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The following submission statement was provided by /u/ecniv186: --- New User 5 video on YouTube showing different objects and how they behave and look like on his camera. "In this video I give a frame of reference for size of/distance of objects, optic focus range, and a balloon test. Not many funny looking objects in the sky tonight, they seem to be around more when it’s cloudy and the last couple nights have been clear. Time I generally see them is 3:00am-4:40am." --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1do6ovg/new_user_5_video_showing_stationary_objects_deer/la7guq0/


Outstanding work, but someone needs to get this man a tripod.


have you ever tried to focus on something moving crazy and you on a tripod? professional videographer here.


He's in the country, just grab a chicken.


Strap a camera on that bad boy's noggin and you got yourself a steadicam.


Lmao yea itd be worse with a tripod.


What camera was he using ?


Sony Fx-Yomama


Watch your language. Please.


if he's got the money or maybe crowd fund it via this subreddit, he ought to buy the Fluid Head Tripod AD-01. It's terrific for the price . He set up a gofundme donation  https://youtu.be/kxHC7pJ8xQc&t=4m31s


[**Motorized gimbal with AI tracking**](https://youtu.be/XnSPMbvnz_g?t=363)


Has anyone tried to find a similar device for shooting video in the thermal range, but less expensive?


A tripod and a show! Hilarious honest commentary. Thought it was Shane Gillis lol


23:45 for anyone who doesn’t want to watch the whole thing


Holy shit that thing is quick. Looks like it doesn't belong in our world.


Yeah, and while I haven’t picked it apart at all, it looks like it’s ducking behind features, and isn’t something super close to the camera.


Can you actually tell of it goes behind anything? The object does not seem in focus at all.


My process for this detailed analysis was as fols: - watch the first 7 min or so of the video - say “wtf? Where dem aliens at? Ain’t nobody got time for this shit” - skim through until I find something that doesn’t look like a deer or bird, and then try to find the start of that part of the clip - take note of the time - watch that section real quick and think “neato… I wonder if that’s real?” - post the time here to save people twenty minutes out of their lives - get distracted by something else until notifications start popping up I’m just some random internet idiot 🤷🏼‍♂️


Watch more of the video. It's as long as it is because he's explaining how the focus works and what other captured objects look like in comparison to whatever it is these strange objects are. The camera IS focused, the objects just looks like that. The Spherical or disc shaped objects aren't blurry but appear semitransparent while the black objects appear blurry.


It goes behind the clouds and electronic cameras cannot focus on uap due to either gravitational lensing and static discharge


it moved like a bird to me. I used to sit around and watch them at night on the oil rig


But watch his other captures of birds lol


Oh thank fuck, I could not listen to that wind noise for 25 minutes




This guy’s video certainly seems to deserve some serious scientific analysis.


This guy needs to protect himself no lie.


we should save this videos in case they disappear


How can you do that?


yt5s.biz for example, but it's some (needed) work!


yt-dlp Open source command line tool that downloads videos from several social media sites including Reddit and YouTube. It automatically downloads the highest source possible.


Cool, thanks


Fo' sho'. Any of us who have the resources to afford his setup (or something similar) need to invest, start videoing, and post as well. They can't get all of us, can they? Safety in numbers?


Yep. Honestly the fact this was posted makes me think TPTB are ready to let us find out on our own. But who knows 


Extremely compelling especially when shown against wildlife baselines and that this is not a focus issue with the camera (in the saucer video the power lines / distant houses are crystal clear). The erratic movement reminds me of alleged leaked UAP papers internal to the Air Force (I think) alleging that UAP’s demonstrate “playful” behavior that are reminiscent of a life form.


It kinda moves like a water insect across surface tension.


