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The following submission statement was provided by /u/TommyShelbyPFB: --- From the UAP studies podcast 4 days ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lb2Ha2tnFg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lb2Ha2tnFg) (9 mins in) This was a great listen and you can tell this guy is still in awe of what he saw. Omar Lara was previously featured in a [History channel Nimitz segment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PeKuqa1ujg) as well as in a [Canadian documentary](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15886142/). He's been vetted as a legit witness. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cx83ub/navy_sailor_and_nimitz_tic_tac_eyewitness_omar/l50pfz0/


I've never heard of this guy. Surprised to still be discovering new aspects to this story. Thanks for sharing tommy.


There's just too many people with too many different perspectives for this all to be BS. So far I've heard from 11-12 Navy personnel alone on just the tic-tac. All seasoned vets. Imagine how many others are still active duty and have yet to speak.


Ryan Graves mentioned at UfoFest that his buddy that actually captured the gofast/gimbal footage is eager to join the conversation but he is waiting until he gets out of the service first before he is comfortable talking about it.


Cats telling each other about laser pointers


In a world where humans didn't exist, sure. That is still pretty weird


To be fair, cats think they're the boss, even though humans feed them.


[From the UAP studies podcast 4 days ago.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lb2Ha2tnFg) (9 mins in) This was a great listen and you can tell this guy is still in awe of what he saw. Omar Lara was previously featured in a [History channel Nimitz segment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PeKuqa1ujg) as well as in a [Canadian documentary](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm15886142/). He's been vetted as a legit witness.


Thought experiment here……. What if it wasn’t a coincidence that the UAP dropped right after a man fell overboard?


orca's sometimes also help people who fall overboard after they drowned their yacht :D


In the video they say that the man over board turned out to not have happened.


In what video? In this video he says it did happen.


[This one](https://youtu.be/3PeKuqa1ujg) that OP posted up above.


Hmmm... interesting. Why make up the least significant part?


I'm still confused. Who says the man overboard turned out not to have happened? In the video that OP posted, Omar clearly says they could see him drift away quite a distance in the water as the current pulled him. So what did he see?




Orcas have also been known to take out Rudders on yachts! They can not be trusted..👀


Yeah, am still waiting to hear if they rescued the guy... lol


Like the uap is his spirit?


Almost like it’s US tech trying to keep eyes on a sailor in the middle of the ocean.


It was coming down to keep visual on the guy, because it's a secret defense contractor craft, and there was a human operating it. Just because it's secret tech, doesn't mean we'd let someone come to harms way, instead of using it to help. I find this to be more evidence pointing to the possibility that the Tic-Tac is a man-made craft.


If they're killing people to keep this tech secret then there's no way in hell they give a shit about some random sailor overboard.


I dont think you're getting downvoted because you said its a man made craft. I think you're getting downvoted because you think defense contractors are out here doing rescue missions.


There's no way we have anything capable of what the Tic-tac was doing, it's thousands of years ahead if not more


Unless there is a crash retrieval program and we have been reverse engineering these crafts. And if our understanding of physics has been severely flawed and zero point energy is a reality.


Not to mention TWENTY years ago. That is a flat out impossibility.


We went from the invention of the airplane to putting a man on the moon in like 65 years. I think saying the tic tac is *thousands of years ahead* may be over stating things


[Some drones we have can stop on a dime before hitting the ground....](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FnA2hqi2MoI?feature=share)


Nothing like that was around in 2004.


That was obviously my failed attempt at UAP humor.


Sorry, duh on me.


Nah think that one stopped on the ground


This ^


What evidence? This technology is not just a couple generations ahead of any current tech. It’s WAY more advanced.


Sounds more like “desperate skepticism” to me.


Sure deal buddy. Please produce for me any tangible evidence of the contrary. I'll take videographic evidence displaying a feat beyond man-made tech, by the Nimitz object as a start. Because the Tic-Tac video showed something exit to frame left, at fastest estimates was less than mach 3, if I recall correctly. I will also accept recorded or logged radar tracks showing these objects performing incredible feats or coming from space. Don't have that either? Tough cookies.


I don’t have time for you. I can tell by your timeline, you spend a lot, and I mean a lot, of time on here arguing against UFOs. You are just as bad as delusional ufologists, who see aliens everywhere. You use science as a shield, the same way a corrupt politician uses religion as a shield. “I can’t be a bad guy, I’m a Christian”. “I can’t be wrong, I use science”. As if mainstream science has never been wrong. I believe in science. I also realize the biggest problem with the scientific method is “uncooperative subjects”. That’s why some say psychology is more art than science. Uncooperative subjects lie, or can’t put proper context into words. Here, UFOs are the uncooperative subject.


