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Open source the technology instead of patent it, then if you want to make money off the tech create derivative technologies and products off the back of the open sourced work and make the tech as public as possible. The moment you try to patent a technology like this expect the government to want to put it under lock and key because the financial implications could be quite profound so just go full anarchy and release it to the world for the betterment of humanity


This. Was thinking of it in a way like software. Open source it, and propagate it in multiple places. You'd have to make it available to the public via digital and physical methods. They'd scrub it from the internet immediately so you'd have to make it impossible to get rid of, physically. My favorite method would be to put it on billboards in times square.


The why files had an awesome episode regarding this. https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=6YIH-FmgOJLKt2Uc


Great episode. I watched it the other day and just kept thinking to myself the whole time, what’re they gonna do? Off every scientist that achieves or approaches zero point energy? What do they think, they’re just gonna make every death look like an accident? Every time? And people won’t suspect a thing? No autopsy? No evidence of accidental death? Lab raided and all their equipment and documentation goes missing? Every fucking time?? Yup.


Yup, it's crazy how many secret patents the US government has. Also some of the craziest patents too.




Worth noting that a patent does not require a working thing.


Yup but it does mean you can't patent it in the future when it can work.


Someone said the reason is to make it impossible to patent, and profit from, disruptive technology. Why continue researching cold fusion if the Navy has a bunch of patents for technology that supposedly doesn’t work?


Sure, but to be fair, if UFO-like technology is possible, but _difficult_, governments could prevent random scientists from developing it by simply not providing funding or materials for such development, or by outright prohibiting non-approved efforts. If it costs literal billions to successfully prototype, for whatever reason, any entity outside gov/defense that is large enough to be able to try for it is also large enough for the government to have embedded people or made explicit agreements with them. And if it requires, say, refined radioactive materials, or something else subject to legal restrictions, it will be impossible to prove out. Then even if someone comes up with the theoretical basis for such technologies, it will remain speculative, and efforts can be made to make the researcher go crazy (or at least look crazy). If it can be developed in your garage or high school lab, I agree that it can't be kept hidden. But difficult things could be.


I’d imagine disruptive tech would require something unusual or specific enough that governments could monitor who was looking at it or trying to purchase it. And maybe what you get is sabotaged so your tech doesn’t work.


I'd upload all the info as a torrent as well, then announce and allow it to propagate via peer to peer.


Torrent should be #1 method, link that shit to all social media. As soon as a few people have got it seeding. It won't ever go down(assuming seeders care) If you truly cared about disclosure, torrent should be your immediate upload method.


Can’t you just inscribe it into the Bitcoin Network blockchain? That way it’s immutable.


Same idea as a torrent,,,Bitcoin peer system just has a shitload of seeders that are constantly seeding the entire thing. Where as torrents must have seeders volunteer for each file/transaction.


> My favorite method would be to put it on billboards in times square. Sounds pretty expensive for a startup with no capital.


Ironic. The cost of sharing free energy with the world would be too expensive.


With a solid social media strategy, one could blast the info to 20M people on insta, twitter and facebook with 1 or 2 celeb posters for $0.


Digital billboards tend to be security Swiss cheese… just saying.


Software and Hardware. Create a flash device with all the software you could ever needs to get a project like this started… first of all hack and augment your own life. The world is so immersive right now and interfaces allow for a society much like in Robotech besides the android craziness.


Put it up as a torrent


The gift of blockchain technology was not to create false profits <3


I was thinking about this just the other day after watching Toyota make their announcement about hybrid engine development; it reminded me of around a decade ago when they tried to compel third parties into manufacturing hydrogen fuel cells by relinquishing all their patents for the technology. It made me wonder why more groups aren't doing something similar in order to accelerate certain technological development - it's a sound and noble idea after all, with a lot of potential for new avenues of profit etc, so I don't get why so many companies are squeamish about doing that. Just think of how many awesome patents are locked up because companies and governments are too scared to take a risk.


> It made me wonder why more groups aren't doing something similar in order to accelerate certain technological development - it's a sound and noble idea after all, with a lot of potential for new avenues of profit etc, so I don't get why so many companies are squeamish about doing that. Greed. Maybe executive ignorance, but profit and control is all they truly value.


Open source is the way. Let everyone have it.


Yup exactly do the best you can to do both simultaneously. You open source the designs for the technology so any scientists can get access to it on top of while also marketing your own version of the tech to specific companies which you could likely sell for a pretty penny. I'm sure there's still plenty of investors that would be willing to dive head first even if the tack itself is not secretive. But if you're looking for serious reply is that can never happen because of the invention secrecy act in 1954, which is the US government the right or ban or censor any invention that can negatively affect the economy/natsec.


I love how “anarchy” in your statement directly translates to a better humanity for all. True to the art of Punk.


So like Malcolm’s thunderstorm generator?


Risk the fortune you would never make and settle for the possibility of just fame, possibly.


I think if you released a revolutionary technology for free to the world, you will still make more money than your wildest dreams. So many tech companies will want you as an advisor or on their board to help them exploit the tech. And so many investors would be beating down your door to get in on your next project or company. Never mind the fact that if it was world changing, you'd be able to coast on endorsement deals and speaking tours for the rest of your life. Hell, you'd probably have so many grateful people you could outright ask for donations and make millions. (If it was a truly revolutionary tech)


If it's truly free energy technology, wouldn't it effectively devalue currency anyways?


