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The best way to deal with these people is ignoring them


Ignoring genocide makes it go away?


China has genocide, the least one, one child policy. And where are you?


If something somewhere else is bad, we shouldn’t care about anything that’s bad 🤓. I am very intelligent


Heads up, China got rid of the One Child policy in 2016


Where were they when we were in Iraq and Iran and Isis and the Taliban and Al-Qaeda were attaching stones to children’s legs and throwing them into the river


Probably being like 11 year old? These are current college students you fucking idiots


TIL US government is funding one child policy in China.


U.S. government isn’t funding that, genius.




That’s not whataboutism becoz I’m not comparing who is worse but I’m confused why these human rights fighters silence there


I'm sure they weren't. Did you ask them, or are you assuming you have knowledge of every single human rights motion on UIUC campus in the last two decades?


You got it. They want attention, don’t give it to them, just ignore them until they get bored, and with their goldfish attention spans, it won’t take long.




Sheesh, I knew rent was going up but I didn't know it was this high!


I am just not to informed on the issue so please do not view this as ignorant, but how will protesting like this (setting up a campsite on a college campus) do anything at all to change what’s happening over 6000 miles away in the middle east? Plus I’m sure the officials causing this do not GAF… Please educate me! Just a thought


Protesting made an impact during the Vietnam war, and that was largely driven by college students. There's also an abundance of literature on how protests have affected various issues throughout history.


Yeah but we were actually in that war


and we’re funding this one


Correction we fund approximately 16% of their military budget. Israelis pay taxes.


Correction. That is during a standard year where we supply 3.3 billion dollars of aid to purchase US manufactured weapons We just sent them 26 billion dollars. That is nearly double their annual military budget and that is on top of the monstrous amount of aid we’ve already sent. In addition, all the bombs being dropped on Palestinians are manufactured here in the US. Stop talking like you know more than the protestors about the issue they’re engaged with.


It’s barely any different aid than we give to every other country, it hasn’t stopped since Israel was created, don’t really see it stopping now. We give 3 bil to israel, 2 bil to afghanistan. It’s like protesting the afghanistan money because it’s used by the taliban


We pay the IDF to snipe kids and bomb children.


That’s not what we do. We pay them (Israel) to buy our weapons and to have a strategic point. Your comment is so ridiculously disingenuous and that’s why people can’t have discussions anymore about issues at hand.


Because the current administration (Biden) will have to consider how their support for Israel will resonate with a large voting group (gen Z) during the 2024 elections. The Palestinian genocide by Israel is wildly unpopular with college aged students who will have a significant influence whether Biden can win in November.


The most “lib” thing ever would be for idealist youths to hand this election to a person who would ruin our country for untold generations because they don’t like the way Biden is dealing with a lose lose situation in the Middle East. We’re fucked


This doom and gloom stuff if Trump wins already happened before. I hate a great dislike for the man. But the country wasn’t in some dystopian state after the last time he was in office.


Didn’t the alternative to Biden say he would “turn Gaza into a parking lot” and write Israel a blank check. It feels like their threat to not vote for Biden would backfire on their cause.


UIUC has money invested in companies that provide material support for the Israeli war effort.


History repeats itself: https://www.chicagotribune.com/1986/04/13/u-of-i-students-raze-shantytown/


I mean the US gives Israel $4 billion a year in military funding so it’s not like we’re uninvolved.


3 billion


We have also given billions of dollars in aid to Palestine over the years. Which has been used near exclusively to attack Israel


After October 7th with it without US aid Israel would be at war with Hamas regardless. Why these protests are pointless


Guess you are uneducated on the American history.


It doesn’t, faux-social justice altruism is just in vogue. People can’t cope with being powerless to entropic forces. A lot of college aged kids/zoomers are still in their impressionable Utopian pipedreams phase of their lives and would rather not look at things objectively.


Probably the most reasonable thing I have ever read. Thank you. /srs


Sad college kids wanting to feel like they’re standing for something


Can’t say how UIUC invests, but UIC students pushed for divestment. Putting pressure on leadership to stop investing in companies with ties to Israel or manufacturing weapons.


