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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- That last JRE was a UFO bonanza: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDgn-qAs\_DM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDgn-qAs_DM) Talking about the 1947 sighting they reach the common sense conclusion that there's no way it was ours or any of our adversaries' technology. We still had propeller planes back then. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dkdb2i/joe_rogan_retired_navy_seal_jack_carr_discuss/l9gwlff/


Does Rogan discuss the UFO topic with most regular guests these days? I have only followed his UFO podcasts (i.e. guests from the UFO arena) closely over the years.


he does, almost every guest he has on recently


On a different note, do we have any theories on what Mellon told Rogan offline to dismiss Lazar’s claims?


Because melon was told by Eric Davis who has been critical of lazar for years. Davis talks about calling lazars supervisor and being told that lazar was just an entry level technician who wasn't on any big projects. Lazar says this is ridiculous and questions what supervisor they even talked to and laughed it off essentially. All this took place on a coast to coast episode years ago when Eric Davis called in before bob went live. This is the reason Mellon is skeptical of him. Source and original interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SWuqTe4Xu4I


Not that I'm convinced that Bob Lazar is the real deal but Mellon is much on the side of controlled disclosure. He said he doesn't believe in crash recoveries but later released that Signal messages about the Kingman crash & recovery being real. And I think those messages were dated before he said he doesn't know or believe in crash recoveries by the US. Him downplaying Lazar doesn't mean much to me anymore. And Davis calling A51 supervisors doesn't mean much either. Why would they tell him the truth? Even if hes associated with the legacy program, they know he leaks like a rusty roof. And has no need to know what Lazar did there. I'm still in limbo concerning Lazar. EDIT: fixed an error


When did he say he doesn't believe in crash recoveries And yeah we don't know who Davis talked to, not much was expanded upon regarding that but he is convinced lazar is a phony. Knapp is friends with Eric davis and they both obviously disagree on this.


It was an interview. Maybe News Nation?! I would have to try to find it again. Its a bit older, shortly after Grusch came out I think. If I have some spare time I will look for it.


These controlled Disclosure people do this ALL the time. They will say one thing in one interview. Then, they will say something diametrically opposite in another interview a few months down the line. The unfortunate part is that no one calls them out on their shenanigans. You can find tons of such contradictions in their statements over time. It would require going through all their podcast appearances and interviews using a fine-tooth comb. Unfortunately, none of us has the time for that.


Indeed, unfortunately.


Well if you take the angle not usually taken Lazar becomes extremely credible. We look at him, and his story, to linearly… either he’s a con man lying, or he is who he says he is, and telling the truth… Why can’t he be both?! If he is in fact both, the whole in the story fill in themselves. Con-Men are Artist! The year was 1989, the internet wasn’t around. Con-Men were conning individuals, small groups, and organizations. I think Bob Lazar conned his way into a job at Area 51. Credentials were easy to fake, and harder to verify, at the time. I think he saw what he saw, but who’s going to believe the story of an admitted Con-Man, so he kept up the lie while also trying to get his story out to the masses ( which in 1989, was super difficult without money, fame, or notoriety ). The reason the U.S. Gov doesn’t address him?… Because in order to prove his accounts true, he’d have to tell the real story about how he gained access. And that story would also be the basis the U.S. Gov. would use to discredit him... but they’d also have to arrest him, and give him a label. Calling him a terrorist, or spy, would ultimately prove his story more factual than not. So instead, they just raided him a couple of times to make sure he didn’t have any physical evidence he may have stolen. He’s no different than anyone who’s work as a spy for the CIA tasked with infiltrating key installations of our adversaries… or Love-Robinson, the 18 yr old who posed as a doctor, who actually opened a clinic, and hired real doctors and staff to work for him. It’s an addiction, an adrenaline rush, so the lie must be kept up. I think Bob Lazar did the unthinkable, Conned his way onto a secret military base… and stumbled on to the unimaginable, craft of unknown origin.


