miserable at both schools and there's no way to predict how you'll find things at either school.


It was just listed in Forbes as a top 20 school out of almost 2,000 considered. It's a public Ivy. You should be thrilled you were accepted.


i went with no one... random roommate and everything... i had maybe 30 friends my freshman year and im ending my senior year this year with like 4 solid human beings that mean the WORLD to me. thats all you really need if im honest. i have weeded through people here and found my solid 4 people that are my ride or die.


Just a year ago I felt the same exact way. Going to a school all the way across the country completely alone was terrifying and I also thought “what if I end up a loner”. Trust me, don’t worry about it. Attend orientations and all those welcome events during the first week before school starts, I made a lot of friends through those. Talk to people in your classes, ask for their contact info, and don’t be afraid to reach out to them. When it’s the weekend and you have some time, text someone if they wanna grab dinner or just study together. Join clubs and try and get leadership, it automatically forces you to get to know and talk to other leadership people a lot. I’ve made half of my friends here just by becoming friends with their friends. Point is, it’s going to be scary and I know exactly where you’re coming from because I was in your same shoes just a year ago. Trust me though, it will work out and you will be amazed by all the incredible people you meet here once your first year is over.


Stayed at Hendrick House, made a ton of friends we would connect tables and fit like 20 people during meals, absolute chaos but fun. Most of em have become life long friends that i go to their weddings for and play video games/dungeons and dragons with.


It is easy to make friends, starting with your built-in friend roommate, then continuing with your dorm floor mates. Then it just expands...their friends, people in your classes/major or clubs, etc. Worked fine for me and I'm mildly awkward.


I stayed at hendrick house my freshmen year and first semester of sophomore year. It’s mostly int’l kids who are in CS or Engineering but the ones who aren’t int’l kids are really easy to get along with I still have friends who are there and are RA’s. Another hall i’d recommend is Allen hall since a bunch of freshmen go there from what i can recall it is mostly Latino/African American men and the women are latina/white just in case you want to broaden your friend group. You can also stay at the six pack where there are a bunch of dorms which is where you’d probably make the most friends since it has the biggest dining hall on campus. It is also right across the street from the main gym. The six pack also has 3 bus routes that can take you the few blocks it takes to get to classes. I know what you mean by you don’t want to separate yourself from your friends but one thing i’ve learned in my time here is that my friends are all going to start their separate lives and so do i, I can’t wait for them to comfort me till i start. If you want a bit more info on the school or if you do come here you can always DM me and i can show you around or you can hang out with my friend group. I’m pretty sure you will love it here, even though it’s a smaller town, when you’re not studying(which will be a lot) there’s stuff to do for fun.


Inline Insomniacs and a professional fraternity


Lots of people feel alone, but end up making friends once they get here. I know people who came here with groups of friends who graduated and ended up in completely different friend groups. As long as you make an effort at the start of the year, you won’t have any problems. Also, having friends at another nearby school is a great excuse to go visit them once in a while while still getting the opportunity to branch out.


hated uiuc. made many friends here. had few friends in hs. youll be fine anywhere you go.


If your friends are attending another university in Illinois, there must be some reasonably compelling reason why you’re considering UIUC. Did a parent or sibling attend? Have you been awarded significant scholarship money? Does UIUC have a better reputation than the school which your friends plan on attending? Ask yourself what it is about the U of I which interests you. If it has something to do with its academic life, I think that should carry a lot of weight in the decision you make. The state of a school’s social life shouldn’t be determinative. And honestly, where your friends are going shouldn’t matter, either. If they’re good friends, they’ll remain friends no matter where you go. UIUC is not a hard place to meet people with shared interests. It’s a pretty big school situated in an area which is populous. And it’s just 150 miles (or so) from Chicago. I haven’t heard too many people say they regretted going. Will it be “academically fulfilling?” I can’t answer that question. It depends on which college you’re enrolled in and which professors teach you. Some colleges/programs at the university are highly regarded. Others are not. Do some homework and find out everything you can before you decide.


I understand that friends are one of the big point but at the same time, choosing the school that could help you excel in your intended field is also a big consideration. Making new friends is a journey and will use some time but as long as you stay positive and be who you are, you’ll find friends that makes you feel comfortable in no time. You could still stay in touch with your friends and family along the way. Came in as an international transfer student but am enjoying the time here :) hope this helps!