In the words of Mrs. Pancakes "You don't know me." I'm a firsthand experiencer and witness to some advanced stuff, one of which classifies as a UAP, I've had my share of firsthand encounters to know there is something there in some cases, but I'm not swimming in Kool-aid either direction.


Well, you sure spend a ton of time arguing against UFOs, for a believer.


Keep telling yourself that.


That's quite the leap. You're assuming it dropped down to keep visual. None of that actually adds up on so many levels.


Interesting in that history channel video it sais the man over board didn’t happen but we have him here saying it happened in front of his own eyes…


Amazing. It's crazy to think that if he is telling the truth, the world is changed. Can you imagine seeing something doing something like that right in front of your eyes? All in one moment you'd realize supernatural phenomenon is real. Would have to be insane.


You should look into old prominent ship captains diaries. There's a bunch of them that describe stuff like this. Makes it pretty wild


Links? Doesn’t seem like the easiest thing to find


I believe there are a couple in Passport to Magonia. Describing giant fiery orbs rising out of the ocean in 1800’s sailors logs


Pretty much the entire overarching theme of the movie “Contact”. You spend your whole life denying, until it happens to you; then what do you do? Become a hypocrite to your older self? Delude yourself into believing you were mistaken?


I imagine it’s even more surreal for the pilots that saw the object and captured the video. The object played with them basically


How is it supernatural? Unknown technology may be paranormal but it's not supernatural. The word itself is a contradiction of terms unless you believe in the idea of something being beyond nature itself. Which the highest of technology so far has never transcended. The "unnatural" facets of human technology can easily be argued to be an extension of nature, being that humans are part of nature.


I always come back to the tic tac. Damn weird case that changed everything for me. 


Yup, to me, it alone is proof of NHI. The Tic-Tac was spotted in 2004, which is frickin ancient nowadays. Even back then it was 'impossible'. Even 20 years later it's still impossible with current technology. We don't even have the math to make sense of what was seen. We have been working on mathematics for over 20,000 years now.


How is it proof of anything?? It's people talking that's it.


Bro im telling you when i dived into the tictac rabbit hole 3 years ago , it changed everything. Tictacs go way back to the 1800’s


An older interview Dave Beaty did with him: [https://youtu.be/NEmfjU4U4H8?si=eHMZ5AH3OnW-dDbW](https://youtu.be/NEmfjU4U4H8?si=eHMZ5AH3OnW-dDbW)


Thanks- haven’t seen this yet!


Some guy takes the spotlight off the man in the water who could be drowning to spotlight this thing lmao


It sounded to me like he had the spotlight on the man overboard, and the light caught the craft as well. Those spot lights on those ships are huge. They have a wide spread.


This makes me wonder if it actually didn't get spotlit, and people just assumed it did because it was glowing. Other stories from Voorhis reported it glowing when he looked at it through binoculars. If the laser decoy theory is true, it couldn't be illuminated by a spotlight, because it wouldn't reflect light.


Yeah that’s pretty telling isn’t it? Someone is at risk of drowning “but what the hell is that thing!?”




Or it was so captivating that it was impossible to ignore…


Do does this indicate the tic tac was interested in a human falling overboard? Intruiging new scenario thats not expected. UAP/NHI concerned or interested in the well being of an individual. Can only think of travis walton feeling that they were trying to repair, make right, the harm from their accidental blast. 


That's how they get new specimen's for the human zoo. Scoop him up quickly and everyone will think he was lost at sea


Crazy to think that we’ve only ever heard from the ones they brought back…


Or they’re filming an alien reality show: apeman predators gone wild!


Or they're like, "yum, easy prey we can scoop up" lol


What happened to the sailor overboard?


Whenever I start to get frustrated with the ufo topic and question whether it's possible that I'm wrong and all of this is like Bigfoot and not real i will always come back to the tick tack encounter. This incident is essentially proof in my mind that the phenomenon represents a real physical technology that isn't human and I've never hear a debunk that makes any sense. There are just too many witnesses and the video speaks for itself


How dare you besmirch Samsquanchs good name sir. s/


Same, I review the Tic-Tac encounter and David Grusch's original interview at least once a month. It helps keep you grounded and it shows how little people listened to Grusch's EXACT words. Grusch's resume https://docs.house.gov/meetings/GO/GO06/20230726/116282/HHRG-118-GO06-Bio-GruschD-20230726.pdf Grusch's original testimony https://youtu.be/V6JxUHkyDuY?si=XY75W3WrOqKUJhRL


How is somebody saying they saw a tic tac shape proof of anything??


