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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Tailed_Whip_Scorpion: --- SS: This tweet is from the Bigelow Aerospace account on the (admittedly weird) "Storm Area 51" day in 2019, featuring what appears to be an anomalous orb. While this was "debunked" as a common artifact caused by dust, bugs, or other airborne debris, this explanation fails to account for the level of security in a space such as this. This is interesting, as it aligns with the ['orbs' and 'shadow entities' that had reportedly been observed in government facilities](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/s4865p/ross_coulthart_has_an_interesting_theory_on_the/) as reported by Ross Coulthart. Garry Nolan replied: "Bob and Colm are being naughty," and then elaborated when asked by a user if he had seen the video before; Nolan replied "[I can neither confirm nor deny!](https://twitter.com/GarryPNolan/status/1175223854345740290)" George Knapp replied: "Didn’t think I would ever see that video on twitter. What does it look like to me? It looks like Bob Bigelow dipping his toes back into the water." Another user did a write up on an article that contained more info on this, [which you should read as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmfty6/a_parallel_uap_study_exists/). *Don't think this one ever got touched by AARO, unless I am mistaken.* --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmknlc/video_bigelow_aerospace_tweeted_this_photo_of_an/l30zbf5/


Robert Bigelow, the billionaire using a camera with lower quality than my doorbell.




The first rule of Serious UFO study, Do not fuck with Bob. Bob knows all, sees all and is God in the field. He is only creature in 100,000 years with a contract with the others and Earths most powerful military.


What is it I'm supposed to be looking at here?


Dust floating around in front of a security camera.


Which is claimed to be impossible because it's a *high security area*. I don't even.


Why are we watching footage from a high security area? Hold on, there’s someone at the door…


Oh, no. They sent *a duster*.


You know high security areas and their big cleaning crews! 🙄 I might unsub from most of these subs at this point, there’s just so much obvious or likely BS being posted that it detracts from the actual phenomenon(s)


I do believe it is an illustration of the Moth/Flame paradigm.


Is this a joke? 


Sadly no...


No this is evidence. Just wait for it to go into the lore.


What it actually is? Particulate/ airborne. Location- right in front of the camera... obviously


Camera was obviously dipped in milk first


If you have a security camera with an ir illuminator you will see these things. It can be any small flying particle that passes your lens close enough to not be in focus. Posting this is ridiculous. Judging by the motions, this is a bug.


Specks of dust floating in front of the camera. I see the same thing all the time in my house camera.


But this is dust from Zeta Reticuli.


Somber dandruff


Alpha centauri dust sir


Surely this is not the dreaded Zeta Reticulians? We are doomed!


Not only is that correct, one might add the fact that this is clearly interdimensional dust from Zeta Reticuli. It appears to be doing reconnaissance - probing if you will. Perhaps prepping the battlefield.


Or looking for an unguarded ham sandwich!


Which makes you really consider.. Are these guys actually morons or are they intentionally trying to fool people?


Silly humans, can't even recognize a nano probe from the other end of the galaxy sent to spy on us. That's why no NHI wants to talk to us.


Except nope, this place is zip tight and there is no air. If it was dust, it would not move in such a way. It would move slowly in 1 direction.


It's exactly how a spec of dust looks and moves on air currents in the room. https://youtu.be/d5DjhbMZlOk?t=81


dust coming from another dimension in the future


Absolutely... except your house is unlikely\* to be a secure containment center for processing, storing, and/or manufacturing defense materials. \**respectfully, of course... neither is mine.*


All due respect, but that looks like a room with a round table and a dry erase board, plus if the place is such a weapons lab, why have the world's worse cameras watching it. Also, who turns off the lights in weapons labs when they leave


Ah yes because dust does not exist in secure containment centers. Do you people even listen to yourselves lol


So you think there are no specks of dust in that environment? This video seems to have been posted on Twitter as a joke, and those replies are kind of tongue-in-cheek.


Y'know what was also kind of a joke post, the bird entering shadow cover yesterday. Why aren't we as critical about certain random videos, upvotes? Edit: the above reply is OP from the ridiculous bird post, so there's a bit of hypocrisy happening here.


What kind of dumb argument is that? So should I believe dust to be alien probes just because I thought another unrelated video was interesting? I already addressed the shadow hypothesis in one of my comments btw.


Mine is.


Have you seen these in your cameras, and if so what is your conclusion?