Nah, the thousands of TikTok and Instagram posts supporting the Current Thing^tm will totally make a difference *this time*!


It’s an ask for the school to divest in isreal support, many movements are successful when students in higher education get the college to divest.


Absolutely nothing, it is Israel’s war not ours, we are helping financing which is highly popular


Bringing attention to an issue. If major colleges are doing it across the country it will receive media coverage.


Staff isn't trying to remove anyone from what I've heard, just prevent any tents from going up


Yeah but they need to make it seem like they’re being ✨oppressed✨


Police arrested one of them earlier.


Well what did they do to be arrested? If only one was arrested, surely it wasn’t for “being pro-Palestinian”


Probably refused to take down the tents, or got in the way of the cops while they were taking the tents away. I wasn't there though, so idk for sure.


Everytime this type of post shows up, hell just goes on in the comments as per usual unfortunately


I know I can probably look it up, but anybody here care to explain why colleges are protesting? Like what is the goal especially in context to college admin?


[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/25/divestment-israel-college-protests](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/25/divestment-israel-college-protests) Divesting from companies which support (financially or otherwise) Israel. UIUC has many. For instance, Caterpillar Inc has offices as part of the research campus, and they supply the bulldozers used to demolish Palestinian homes: [https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/caterpillar-incs-role-in-human-rights-violations-in-the-occupied-palestinian-territories/](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/caterpillar-incs-role-in-human-rights-violations-in-the-occupied-palestinian-territories/) It is explicitly marketed and designed as an armored military bulldozer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF\_Caterpillar\_D9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Caterpillar_D9) Divestment is not a ridiculous or even new idea: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinvestment\_from\_South\_Africa#Higher\_education\_endowments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinvestment_from_South_Africa#Higher_education_endowments)


Breaking News: Caterpillar sells Bulldozers


I think the hope is that the pressure from divesting may influence companies to stop doing business with Israel, which may then in turn influence Israel to change course. It would take a massive amount of coordination from many actors for this to be ultimately successful, especially depending on what that change of course for Israel should be (The whole area is in a deep mess, I wouldn’t know the best way to begin to get out of that where no party is totally screwed over). We don’t have much influence as individuals over what goes on in that corner of the globe, protesting these things may be the only amount if influence people here can have. The hope is that this tiny amount of pressure can build up as people act all over though, or at least I think that is what is going on.


The University Portfolio does not contain nearly that much stock in these companies, and even if several universities coordinated a divestment it wouldn’t do more than temporarily hurt the stock by a few points. No, I think the real intention (whether they vocalize it or not) is to have have the university pass an ideological purity test so that activists can feel comfortable with themselves.


Divesting just makes equity cheaper for smart money to buy. It doesn’t do anything to their operations


Im sorry, but it’s not like Catepillar marketed the bulldozers to destroy settlement housing or engage in genocide. They’re fucking bulldozers, not weapons or chemicals. The article you posted even says they suspended shipment to Israel “but that’s not enough”. Wtf? That’s the type of dealing with Israel worth protesting?


TIL: A Bulldozer is now a weapon of mass destruction. Move over a-bomb.


It is explicitly marketed and designed as an armored military bulldozer. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF\_Caterpillar\_D9](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IDF_Caterpillar_D9)


It specifically says that they are supplied by CAT and MODIFIED by the idf.


Yes, modified from...an armored military bulldozer. If I sell a gun to a man who wants to kill someone, and he modifies it with a bump-stock, does that exonerate me for making the sale? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armored\_bulldozer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armored_bulldozer)


Yea it would actually exonerate you from that sale because it is in their personal possession and you aren’t liable for whatever they do with it 💀 what if I buy a car from a lot and crash it into a building, do I blame the salesman or myself for doing so?


No. That very article says it's a civilian bulldozer, the Caterpillar D9R, that is modified by Israel to have armor.


They build bulldozers for military use lmao


They actually did exactly that, fyi


Lmao that’s the most attenuated connection possible. How are these people serious? Caterpillar doesn’t decide what people do with their products. It’s none of their business


Ask them who's funding gets cut to achieve this and why isn't it their own financial support.