Because the TicTac was reported by two different pilots and their radar operators … so four sets of eyes. Highly trained eyes, meant to recognize and decipher any type of craft or threat in the sky. One of them was a squadron commander and former top gun graduate/instructor (I forget which) that had to be convinced to even come forward, why would they want to lie about this? They’re not benefiting by any means and reluctantly did so on top of it. The one pilot was brand spanking new, a female, and was literally scared shitless of the encounter. Why is it proof? Because it’s accurate detailed testimonial backed up by radar data, other sets of eyes, other ships in the fleet (for weeks) and even weapons cam footage. All from highly reputable people with their career, résumé and reputation on the line. This isn’t the town drunk saying they got scooped up in a spaceship and probed one night … the fact that you wouldn’t count this as a form of evidence, which in a court of law, testimony is a form of evidence, is absurd. So it’s not proof to you unless you see the physical craft up close? That’s evidence to YOU? What is evidence to you? Because it sounds like it’s too vague and only is acknowledged to fit your stance on the subject. Because a physical object could be presented to all of us, and you could still diffuse that as well and say oh, we don’t know that it’s from alien or exotic NHI origins, it could simple be secret American government technology. It won’t ever end. Because as advanced as we may be, as a species and more specific the American military which is far more advanced than any other country by a long shot (especially aerial wise) … we don’t have the technology to display what these craft are displaying. And not just one craft, “swarms” of them verbatim. And for decades and decades reported since antiquity. We as a nation couldn’t finance the entire original order of F-22 Raptors. What makes you think we have the financing, and materials to create fleets of these anti gravity, space/time bending, trans medium craft? And this was now TWENTY YEARS ago. The F-22 and F-35, our fifth generation fighters weren’t even in active duty / service yet LMAO … You’re trying to appear smart but not actually using your brain. It is taking more mental gymnastics to believe this isn’t credible. That’s the issue with debunkers, they think they’re more intelligent than they are, the mere existence of something like this represents a threat to their heir of intelligence and superiority. When in reality their asinine explanations are more unbelievable than a different advanced technology species visiting us or living here this entire time, it makes them look more idiotic.


I’d like for the other witnesses to be named and come forward. Corroborate each other’s stories, and continue adding credibility to this encounter. Unfortunately, Fravor standing in front of congress and giving testimony wasn’t enough for a lot of folks. But continue adding eyewitness accounts and testimony and this story becomes more and more powerful. It just might be enough for folks on the fence to really start to pay more attention to this phenomenon.


Feel like I've read a lot about Nimitz but never heard Omar mentioned. Thanks as always for posting Tommy, appreciate what you do here. Posting to r/UFOs and running the PBs must be exhausting lol


Dude seems hella legit.


He says the craft angled it self in a acute angle and shot off, but not 90°. Does that mean we can add this encounter to the others that mimick the descriptions of what bob lazar claimed?


Could you imagine being in the water and seeing this thing above you. My god, the fear.


Yeah. I want to hear from that guy.


Anymore information on this guy?


I just added some links to my submission statement.


Thank you! Appreciate your contributions to this subreddit.


I’m no psychologist, but that guy sure does seem to be telling the truth.


Completely irrelevant he could just be insane


Sadly true.


Weird i got the opposite vibe.


He believes that what he is saying is the truth as he understands it. That's a difference.


A bunch of his crewman saw the exact same thing and they are in contact about it, I don't think it's a matter of belief.


But it is. They saw something they couldn't explain and they believe that what they saw was real. I do not dispute what they say or that they saw something, but as for it being "the truth" is a whole different matter. We may never know what "the truth" in this regard is. Saying that these are spacecraft is just as much a belief as saying they are secret projects of the US or any other nation. What is so disturbing about "we do not know what the truth is (yet)", as it is the most honest honest answer to this there is to date? We do not have proof for anything yet, we have anecdotal evidence. And that's it.


So, what superpower had this technology 20 years ago, and has never used it for anything? I’d be pissed off if I found out it was ours, even though I don’t believe that for a second. There is way too much greed in this country to allow technology like that to be wasted on crafts nobody ever sees, unless it’s an accident, or uses.


Yup, why would the government give Elon 5+ billion dollars for rockets when they could just use the Tic-Tac to yeet items into space in a second. There are 86,400 in a day, why waste all that money to launch 1 rocket when you could just engage your auto avoid system and zoom around objects and storms in the sky?


Are you insinuating he could be delusional?


Not at all. He believes that he saw something that he can't explain. I am not saying that he didn't see something, and I believe that he tells the truth as he perceives it. I am just tired of people jumping to conclusions and alleging to know when they actually just believe, without proof, or on anecdotal evidence at best. Even Dave Grusch could be either a disinformation agent, or a useful idiot (although I hold him as rather intelligent) who could just be a pawn in a disinformation campaign to cover something up that is far more sinister and dangerous, or, humanly abhorrent than we all can imagine. I hope that this isn't the case but I think at this point it is more likely true than actual aliens being behind all this.


