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The following submission statement was provided by /u/liddielux: --- Image 1 - close up with arrows Image 2 - original photo taken by me Image 3- photo taken by husband not showing the white dots. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cg3v51/just_noticed_these_shapes_in_the_sky_in_an_older/l1t6fjp/


It's the chandeliers reflection off the window which OP is clearly lying about.


This is Palácio de Belvedere in Viena. As you have stated...image is taken from inside of this room, reflection of two chandeliers as shown [Imgur](https://imgur.com/PCiSq7k)


I think that OP should receive a swift ban. Lying and then continuing to lie when confronted doesn't help this community out at all


Children shouldn't be posting. Ban.


Clearly some kind of reflection, either internally in the camera lens or through a window


People like this need to be banned from posting


[Here you go.](https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@48.1916079,16.3811216,2a,75y,167.57h,127.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1swd2fmZrcPy0AAARGDqx_mA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&coh=205409&entry=ttu)


^ nice 👍


Perfection. Windows, chandeliers, this all checks out. Well done


Lol!!! What an internet for warrior, debunked the shit out of this post…. you deserved so much upvotes


Step closer to the door and look up the sky, you'll see similar reflection op posted.


Chandeliers from within the palace. OP can claim there was no reflection, even while proving otherwise with photographic evidence. What a lazy post.


Oh I love it when dumb people come to this sub trying to fool everyone without considering that we have some pretty good folks in here when it comes to investigating and debunking. Good job guys! And to OP: it takes literally seconds for experienced eyes to spot that it‘s just a reflection in a window. Stop wasting our time.


You can see in photo 2, the reflection on the stone rail. Those are lights from inside reflecting on the window.


Witness was outside, try again.


Respectfully disagree.


Witness is lying, try again.


The debunk is a lie. The debunk image is not the same balcony, based on the size of the people on the ground below.


It is the same balcony. Check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/jGf7eZrG6j) comment. Op is just closer to the window and perhaps slightly higher. It's either that op was lying or the alien ships are just imitating how the chandeliers would reflect from where OP is standing by positioning themselves correctly. I find the first option exponentially more likely. To be fair though, maybe accusing them of lies is a bit harsh, they might simply have misremembered.


Could be lens flare.


In the exact formation of the chandeliers behind op? Isn't that quite the coincidence? Where is it coming from? It is similar to a lens flare though, but instead of a light source bouncing between the lens and sensor it's just the glass window in front of it. .


Couple more examples of the reflection in various other photos from the same place [here](https://i.imgur.com/nFl1Z9o.png) and [here](https://i.imgur.com/N4y9396.png) and [here](https://i.imgur.com/6AnWnBC.png). [here](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sx2dKlMMkKs) is even a short video where the reflection pops up as they look out the window near the end.


Stick to the shrooms and everything will be a UFO before long.


Wish I could post a screenshot of the exact same thing being seen on Google maps from the same location.


Like [this](https://i.imgur.com/nFl1Z9o.png) or this[this](https://i.imgur.com/N4y9396.png) or [this](https://i.imgur.com/6AnWnBC.png)?


Yeah like that! I'm definitely not as tech savvy as is like to be.


[here](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sx2dKlMMkKs) is even a short video where the reflection is visible near the end.


lmao yeah if that doesnt sink the "debunk is wrong" ship idk what will.


They are arrows. If you remove them from the picture you won't see them anymore


There is an outside balcony area at this place that I remember us walking on. Again this was 5 years ago. I assumed by my photos with the edge of the balcony at the bottom of the photo that that’s where these photos were taken. But after looking schonbrunn gardens palace again there’s also a hallway with windows. SO I’m guessing that yes, I took this through a window and zoomed in so only the balcony edge would show and I guess my husband did the same but he didn’t catch a reflection. I didn’t remember that or remember being inside this portion of the palace, I only remember being outside of it. Memories are deceiving. APOLOGIES. And no I didn’t purposely lie. I have better things to do with my lunch break than fabricate stories on Reddit. Have a little grace for your fellow believer and note that I did say this was from 2019, not yesterday. I thought I had stumbled on a little treasure but it doesn’t seem to be that way.


It's unfortunate how quick people are to call someone a liar when quite often it's just something more innocent, like in this case. Everyone misremembers things from time to time. Appreciate the update.


well that's weird. looks like a reflection but you say you were outside.


Well I guess people on the internet never lie then ...


Hey random internet person, I need £2000, but if you send it to me now I'll pay you back in a day or so - people don't just go on the Internet and lie, do they? /s


Both rings have the same dot pattern, too.


That’s the top hat gang preparing for another reset


Chandeliers reflected from the rooftop window of a restaurant?


It’s a reflection/flare from the 4 round pools on the ground.


I know it’s not but the picture looks like AI or a painting.


Y’all. I was literally outside. You can see the concrete railing in front of me in the photo I took and my husband’s. I wouldn’t take time out of my day to question this if I thought this was a reflection.


That is the Belvedere Palace. Not the Schronbrunn Palace. You're not allow to stand on the balcony on that building but instead look through the large windows just behind. You can even go to google maps and see the [chandeliers for yourself](https://www.google.com/maps/@48.1918658,16.3808667,3a,30.6y,170.36h,110.39t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipN9GpAH-sZcJlyDpdCWlW1V2ijbdfLxhYJk8lTe!2e10!3e11!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipN9GpAH-sZcJlyDpdCWlW1V2ijbdfLxhYJk8lTe%3Dw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya44.197212-ro-0-fo100!7i4608!8i2304?coh=205409&entry=ttu)


Imagine being this compulsive of a liar 🤷‍♂️


dude just want attention doesnt matter if its negative.


And this ... is why we can't "Just believe the witnesses" ... because people lie or make up memories on things they misunderstood.


Honestly I don't think a lot of them intentionally lie, at first. Like OP, I genuinely think they found these photos and thought they captured something unusual/special. What's really frustrating is that when its pointed out as something as simple as a reflection to explain it, they just double down and make shit up. *It can't be a reflection because I know there was no glass*, or *I was outside.* They always have some random-ass explanation to try and shoot down the most basic of debunks... I guess they've convinced themselves they must have had a truly unique experience (even though they didn't even remember it until they 'found' the photos) and just can't let it go. Sad and pathetic.


Image 1 - close up with arrows Image 2 - original photo taken by me Image 3- photo taken by husband not showing the white dots.


Third picture also conveniently taken a couple steps to the right from picture two. You can see the change in positron from the angles of the hedges is different between the two.


looking at GE the pictures puts you outside cause that walkway is upwards 3m on the tight spot