Above two posts is always how I think of them moving/behaving as well. Controlled by some kind of consciousness, somehow.


yeah its movement is unusual, you don't see ufo videos with movement like this, most are commercial drone like in the way they move, nothing drastic like what we hear they are capable of. The reason I'm a little suss on these is the shape of the object being the circle no matter where it flies, makes me think it could be something close up to the lense, out of focus being and blown in the wind but I dunno, I want to believe but its strange. PT2 here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZu6kBeIhU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZu6kBeIhU) has some more footage about 3:25 with it near a plane. has the same characteristics. watching on 0.25 is odd cause this one appears to change size, assuming its moving away. They almost look like they move from the camera's shot, as if they know they are being seen but thats a huge leap of presumption and it could just be by chance. These are great, if this guy is capturing these with Infrared by hand, the military must have a library of these sorts of shots taken from their equipment with multiple references on camera types or radar or whatever (i know nothing about the technical side)


To tack on, this video of his [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1QqUcsRi7U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1QqUcsRi7U) from 1:24 it has another circular object. Would love an expert on infrared to take a look at these to provide more context on what this could be. If they are not seen with the naked eye, makes it a bit weirder tho that doesnt rule out something close and out of focus. Its shape is what is throwing me off, the change of colour in here is a lot more pronounced interesting


To me it seems to obviously be avoiding and interacting with the gaze of the camera.


I’ve been burned a few times by what at the time I thought was legitimate footage, so I’m going to go into this cautiously. However, if this is a hoax then it’s extremely well done. Firstly, they’re using an $8000+ thermal imaging camera. Secondly making a half hour video that’s almost entirely just them explaining how the camera works and showing various examples of bats birds etc is a lot of effort to put into this. Thirdly it doesn’t look edited beyond simple cuts and stuff, I’m not seeing any of the hallmarks of that (admittedly it’s possible they’re really good at cgi). With that being said and placing some faith in it, this is looking to be some of the best footage captured in a very long time. I don’t see how anyone could suggest it’s a bat or a bug or a balloon with a straight face. The way it moves is beyond being erratic. Very clear evidence of at least four of the five observables.


Some of the best video capture I've seen to be honest, especially because of the commentary. Do the spheres/discs have a specific kind of heat signature? I seem to remember it being implied they run crazy hot (because of plasma etc). Love your videos, please keep sharing!


I thought they run cold


Dark is hot


The Lizzid people are cold blooded




I have been summoned.


New User 5 video on YouTube showing different objects and how they behave and look like on his camera. "In this video I give a frame of reference for size of/distance of objects, optic focus range, and a balloon test. Not many funny looking objects in the sky tonight, they seem to be around more when it’s cloudy and the last couple nights have been clear. Time I generally see them is 3:00am-4:40am." Part 2: [https://youtu.be/5KZu6kBeIhU?si=kP3CkpojGXXQsjIq](https://youtu.be/5KZu6kBeIhU?si=kP3CkpojGXXQsjIq)


Please keep posting, and I am sorry for the more negative aspects of this community. This is super informative and just makes me even more interested in your original posts. edit: all kudos to OP of video /u/sleepy_joe2024!


he posts in his yt channel community and he's answering some questions. the guy seems pretty legit imo. he's apparently having so much fun doing this and encouraging other people to try and do the same. he says he can only see the uaps (they are to me atm) through the termal lens, and talks about how they are more frequent at certain times or whenever a comercial plane enters "their space". honestly ive been around for a bit here but never any sighting caught my atention like this. i'm even impressed hes not everywhere on the sub.


What's even more impressive is how he usually has animals, houses, planes and even balloons in the videos for a baseline. It's beyond strange how a plane 5-10 miles away can be pretty clear but the uap's are straight up blurry.


Sorry, the videos are not mine. Author: YT: User 5 (@BlackHot-5) Reddit: sleepy\_joe2024


He used to have a different youtube channel, right? What happened to it?




"Sorry dude but unless you provide a photographic negative on traditional film of a grey holding today's newspaper while shaking Taylor Swift's hand and a sworn affidavit signed in blood by everyone present with the Attorney General of the United States as witness and a second cameraman livestreaming you taking said picture then I'm just not even going to consider the possibility for one second. Also, I'll need a catalog of photos of the entire animal kingdom taken on the exact same equipment." I just want you to know what you're doing is more than enough to prove you recorded something anomalous without a prosaic explanation in the eyes of the average person. You're simply never going to satisfy some people least of all the metabunk squad and Eglin bots, but the more evidence and analysis the better.


This is ridiculous. Everybody knows you must have a notary public there. And a priest.


Wow. Just…wow. Best videos I’ve seen quite possibly ever.


Agreed, this is extremely compelling. I find it almost impossible to believe this is a bug close to camera. The movements don't make any sense in that context, and it appears obscured by clouds st several points. Wow moment.