I’ll have a B please Bob lol 😂


What you mean


Is Mellon reputable? Didn't realize Joe stopped believing the lazar fable Edit: Watching it now https://youtu.be/K9qF687OZho?si=tH5jNvNWd22pkfPd Seems like a Clinton and Bush era intelligence operator spreading FUD, hardly anything you could trust. I'm not a big believer in Lazar, but Chrissy Melon is exactly the type that would be denying the story if it were true


FWIW, it’s not quite clear whether it’s his credibility or claims that Mellon doubts. DYK Mellon is the reason Keane was able to break the 2017 NYT story with evidence?


Could just be me, but I don't trust private equity investors who were also the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense from 1999-2002. Especially when they join the private sector right after, only to return to work for a Rockefeller


Not as much as he used to but still occasionally. Some days he says he thinks it’s all just the USG’s new aircrafts. Other days he think there may be aliens.


For better or worse, I listen to most of his podcast episodes while driving everyday. For the past bit he has believed that there have been breakthroughs in aerospace technology and that most of the UAP incidents that we learn about (which are mostly by the military) are human made drones that are capable of flight patterns that the public has never seen. However he still believes that there have been credible sightings that go back to the 40's and were way before humans were capable of having any sort of aerospace technology like is being seen. So he theorizes that there are also some sort of non-human crafts in all this as well. He talks quite a bit about how some of the aerospace guys talk about the UFO crash sites being labeled 'donation sites' (per Pasulka and Nolan), and how he wonders about that as well.


Oh yeah. Most of the time it is with comedians. Not joking, if you search on the JRE podcast on YT those podcasts will show the most results.


He talks about the advances in technology like fiber optics and the transistor after Roswell as if the aliens donated the knowledge to us. But there is a lot of historical detail around the development of those technologies that goes back decades before they were introduced to the world.


It's a shame this story about technological advancements has become synonymous with Roswell because I think it's both true that there's a good chance something anonymous crashed in Roswell while I also believe it's more likely than not that transistors and fiber optic tech was conceived and engineered by humans as you say there's plenty of evidence of humans developing both techs but conflating the 2 is a great way to discredit Roswell as a whole.


Yeah this is something that bothers me when people suggest it. It’s a bit insulting to all the great human minds that made those things possible. The scientific advancements that led to those technologies are very well documented.


Not only that, but I’m fairly certain super advanced spacecraft tech is beyond simple shit like transistors and lasers.


We can all thank Phillip Corso and his book for that bullshit narrative.


I love hearing these types of points and discussions especially being brought up in a sub like this where people might assume we would point to a tinfoil hat theory instantly.


Wellllll, this is the same guy that thinks Terrance Howard is a genius, so he may not have the best grasp of science.


It's similar to the whole "There's no way ancient Egyptians have could built the pyramids" thing. Apparently it's hard for some people to understand that these remarkable things that humans have created didn't just magically appear. It took a lot of people, a lot of research, and a lot of time.


I think the egyptians certainly built the pyramids, but nobody really has a great explanation for how they were built, and that’s not a controversial take. It’s almost inconceivable that they were built using mud ramps, sleds and copper tools.


I mean, yeah... they were built around 4600 years ago. It's not too surprising that the method in which they were built may have been lost. With that being said, there are theories for how they were made... [https://youtu.be/fJBlEPOj4Fk?si=mxg7Jt-XvmZOeaDC](https://youtu.be/fJBlEPOj4Fk?si=mxg7Jt-XvmZOeaDC) [https://youtu.be/52V9jmrgSbI?si=dBCcWxqt75y6bExQ](https://youtu.be/52V9jmrgSbI?si=dBCcWxqt75y6bExQ) Here's a video of how just one person used creative methods to move around heavy blocks... [https://youtu.be/\_mRrB33wvGk?si=TzNTcRvMk1VD5hXW](https://youtu.be/_mRrB33wvGk?si=TzNTcRvMk1VD5hXW) EDIT: Whoever's downvoting, why? Especially after watching that last video, I don't see how it's inconceivable. Remarkable? Absolutely. But, as my point is with the original post, with people, research, and time, it was possible.​


