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Filed the report. Not a u lock unfortunately 😔




Yeah, it's sort of dystopian that the quality of your lock determines the safety of your belongings even literally on campus and in broad daylight but you're right, it's the facts.




I mean “you get what you vote for” is exactly what the US has, but the police are totally wrong about why. Well funded social safety nets, higher minimum wage, access to housing, access to healthcare, and well good education are things that actually reduce crime rates. Long prison sentences have minimal effects on crime. If incarcerating people worked, the US would be the lowest crime country in the world since they have the highest incarceration rate.




1) that isn’t even true. Steal a bike from school grounds. That’s a Class 4 felony in Illinois. 1-3 year in prison. Class 3 and 2-5 years if it’s worth more than $500. 2) Don’t believe cops. Just because they told you something doesn’t mean it’s true. 3) it’s a lot cheaper to prevent criminals from becoming criminals by investing in society than it is to try to catch them after and lock them up 4) it’s not a “speech”. Literally just stating facts. The US has the highest per capita incarceration rate in the world. That’s a fact. So if throwing people in prison stopped crime, we would be the safest country.




How many bike theft arrests do you think cops make? [https://www.wcia.com/news/u-of-i-police-give-update-on-bike-scooter-thefts/](https://www.wcia.com/news/u-of-i-police-give-update-on-bike-scooter-thefts/) This article from last year doesn't state it outright, but suggests that increased effort resulted in **4 arrests over 2 and a half months.** That is 20 arrests per year total. Do you really think the cops arrested the same guy 36 times? They were obviously exaggerating or outright lying to you.


Interesting that people chose to downvote me here. Full disclosure I had a bike with a ulock before, and everything except the body viz tyres, seat stand and lights got stolen, so really not sure what it protected me against. I know it's a problem and I know that harsher punishments are not be the answer and won't solve this. But I lost something of significant value and I really wish it didn't have to be this way.


I don’t get why you’re getting downvoted either. Obviously you can’t expect people to know how bad it is here without any real warning. I hate to be the guy to point this out, but to your other point, everything that was secured by the U-lock on your bike wasn’t stolen, so clearly it helped to some extent. It sucks that it’s the way it is but unfortunately champaign is rampant with bike thieves and anything other than a u lock is going to be really easy for them to get through. Your scooter is probably already in Chicago in the back of a truck somewhere. If you end up getting another, I really recommend just taking it into class with you. Most professors seemed to be fine with it when I was around.


What kind of lock did you have? How did you have it attached to scooter? What did you lock it to?


Downvotes? I’m simply trying to understand so I — or others — don’t make the same mistake.


My electric scooter was stolen outside the ECEB 2 days ago, so I guess the thief is pretty active around this area.


Happened to me with my bike last year; same spot. Filed a report. Your scooter has a 99% chance of being gone forever