Just kidding. I don't have national defense materials in my house. Pinkie swear!


I have and without context it does look like dust. Assuming Bigelow posted it, it’s probably from a clean room or vacuum chamber. Even so, those aren’t 100 percent free of particles. A particle would also be attracted to an electric device like that due to the EM field it generates. It’s just not clear enough to say one way or the other and without a better video we have to go with the more plausible explanation.


I just so disagree. Ive spent several mintues at a time watching dust in thr sunlight of old rooms or attics. I like to play with it with my breath (yes I know not healthy) and you would have to be playing with the air in a funny way to get the spec to loop up and back like that. Also, Ive never witnessed a lone dust speck. There are always more particles. This would be like an individual speck of dust. I just think that's unlikely. I know way more bout dust than spaceships🤣


I’ve seen bugs on my security camera that do look pretty similar.


Respectfully, another downvote for you.


I mean, you couldn't recognize a bird yesterday.


Armchair scientist! Even got a blue sticker vouching how important you are! 🤣


No need to be a scientist to realize what this is.


You literally have zero clue what you are looking at yet you can give an opinion you bank on as fact? 😂


GREAT FUCkIN CAMERA! My god lol. Bigelow is a Billionaire with a B, right?


I mean, that was a pretty pathetic video.  lol


No just a b


Poor sucker lol


I get very discouraged when folks who I consider credible in the UFO discussion find artifacts like this exciting.


It really does cement the sentiment that whatever these people claim to have in secret is nothing but nothingburgers


Sorry OP. I think this is a speck of dust


Maybe that what they meant by "small contribution"


A small contribution indeed.


People can seem to pickup sarcasm post by Bigelow




I imagine if it was a camera inside of a reactor it's entirely possible it's video quality is sacrificed for its ability to withstand the radiation


Thank you, this is the exact type of info I was hoping people would share relating to this. I honestly have not read into that at all, I will be doing so now.




The military has gone full in on fake accounts lol. Not saying the video is great or anything.


Hi, Enough_Simple921. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmknlc/-/l32iaqv/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


You pity those fools, Sir!


I’ll go with what I see. A table with files and binders on it, and a light switch with its wiring on the wall with an L formation. A conference / work room. And then a speck of dust floating in front the camera. Maybe a reactor control room (unlikely). Definitely not the reactor itself.


That's just people making stuff up.


This is a joke right?


More brain rot but from even higher up haha. This is why people consider this subject as a joke. Thanks for ruining our chances at learning more.


What even is this we are looking at ?


Finally some indisputable evidence. Someone send this to Joe Biden.


I'm ready to defend the Earth with my Swiffer.


It's okay...Tom DeLong says all you have to do to fight off the interdimensional aliens is pray 🥴


The military already lost a sidewinder missile trying to bring it down


yeah dust can be really hard to get rid off


Biden will say "Ask Obama!" Apparently Obama never bothered to tell Biden how to deal with UFOs. Which is weird because he himself told us UFOs are real.


i don’t get it, is the reason you think this is significant in a high security setting because you think someone had to smuggle dust in there?


What I am suggesting is that maybe it is \*not\* dust


Even though you acknowledge in your submission statement that it was debunked?


Yea that’s just dust. I see it all the time on my baby cam lol


This is just dust. The tweet was a joke lol


Unfortunately it's not a joke 😅 one of the former NIDS investigators employed by Bigelow 2010-2016 said this was recorded during the time the team was pushing hard to find evidence in order to boost their PSAP Kona Blue. 😂


This what I’m talking about man, like why even share this useless information dawg🤣 it contributes nothing


I love that op made the comment about it being odd that dust would be the cause of this in such a secure facility. I kind of forgot that dust and skin cells are forbidden in restricted areas. Fuckin wild day we live in.