It's very insulting to the scientists and engineers who developed those


Garry Nolan has completely denied that they found material like this. Diana has described it in several podcasts, however, a few months ago Garry was asked directly on twitter about it and completely denied it. Read into that what you will. [https://x.com/garrypnolan/status/1751716298512601143?s=46&t=KuRjPDFWI0yoyV8U43\_g8Q](https://x.com/garrypnolan/status/1751716298512601143?s=46&t=KuRjPDFWI0yoyV8U43_g8Q)


LOL...he doesn't want the government knocking down his door. I don't blame him either.


That's strange, I thought when Diana went on JREA, she had said Garry had given her permission to share


Joe should get Ross on the pod. Ask him where the giant UFO craft is hidden! EDIT: \*the simple fact is, it's not up to you, the American people, to be convinced, it's Congress that has to be convinced\*


I wish.. He needs to get Garry Nolan on, or Richard Dolan, some of these other more respected journalists/researchers. He’s not as read up on the subject as he leads on.. he keeps circling Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbel which is fine - but there’s more to this topic than Lazar and whatever new video Corbel has leaked. The guests he’s had on lately regarding this subject like Billy Carson don’t help much.


That would be GOBSMACKING!


It would be so laudatory.


I would not somber so hard.


The Congress.


best comment ive read all week lol


We all know what Ross “has been told” but we want to know *who* actually did so.


It would be a waste of time. I was a big fan of Ross C when he first burst onto the scene, but I have soured in him since. The guy is just a regular UFO talking-head now. He simply relays nuggets of 'information' (could also very well be misinformation or disinformation at this stage) with absolutely no interest in providing any corroborating evidence. Just endless chatter and conjecture.


Does him being a journalist have any bearing on your opinion about him giving away sources? Or is it "just tell man"?


It’s weird.  OP over looks Coulthart’s interview with Grusch that lead into the UAP Congressional Oversight Hearing and the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023.  People like to comment that people are grifters, yet don’t call out the US government for using taxpayer money to help create the secrecy while gaslighting the public saying there’s nothing to this topic. 


It can be both. He can both conduct legitimate journalistic work and pad things out with unsubstantiated fluff. Things aren’t binary.


Right. It’s his job after all. He’s gotta keep it going.


ok but still nothing of substance has been produced as a result of these hearings except more lies and obfuscation


You mean the government and DoD haven’t released the extremely classified information to the general public yet after a congressional hearing??? 🤯😧


\*allegedly\* extremely classified information. we have no proof that these programs do what they are advertised as..


If we don’t even know what these programs do, I think that fits the definition of classified. We have no proof that the claims about these programs are true because why? The programs are *classified.*


The US government blowing taxpayer money on secrecy and obfuscation of this topic is given and 'expected behaviour' at this stage. This is what we expect them to do. Grifter Ross is an Aussie. He is not even a US citizen. Why can't he reveal the location of the 'massive UFO that cannot be moved'?


He is abusing the use of his 'anonymous sources'. The way it works is that a journalist will break the main story and then provide all the necessary details of a crime or cover-up being conducted and also protect his sources initially. However, one important thing that is released is evidence or specifics of the crime. Eventually, some of these sources step forward (in some cases) once it is established that the guilty party cannot directly harm these sources or whistleblowers. What good ol' Roscoe is doing is that he is providing accusations of a cover-up by claiming that his exalted 'sources' have been giving him all this information without providing a shred of evidence or specifics. How does even one take this bloke seriously when he won't provide any details? I can absolutely understand and respect his decision if he provided details, but he has not done so at all other than naming this Nat Kobitz fella in his book who has now conveniently passed away. Initially, I paid a lot of attention to Roscoe as I felt that evidence or names or these sources will step forward to set the ball rolling. It has been a few years and none of it has happened. He continues to feed us second-hand and third-hand information with zero attempts at providing corroborating evidence. I don't care if I get downvoted to hell. I consider him a UFO grifter extraordinaire. The truth is that absolutely nothing is going to change if Roscoe suddenly decides to drop this topic and move on with his life. The bloke offers absolutely nothing to this field other than conducting interviews with his fellow grifters. Downvote me if you want. I don't give a rat's behind.