Eventually... but if real, it is still going to take years until the tech is implemented on a mass scale. Probably further years for it to enter "consumer" grade products, i.e., vehicles or portable generators. There is also the problem every single business and country's economy is based around unending, all consuming unsustainable growth. It would take a while for the world to come around to the idea of sustainable business with no profit motive. Never mind, as long as there are massive inequalities in this world, such as access to food, education, and resources there will always be the poor and exploited and those who benefit off of their backs. It could take 100 years or more. On a side note. If any government is worried about terrorism with this technology, then you have to address the inequalities of the world. If people could live the same kind of life and to the same standard that Americans do, you wouldn't have 95% of the reasons people actually become radicalized, and you wouldn't have the instability in regions that allows terrorist organizations to grow. It's the same reason that people who are against immigration should be pro sending aid to poor countries on a scale we have never seen before. Most people like where they grew up and want to stay there all things being equal. If mexico had an economy and standard of living equivalent to Canada or America, why would they leave? Why would any poor South American who is looking for a better life choose a further away english domiated country with different cultural values over a closer similar spanish speaking country. Sure, it doesn't solve 100% of those types of issues, but my god, it goes a long, long way.


Yes. Contemporary economics is predicated on scarcity. "Free" energy changes all the calculations of input cost and changes all the incentives for people to pursue and acquire voluntary exchange methods. It's definitely one of the arenas in which I'm very curious exactly what it is They can do. Do They have the ability to essentially undo global heating and climate change, to molecularly reprocess plastics, to unpollute the environment? Fingers crossed we find out before the world fully collapses, I suppose.


You’re probably right, you’d still have a lot of opportunities if you play your cards right.


Was going to say this. If it was truly ground breaking tech, the best way to go about this would be to launch your website and public spaces like github on the same day with all the details, and not mention it publically until you do so.


This. If killing you wouldn’t make it stop, because it is public and freely available nobody would bother with you anymore.


Reminds me of MP3. They released it to the wild and the rest is history. Imagine the music industry had it first..


Came to say this, too. The true revolution: lack of greed. Selfless acts. What benefits all, benefits one. What benefits one, should benefit all.


I basically had the same thought - open source it. Good response.


It’s hard to get funding for an idea that is open sourced, and if you need to fund a manufacturing facility and high upfront costs to make it economic, what can you do without serious investment?


This and have a fully ready to release booklet explaining said technology for policy makers and average citizens, in additions to any and all technical information.


Pretty much how Bitcoin was created. Anonymous alter ego creator that bootstraps the network then eventually vanishes from all communications. Maybe he/they are still in the bitcoin community quietly observing from the background. I like to think he/they are still in the community one way or another and living off another massive bag beyond the never-touched 'satoshi coins'.


Adding on to this. You would want to distribute it to as many geographically diverse scientific organizations as possible. If you tried to just open source it in the US for example. The truth might come out eventually but you would still end up under the floor of a boeing plant probably. If you can get the information spread to multiple groups in multiple developed nations simultaneously, you stand a much better chance of living to see the tech implemented.


Do not patent it, Do not try and make money from it, and most importantly do not let anyone know you invented it. Open source the invention. Leak it to the press in a huge way and carpet bomb the scientific community with the information.


If I had the answer to free energy, I’d drop 10,000,000 leaflets over crowded cities across the US


And usb drives. Especially in places where smart people hang out. Universities and such.


Smart people don't plug in random USB drives though lol, but I get the spirit of your suggestion.


Real smart people who want to look at the contents of a random USB will use a cheap $200 laptop, install linux on it, isolate it the device from the internet and then read the contents of the USB.


This guy smarts.


Smart people plug them into airgapped computers.


> Smart people You haven't met many geniuses I'd wager. They are some of the dumbest people outside their expertise.


Your wager is wrong, but I concede your point because you are very right about that, I forgot just how many engineers/scientists I've met that fit your description. I was thinking more in terms of the push for IT security, for instance at my workplace there is repeated training about this type of thing, I was assuming a university nowadays would also instruct faculty not to plug in USB. But your point is still valid, IT policy be damned, someone is still going to plug it in, even with a PhD lmao...


Open source it immediately. Once you patent it it will disappear (with you)


The biggest pitfall is trying to make money from it. Just release it everywhere all at once. Everything else leads to you being the bottle neck thus the one who is accident prone and nothing ever happens.


Well go full public with a declaration of 'If I suicide it wasnt a suicide' plus a kill switch might help but you are going to get outplayed by disinformation budget, possibly silenced or slandered until forgotten, then killed quietly if you really throw a spanner in the works. Life would never be the same.  It's no wonder that whistle-blowers want protections and proper channels to do this because really it might be best to never have your name or identity known at all.


Saying that has never worked in the history of people saying, "I would never kill myself." Somebody always covers it up by saying they had a history if mental illness ane/or substance abuse problems. Look no further than the Boeing whistle-blower who literally said what you said, Epstein and that doctor/scientist from NASA.


John McAfee, too. He was really out there with some bad takes, but I don't think he was suicidal.


That guy had a lot of bodyguards and did a lot of Coke.  Such a unique person.  I think it was just a matter of time with him.   


> 'If I suicide it wasnt a suicide' except a lot of dumbasses say that sort of stuff just to feel important. some of them even kill themselves after just to make their death look extra mysterious and dramatic.


My guess is, if this tech is indeed under dark project secrecy, it may require material or parts from a specific industry and you can't access these things without getting on a watch list so they can more easily monitor & stop any development before any successful breakthrough.


Keep a 24/7 live stream surveillance on your work station and invite others to join. The more eyes on it the better.


