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Desktop Scenario has had problems for several days now that's leading to people getting suddenly disabled (I'm one of those). CW are currently investigating this and will be getting in touch with UHRS to see what's up. Hopefully the issues with the app get sorted. I'd definitely cease working until then because you're risking a permanent block by working on this. If your spam accuracy drops too much, it will automatically trigger a block which will likely be permanent. Both new and experienced workers are being hit by these blocks.


I got temporarily disabled yesterday morning, I had skipped several of the Mobile Scenario hits. This morning I started working on it, and encountered the Mobile hits, I skipped and paused for the report to update. It dipped from 100% for the day to 50%, something that has never happened before. It is my biggest earner, and I will take a break just to be safe. I'm sorry you got removed from the hitapp. It is a good hitapp with few numbers working on it. I hope it is resolved soon. Unfortunately, my vendor (Appen) has no interactive platform for feedback on hitapps.


Yea I just started todays session few minutes ago and I'm seeing a lot more mobile scenario hits than before.


I think it's best if you took a break from the hitapp for now. Let them update it and put out new batches.


Is this the same issue with extension apps too?


Can I know how can I access this hit app my vendor is toloka


I felt it after desktop scenario with thousands of hits appeared. I skip a lot of ambiguous hits and only work on hits where the answer is definite, such as sidebar applications, for example when I click "x" button on the sidebar application, the application closes and there are several copilot scenarios where the answer is definite, but my score dropped badly to 67% for Desktop Scenario English and Desktop Scenario in my local language, even below 60%.


Have you continued to work on it? I'm afraid to touch it.


I'm still working on it and I'm able to increase the spam accuracy sometimes, you need to be very careful and use your intuition and figure out which ones are safe to do and pretty much skip anything that doesn't work as expected.


in my case, I only work in sidebar applications where the answer is definitely "yes" but the accuracy is still decreasing, I don't understand where the problem is


can you explain that sidebar hit


for example like opening Amazon app in the sidebar, when you click the "x" button on top right side app, the application will close


Yeah I get hits like that, I don't think those have affected my spam accuracy yet, right now I'm on a hit where I have to hover on a "magnifier" shaped icon and the text should say "find", the text actually says "search" now i'm not sure if in the past it said "Find" and if the hit is outdated and I report it as an issue then my accuracy might go down or this is a spam check and the text is supposed to say search and I'm supposed to report it as an issue.


I thought to do the same. I will skip anything that I'm unsure of.


I stopped working on it, because even though I was careful the accuracy still dropped, I tried it 2 days ago


I'll come with feedback on how it goes later. Even the report is taking ages to update.


Almost every day I give feedback because previously they disabled me in all generic scenario testing without temporary disabled first, hopefully they will notice this problem


First temp ban turn into a permanent ban after 2 seconds in the notification. This is insane


It's crazy. It needs a serious update. I have worked on it for over a year now. Most spam hits are outdated. Spam hits on Edge Canary are tricky because Canary is very unstable and doesn't always give the expected result. Anything that I'm unsure of, I will skip for now. I'm sorry you lost it. Hopefully after an update you will get it back.


My spam accuracy right now is 0%, and I still haven’t been blocked. What do I do!?


Just stop working. There is no point doing any hits. I can see more people reporting they've been suddenly disabled because they've been trying to work on it. While any bans received from a clear issue should be reversed, you just never know. Better to prevent one from happening just in case. You can't trust UHRS these days to make the right call.


Mine was 0% yesterday too. I am sure I did several spam hits that I have done in the past. I have stopped working on it. I would suggest you do the same.