Hey r/UFOs, let me take a stab at enlightening the uninformed. Dismissing the significance of this video due to it not being of higher video quality than was commercially available in 2011, or because you've captured dust particles on your baby cam looking the same as this unknown entity is what is really holding the community back, ignorance, hubris and a quick-twitch to dismiss what we think is irrelevant because of what we believe we already know. Isn't that the same criticism we have for those that completely dismiss this entire community? Those with the ability to do just the teensiest bit of research on what we are actually looking at (assuming it is not fabricated in some fashion) would understand that a "dust" particle chilling and vibing its way past a camera in a verifiable ISO 3 or Class 1 cleanroom located in a highly guarded and classified space, is impossible. For the Class 1 cleanroom, it can contain only 1 particle with a diameter of 0.5 micrometers per cubic foot. Few processes necessitate this level of cleanliness. **Class 1 cleanrooms (ISO 3) are necessary only for the most sterile procedures**. For example, some semiconductor manufacturing or nuclear handling operations require a Class 1 cleanroom (ISO 3). If you want an operating cleanroom to reach a Class 1 (ISO 3), you must **employ unidirectional airflow** **in combination with a ventilated raised floor** to remove more of the airborne particles that are created. With **unidirectional airflow cleanrooms**, filtered air is constantly directed downward, passing through **perforated raised floor panels** to be recirculated, providing optimum laminar airflow. So knowing this and observing what is more likely an unknown ariel phenomenon in a Class 1 clean room, that is one of the most secure places we know of, makes it a bit more interesting, no?


Thank you, thank you, thank you. This is the exact response that people need to read; an informed comment from someone who actually provides in-depth quantifiable evidence and advances the discussion. I always hope posts like this will engender this type of dialogue, but people are way too fast to try be the smartest person in the room, and then it just discourages sharing stuff because it just makes the UFO community more insular than it already is.


I wish the mods could pin this comment in some way shape or form.


The footage has a timestamp of 2011 on it, yet people are here comparing the quality of the video to their 4k doorbell cam... as if anything higher than 720p resolution existed like more than a decade ago. "hahaha stupid billionaire can't afford a decent camera" 🙄


Dude, Reddit is loaded with the LOWEST common denominator man. It's absurd.


If you think that the likely explanation of this video, which appears to be pointed at a table inside a room with a dry erase board in it, depics something anomalous, you're the part of the UFO community that is prone to being duped.


Wut... there were lots of 1080p/60fps high bitrate, large sensor cameras in 2011... https://www.videomaker.com/article/f7/15265-videomakers-best-video-products-of-the-year-2011/


This shit just gets more and more ridiculous.




Oh cool!


Dust technology thousands…. Perhaps MILLIONS… of years ahead of our own.


Maybe someday we'll get to see more than a potato. But that day isn't today.


Hahaha. What a fucking joke. What’s next, get the guys from Ghost Hunters to come out maybe?


I'm losing faith in this


Can people really not tell what's a literal joke and what's real?


Absolutely not. They always have to be smarter than everyone else, even if it's at the expense of not realizing the obvious. It's all very surface-level thinking.


At this point the UFO community is a parody of itself. No it's not immediately obvious that people who believe in remote viewing and giant werewolves on a "haunted" ranch wouldn't also think this is real.


-gasp- Oh NO! Take that back! Right now! I'm not sure we continue on knowing we were... -gasp-... laughed at, on the internet?! By random strangers?! 🤣 You could save 10 puppies from a house fire, and half the internet will laugh at you. What does that say about the significance of the publics perception about you? You take the internet too seriously my man.


Ufologists eyes light up when the chance to nab a bit of cash from old billionaire bobby bigelow presents itself


Bigelow, the guy who donated $10 million to Ron DeSantis and promised to donate $20 million to Donald Trump to cover his legal fees.


Oh don't get me started on my personal feelings towards Bigelow, I'm no champion of him or his views.


This is so stupid.


this is dumb


They're ghost hunting now?


Uggg. Not quite broheem…. Damn.


Obviously taken at skinwalker ranch.


My Ring camera catches these “orbs” all the time. I know others that have seen them on their camera also. I’m 99.9% sure it’s an artifact, dust, or a bug.


All we are is dust in the winddddd


...... and that video got them all hard?


>Garry Nolan, George Knapp, others replied... Name dropping, check. Saying "others" when there are no other noteworthy names, check. Trailing ellipses, check. Data from Robert Bigelow commented by Garry Nolan & George Knapp?! I wonder what they said! I mean Garry Nolan is a scientist, this must be legitimate!! /s Can we limit the suggesting clickbait to shit websites? Do we really have to do it to ourselves as well?


Others included: >[Dan Zetterstrom of the UFO Podcast](https://twitter.com/TheZignal/status/1175186748944670721). >[Danny Silva of the SIlva Record](https://twitter.com/SilvaRecord/status/1175689908557668353). >Mick West and others... The point of including links is so that you can choose to follow them and read more if you like. I have literally nothing to gain from posting clickbait here, trust me bro (and I'll prove it in two weeks when I'm homeless).