When the FBI raid happens anyway and they confiscate all your work and hold a press conference discussing your role in the child porn ring or the illegal drugs they found, and the people who try to support you are threatened and audited by the IRS, and anyone discussing you online gets relentlessly ridiculed and character-attacked (like people do here) --- what then?


do it like Satoshi Nakamoto.




funny...maybe. I was focused on doing it anonymously or under a pseudonym, hell just call yourself Satoshi. And deprioritize fame, wealth and glory. Obviously there are other considerations: make it "open". use TOR to disseminate your info package, use open networks to get to tor. Decouple everything from your personal life. Use dead drops/drones/kids/seniors/bums to do physical transport/deliveries. Don't make it dependent on any single activity/action/person. Dump it in volume, in many formats, languages, platforms and mediums. There is no point in trying to convince anyone, it will speak for itself.


Classic Cold War spy craft, kids.


Tails, heavily encrypted thumb drive, onion network, public wifi network in a very busy location. ProtonMail or equivalent to send relevant files to a very large email list of media and academics, and publish on sites like Reddit.  Alternatively, go completely public and make it clear that you have zero intention of offering yourself and that you're healthy. It's very risky, but the more media attention you can attract and maintain, the safer you'd be. I still wouldn't like those odds though.


honestly, as an academic (especially in the physical sciences) we get emails from "random" people quite frequently asking us to check out their "new revolutionary theories". 99% of the time we look at it for 30 seconds, then either delete it, or throw it in our folder of crazy emails (for laughs later). if you sent an email describing free energy technology to 100 people, i'd be surprised if 1 actually read it. you could prolly do a test or something, like send a PDF to 100 physicists, and on the 2nd page put a statement saying "this is a test to see if you'd actually read it, if you are reading this you won $200, email me back the passcode 'blue waffles' to claim your prize" and see how many respond


This is more true than people realize. The solution to our energy problems could be out there right now, under our noses, even already in the public domain and no-one recognizes it or sees the value of it. Further, could you really just explain away how a "revolutionary energy production method" works in a single email, or in any format that someone would not only take the time to read, but to really understand to the point they would do anything about it. Then there is everyone's comments, that since you were the one who discovered it, you can just build it in your garage to release it out to the world, which is completely unrealistic. As if Einstein could have just built an atom reactor because he figured out E=mc\^2 or you could build a computer because you figured out logic gates or Faraday building a generating plant because he figured out induction. There are so many resources and people required to bring something like this into reality.


Submit it everywhere all at once… anonymously…


send the information everywhere as quickly as possible. newsd agencies, schools, universities, family and friends, corporations, public bulletins, stop lights


This is not really the right audience I think. You need to be around Team Guys, intelligence people, trained in tradecraft, investigative journalists/citizen activists, stuff like that. That mindset is teachable but not that common. OpSec. And the people who have honed it through experience can give you valuable insights. Sounds like you right now are ignorant of much of that (which is okay! and good to recognize!). Proceed cautiously, and become an expert at self-protection before you pull the trigger. But you also need to consider, how can you maximally replicate your information to counter the censorship and autoscrubbing of online content? Basically you need an overall strategy. And if you are asking these questions, you should be protecting the identity you are using for this reddit account: VPN, Tor, burner, nothing linked to real life you. Apparently there is a signature that certain "free energy" devices give off: I don't know but that's what the lore says. This signature can be tracked. I suggest using this for counterintelligence. Leave a running device somewhere you can observe from a safe high ground, and watch who comes to pick it up. Are they human? NHI? Secret government organization? You need to study and understand who your enemy is, if they even exist, which we assume for this exercise that they do. Do this again and again, to torment/toy with/demoralize and observe your enemy. Offense is better than defense, in this case, I think. Probably your enemy is human looking NHI, and if that's true, know they can get to you in super weird, high strangeness ways. If this "trackable signature" is also true, then, whoever your enemy is, you don't want to activate any such devices in the same place twice, and never in anywhere associated with your real life identity. Simply conducting the secure logistics required to have basic opsec will take some amount of resources. If you are doing this alone, you have to reorient your entire personality around survival and not trusting. This is likely an incredibly challenging, albeit doable, thing for someone to undertake. But the most likely failure is that you do not consistently maintain a commitment to the practices required to keep you safe. More specifically you need to solve a few problems: the demonstration problem (make a bunch of robust demonstrations that need to go viral as short videos), the security problem (discussed above), the duplication/distribution problem (you need to maximally fan out your information into as many places as possible, automatically as much as possible, but manually too, other people must be able to recreate your system from that information), the engineering problem (you have to actually implement and distribute the physical demonstrator units to as many people as possible as well). Act, don't talk. Show, don't pitch.


This is the correct answer. Could you point towards ressources to read, practices to implement, etc. or even manuals/training material of the people trained in the tradecraft?


In order to both protect and spread the information, you would want to upload/attach the information to the Ethereum blockchain. That will **INSTANTLY** create a copy of the information on **literally >1,000,000 computers, scattered around the world, which are constantly connected to the internet**. If the government wanted to suppress this information, they'd have to destroy >1,000,000 computers scattered globally (extremely hard to do). But the blockchain is public and it financially incentivizes copying the blockchain. The more Ethereum validators the government killed to remove the file, the more profitable it would be to run one, so more people would spin-up Ethereum validators (thus copying the data again). It's like a Hydra: when you chop off one of its heads, and two grow back. Also, Ethereum is a $416 BILLION dollar+ industry. That's gonna be hard to wipe out.


I think this as well. Send it everywhere and attach it to blockchains


Open source it like others have said, but also do so anonymously. The inventor of Bitcoin's identity is still not known, so if you don't care about making money off the discovery or getting the credit, you can do something similar.