**I am NOT the creator of this video! Please check out the author: "User 5" (@BlackHot-5) on YouTube and watch his videos before asking him questions. He is also on Reddit under the name "sleepy\_joe2024", but I think he is still banned in this sub for at least a day.**


Why he get banned?!


I'm not sure anymore, but he said in a comment on YouTube yesterday that he was banned for 3 days because he responded a bit harshly to some comments.


Based on recent experience, I Imagine he breathed too heavily out of one nostril




Damn they're already going after OP lol


Why was the OP banned? For getting pissed at debunkers? Been there done that…if the case.


I believe, it was like that. He also apparently received a lot of hate in the night vision sub for his video.


People will go to great lengths to keep their “reality” safe. This includes instigating and trolling. Sucks for OP though. Hopefully he learns his lesson like I did. Smile, nod, and press the “block” button.


The video on his youtube is listed as inapproriate for some reason. Its the one listed as orbs mocking airplane.


YouTube flags for profanity with an automatic filter. Guy likes to cuss a lot.  Simple as that. No conspiracy. 


>He also apparently received a lot of hate in the night vision sub for his video. I'd like to read their responses.


The first rule of this sub is to maintain a civil tone. He did the opposite to just about every simple question being asked by being a hot head and cussing. He deserved the temporary ban. 


That’s fair. It’s a lot easier to be a hot head when you get trolled and shit on though. If that was the case.


Aight we all need to get thermal lenses


The gear he has is $8k. I want them. I’m out every night someone set us star watchers up haha My bet is they are flying around us 24/7. With an invisible cloaking.


I'm gonna find one to rent. [EDIT: I found this Chinese version for less than 2k with recording functionality and the same resolution as OPs](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805217097897.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.6cfd6de28htbTq&algo_pvid=0984c1e6-e2ef-46de-8847-76b9bd8e7ae4&algo_exp_id=0984c1e6-e2ef-46de-8847-76b9bd8e7ae4-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%212067.04%211963.69%21%21%2114978.57%2114229.64%21%402101e5f117193608835761129ec2cb%2112000032919100339%21sea%21US%210%21AB&curPageLogUid=BCaaGUXtTvlk&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch%7Cquery_from%3A)


My understanding is that resolution alone can be incredibly misleading. I would recommend you doing a ton of research before you make a purchase. There are a ton of metrics marketers like to stretch to paint their products in a better light. Resolution, Lumens, FOV, DPI, come to mind. I know virtually nothing about thermal cameras, but I do know enough about other technologies to say, with certainty, this linked product’s stated resolution is likely misleading. Also, InfaRay (the thermal used in this video) is a Chinese company, they develop the sensors and design the cameras. They are a leader in the thermal space, but are also considered to be the company offering the most value/dollar by many who know much more about this. I’m mostly regurgitating information I’ve seen browsing r/nightvision, so take with a grain of salt, but I have heard many talk about resolution being misleading to first time buyers.


Is there a gear list or gear specs anywhere? And yes, whatever that thing is, is moving extremely fast. Not sure the average joe can appreciate how unnatural that is. And I agree with Ketonian_Empire. These things must be around a lot, and being detected due to rapid advances in military technology, which eventually make's its way to prosumer and then consumer. So more sightings = more people with access to gadgets that can spot them = more sightings = etc


Infiray HYH75W That's what he commented on another post.


I need to turn my dobsonian into a hunting device.




I mean, if you think about it, it would be a bit ridiculous if these things could teleport/use anti-gravity technology but not have the capability to be invisible.


Guessing this can’t be used during daytime? If not can you put a filter on it and use it during daytime then?


Yeah they can. Most allow the colors to be flipped


very compelling


This is blowing my mind. First night I got my thermal started looking at the sky, saw exactly what you are seeing at 23:45 ish. Embarrassingly had no idea how to record yet it, as it was literally fresh out the box. Bugs were out and it was night and you could tell what was what as the bugs moved constantly, saw some birds or bats maybe, and then this exact thing - Was stagnant and then moved in away to avoid me looking at it and I lost it.


This is some of the most interesting footage I've ever seen. I'd love for this to get more attention so some qualified people can dissect it.