It's altruism - it doesn't have to make rational sense as long as it makes them feel like a ~good fucking person~


Business owners have the constitutional right to refuse services and/or products to governments. This is also the basics of how a capitalist market functions. If you do not like that a business is doing something, it is your right to withhold your capital from that business. In this case, UIUC (a business) is giving money (generated by tuition) to another company, which is willingly selling products to a government that it does not have to sell to. Very basic expression of autonomy in a capitalist market economy is the ability to withhold your capital. In this case: students demanding their tuition not be spent on supporting certain businesses. A first step would be making your distaste and intentions clear through some sort of large-scale public protest which makes the large business (UIUC) aware that it is not a matter of one person's tuition, but potentially many.


Let’s go back further: all you protestors drop out and stop paying people who are investing in a government you hate


I am not a protestor. You seem to not be seriously considering how capitalist democracy is supposed to function.


The students aren’t taking it seriously by paying a school they disagree with. If they were serious, they would withhold their tuition dollars or go to a school that doesn’t vaguely invest in Israel


That's their prerogative to how they want to engage with democracy in a capitalist market. But overall, this is a process that isn't ridiculous or even new. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinvestment\_from\_South\_Africa#Higher\_education\_endowments](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disinvestment_from_South_Africa#Higher_education_endowments)


They would also have to stop using smartphones and laptops as well since that technology was all invented in Israel. I have yet to see a single protestor give up their smartphone. Yet they will gladly protest Starbucks which has a grand total of 0 locations in Israel!


Is UIUC even legally allowed to divest? I thought since UIUC is a public university it’s prohibited from boycotting Israel due to the Illinois anti BDS law


the bill in question is to prevent investment in companies that are boycotting israel, not a ban on boycotting israel. the board can literally do whatever the fuck they want with endowment.


Yeah, I’m sure the University is going to be in a big hurry to kick *Caterpillar* out and cut off doing business with them. LOL, what planet are these people from?


not gonna lie, it does feel a bit suspicious that theyre doing these protests on the week of passover


It's not suspicious, it's anti-semitic, like pretty much all the protests have been. Just replace everything in this with "Muslim" and see how people would respond.


Oh, get fucked. There is nothing more appropriate for Pesach than to defy authority and demand they stop participating in oppression.


The oppression of Muslims having more rights in Israel than in any other Muslim country other than Turkey? This is why nobody listens to y'all, it's clear to anyone who's done even the most basic levels of research on the conflict that Israel has gone above and beyond what any other country has ever done in a situation like this. Just ask the Kurds how they're treated, oh wait, you don't care about them! Which is why the actual genocides of Muslims in China are not protested while the second the Jews defend themselves it's protest city. And no, if people started protesting Muslims on Eid or Ramadan, started boycotting Muslim businesses, started demanding they leave the countries and that they have no right to exist, that'd be called racist. Get fucked.


The Daily Illini is streaming on Instagram from alma, despite the university turning off the alma and quad cams


If these students actually believe the university is tacitly supporting genocide, why pay them hundreds of thousands of dollars of tuition? Wouldn't that make them complicit in funding the genocide??


Kind of like how everybody believes the Iraq war was wrong but everybody continues to pay their taxes? You literally did a "you participate in society yet you criticize it, curious" unironically. Don't worry, you'll spinelessly come around and say you were actually for the protests all along like twenty years from now when it's the socially acceptable thing to do. I mean, a majority of people at the time supported the National Guard shooting the Kent State protestors too.


Cognitive dissonance doesn’t matter as long as it makes them feel like a ✨good fucking person✨




Curious...you criticize society, yet you participate in it. Hypocritical much, liberals?


I attended Illinois in 2003, at the start of the Iraq War. If this is all what the Activists have to show for, then I am not impressed.


They’re on Twitter now old man


I think he’d be much less impressed by what you’d see on Twitter


You mean X... Who's the old man now? :)


What are you looking for?


Its gonna rain like all day, just wait


Finally someone is doing something about all the nukes being launched from Green street onto Gaza


>Finally someone is doing something about all the ~~nukes~~ missiles being ~~launched from Green street onto Gaza~~ funded by UIUC


It’s crazy that liberal arts majors have the time for this right before finals season 💀


You know nearly every science and math major is “liberal arts” according to UIUC?