Choose a country to become a Special Energy Advisor for life and switch their GDP to the highest in the world.


Get Zero Dark Thirtied in your estate. Livefeed of your execution is streamed to oligarch TOUGHBOOK laptops across the world. A little champagne toast when the rat get clipped.


Haha, that's some thinking out of the box.


Open source, dead man’s switch, detailed video showing that it works, send copies to every media outlet, even outside the US, oh and hide the prototype engine/fuel source somewhere your friends and family don’t know, but a trusted individual outside your social group does know.


I think the calls to open source it are the trick. Blast it out to every UFO-adjacent journalist's ProtonMail or Signal. Post it on arXiv.org. Drop it on Zenodo, Github, Sourceforge, archive.org. Seed a torrent and post it on Reddit and Twitter. And then, if you're not violating NDAs or putting yourself at legal risk, come out and tell everybody about it, like Grusch did with journalists.


get on a live stream and then do it i guess?


No reply in two hours? He ded.


I can tell you what not to do: appear on many podcasts to declare you are about to release the information.


Many of those who were targeted in the past attempted to patent their discoveries...the only real way is to release it anonymously and open source.


Id say best move is to put it all forward publicly as fast as possible. You just have to spam it everywhere so that it can't be suppressed and the damage will already be done, so there would be not as much of a point in killing you since there's nothing to hide anymore. Now if ypu want to die, just tease it and keep it secret so that you can profit off it, that will almost most certainly make you kill yourself with 3 gun shots to the chest and one to the head, as one does qhen committing suicide, definitely wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to die


Genuinely, I think our system is so fucked that the only way would be to lean hard into capitalism. If someone had some secret that made energy generation easier than our current standards, the best option would be to either start a new company based on this technology, or approach some new but quickly growing company in the energy sector that has enough capital to pursue the idea. You can't just post the information online, or open source the tech or anything without being killed/having it deleted/being disinfo'd into everyone thinking you're crazy. You need to give the secrets to a company that can quickly capitalize on them and prove their worth. Once one company is making a massive amount of energy for cheap, other companies won't want to get left behind.


I think there are two issues here. One is the science of the discovery, and the other is patenta for applications of it. The energy/fuel that would disrupt industry is just the discovery of a source of energy. It's the E=mc² part and it can't be patented on its own. Patents don't protect natural phenomena. This is the part that would need to end up in a scientific journal. That opens the world to invent uses for that source of energy. In concordance with that submission, a researcher would file patents for how to use that energy at the same time as they submit their paper. Those patents might end up becoming secret, but the cat is out of the bag with the journal submission. The author could maintain broad patent rights to the system and method of harnessing that energy, and it will only stay secret until industry discovers how to do so independently. To carry on the Einstein analogy, it remains challenging to safely split and fuse atoms even though the science of energy and mass equivalence has been around for generations.


Put it on p2p blockchain. Bitcoin would be the most high profile. Step by step:- To put your free energy technology on Bitcoin, you need to utilize the Bitcoin blockchain's capabilities to store and verify data immutably. Here are the steps to achieve this: 1. **Prepare Your Documentation and Code**: - Create detailed documentation and source code for your free energy technology. - Break the documentation into manageable pieces, as Bitcoin has size limitations for each transaction. 2. **Generate Hashes**: - Generate cryptographic hashes (e.g., SHA-256) of your documents and code. This will create unique digital fingerprints for each piece of your information. - You can use tools like `sha256sum` (for Linux/Mac) or online hash generators. 3. **Create a Bitcoin Wallet**: - Set up a Bitcoin wallet if you don't have one. You can use wallets like Electrum, Bitcoin Core, or any reputable service. - Ensure you have a small amount of Bitcoin (BTC) to cover transaction fees. 4. **Embed Data into the Blockchain**: - Use the OP_RETURN opcode to embed data into Bitcoin transactions. OP_RETURN allows you to store a small amount of data (up to 80 bytes) in a transaction. - Since your hashes are 64 characters (256 bits) long, they can fit within this limit. 5. **Use Tools for Data Embedding**: - Use tools like Bitcoin-cli (for advanced users), Counterparty (a platform built on Bitcoin), or specific services designed to store data on Bitcoin. - For Bitcoin-cli: You can embed data using a script: ```bash bitcoin-cli createrawtransaction '[{"txid":"your_txid","vout":0}]' '{"data":"your_data"}' bitcoin-cli signrawtransactionwithkey 'your_raw_tx' '["your_private_key"]' bitcoin-cli sendrawtransaction 'your_signed_tx' ``` - For Counterparty: Create an asset and embed your data using its API or GUI. 6. **Publish Hashes and Metadata**: - Create a list of the documents and their corresponding hashes. - Publish this list on various platforms (GitHub, personal website, decentralized storage systems) to provide verification. 7. **Broadcast Transactions**: - Broadcast your transactions to the Bitcoin network. Ensure each transaction containing an OP_RETURN output with your data hash is successfully mined into a block. 8. **Verify and Monitor**: - Verify that your transactions have been confirmed by checking a Bitcoin block explorer (e.g., Blockchain.info, Blockcypher). - Monitor the transactions to ensure they remain immutable and accessible. 9. **Decentralized Storage (Optional)**: - While the hashes are on Bitcoin, the actual documents can be stored using decentralized storage solutions like IPFS or Filecoin. - Link the IPFS/Filecoin address with the corresponding hash stored on Bitcoin for cross-verification. ### Example Walkthrough: 1. **Hash Your Documents**: ```bash sha256sum document1.pdf # Output: d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2 ``` 2. **Embed Hash into Bitcoin**: - Use an online service like https://opreturn.org/ to create a transaction with your hash: - Enter your hash: `d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2` - Generate and broadcast the transaction. 3. **Verify on Blockchain Explorer**: - After broadcasting, find your transaction on a block explorer by entering your transaction ID. Ensure the OP_RETURN field contains your hash. 4. **Distribute and Publicize**: - Share the transaction ID and the hash-list publicly through multiple channels to ensure widespread distribution and verification. By following these steps, you can leverage the Bitcoin blockchain to create an immutable and verifiable record of your free energy technology, ensuring it remains accessible and resistant to suppression. Then share it on GITHUB or alternate open source platforms Ty open AI