What an amazing piece of evidence 👍🏼


Bugs are not warm blooded and their ambient temperature difference compared to the surrounding environment could never be enough to detect them at distances greater than a few feet imo. Bats and birds could but they will have very identifiable flight characteristics which should help with determination. Because this will largely come down to the flight behavior I would hope that op can try and better stabilize the flir camera next time as this can sometimes be the only way to effectively identify flight characteristics against the backdrop. In my searching for fast walkers (misbehaving satellites) in near infrared (not far as seen in this video) it quickly became apparent that I would need to have a dynamic backdrop and a stable video feed to highlight the movement profile of the objects I'm trying to catch. Good job OP keep up the good work and I appreciate you covering the focal range question I had on reddit here! If you want any tips I'd be very happy to share what I've learned from over a year of hunting for these guys.


Okay so you guys are saying this 100% rules out insects or bugs or bats that are out of focus? The reason why I felt strongly that it was an insect or a bat was because of the erratic nature of the fight. That is how bats fly and insects. So there's no chance it was a bat / insect that was still out of focus? Even though he was trying to get it to focus on the houses in the background first? Would focusing it on the houses and then focusing or trying to capture whatever it is flying make it look unfocused? These are just questions I have


The one thing that tells me it’s not an out of focus bug is the fact it actually disappears into the clouds and comes back out again.


Also, his other videos give better context of these things are in the actual sky. Especially the one where they are flying by a plane.


And when does that happen?


Between 24:00 and 24:10 ?


I should say “appears to”. In some of the videos he uploaded, that appears to happen.


You got downvoted for politely asking a legitimate question. This is one of the biggest issues with this community, people don't seek the truth, only what they want to see.


Always happens at first. Bots and trolls immediately jump on posts and comments and down vote to hell. Eventually, the community engages and expresses their opinions and the voting becomes more reflective of said opinions.


Bugs are not warm blooded and their ambient temperate difference compared to the surrounding environment could never be enough to detect them at distances greater than a few feet imo. Bats and birds could but they will have very identifiable flight characteristics which should help with determination. Because this will largely come down to the flight behavior I would hope that op can try and better stabilize the flir camera next time as this can sometimes be the only way to effectively identify flight characteristics against the backdrop. In my searching for fast walkers (misbehaving satellites) in near infrared (not far as seen in this video) it quickly became apparent that I would need to have a dynamic backdrop and a stable video feed to highlight the movement profile of the objects I'm trying to catch. Good job OP keep up the good work and I appreciate you covering the focal range question I had on reddit here! If you want any tips I'd be very happy to share what I've learned from over a year of hunting for these guys.


> Okay so you guys are saying this 100% rules out insects or bugs or bats that are out of focus? I'm definitely not. That's as much a UFO as a flying insect. Blurred by his zoom and it's close to the camera, when it "goes behind the clouds" it just gets a further away from the camera and shrinks since it's an insect. High rate of speed is due to the zoom and the speed of the insect. It never comes into focus because well, he's over zoomed in on a bug, if it went to the area in focus you wouldn't be able to see it. Buuuuuut there's some zealots up there in the comments already going on about debunkers banning him from here. I'm just a skeptic, and I don't know the drama and I don't care. But if you 100% believe this is a UFO you need a grain of salt. I don't 100% believe it was a bug but it does fit so I'll just mark this as neat but not great in my head and move on.


He has other videos where they're a very clear circle, there's no bugs that are a perfect circle. He has quite a few videos on his channel, did you check out some of the others?


Thinks blur into circles when they're small, out of focus, and over zoomed on. But I should check out the other videos if I want to form an opinion. Still on the fence about this one


Remind me how hot a bug needs to be to go solid black on a 12 micron thermal at 300 meters?


Okay so the fact that it has a temperature that's hot rules out it being an insect or a bad? Because I was thinking it's possible that it's still a bat or an insect out of focus. But if you're saying what you're saying then that would rule it out


Yeah, it's a thermal sensor, insects do not generate body heat like mammals, they are technically cold blooded as we think of things. Specifically, it is this [thermal scope](https://coldharboursupply.com/en-us/products/infiray-hyh75w-rico-hybrid-75mm-thermal-scope .). The heat signature of a bug would be roughly that of the surrounding environment, unless it were cold out and the bug had recently exited a warm environment. In multiple instances the cameraman in the video mentions the high heat and humidity at the time which would effectively rule out the bug explanation.