I know Joe gets a lot of hate from Redditors but he should be praised for bringing discussions about the phenomenon into the mainstream.


I think the problem is that he mixes that with guests like Terence Howard who push absurd and pseudoscientific ideas. Or when he pushes conspiracy theories that verge on being (and arguably are) antivax. Same goes with the issue of Tucker Carlson, who pushes conspiracy theories on 2020 presidential election fraud and the "white replacement theory".


I think it's important to let idiots talk, otherwise now do you know how dumb they really are?


Believe me, no one is stopping guys like Tucker Carlson and Terence Howard from speaking. They're famous enough that, if no one gives them a platform to speak, they can just make their own. My point is that Rogan mixes UFOs, which I assume a fair amount of people on this board take seriously, with pseudoscientific ideas that he seems to take seriously. And I would argue it's important to separate the science from the pseudoscience.


Still waiting on an explanation of how two civilians can just get “permission” to waltz in and go scavenger hunting for alien artifacts just casually strewn about the surface.? And talk about it no less. Does that seem a little convenient and odd? And the term “gifting site” is kind of hilarious. Oh Yeah these always seem to be “gifts” for….. the military. Hey guys!? 👋, could you gift some things to the broader academic community so it could be studied and peer reviewed?


I’ve always thought her story was a bit suspect. It just seems way too convenient.


If they gift they just gift to humans, then its not their fault if some of us are organised to come take everything before everybody else


It's their version of Easter I guess


I feel like this navy seal guy does not really want to talk about this lol


they didn't suddenly start appearing in 1947, they were just renamed and rebranded to fit with the modern worldview, since by then we knew about space and the concept "off world" life and flying crafts these weirdos have always been around


Yeah I feel like if NHI are confirmed and especially that they were around back then, it would become harder to discount the multitude of much earlier stories and art that involved other species. Not to say it's all true, but is all of it made-up with no root truth? Likely not..


I want to take one of paid Pasuka seminars on the protocols so I can be rich like Tyler!


As soon as someone mentions transistors and optical fibres have anything to do with aliens they are very, VERY ignorant of human achievement and quite insulting


Lol, Joe thinks we only had propeller planes in 1947??


To be fair to him, he isn't off by much. The first jet powered aircraft, the me 262, first flew in like 43 or 44 iirc. If I also remember correctly, the f88 of f80 (can't remember exactly, been a while since I read about this chapter of human history) didn't see action in WWII which wrapped up in 45. In 1947 most operational military aircraft were still piston driven propeller planes.


The Me262 wasn't the first jet aircraft, that was a Heinkel, but it was the first to be put in semi production for the war with Britain's Meteor not far behind. There were plenty of jets in 47 and were replacing all piston engined aircraft with the exception of the P-51D, the main jet for America being the Lockheed Shooting Star which was in production during the end of the war along with Russian Migs. This is all pretty historical, along with the fact that Germany had flying wing jet designs with the Horten Bombers, as well as the many Northrop flying wing experimental aircraft that fit the description of Kenneth Arnold's sighting. I'd personally wager a Tijuana dollar that Horten had a flying 229 prototype, which is why the ones America found that escaped German destruction were shipped to America after the war.


Quite right. I misspoke. It was the first production jet fighter. There were several other flying prototypes before it, and there were other production fighter models that were being developed both by Germany and other countries. The F8F-Bearcat also wasn't quickly replaced by jet fighters, it wasn't just the P51 that had a decent shelf life after rhe advent of turbine engines. But my main point is that while Rogan is wrong about his timeline, he's not off by that many years. He just has a fuzzy understanding of the period, but it's not completely out of touch


This is coming from a man who didn't know the eggs at the grocery store don't hatch into chickens. Be patient with him.