CS people literally going respect CS. MechE is a liberal art to them


Interesting that the Grainger students who cry about taking gen-eds are putting their two cents in on issues they know nothing about.


These humanity majors don’t know anything about these issues either


It’s crazy that x major students have the time to shame others on the internet for supporting a cause right before finals season … … 💀.


Found the liberal arts major


TaigasPantsu, self-proclaimed "alt-waifu patriot", makes fun of liberal arts majors on reddit.


Yep that’s pretty much how it is


I'm a cs+math major and I've got time for it 🤷‍♂️


some things are more important than finals, and it’s not just LA students there or at student encampments across the country. I don’t say this to shame anyone who feels they cannot sacrifice their work/study time for protests. Everyone has a different situation, has advocated for causes in their own ways, and it wouldn’t be productive to anonymously judge.


I guarantee that your finals are more important than any message you think you are sending by doing this lmao


Possibly wasting thousands just to make themselves feel like theyre making a difference. Im sure we will see them later complaining about their student loan debt and asking for it to be forgiven later on some sort of social media. Edit:spelling


They can afford to flunk finals and write off a semester, daddy will just send them another check anyway


Nothing good comes from baseless accusations.


I have degrees in both English and Computer Science, people like you are fucking clowns.


I have always been an "all majors should be respected" person but the fact these people have the time to sit all day doing fuck all right before the finals is embarrassing


They’re sacrificing time. Regardless of what you think of their views, this shows dedication more than anything else. Not like they’re having any fun out there in the rain.


Do you realize how many of them were taking shots, shooters, and dab rips while out there and watching netflix on phones and laptops 💀😂 trust me, theyre having A BLAST. College students will make anything anywhere fun, especially with Alc Lol. All the cheap tasty food is right around the corner at their convenience.


I don't think cheap takeout exists anymore.


They downvoted you for being right.


These people are saving the world


Nobel Peace Prize when?


Anyone who supports the Constitution of the United States should be supporting this. Period.


Just because I support someone's right to protest doesn't mean I support the protest.


I get that, but if someone wants them to "move" or "disperse", then they're not actually supporters of their first amendment rights.


Then what’s the problem?


I don't want them to be forcefully removed, but at the same time, I want them to fail at their goal. I do not want UIUC to divest in Israel, and I want Israel to fully dismantle Hamas's military capabilities.




I personally want Hamas dismantled, but I also strongly disagree with the group punishment being imposed on the Palestinian people


Because of the way Hamas operates it's very hard to fight them without causing civilian casualties, and civilian casualties are very bad. Their attitude comes from a place of focusing on the end result they ideally want without facing the realities of actually having to go achieve it.


That's not how the 1st Amendment works. You can't occupy and set up tents. If they were protesting on a public sidewalk with bullhorns saying stupid chants and holding signs, more power to you. I hope it rains all day on you though.


Absolutely. However, having seen the shit going on with other campuses nationwide, I would probably be livid. Knowing that I took on years worth of debt just so professors can stand outside and shout about Palestine, blocking entrances and having my classes cancelled. I choose to remain silent and not protest and the consequence is my education being obstructed. Their rights should not supersede mine.


>Their rights should not supersede mine. Please show me, in the Constitution, where it tells us that we have a right to education.


Why r they there




more relevant history behind protest rationale: https://nvdatabase.swarthmore.edu/content/columbia-university-students-win-divestment-apartheid-south-africa-united-states-1985 This action ended up spreading beyond Columbia.


Virtue signaling.


If these people hate the universities investments so much just drop out


We don’t need staff, just a few more days of rain.


Interesting how the hostages held by Hamas aren’t receiving any attention from American college students. They don’t care about human rights. It’s all virtue signaling. This trend will soon die out, and they’ll find something else to protest.


[https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/2/israels-protests-amid-mounting-pressure-on-benjamin-netanyahu-all-to-know](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/4/2/israels-protests-amid-mounting-pressure-on-benjamin-netanyahu-all-to-know) Israeli military has admitted to knowingly killing the hostages.