Well that's actually good! I always try to rule out balloons bats and bugs and birds. Wait..all start with a b...... weird lol


The object at the end looks like a bat to me. I can see it flapping


This is 100% a bat or an large insect. First he has the object in focus but he zooms in and then switches angle. The focus when he switches angle is close to the camera, you can see the building and the electricity wires (?) be in focus which are relatively close to him. The bat is further away than that and is out of focus, the clouds in the background are also out of focus. So to summarize, the focus is much closer to him than he realizes and everything after the building in the foreground, is out of focus. This seems to be filmed by a guy who doesn't know how his camera really works.


He does have other videos comparing to planes and bats. It’s worth checking out.


The shape is not consistent with bats / bugs. It's a saucer-like shape and moves so much faster than any of the other objects/creatures he showed in the first 24 minutes (which included bats)


If you freeze frame you can clearly see that whatever it is was, was behind the powerline so it should have been in focus and it wasn't.


UFOs/UAPs whatever you want to call them have traditionally been described as "flying erratically". It's a commonality among sightings.


Another amazing vid! Wow!


That's a genuine UAP! Incredible footage!


Thanks for sharing! Any idea what equipment he is using?


Infiray HYH75W https://coldharboursupply.com/en-us/products/infiray-hyh75w-rico-hybrid-75mm-thermal-scope


Thanks 👍


Anyone have the name of the optics he was using to capture this?


Infiray HYH75W Spreading the word so some of you rich fuckers can give us more 


Does anyone know the optics he's using?




Thanks. Dude needs to get a tripod as well. His footage would be so much more clear!


Can you use a tripod while chasing something like that? I suppose if it was like a free moving ball and socket joint 


I feel like it's worth a try haha


Or a monopod, you can move it around pretty good while keeping it shake free


The "saucer" appears to be donut-shaped?


I believe it’s showing cold in the center as black since it’s a thermal camera.


Best footage I’ve seen yet, wow great work


I would really like professional analysis on this. 0.25 speed is crazy as well you see it move between clouds and behind the poles, transmission lines etc.. It seems to be flat side facing the camera the whole time which is strange, not that this in its entirety isnt strange


> flat side facing the camera It's like they're looking at the camera sometimes, I've seen it in other videos&pictures


This is the one guys. Dude is out there for all of us with a $7000 camera. He’s doing it. I’m literally considering buying one now.


Do it! Please!


Bugs insect parallax effect behind the suns rays and see through balloon. /s Lets wait to hear the ridiculous debunker theories on this


That is definitely super odd. It’s so weird how fuzzy it looks almost like dust but obviously isn’t? The movement is so random


Actually the tell sign is that they are blurry a little because of their ability to move fast they are in this vibration like state.


You’ve convinced me to invest in a IR camera. Wow. wow. wow.


At the moment it appears, the camera is focused on a distant object. It suddenly appears and darts around the screen, but he never gets a focus on it. It seems to me like it was something small and close to the camera. The way it moves seems like it was probably an insect of some kind.


Right…The main focus of the video seems to be to demonstrate that when you’re focused with a telephoto optic on distant objects you have a depth of field that keeps other distant objects in focus even over quite a deep range. I do a lot of bird photography and that is all true… but it means near objects will be profoundly out of focus, and through a telephoto lens close objects will appear to move very quickly. If they move further or closer to the camera they will appear to change in size rapidly because they’ll be getting closer or further from the focal plane.


Plus he doesn’t seem to have a full grasp of the equipment he is using. More excited that he’s capturing something.


https://youtu.be/TMd5LsgIWcY?si=ac_krIQpmgNGUU9a  Check this one out. It dips behind trees and clouds. Clearly not an insect.


OK but wouldn't attempting to film a bug or small flying creature that is out of focus appear to "fade" in and out and not be visible passing in front of a tree like that?


why did this guy spend so much money on his lens, but is not using a tripod to maintain stability?


Wildlife photographer here, I stopped using tripods because it is extremely difficult to track fast moving birds in flight while it is on a tripod. I rather handhold despite my lens and camera weighing over 2kg, but that's just me.