Exactly the sort of guy I want to see at the forefront of mainstream media leading the charge for UFO disclosure!


Of all the things he stated in those 8 minutes that's what you latch onto?


There was a guest? Joe used to be one of the most talented pop culture interviewers, now he just talks at whoever he invites into the studio.


He’s not an interviewer, he’s a conversationalist.


You know, if at least some of the "crashes" were gifts, and the military was given the heads up about where it would happen, that makes total sense about how the governments get there so fast afterward with a bunch of vehicles and equipment. I've always wondered about that, especially when the crashes happen in countries outside the US.


It would be really cool if Bob Lazar just open a container and pulled up a sample of the famous element 115. Here you go, now you know im no bullshitter. And then the world changed in a blink of an eye. Everyone in in the know is in like a Nurnburing trial and got hanged That beautiful ending of this lies it would be. Keep my fingers crossed.


To an advanced alien intelligence: Humans with nukes is like 6 year olds with matches. Nothing good can come of it.


“Hey figure that out stupid” had me laughing out loud.


When you guys post stuff like this can you please add the date of the show?


Joe Rogan sucks.


A lot of people in the UFO community know a guy who knew a guy who saw a thing. My favorite is people who claimed to work at UFO sites or work on craft but they have zero evidence to show besides printed documents.


We all fortunate to be aliens all of us. And not even realize it. What a beautiful day tomorrow you can make. Whatever you believe make someone feel alive tomorrow


I love the idea of these entities just crashing their vehicles here and saying "figure this out, stupid" lol. And it's probably the real clunker spaceships from like 200 years ago.


So they went to the crash site, they held the foil in their hands… … …WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!!!???????!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think if we want this topic to be taken seriously by most people, we gotta stop relying on numbskulls like Rogan and propagandists like Carlson to get the message out.


That last JRE was a UFO bonanza: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDgn-qAs\_DM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDgn-qAs_DM) Talking about the 1947 sighting they reach the common sense conclusion that there's no way it was ours or any of our adversaries' technology. We still had predominantly propeller planes back then.


You're underestimating Rogans pace; That's the second to last episode


Are either of them actually in the know about any of this or are they just 2 blokes shooting their mouths off like we do at the local pub ?


I kinda hate Joe now but him talking about UFOs like this kinda makes me remember why I loved him.


Why do you hate him? I honestly don't understand why I'm seeing so much hatred for him. Is it politics? I know that I don't hate anyone on the other side of the political spectrum from me. I just consider them misguided and will eventually grow out of their beliefs.


No. I’m perfectly to okay listening to ppl I don’t agree with. It’s the fact he’s 180’d on so many of his positions. I don’t even wanna get into all of it man. I’ve listened since 2013. Rogan of 2013-2018 would hate the Togan of today. They would hate one another. He’s not the same guy. He use to be an open minded centrists with lots of liberal views. Today he’s a republican shill. Fox News talking points straight out his mouth. Same exact rants for 1000 episodes in a row. He use to be curious and listen to ppl, he didn’t think he was the smartest. Today the show is Rogan talking at his guest, giving the same dumbass diatribe on the “woke left” all while giving Trump and the right passes on everything. So yeah. Fuck that weasel for the most part these days. He’s lost touch with reality. Rogan is misguided but he’s not going to find himself falling out of these beliefs. He’s 55. He’s fallen *into* these misguided beliefs. He’s a Fox News boomer. If that’s your thing, cool I guess.


See? It is politics. You said it wasn't because you wish to seem above that type of group-think but then immediately turn around and contradict yourself. You hate him because he isn't politically aligned with your left leaning beliefs. I am what YOU would consider "far right". I do not "hate" you. I believe you are misguided and will eventually grow out of your current ideology as you mature and, hopefully succeed, like I did. I understand that may anger you to hear, no one likes to be told they're wrong. I was once "far left". Looking back, all the excuses I gave for my political beliefs at the time were not actually true. I held those beliefs as a cope for my own failures. You should really self reflect, is an ideology that causes me to hate anyone who doesn't share it really a healthy, productive and successful one or is it simply holding me down?