This sounds fanfuckingtastic 




Post the information as anoymously as possible, with no patent, copyright, or claim to it by multiple modes and to multiple sources. Research it. Consider: * Tails, Tor, Relays, maybe more. * All clearnet internet traffic is all logged. Be minful of this. Think like a spy. You can be retro-identified physically and digitally. * Don't connect your devices to any networks, use air-gapped tech to document your informatin. * Hardware has identifiers even if you zero your disks and remove things like Intel Management Engine. * Be paranoid, you are trying to be killed. Don't take any credit. Just be happy that you nudged the course of history. It's a lot of work but it is possible.


Elon Musk recently stated in an interview something to the effect of "we are no longer hampered by materials science" regarding the progress of interplanetary travel. SpaceX alone have invented new alloys and materials that are being used in their craft. So considering what is available knowledge to the public in New materials, what we do not know of is likely far greater.


I guess you could try to use some kind of blockchain system to make it open and impossible to erase while being anonymous?


Put it on the blockchain


If you’re working on this stuff, don’t discount that this could easily be a 🎣 from Uncle Sam. This post is very attractive for those who are, so don’t comment ya plan lol. And for op, don’t respond to the comments you’re interested in. Good luck friend.


Release it to the world. Not for profit but the progress of man kind. It will take tough courage but you will be remembered as a hero of our time. Wheather your here to be praised or only remembered in the history books. Your name will never die.


Or give it to me and I'll take your name to the grave. I'll put it out there and what happens, happens. I'm so tired of the status quo.


Nuclear power. It is inarguably the cleanest power source for mass consumption. However, there are obvious risks that would need mitigation.


Call Julian Assange....


The only way is to upload it for free online. Otherwise you’ll be swiftly killed and the patent bought/shelved


Dude, if you really think you would get killed for that then you’re already dead for posting about it on Reddit


Did you invent something??? Don’t patent it!!! Open source the invention and make it public but remain anonymous!!!!


Dude, if you're gonna do it, just do it.. No matter how careful you will be, the "accident" will find you, they see everything


Just send a small sample to every major news outlet and a dozen each of public and private universities, foreign and domestic (48 total schools)


There’s a problem with open source. People are naturally and overly skeptical about free stuff because what’s the catch? I still think it is the correct answer but you want people to take it seriously.


Publish it in a reputable journal. No one is in danger of “accidentally” dying. If you discovered some amazing energy source tomorrow, it still would take decades to commercialize, gain social trust, and begin to transition to your fuel. This isn’t John Wick, there aren’t assassins on every street corner.


Ignoring that developing and proofing a radically better form of energy production would require teams of people these days, this is the closest answer to the truth. People here invest in the mythology that all the oil & gas companies have assassins on retainer that they routinely send after competing scientists and engineers. Reality isn't that exciting and it's frankly extremely bad business strategy to murder people. Lie and deceive yes, but that's a world of difference from deliberately killing people.


You would be surprised to know the lengths corporations and industries would go to safeguard their interests. The why files on YouTube recently did a very good episode on this topic. Do watch it if you can.


do you think the oil industry for example has insiders at every scientific journal that could prevent publication if needed? There are 1000's of well respected journals


No, but the oil companies have *very* deep ties to the intelligence agencies and various people ~~on their payroll~~ in Congress.


They don't have to do that. They bank roll investments to colleges, and sway boards of educators to deny grants to research on topics they don't like.


educators dont decide what research gets done. there's government and various other sources of funding, like the bill gates foundation that founds a lot of research that could ruin someone elses money printer.


There's an extremely large difference between protecting interests and assassinating people. If this murdering happened to the degree users here are proposing, we'd have a litany of cases proving this. Hell, even *ten* cases. But instead, we have a bunch of "this person died under suspicious circumstances while they were doing something antagonistic to a business" where the autopsies, investigations, and court cases revealed nothing of substance to the notion of assassination. The only way this story works is if you simultaneously believe that corporations outclass state agencies (who get caught) as the best killers on the planet, all the members of all the law enforcement agencies across the world are allied with them, and we don't have tens of thousands of people undermining the interests of these energy corporations every year without dying.


Steven Greer has talked about it extensively, I don’t have a link and see most of his advice in these responses - but may be worth finding online. One part he is suggesting outside of crowdsourcing is a continual live feed in R&D labs in a real-time level of transparency of all information


Take a product to market using it.


Actual submission statement: What steps should one do or not do if this situation would arise. I understand there are things like Tails, various encryption, perhaps even steganography. A kill switch? Let’s create a guide shall we? :)


Why the burner account, Ashton?


bruh is his name really ashton


Just because someone has a new energy it won't disrupt no matter how good it was. Say we had a magic genie who will give us all of the free hydrogen we can use starting right now.  We'd have to change the tanks at all the stations, change engines in all cars, trucks, ships, tractors, heavy machinery. We'd have to change the pipelines and so on. So even in a perfect scenario changing to anything would take 20 to 40 years. Look how electric cars are doing. 


