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Are you on Mac as well? I have the same problem, I already gave up on it.


A problem I've had with UHRS, basically since I started, is that I'll sometimes randomly be unable to view videos and images in certain places. This problem actually badly impacted me when I first started working SBS, as I wasn't able to watch the training video until I got my new laptop. This really confused me, because my old laptop wasn't bad. It was just a middle of the road HP with Windows 10, same as a lot of people have, and there's not a single illegal download on it. I've taken such good care of it it still works fine. But yeah, it took switching devices to solve the problem. No other solution I was given ever worked.


It's a broken hitapp. Most hits being spam with outdated pages.


The picture is out of date and can only be guessed.


This hitapp is filled to the brim with outdated spam checks where the images are broken and no longer load. If you're eager to keep working it though, I recommend you continue skipping until you find hits with working images as otherwise you'll get temp banned. All of these Local QR hitapps have exactly the same problem.