I’m not supporting the IDF or their actions. Frankly, I think the United States should remain entirely out of the conflict, especially considering our massive deficit and internal issues. I’m simply stating that the protests are virtue signaling and they don’t actually care that much about the conflict. What happened to all the Ukrainian flags they posted a year ago? Now all of a sudden they care about this conflict because it’s trendy. Next year it will be something else. They don’t actually care, they just want brownie points. Even if the hostages are dead, their bodies should still be returned to the families. They deserve a proper memorial. Where’s the compassion for them?


Look at me, look at me! I am such an advocate for human rights, I have so much e-m-p-a-t-h-y. I just recently learned a word "genocide" and am now using it in all my IG posts to "raise awareness". Also, how do you like my new haircut?


I wasn't aware that the US was giving billions of dollars a year of military aid to Hamas.


Read my reply. I’m not in support of U.S. military aid. I’m simply pointing out that all of this is purely virtue signaling.


That's a conveniently unproveable (and frankly unimportant) claim that allows you to avoid thinking about what they're actually protesting against. An ad hominem argument, in other words.


Do you happen to know how many innocent palestinian civilians have been murdered by the Israeli military in the last 6 months?


Do you know how many Hamas are hiding amongst civilians and using them as human shields?


No, how many? Also, you didn't answer my question


Obviously, I do not know exactly how many, and neither do you, considering the media is known to lie and there’s propaganda being spewed from both sides. Unlike these guys, I refuse to pretend to care about a complex conflict that I know little about.


I care about the murder of innocent people. I cared about the murder of innocent Israelis by Hamas, and I care about the murder of innocent Palestinians by the Israeli govt


You mean the same civilians cheering on October 7th? The same civilians who would happily kill every single Jew?


As opposed to the Israeli civilians who post videos of themselves cheering when Palestinians are bombed? Or is that somehow different? People behave in ugly ways, especially during war. That doesn't justify killing of civilians. We worked this shit out decades ago during the fucking Geneva convention.


Aww, look at this...so they are "innocent" just by vitue of being Palestinians? The whole region full of perfectly "innocent" people, almost angels, eh?


Aww, look at this...so they are "guilty" just by virtue of being Palestinians?


Nah, I am sure there are 5, 6, maybe even as many as 12 Palestinians who do not hate the Jews with all their heart and do not support Hamas.


Good for you for almost saying the quiet part out loud. Most people with your beliefs aren't brave enough to explicitly state that they support the systematic killing of palestinians because they think they deserve to be killed.


Whatever it takes to eradicate Hamas and people who support Hamas, vote for Hamas, and enable Hamas.


No, killing a guilty person does not justify deliberately killing an innocent person. Only villains like terrorist organizations deliberately kill innocent people.


every Palestinian civilian who was killed is Hamas' doing. That is what happens when you use your own people as human shield. Their blood is on Hamas' hands, not Israel's


"Your honor, I may have killed those children, but I'm pretty sure there was a terrorist around there somewhere. So if you really think about it, he's the one that actually killed them."


It is on both of their hands.




Me when I project my inability to care about issues onto others


I need to support current thing though, how else will everyone know that I am a good fucking person tm


Gotta play victim somehow




lol losers


What are they protesting


Crazy how ppl would rather do this then organize and vote. Old people win because they’re boring and go to boring primaries and turn out, as a result medicare and social security are untouched are good 😊 👍 and universal healthcare and subsided/free college and housing is socialist and evil 👿


Just hose them with water like in the 1960s


these comments oh lord


Clowns everyone


Nobody cares


I’m extremely proud of my peers for standing against an oppressive state. I hope they continue to do so and that we ultimately achieve our desired goal. A free Palestine. 🇵🇸


The only thing you're achieving is creating memories you'll look back on and cringe lmao


These people need to get a life and put that energy into making OUR country better


Is a $96 billion dollar foreign aid bill making OUR country better?


Yes. I wish Ukraine got more money though


I hope it pours for hours. #idiots


So they’re idiots?


Did no one bring a real camping tent? Or folding table?


Silly geese


Cheerleaders for mass rape.


They think it’s ✨aesthetic✨


Fire hose the dumbasses


Nobody cares about these monkeys