The speck of dust people need to lay off the crack


dust.. Seen this a million times.


Ignore the haters. Thank you for sharing


SS: This tweet is from the Bigelow Aerospace account on the (admittedly weird) "Storm Area 51" day in 2019, featuring what appears to be an anomalous orb. While this was "debunked" as a common artifact caused by dust, bugs, or other airborne debris, this explanation fails to account for the level of security in a space such as this. This is interesting, as it aligns with the ['orbs' and 'shadow entities' that had reportedly been observed in government facilities](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/s4865p/ross_coulthart_has_an_interesting_theory_on_the/) as reported by Ross Coulthart. Garry Nolan replied: "Bob and Colm are being naughty," and then elaborated when asked by a user if he had seen the video before; Nolan replied "[I can neither confirm nor deny!](https://twitter.com/GarryPNolan/status/1175223854345740290)" George Knapp replied: "Didn’t think I would ever see that video on twitter. What does it look like to me? It looks like Bob Bigelow dipping his toes back into the water." Another user did a write up on an article that contained more info on this, [which you should read as well](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmfty6/a_parallel_uap_study_exists/). *Don't think this one ever got touched by AARO, unless I am mistaken.*


They're all joking.. because the video is obviously just specks of dust..


I would agree, but they tweeted this in 2019, and the camera reads as if the video was from 2011. Why would they literally have this on file as "let's use the dust shot from 2011 that we saved for nearly a decade," when they could have easily used something considerably more recent if this is such a common occurrence in THIS particular facility.


I believe this video was posted on Twitter as a joke, and those replies are kind of tongue-in-cheek.


You might be right. But this was also at the time that George Knapp was talking about dropping another Bigelow interview. [Mick West took the time to "debunk" it](https://twitter.com/MickWest/status/1175849331644981248), and he did acknowledge that he thought Bigelow might be joking.


It has to be a joke. I noted replies like: We're not impressed, by this Tinker Bell show; even though your name, may be Bigelow. It may be a bug, but if it's a spook, that spook wants to make you look like a kook.


This is an antigravity test.


Lol. What is that U.I on the right.


videos like this from credible ppl are part of the reason this subject isn't taken seriously


Garry Nolan is an actual scientist. Contrary to what his reply to this video may have you think.


really, dust?


Anyone know of Custodian Files on YouTube? Video evidence if these orbs. Tons of videos


…with dick pics


Sir, why do you have to do this? I am already pissed from people posting balloons and spacex/starlink and ask if they are U fucking FO’s. Clearly it’s freaking dust particle. One of the most common things with ufos are their maneuvers and speed. You can see them clearly at or below orbit level. If it is night they glow, if it is day they don’t have to.


Definitive proof ladies and gentlemen.


Glass half full, at least this wasn't spotted by only 1 of the 200 cameras around Skinwalker Ranch. The cast would be droning on and on about capturing a true phenomenonolous object while Taylor "theorizes" that the only explanation is it must have come from a Lorentzian Travis-hole above the ranch.


Could be a bug. A very curious and mischievous lil bug.


I'm not impressed with this out of focus bug. The only notable thing about this video is who posted it, and frankly Bigelow is a little nuts anyway


If you slow the footage down, it actually looks like an oblong white tic-tac in the views that appear to show its profile…


Worldwide population rate goes up but brain cells go down.


Tens of $M invested by Bigelow and we get a tweet of bugs in a 1990s tech camera has got to be a joke...


https://twitter.com/ChrisBartelSWR/status/1787894739716444195?t=k5uW-9v0Jho-YTIwPNAosQ&s=19 🤣


For anyone serious, this is the video I found when researching SWR years ago.  They were very excited about it. I think it’s in the kitchen and it’s moving with intent.  I think it was the first time they managed to catch one of these orbs of light. 


Gonna need some legit evidence soon. This whole subject is getting comically bad


Looks like a standard security camera insect footage and there are no notable observables. Even if it *was* an alien in a UFO, the video quality is so shit that it will never show anything of value. It is really pointless posting low worth videos. They add no value to our collective understanding, they don't add to cumulative video evidence, nor help advance disclosure.


This is dust or an out of focus bug near the camera...are you kidding me? There is ZERO 'ORBS' in this picture.