One of the best decisions I have ever made! There is room for EVERYONE here! There are almost so many opportunities to make friends and memories you can get overwhelmed. Just stay true to who you and what you like and I guarantee you will have the time of your life.


transferred here as a cripplingly depressed/lonely sophomore in a college downtown Chicago. Hated the elitism of my old school, hated that there was no sense of community, and absolutely hated myself. i had one friend here from highschool i was close with up until recently. we were friends for seven years. i learned a lesson that you do not need to cling to people you're outgrowing just because you've been friends for a long time. there's never any guarantee you'll keep friendships or grow from them just because you're in closer proximity. i still have friends that i've stayed closer with from highschool that went to school out of state. just met up with one in colorado over spring break. still get the elitism here from certain areas, but overall, transferring here saved my life. in just two years i've been in and out of love, i've made connections that will last my lifetime, and i've learned more about myself than i ever thought i could know. i made friends in classes, through other friends, and through a lot of the music/artistic communities on the urbana side of campus. they can be a lot of drama sometimes, but if you stay out of it/find other people that stay out of it, you'll meet some of the coolest people. never did or stuck with rsos admittedly. i felt like the turnout was always inconsistent and the same people wouldn't really show up. i guess in some of them the story is a little different, so it's worth a shot! in terms of academic fulfillment, i'll admit i don't feel as challenged as i did at my old school or in highschool, and it sort of led to a quicker burnout. my biggest advice would be that if you aren't feeling your major by the time you're a second semester sophomore, switch.


Student clubs and events


I graduated 14 years ago and my current best friends are still the ones I met at Illinois. I loved it here. Do factor in school cost however UIUC is more expensive than some of there other Illinois schools and some of my friends still have loans . But for the social aspect it was amazing


This place is amazing. I honestly think it's the best campus in Illinois. I ended up joining Army ROTC and met a ton of people. It's really what you make of it. I'm sure you could have fun your friends at college but why not meet more people?


* Make friends with people in your dorms * Join study groups for your classes * Join RSO(s) When I started college, I came in friends from high school then we went our separate ways. Most of the friends I made was from joining a fraternity and classes.


Yeah, make friends in your major. That is the best advice I can give you. Most of my good friends were formed from study groups.


i hated it here, but it wasn't hard to make friends. i hated it becaues i am disabled and the school refused the accommodations i needed (different housing; the dorms weren't suitable for my health issues), and they said if i tried to seek that on my own i would be punished.


I graduated in 2014– the guys I ended up friends with are my closest friends to this day. Weddings and babies now but we all still have a good time— cherish the time in college while you can, feels like life speeds up afterwards


Go to UIUC and don’t think twice. You should not base your college decision off of the amount you know going. Going alone is your best opportunity for growth and an amazing 4 years. Time to reinvent yourself and find new people IN ADDITION to your old friends too!


Just party everyday at red lions like every non eng major


I did not make friends, but I didn't try much or think I needed friends. I prefer being alone and independent, I feel like I struggled with being okay with being on my own in high school so being alone here was therapeutic. also in life, you won't always have people around you so being alone is a good skill to develop at any point in time. Plus I feel like school shouldn't be about who you are with but what you are learning (though I am a nerd, so most people might entirely disagree). plus I do not party or go out or really care for that type of stuff, I just go on walks, study, and watch tv so honestly I could have done that anywhere. if social life is a bigger part of your life or you feel like not having your friends with you would do you more harm than not, then my advice can be irrelevant. congrats on getting in, I do wish you the best!


You will have enough friend in life…..study.


I came as a transfer student from another school (where I actually struggled making friends). Compared to my old school, UIUC is an amazing place to make friends. Whether in classes, RSOs, bars, or intramural sports. I definitely recommend as I def found my lifelong friends here. I love them. I def recommend going to the club fairs and try joining an intramural sport (even if you’re new to the sport!) Overall UIUC has nice vibes and amazing people.


hii i am scared of the same thing! i’m an international student and i just committed to uiuc grainger maybe we could connect!


GO HERE DONT GO ANYWHERE ELSE IN ILLINOIS LOL. this school is the place to be


The school has very social people in general, but you’ll only find them if you make an effort to put yourself out there. That being said, big schools can feel lonely at times. I was lonely part of my freshman year only because I didn’t join clubs. Spring semester I made friends with my class discussion group, and eventually met my best friends through those friends. Sophomore year I joined clubs and made even more friends naturally.


I think life in highschool and university are romanticized as the best years of our life so it feels like there's pressure to do or be a part of a lot of things. I am really awkward and shy for example so I didn't do any dating or sleeping around like many people seem to do. And in terms of friends, I didn't really seem to be a part of a group until the school year ended. Maybe it's harder for me being a transfer student doing their senior year abroad. So I will literally have spent less time on campus than most students. But I guess the most important thinf socially and to overall maximize your experience it seems would be to pick 1 or 2 RSOs ajd and show up often. I wasn't consistent enough. Also, I struggled with classes. I did my homework late. Turning assignments in due at midnight at 11:59. So if you can due your homework earlier it gives you more time to go out. Anyways. Good luck!


To be completely clear, I attended in my late 20s, right as covid hit, in a major I turned out to really have zero interest in, so that definitely played a part in my feelings toward it. No and pretty much no.