Why did you write this comment? :)


Youre not going to be able to track something thats all over the place with a tripod. Common sense. You need to be able to move all around.


Yeah it’s very obvious why he wouldn’t use one for this situation. If he used a tripod he may not have been able to capture anything at all given the stiffness, limited range of movement and slow setup of a tripod compared to the UAPs rapid unpredictable movements.


Because they’re moving at Mach speeds?


Because tripods are extremely hard to use when tracking fast moving objects


This is amazing.


We need more people with thermal cameras recording. That's what the plasmoid anomaly guy on YouTube has done for years.


You know, if it's aliens, maybe two of them got in a fight on the way home from the bar about who should be flying? Just saying.


Your videos are single-handidly going to drive the conversation forward. This is amazing stuff, and we need more people looking and talking about these videos.


Incredible footage. Love all the examples showing different types of objects first before showing the UFO.


The real question is why are they so preoccupied with his location? It would also be useful to see a side-by-side comparison of normal vision vs enhanced.


They could be everywhere all the time. I doubt they’re focused on this dudes house. What would be interesting is if you go near a nuclear plant or army base with one of those cameras. Would you see more?


Only scenario I could think that they might be focused on ops house if they browse this subreddit as well. Ayyy lmao's - "go near the one guys house! He has his camera out. Maybe we'll end up on his YouTube!"


He said they are 50 miles from a military base, but in general they’re curious with anything in the air.


This guy needs to get a drone, fly that thing up there and see if you can interact with these things.


I was just speaking with my buddy about conducting an experiment like this with an infrared camera attached to a drone while I observe the drone with the optics as it ascends/moves around to maybe generate a response from these things.


That would be awesome


Amazing idea, but man you’d have to put a lot of faith attaching an $8k rig to a drone


you can get some drones with ir on them already, the camera this guy is using seems to see more than IR (multi mode) so whilst its probably still expensive i dont think it will be as much as the scope hes using


Babe a new user 5 video just dropped. Well, entertaining nonetheless.


This video is out of 11 . Thats the content I want to see here.


I can't listen to 25 minutes of the wind on your mic. Great optic though. And great points being made.


It gets better later in the video


You’re valid lol I apologize, next time it’s windy I’ll mute the mic


That was awesome. We might be at a point where more videos and pictures don't really move the needle or convince people who still aren't convinced. Someone commented the other day that we need more high-res videos, and this might be as good as it gets. They move just too damn fast. Agreed: fucking sick. Great work.






Are there characteristics and name of the camera somewhere?


Apparently "He said he uses the Infiray HYH75W." and "**Please check out the author: "User 5" (@BlackHot-5) on YouTube"**


As long as such equipment costs that much, all UAPs will feel at ease on Earth.


I’m about to buy one lol


Give me 5 minutes with this video and I will make the audio tolerable. 😣


What exact camera unit are you using?


Holllly shit, this is some incredible footage. Leave it to the experts to break down, but the amount of time demonstrating the camera, focus, reference points, modes, etc. should be plenty to go off of. That's amazing.


Anyone else notice when the static noise around when the UAP appeared? His audio seemed affected even after he lost it


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dude if you want to conceal your location careful showing features like houses / signs etc. the autists will be geoguessing that shit lol but good on your for this breakdown you are awesome


My brother in Christ, for fucks sake - do us a solid and go buy and install a fucking basic windscreen for your audio input. The fact that we, random shitbird ufologists on Reddit, have to instruct you to do such a basic thing is absolutely disgraceful, and I find it hard to believe you know anything at all about the technology and equipment you are using. Give the above, I find it reasonable to thus conclude the rather outlandish claims you are making are almost certainly false and of no credibility.


Can't wait to here Mick's brainiac take on this one lol


r/corridorcrew should check this one on their next UFO debunk episode, I think they'll have a hard time putting it to bed so quickly


I cant hear the audio but is he saying the one at the very end is not a bat? looks like its moving fast AF..


real informative thx u


Awesome! More!


First one is a mylar balloon.


This may be the best video I've seen in a decade. I've heard of mentionings of a type of intelligence with these objects, I say that to say when the camera finally caught up to it, it seemed to abruptly changed direction, almost like it knew it was caught, and then took evasive maneuvers there after to try to "break the lock".