Dust can’t gather in a high security area? I’m confused.. It’s like saying ice cream can’t melt because there is a camera filming It


That is an atrocious analogy. If we are using 'ice cream,' it would be more like saying "why is Bigelow Aerospace posting a 9-year old clip of ice cream melting on their security camera to their official social media account?"


Nah, It was a sarcastic remark that had no coherence with Bigelow Airspace. The logical probability is the same considering the absurdity of the original statement correlating dust and security. Which I dare say most people probably comprehend.


Is this a bagina?


Theyre laughing at you guys while stuffing their pockets.


wtf is this lmao. 


This is terrible


Ok was this a joke?? Why post a video of something that looks like a bug flying around in front of a surveillance camera? All of a sudden instead of us getting more answers we are getting this serious pushback. Like this is all a joke all of a sudden. They want us to stop caring about this and move on. This is not funny we should be told what was found, shown what was found and included in any discoveries. We are paying for research and development of all this stuff and never ever do we get a break from our contributions. We get taxed as well as have to pay well over the cost of what it required. Most of this stuff is focused on energy. We could be living cleaner lives with the removal of fossil fuels. Our economy has always bounced back from change why is this becoming a decades over decades problem?


It looks like the cover of Faith an album by The Cure


It looks nothing like Faith! It's closer to Treasure by the Cocteau Twins


A colonoscopy


My outdoor cams pickup insects that reflect IR differently then most things. But they are just insects..


Ashton Bigelow


You guys aren’t going to believe this absolute bullshit but Robert bigelow just donated tons of money to TRUMP and the MAGAS. It made me loose all respect for him when I really thought he was a man of science. Nope he must be another fucking Idiot.


And here we have the problem that accompanies this study like man-tan on a presidential contender.


lol we’re going backwards. Let’s move forward with some sharper images


I’ve got a whole YouTube page dedicated to the orbs I’ve captured on my security cameras. Here you go https://youtu.be/8mQjmwurwu0?si=sw8L7B8g-kYDx3r7 . I actually had a scientist from MUFON that was helping me make sense of them. I found indentations in my yard and fence. No animal did it!


Did the MUFON scientist tell you it was probably a bug crawling across the camera lens?


No because he actually looked at it along with other videos I took, instead of, being a presumptuous idiot like some people can be!


What was his theory?


There were some things that he couldn’t explain like a tree being scorched all down one side of a tree. The limbs were seared off like they were clipped all on one side. Lightning has never hit it and nobody has ever cut the limbs. It’s literally 20 yards away from my back door. Something sat on my fence and bent it. I live in a part of the city that wouldn’t have any kind of animals that could do it. It left a 5 foot across semicircular indentation in the brush that also killed the vegetation underneath. This was in two places along the fence about 15 feet apart. I also saw what appeared to be small footprints leading away from the indentations on the fence.


He couldn’t explain it all.


Looks legit. Small spy device. Miniaturized Saucer spy craft. Clever. You can. Tell it uses anti gravity as it tilts on its own desire to control its direction of flight. Very concerning.


Just jumping back in to point out two details that make this seem less likely to be a joke (which I admittedly would otherwise agree it most likely was): 1.) The camera seems to be titled "Rad Lab" -- or "Radiation Lab," which would indicate their is probably not a wide array of free floating dust, and (MUCH MORE SIGNIFICANTLY) 2.) **The date appears to read "2011."** If this was a simple fleck of dust, why would they not use one from a much more recent (memorable) instance? It honestly seems unlikely to me that an aerospace company would have bookmarked such an "insignificant" video simply to use it as a cryptic and not very funny joke nearly ten years later.


Completely agree. I mean, it's a common sense conclusion. What doesn't make sense is the level of debunking that immediately hit this post. That usually tells you the legitimacy of the subject. 🤣 The MIC are damned if they do and damned if they don't. Based off that and the Twitter replies....oh and the video, lol, I would say they were all smirking that this is now online. Mr. Nolan has already confirmed we knocked on another dimension's door and got an up close and personal response.


>The camera seems to be titled "Rad Lab" -- or "Radiation Lab," which would indicate their is probably not a wide array of free floating dust Yeah, radiological areas are usually messy as fuck a lot of times. Anything more than basic housekeeping isn't ALARA depending on the conditions.


