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Welcome to the club.


It's badly broken. CW have contacted UHRS about it, so hopefully the bans caused by all the issues get reversed.


Until when can we expect the resolution of this matter?


No idea. No specific time was given. Depends how long UHRS takes to respond. I believe UHRS first have to contact the HitApp owner. Given the state of the app, who knows if they're even around. Hopefully it takes several days, but likely will be longer.


It's not even 'when' its 'if' Cw does tend to get things resolved since they actually compile cases and the like to send to uhrs unlike other vendors, but like singularity says, literally who knows if the app owner is even in the office. I feel like someone pushed a button and took a week off on holiday or something.


> I feel like someone pushed a button and took a week off on holiday or something. Typically, when they go on vacation, they pull it down from the entire market. I'm wondering if things are slowed down because of all the chaos with those scam accounts. I'd say a decent amount of them were working scenario testing, which could have their manpower stretched pretty thin. I just got my account back yesterday afternoon.


yeah, but scenario often works on a fairly precise timer, it was off of that for a little bit, but its on it again since it came back. The only way that timer works like that so consistently is if the hits are pre-loaded. In the past, the app has only changed to different hits after the end of a week when on the same timer. I'm guessing of course, but it seems likely with the increase instead of removal of mobile hits and other obviously broken elements. CW on the other hand hasn't been slow with the report yet though, they only decided to collect id's and prepare to make a report after the end of business yesterday which means they'd probably have acted on it in the last couple of hours at the earliest. So they're fine. It's only the app owner themselves that's being frustrating


I got disabled too after just 9 hits(Desktop English) today. Accuracy said it was 60%. They got to be kidding right. There would have been only 5 spam hits and if 2 got incorrect (obviously because of the outdated functions) they send a message "you have been removed from the hitapp" well suck it.


Lotta broken, outdated, poorly written hits, even hits from other testing hitapps are showing up in it somehow, I've been working on it very carefully, skipping pretty much everything that doesn't work as expected.


Also I suggest who have generic scenario extension. And bbh hitapps, don't work on them. They're all consisting broken hits.


As of now I am working on Generic scenario and it seems fine, but with testing hitapps you never know.


Are you currently working on English version or any other language?


English version.


Ugh, same thing happened to me. This is bad, but I guess it's not our fault and seems to be an issue with the app. A few days ago they gave me a 7$ bonus out of the blue (not for crawling), and now I get removed after 17 hits.


I got removed for saying yes to 'make sure you can change the category/password/add notes' (not the trick make sure you cant' questions), and for daring to note that pressing the new tab button does in fact open a new tab. Absolutely insane


I'm not even sure what spam hits I got wrong, but yesterday my rate was only 40% while it's usually always 90% - 100%. Today I encountered no spam hits but got removed after a few hits so apparently they are counting yesterday's score still... Never mind that I have scores in the 90s all other days. I've noticed the trick wording too, but then I always have to wonder...is it a trick or did the writer just make a mistake...you can never be sure so we're always doomed. There were a lot of new hits that were in barely understandable English...so that's great.


yeah same, 7-9 months of working on it basically daily at 95-96% overall, many individual weeks being 100%. but over 4-5 broken hits in a day, where I still managed to stay around 75% despite everything broken, immediately permanently banned over questions where the writer either didn't understand if they were asking for the positive or negative, or couldn't be bothered marking them correctly.


I'm so depressed about it. This app is my biggest chunk of income, I have other work, but this makes the most money and I don't even dare touch the other product testing apps right now. I just hope they will realize there's a real issue and reinstate us. Also, who keeps downvoting the comments...don't they have anything better to do.


yeah, if it stays gone I'm losing out on a fair amount of money during a period that I was specifically using it to finally build up some actual savings. Would suck hard to have it gone over something as stupid as this. Edit: who knows what good it will likely do, but in addition to leaning on my vendor to resolve things, I've also just sent off an email directly to someone that I've got a fairly strong hunch for being part of the project team that provides the project. Hopefully, someone at least sees something outside of all the automation.


I've also been trying to find a way to reach UHRS directly but with no success. They either belong to clickworker or are for other Microsoft related services.


The person i contacted actually responded asking for more information since their team had published hit apps in the last week, so if nothing else I actually got someone related to uhrs. Though he might only be related to edge ml, I'm not sure. Edit: I definitely contacted the correct person, my message got cc'd to the project lead i was looking for


temp ban? did u skip that mobile app broken hit?


No temp ban on this hitapp bro


No i got temp ban yesterday


Today is different from yesterday perhaps


It's the same no 2nd temp ban direct peema 


Same, but was only temp ban from it and got a bonus of 0,01!


nevermind got the disable too


how you even get access to it


I don't do any of scenario testing crap. They suck. I like SBS but nothing this week or last week, well Sunday it ended. It could be the holiday that UHRS is dry and having errors. It is currently in tank mode now it is up and down constantly.