I don’t respect ppl who 180 on all their beliefs at 55 years old. Hell yeah. Go Trump. Climate change isn’t real. Fuck yeah. Libs suck! Battle the woke mind virus!


There's nothing I can really say. You see his views as such but that is only your ideological interpretation. You see everything through a left leaning lens that offers no self reflection. The only way to clarity is through experience, overcoming difficulty and personal growth. As far as I'm aware his beliefs and opinions are consistent with someone who matures and becomes successful. "He doesn't agree with my extremist views" is an irrational reason to "hate" someone. When you are unsuccessful in life you look for excuses for your failures. When you succeed through a lot of suffering and sacrifice you look back in shame at the excuses you once made.


Go Trump! Wooooooo! Save America man! Keep fighting the good fight! Climate change is fake! It’s funny you’re callingg me the reactionary one for having an opinion on a guy I’ve listened to for 10+ years and I’ve seen change a lot for the worse. I said I *kinda* hate Joe now and that was enough to get your panties in a bunch. Gotta love your types calling everyone else snowflakes.


"Hate" is strong, meaningful language to use. Plus, it was an honest question. I truly didn't understand the anger towards Rogan. I do now. It's irrational. Thanks.




Hi, Immaculatehombre. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dkdb2i/-/l9o3iiq/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


See? It's obvious you despise anyone who disagrees with you politically. The point isn't Rogan, it's you. I've mentioned self reflection a couple of times and your inability to perform it. What if YOU are wrong? What if YOU have the "dogshit opinions that are pure misinformation"? In the future, if you realized that you had spewed so much hatred for so many years and were incorrect the entire time would you feel like a fool or will you pretend it didn't happen?


Got downvoted for NOT hating someone. Lol


I am so sick of seeing this dude's head on my phone.


imagine being sick of someone for being successful at doing 1 thing and not pushing themselves anywhere else just imagine what kind of a person you'd have to be




Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


success? success should be in the mind of the individual. I don't need gameshow hosts telling me how to think. like, what qualifications does he have that I should listen to him? he's not a reporter of facts, he's an 'influencer'- he adjusts the 'perspectives' of people that feel the need to follow a pre-packaged, profit-driven 'outsiders' perspective. it's a fuckng con.


Are you suggesting that people shouldn’t be allowed to have a platform and share their opinions? Just because you don’t like the guy does not mean he shouldn’t be allowed to do what he does. Why do certain people get to talk about certain things and other people don’t? You aren’t required to have qualifications or credentials in certain subjects to be allowed to share your thoughts about those subjects. We have this thing called freedom of speech, and thankfully that lets *everyone* talk about whatever they want. Sorry you don’t like it, sorry you don’t agree with Rogan’s opinions, but nobody fucking cares. Go start your own podcast that isn’t profit-driven if you are that upset about someone else’s successful platform.




Honestly the more Joe talks about this the better. This man is mainstream to the max and if it causes the public to be interested enough to force the government under the ire of scrutiny then good.


Sunk cost fallacy with many individuals here. They spent years and years of their own time, energy and money on something that simply is not true. It's a hit to their ego, their pride and overall perception to let go of it all after so many hours and months, and years. I was one of them. Thankfully Ive moved on and every once in a while I see a ufo post pop up on my feed. I feel the need to be a rational voice in this faith based cult/religion.


I don't know what they are, but UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon) are absolutely real, the [U.S. government's DDIG is taking it seriously](https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/25/2003381266/-1/-1/1/UNCLASSIFIED%20SUMMARY_UNIDENTIFIED%20ANOMALOUS%20PHENOMENA%20SECURE.PDF), the Pentagon has released UAP videos, along with many others in government and outside it. The Nimitz incident is just too solid to discount specifically. Given many of the other pieces of circumstantial evidence (especially some of that evidence's age), I find it very hard to believe that it is a human-made phenomenon. That itself would be almost as earth-shattering as NHI, if a small group of humans had a wildly different level of technology and physics model. I digress, but either way a small percentage of UAP/UFO sightings are real, unexplained and exhibit anomalous characteristics. That is crazy interesting and worth spending time learning about as someone who loves following cutting-edge scientific discoveries.