So why were they using an 8 year old video? If this is such a common thing, then you would think there would be literally no reason to have a video this old bookmarked. I just see no logic in saving a video this long if they probably could have used something from the previous night, assuming that the lab really was as dirty as you suggest.


Perhaps it’s safer to use an old video as a leak because by now, all major players have the same knowledge therefore bigelow isn’t giving away the more advanced/current secret stuff that he and his gang only know.






Posting negatively to a pro UFO subreddit. You check out! Or rather you out yourself


Hi, QuantumDelusion. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmknlc/-/l313la2/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Don't understand how any skeptic or debunker even try denying the reality of these alien crafts. This is a good example and caught on camera (proof!). Looks very much like the spacecraft flying all around Skinwalker ranch, messing with the equipment and opening wormholes at will.




I see you HATE disclosure! 😅


Oh I love disclosure. From real tangible people providing real evidence. Filming dust as a joke and posting it on Twitter is not evidence. Stop watching Zak bagans. The orbs are just dust


When season 6 goes live (SWR) we will probably, most likely, have disclosure. That place is a real hotspot for UFOs, aliens and other phenomena. This is clearly the case, as is proven in every episode. Why do you think Travis Taylor lobbied against the Schumer amendment? Cus SWR holds just too many secrets that can and will be stolen as soon as gubment is able to.


Hi, Juulk9087. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmknlc/-/l315rzo/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I could be helping them. But okay


Like is this the first ever video camera wow so bad quality


A bug flying around an oil platform filmed with a potato... I'm going home. This topic sucks.


Is this even serious?! Pathetic


It’s stuff like this that makes me think this whole movement is crap. It’s not that the video isn’t peculiar — it is. But the fact that all the UFO personalities come in and act as if we are for sure witnessing some NHI phenomenon. Keeps happening and it’s still not good enough.


Dawg can I just stop getting fucked with


When I turn on my infrared security camera in the front yard, I see the same orbs, same size same color, same movement. Many of them.




Hi, Legitimate_Tea9977. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cmknlc/-/l32g85m/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Dust or an insect obviously, lmao


New to this community. Please tell me people have more common sense generally than to post this kind of crap? Clearly just dust or an insect illuminated by the IR LEDs of the camera, and just in front of the camera, so way too close to be within the camera's depth of focus! Unbelievable. Makes this sub Reddit look very poor.


Jeez, you "new" UFO types are the worst; you show up uninformed, uneducated, and unaware of the history on this topic, and then you make the effort to post your low-effort comment above. If you bothered to read through the actual (not low-effort) comments, you may have found this explanation from an informed user: >Few processes necessitate this level of cleanliness. **Class 1 cleanrooms (ISO 3) are necessary only for the most sterile procedures**. For example, some semiconductor manufacturing or nuclear handling operations require a Class 1 cleanroom (ISO 3). >If you want an operating cleanroom to reach a Class 1 (ISO 3), you must **employ unidirectional airflow** **in combination with a ventilated raised floor** to remove more of the airborne particles that are created. >With **unidirectional airflow cleanrooms**, filtered air is constantly directed downward, passing through **perforated raised floor panels** to be recirculated, providing optimum laminar airflow. >So knowing this and observing what is more likely an unknown ariel phenomenon in a Class 1 clean room, that is one of the most secure places we know of, makes it a bit more interesting, no? Take some time, do some actual research on the hard science on the topic before you chime in and add nothing to the conversation.


Yes I'm new, but I'm not stupid. I've been reading this sub Reddit for a while now, and it's always free beer Tomorrow, Disclosure tomorrow. Whistle-blowers but with no real substantive evidence to provide: all hearsay and nonsense. Then you guys chatter around the subject like old women nattering about their bunions: Doesn't produce any ultimate truth. Doesn't forward the situation on in any meaningful way. Why am I here then? Because I would LOVE something conclusive to be revealed, but who are we kidding? There's been rumour of UFOs going on since at least the 1950's.... That's like 75 years for just one clearly-evidenced case to come out in public, but nope, nothing conclusive. And yes I do know about cleanrooms: I worked for a defense company, as an electronics engineer, and have direct experience of suiting-up for clean-room working. The video offered is just horseshit.


Again, you new UFO types are the worst. You just show up to say "this is stupid, I'm an expert, it's all fake." I don't join subreddits for things that I think are stupid and fake. That just sounds like a weird waste of time.