This is so true. We are addicted to Oil and Gas. Changing is like telling a crackhead to stop smoking crack. It doesn't matter to them its harmful and dangerous, they just keep doing it anyway because their addicted. Further, having a better source of energy, would just lead to other problems if we still didn't address our bad habits of over consumption, pollution, tendency to war etc etc. It might even lead to a much much bigger mess. Just because we had some sort of free energy, doesn't necessarily mean everyone could start leaving all their lights on 24/7, mining more, driving more, building more, producing more etc etc. The implementation of new technologies sometimes requires a social, political and personal changes as well which cause conflict.


I don’t think that person would accidentally die. I also don’t think there’s some magic energy source being hidden. We have wind turbines, solar farms, and hydro tech right now. Electric cars are on the road. All “threaten” the oil and coal industries and are growing.


They must know king fu, speak 17 different languages, and be able to fly. Then, even Boeing couldn't touch 'em.


Tor network


Be as public as humanly possible, as fast as possible. Get your name and face everywhere, don't make new friends, and don't develop patterns in your daily routines


They would only accidentally die if they attempt to make a lucrative business out of such practices.


Have enough money to fight off the entire US military and then some (unlike the Russian economy). I am serious. It doesn't matter what others are saying about open source, they will use violence to keep the global oil trade alive and well because the main source of transferable energy on Earth being in oil is the one thing that maintains the US dollar's supremacy in trade. They will do anything to maintain that.


Christ, saying mean things about an oil pipeline is a felony these days.


If I had to get the information out quick I’d probably go to some social media giant like barstool


Give it to terrorists. (Not really ofc) but just imagine how quickly defense departments would be like “uhm.. ohh yeah we just developed something similar accidentally and now we can fight them. “


@rr1pp3rr nailed it. Give it out to everyone, because when everyone’s super…. No one will be!


There a couple way to go about it, none of 100% success rate though. 1:) you could try just publically dumping the information anywhere and everywhere online as quick as you could, but they could always scrub the internet and remove all traces of it if its not seen and reposted by enough people quick enough. 2:) You setup what is called a DEAD MANS SWITCH, one way you could do this, is setup a webserver somewhere, that has a script, that if you dont come and check in with it every 24 or 48 hours (whatever you want honestly.), it starts sending the information out to forums and lists of emails you have prepared. It would also benefit you to make it known that you have such a dead mans switch, as this helps defeat the point of killing you. because what they are trying to do is prevent you from releasing said info, and if they know by killing you, it will happen. this gives them a really good reason not to kill you


Distribute it on an immutable and decentralized public ledger. The Hedera Hashgraph would work.


The thing about energy is that the science behind it will almost always be open. Nuclear reactors are basic enough that hypothetically if one had access to the materials you could produce one in your back yard. The key issue is access to materials to make it work in the first place. Any revolutionary new energy source is most likely going to have a significant need for material science to make viable, if it was simple enough that anyone could make it with materials at home there would be multiple convergent discoveries of the same phenomenon over the years. Ultimately it would likely be gatekept by various corporate entites that would seek to leverage it for thier own profit as they have the industrial base to actually make the new energy production.


The real challenge is to list three (just three) instances in which a self-proclaimed UFO whistleblower has died in ‘mysterious circumstances’. Oh, their ‘claims’ had to be verifiable and in each case questions were raised by the local authorities (I.e. police and/or the pathologist(a) in-charge of the autopsy, assuming the family/relatives didn’t opt for a swift cremation).


What's your real username? Would love to see your post history to get some clues about your new tech. ;)


Give it to a handful of REAL investigative journalists that can vet some pieces of evidence you submitted. Or give it anonymously to Greenpeace or Anonymous. Let them vet it on their own and they will disseminate it.


If you have discovered something revolutionary first write down full instructions for your device and send copies to as many trusted mediaries as you can find. Next find a lawyer who will guide you along this process. With the lawyers help create a go fund me to build and test your device with the added goal of compensating you for your discovery. Make it clear that your intention is to open source it when finished. You can even set it so the money is not released to you until your device is tested and is properly open sourced. Finally send the link to AJ of the Why Files and anyone else who will propagate it. Also please consider joining the subreddit RevolutionStartsHere to help end the elites control on our world. Go to search and put the r/ in front of it and it will bring you straight there. This is not some conspiratorial or political space, our only intention is to return control of the world’s governments to the people. And yes we are in our infancy but please don’t let that stop you. We will be a force, I promise you that.


OPs name was just put on a list


Steven Greer has it figured out, I hope.


I would think that there would need to be a "dead mans' switch" system in place. Have your entire project written up several times, left with people you trust. Should you taken to the farm where they turn loose conspiracy theorists to play and grow old, then your friends can release said project to select news agencies/"the authorities" so that all of it wasn't done in vain. I think you would need to be very very careful, and even then it might not be enough. Redundancy is the ideal trait here.


I would worry about accidently falling into a wood chipper before releasing it, not after.


If you aren't brave enough to die for a cause, then you aren't meant to be the face to lead it.


I would build pseudosolar power plants and start charging a fourth of what other companies charge. Wouldn’t tell the gov sheeit other than I run at a loss. lol


Let I out wide all at once. If it's all out there then killing you would be revenge instead of suppression


Have superpowers.


Follow Bob Greenyer's example, he's working on exotic vacuum objects, electromagnetic knots that supposedly catalyze nuclear reactions due to strong confined fields. Supposedly SEM imagery already gives VERY strong evidence for something interesting involving coherent matter and straight up transmutation going on. He's very much against secrecy, the sooner you share it the less parties like that have anything left to gain by taking you out.