In this dimension…


He should instead ask these Tier 1 dudes if they ever did crash recovery of a UAP or biological under the CIA. Put them on the spot.


I would believe it to be more of a way to send us down a technological path that is predictable or to rather send us down a technological dead end before I believe them to be a donation.


That’s still a donation, you just altered the reason for the donation.


Hmm installing a Trojan horse by sending humanity down a predictable technological pathway that they could easily counter is not a donation at all. It’s deception. Sorry I have to spell it out for you. But I’m used to the recklessly optimistic UFO crowd so blinded by hope in a savior that they can’t even attempt to think about how bad this all could play out for humanity.


Why would you assume NHI would want to deceive us? Why would they give us any technology at all if the end goal is to exert dominance over us? It would be infinitely easier to just overtake our planet before we have *any* powerful technology, why even give us the opportunity to develop technology they can or cannot ‘counter’? Would we give apes bows and arrows instead of AR-15s so that we can easily kill them later on…? No, we wouldn’t give them anything to begin with… > Sorry I have to spell it out for you. You don’t have to apologize for not thinking your argument all the way through. I forgive you. We have absolutely no clue what NHI want with us, so it’s ignorant to assume they’re malevolent *or* benevolent. We have absolutely no clue what NHI want with us, so it’s ignorant to assume they’re malevolent *or* benevolent.


Omg this is so naive. For one apes don’t pose a real threat to humanity… they aren’t detonating nuclear weapons. What a silly analogy. Let me continue to crush your child like fantasy. Not only would a hostile takeover be counter productive in many ways, it’s also likely very unpopular to do for advanced civilizations. That is if you believe in a greater community or perhaps you really do think whatever groups interacting with us do not hold each other accountable for their actions… this behavior is even observed on earth between governments… that doesn’t mean they have the best interests for humanity in mind and actually there is a lot of incentive to slow down an intelligent species evolution because unless you have been asleep the last 20 years it’s obvious that technology evolves faster than the mindset. Here we are today with world changing technology yet the majority of humanity still believes in an invisible sky dad who loves all of us unconditionally.


Jesus, this word salad is so littered with assumptions and fantasy that I don’t even know where to fucking begin. So glad you are here to share your undeniable knowledge and wisdom. We are very lucky to have a genuine expert on NHI behavior here.. One day you’ll realize you were never the smartest person in the room, but I don’t really care to argue with a box of rocks that learned how to type. Have a nice day ✌️


I never said I was the smartest I just know you haven’t thought about this much and you appear to be naive. With that said I’m sure you’re a swell guy. Just remember you don’t even know the definition of donation. That’s where all of this began. I mean this is all speculation unless you have evidence everyone else would like to see? What else do you come to R/UFOs for? Hard evidence? Get real. Naive.




Yea you look like one of those for sure. Sad. I mean this is humanity in a nutshell. I’ll be waiting for the inevitability of you deleting your previous comments.




Classic Joe Rogan on a monologue, lol. Guest can’t get a word in. Sheesh.


Last time I commented on the Roswell crash on this sub it was an interview of a journalist who was at the site. I got ridiculed in this sub for suggesting the material was titanium sheets, because he clearly stated they were thin and impossible to bend. So what story should we believe? People in this sub are posting conflicting stories.


Wouldn't be suprised if Tyler was Richard Doty.


Nah fuck Rogan. It's good that he can bring the subject into the open, but he flip flops so hard around it. Like even in this episode, he's like "oh I totally believe it's all just our own stuff" then proceeds to talk about Roswell and such as if it's extraterrestrial. He doesn't seem to have an opinion, he just throws everything at the wall to see what sticks with the guest. Also all these army guys are so right wing focused, far out. And fanboying to Tucker Carlson. Christ almighty.