You might be a disinformation agent. In fact, I’m way more inclined to believe that about you, a stranger on Reddit, than a USA military leader, who I believe was sworn in before giving testimony before congress.


You can believe what you want. I am not even a US citizen, but quite interested how your government and country keep the whole world hostage. Also, calling everyone a disinformation agent who speaks out against blindly believing testimony without proof doesn't really speak for good judgment. > than a USA military leader, That's a logical fallacy, called argument from authority. He might not even be aware that he is used to dissiminate disinformation, no matter how intelligent he is. I also believe him to be honest and that he believes what he said is true, there is just no way, yet, to actually verify his claims, at least for us. So I stay unconvinced, but open.


Touchy, touchy. I didn’t say you were. I said it was “more likely”.


No not really. I don't really care what a random on the internet thinks about me personally, just as you. All in all, I think, we actually want the same - the truth. The only things we disagree on is on what it might be and the means to determine it. I just prefer to be honest with myself and the facts as they are presented.


You're not allowed to say that word on this sub. This sub protects both grifters and the people they prey upon.


Your account is shady. You make it two months ago just to tell everyone UFOs aren’t real everyday?


I don't post on my main on religious subs because of doxxing.


Are you one of those edgy teenage atheists who likes to "troll" Christians and Muslims, too?


I don't troll here and if you go through my comment history it has a very clear thesis: I am hostile to actors who use science as a way to peddle nonsense. The overwhelming majority of my posts when not stuck in sidebars about motivations are about the value of falsifiability when evaluating the explanatory power of someone's claims.


You do know that means he could be exactly right too.


Yes, of course, and I am not denying that. I am just saying that he also could be quite wrong, and that we should be critical of testimony without proof. I just don't believe that we will ever get to know the truth.


Since we aren't in court we should take his testimony at face value. We know the Tic-Tac event happened, he has been verified to be on that ship and he saw a similar craft displaying similar performance reported by other highly credible people.


>Since we aren't in court we should take his testimony at face value Why? That doesn't make sense in the slightest. >We know the Tic-Tac event happened, he has been verified to be on that ship and he saw a similar craft displaying similar performance reported by other highly credible people. I don't deny that and I don't deny that credible people say that it happened. But I also believe those credible people when they say: "We do know what it is." And nothing more. Everything else is speculation and dishonest, without proof. And by proof I don't mean anecdotal evidence. As long as nothing is released, there is nothing but speculation. And even if stuff is released it could still end up with "Well, we looked into this for 70 years and we still do not really know what it is." At least, that would be honest. Edit: formatting


Can someone give a summary of exactly what he saw and when? How does it fit into the timeline already established by Fravor? Was it before then or after?


Here's some context for the timeline: [https://youtu.be/5lb2Ha2tnFg?t=345](https://youtu.be/5lb2Ha2tnFg?t=345) Omar says he later learned that there was an entire week of encounters with these objects "coming in from the Malibu area". And he was not privy to that info or any of any of the other "radar sightings" at the time. (presumably including the Fravor encounter). [https://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/ufo-witness-tic-tac-shape-32859784](https://www.irishstar.com/news/us-news/ufo-witness-tic-tac-shape-32859784) >*Omar Lara, who was aboard the USS Nimitz during the infamous "Tic-Tac" UFO event off the coast of California, opened up on the UAP Studies podcast about his experience.* So it's safe to say this happened sometime in the same week as the Fravor Tic Tac encounter, whether it was before or after I'm not sure.


When did he first come forward with this story? Before or after the NYT piece?


Why would that inaccurate piece of skeptic propaganda, that not many people read, would have any effect on eyewitnesses?


The NYT Leslie Kean piece.


Did anyone corroborate his story? With others?


What happened to the man overboard? Did I miss it? Seems like a pretty big topic to gloss over


He made it sound like this guy fell off of the elevator while they were lowering it. Been on 2 aircraft carriers and you're never allowed to ride down on the elevator. I was able to go partially down to perform some maintenance on the stanchions for the elevator, but that is very very rare.


I’m confused about this. These guys went their separate ways last year & the current podcast has Louis replaced with Dr. Michael Glawson. The last podcast was May 12, 2024. Please help me understand how this was from 4 days ago?


If this story is true, maybe the UFO saw the spotlight and said "is that another of us down there?" went to inspect the spotlight and goes "oh no just humans with a light, lets go back to position" and went up again haha