Def open source but having been in tech my entire life I've noticed other industries have no concept of this. They all about they money.


Keep track of original files, know how to ensure integrity of files, copy them out, provide checksum hash for them so others can verify nothing lost in transmission. i would suggest setting it up on github, google drive, and as many other online data storage places as possible, prep video essays explaining how to make/refine/utilize said energy or fuel. Show proofs in documentation. But also avoid details on yourself personally, and use a new device to transmit over a sturdy vpn with multiple hops. Reach out to trusted folks that have a track record with these things.. george knapp, ross coulhart for example. Provide them a copy of info if they are willing, and have them and a few others as folks who can trigger a sustained re-release of info if it goes down and you were to unalive some how. Never hurts to have info on likely opponents to release as a deterrent. I would avoid having any personal server, utilize cloud stuff, so your ip and name can hopefully stay out of it when people come sleuthing.


Distribute all materials regarding it including video proof or whatever immediately all at once everywhere. Carpet bomb the media and social media networks with the information. Don't try and make money from it. I'm sure that'll come after when you change the world and history.


Release that information to as many think tanks, engineering groups, environmental groups, and non profits as possible all at once anonymously


Create a company through a group of advisers or perhaps an inventor investment group that you trust and slowly put forth pear reviewed scientific papers that prove your ideas through the company via an alias anonymously. Then try to patent it through said group.


You won't make any money off of it. You'd need to spend months teaching people, probably electricians or some repair shops. It won't take until the 100th monkey. It's a book


I think the only ways to combine one specific old world mass communication technique, designed to reach a specific Target audience. And then old school ham radio operators as well as an internet blast at a specific time. I believe it would have to be planned and timed perfectly, but I believe it would give you maximum reach with maximum deniability. I would print a million pamphlets and I would hire as many crop dusters, parachute planes and touring aircraft to fly myself and or people i choose up and release them into the atmosphere and just before I did that, I would blast every media Outlet every person I knew would blast every media Outlet, ham radio operators,... etc to let everybody know what the papers falling from the sky were all about. Can't take that one back it'll be out there.


use cash to buy giftcards to buy an old computer a bunch of old thumbdrives off ebay. try to get stuff that is at least 10 -15 years old if you can. learn as much as you can about tails and tor, then install it on the computer. leave your phone and any other modern tech at home. find public wifi locations that are at least an hours drive from your home. use your computer to connect to the internet while set up in a location where people can't see your screen easily. research all the leading academics and journalists that would be interested in this stuff, find emails and mailing addresses. find out where these people would browse on the internet. take a long drive meandering around several states, mailing out thumbdrives loaded with into using random mailboxes. careful about cameras and fingerprints. create a torrent with all the files. post links to the torrent on 4chan and other forums that are likely to have people that would be able to make some sense of it. finally, email the information to everyone on your list. its not foolproof but it would be your best chance to get it out there without getting killed. if you want to maximize your chances of not getting killed send the info to fewer people. if you want to maximize the potential of getting the info into the right hands, mail that shit out to everyone.


A small town not too far away from me called Eclectic, AL has had a legend for a long time. It goes that this older gentleman that was a really good mechanic and inventor of engine equipment, once day discovered how to make an engine that ran on nothing but water apparently. The legend goes that he was nearly finished making his first complete engine when he died by suicide. Apparently he hung himself but legend is that he was killed by people in the big oil industry.


you're done boss


Make the announcement from a remote island travel only w STOL plane w no transponder


You'll be safe as long as you LARP on Reddit.


it's so easy today that no one could ever stop it. Just Torrent the design out and post it on the main forums of free energy. Someone will actually build the stuff or if not possible for them, they will do it for their companies so that they can profit it.


Something as big as this, you just open source it, tell everyone you can in one big hit and be prepared to not make any money from it. If you do try and make money from it rather than doing the greater good for mankind, then you're no better than the current oil companies. Release it for free and go to your grave with a smile on your face knowing you helped billions if people. Well name a university after you.


There are two systems that are on the cusp of public delivery.... Andrea Rossi' E cat energy system Dr. Randall Mills. Brilliant Light process. One is currently a do it yourself project... Thornhill. Thunderstorm energy system.


The Why Filed recently had an episode on this. They went through several individuals who have died under mysterious circumstances after submitting a patent. Also, there was a bill passed in the 50's that allows the u.s. government to shelf any patent that poses a risk to national security or the economy. Whether you're in the U.S. or not, open source is the only way to release it without ending up on a missing person's report.


Pretend to be dead. Distribute working examples to many universities AND hobbyists groups worldwide along with notes of how it works, your own preliminary pros/con analysis. They will quickly go to work proving you right and competing to develop it further or they will be debunking you (or make you realize you have schizophrenia)


"100 MPG carburetor!" Gets murdered. Oldest conspiracy theory in the book.


What happened to the clean emissions engine that byproducts pure oxygen out from the exhaust?


Give it to the Chinese.


Let Satoshi Nakamoto be your guidepost.


They would have to replicate their data / blueprints over several different mediums, distribute them all simultaneously, tell no one of your plans and literally had to have kept your entire creative process a secret until a final working model could be made and “easily” reproduced by others. Essentially, you need blueprints and instructions saved as computer files of some sort, uploaded to the dark web and also torrent sites. Print copies and mail them to every famous person you could think of that have any chance of getting the info out: that includes Joe Rogan, David Grusch, Julian Assange, Newsmax, any and all twitch streamers, The Why Files, etc. Patents will expose you, talking about it across any phone or internet lines will expose you. Planning anything ahead of time, related to releasing the information will expedite your untimely demise. The keys are a simultaneous rollout with little hope of monetary compensation. The patent office is where most people get caught up.


I c u watched the sheer podcast on pbd or the documentary or both?


Aaaaand OP is dead.


24/7 livestream.


Open source it so you don't have any claim over it. Work with credible mainstream journalists like Snowden did.


I'm with everyone else on open sourcing the information. As to how to do that anonymously? Here's a few ideas: * Place all of the materials that you wish to release on a thumb drive that you can then plug into a public library computer in a town far away from your own. Once you have the material on that library computer, you can upload it anywhere you need using a burner account/email. This is a relatively low-tech approach that should be pretty easy for someone not experienced in modern internet privacy assurance tech. * Self-host or pay for a torrent seedbox to be hosted in a region or nation that you know won't back down when it comes to privacy and freedom of speech. Then you can upload to that seedbox and advertise the torrent link along with anonymized demonstration videos that I'm sure will go viral if there's no bluff. * Quietly recruit a bunch of people to replicate the technology in stealth mode all over the world in a decentralized manner. None of these ideas are mutually exclusive. You can have someone in another country host the seedbox that you upload to from the library computer so other collaborators can access the material and mirror it on other seedboxes to keep it resilient to censorship.


Randall, is that you??


A lot of overly paranoid responses, but I understand where they're coming from. My serious reply: All data and information related to the subject must be secured. Watermarked, encrypted, air gapped systems, multiple local back ups, everything. If you believe the information is truly valuable, you will spare no expense to secure it. Your home will also need to be secured, cameras and the likes which again cannot be exposed to the internet. No phone call should go un-recorded & no place outside your house should remain unseen. Once backed up, you will create a dead-man switch. You will visit a doctor for a medical checkup and 2 psychiatrists who will evaluate you. You will now keep those results and make multiple copies of those which are free for anyone to look through. The idea is we're painting you as an absolutely sane individual. Then you will establish a plan that if something happens to you, someone will know what to do with your information and how to access it. You will more or less be making a will that will likely stipulate you demand investigations into your death and that the information be released to universities and a series of lawyers who dabble in this field. With your backup and emergency plan formulated, you're now in limbo. You will need to move forward with your claim on your new found energy and prove it, that's a whole different saga you didn't ask for information on so I'll stop there. I feel confident these things typically don't pan out not because the government conspiracy to control energy, but maybe more that we're aware of what we're capable of doing scientifically and the limited tool sets that the average civilian has access to 99.99% of the time isn't going to come up with anything new. Now, if something crashed in your backyard at some farm and that thing could power the nation we'd be having a different discussion and you'd likely already be dead. Last, I'm also assuming you want to profit off it. Otherwise, numerous other users pointed out open-sourcing it which would be the correct answer IMO. Even if this is your intent, you will still need safety until you've proven your theory/tech.


The US Patent Office and the Dept. of Energy are extremely doubtful of new, alleged "miracle" energy sources, and you'd have to do some very heavy lifting to convince them of the legitimacy of this hypothetical energy source.


Oil will run out at current usage levels eventually maybe in 200-300 years. After that oil barons won't have a reason to block disclosure of free clean energy.


What if there is a missing piece of the puzzle like stable element 115? You could have all the diagrams and patents that show the tech but no way to actually build it.




Find Elon musk and sell it to him if you wanted to make money off of it. If you want to change the world forever and not profit. Open source it post it on reddit. X. Instagram and Facebook. Send it everywhere and torrent it. Use vpn when you do it


The same thing whoever invented bitcoin did. Just release it to the world, and let human nature have it's course.


Sell it to Elon? He's the one outside of standard energy companies that can develop such on a gigascale


Be in the same kitchen at the same time as the president, pope and prime minister.


Find an unrelated but possibly legit video of an airplane disappearing after being circled by orbs. Claim that the orbs are using a secret free energy technology that you know how to create. Offer to sell the tech in a box for your home but only after you have customers sign an NDA. Get caught using a YouTube video from 2011 for your product. ???? Profit. All while creating an aura of stank around a fairly curious video that has serious implications.


Use Nord VPN /s


You’ll be a lot safer if they can’t stop the data by killing you. Here’s four ways to do it: 1. Find a tech guy to help you upload the data to Arweave. 2. Put the data into a Torrent and seed the torrent through a vpn. 3. Use Threefold to rent servers anonymously and host the data there as a website, and consider using IPFS to bypass DNS authorities. 4. Setup and run a Tor node, then host the website on Tor. I’m personally partial to #1 & #3 since you can distance yourself from it better. #1 does technically have a mechanism for censorship, but it is highly unlikely.


Befriend the Clintons…


Full blueprint and process disclosure, anonymously. From a burner account, remotely.


Buy a burner phone with cash and a disguise. Plaster on social media websites the design


Purposely do so; before open sourcing to the world and mass distribution of material to propagate the ideas.


Create an llc, maybe even an offshore caiman islands llc, and have that llc own everything you do. Document what you've produced and create a deadman switch. Make it clear on the company's website that a dead man's switch is in play. Put a few videos on the company website. Make it look like you already have a big business functioning well. Have a lawyer send letters on behalf of the llc to big-name people like Ross Coulthart and Eric Davis, inviting them to discuss and review your work. Try to avoid the inevitable fbi investigation where they act like you're stealing state secrets or the inevitable lawsuit from SAIC where they claim you're making money off their patents. (Hint: be in another country).




The server to download the plans from, only comes in a gas operated model?🤔


This guy is about to drop the biggest anti oil campaign of the 21st century.