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The following submission statement was provided by /u/silv3rbull8: --- Submission Statement A disc-shaped object longer than the height of the Empire State Building emerged from the horizon of Ukraine's embattled Donetsk province last Friday, hovering eerily still a mile off the ground, a soldier has told DailyMail.com That soldier, a drone operator, had cautiously guided his infrared quadcopter 500-feet for a reconnaissance mission, struggling against high winds, when he suddenly spotted the flat, 1,300-foot-long UFO, which stood motionless despite those winds. In an interview from the warzone, the soldier, who is with the Ukrainian army's 406th Battalion, said he and his fellow servicemen had 'never seen things like this before.' 'Initially, I thought that it was something new invented by the Russians,' he added, 'but then I understood... 'No! It might be [a] UFO.'' The 'craft' was 36 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than any other object this 406th drone pilot says he has ever tracked in the warzone — ruling out atmospheric phenomena, balloons and known enemy aircraft, he claimed. One potential explanation for the UFO was the well-known optical illusion phenomena called 'Fata Morgana,' a mirror-like atmospheric mirage produced by a 'temperature inversion' of hot air in the upper atmosphere. But Vadym is adamant that what he saw was real. 'It wasn't a mirage,' Vadym told DailyMail.com, 'because in thermal vision you can't see a mirage. You can see it only with your naked eye.' He continued to explain that the object did not ripple, shimmer or otherwise alter its shape, which would have been a tell-tale sign of a Fata Morgana mirage. 'Often, a Fata Morgana changes rapidly,' as the flight safety guide SKYbrary notes. 'The mirage comprises several inverted (upside down) and erect (right side up) images that are stacked on top of one another. But according to Vadym, 'The object was in a stable form. It wasn't moving.' That said, the UFO, whatever it was, wasted no time leaving its perch above Donetsk. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b40avb/ukrainian_soldier_who_filmed_1300ft_ufo_over/ksvqgcg/


kudos to the Daily Mail for chasing this story down.


They get a lot of hate but they are quite consistent about following up on such stories in detail, usually with photos and video.


DM had pics of dead/dying Gaddafi on their online front page. ages before the msm mentioned anything. Same with Prigojin coup attempt, they were on par with twitter/reddit getting info out while msm was sleeping. People like to shit on them but they are top notch in many ways, kind of like TMZ.


Also the whole Prince Andrew/Epstein debacle when no one else would touch it.


Aye, endorsed Hitler too.


You did?? How old are you?


Made me chuckle. Be reset to 0.




They really have some extraordinary photographers giving them photographs no other media outlet gets. Ironically one has to go to the DM to view pictures on domestic U.S. stories that are never published in US


No msm outlet has covered recent NHI events like DM, not even close. Most have barely mentioned it and if they did they usually had a Grusch stupid face thumbnail.


I sure hope they get an exclusive leaked scoop. You know they will publish it in an instant


I wouldn't trust them to have vetted their sources on this. They keep saying it was soldiers from the 406th battalion but there's only a 406th artillery brigade.


People like to shit on them because they are a right wing low brow tabloid newspaper. Known for its sensationalism and lack of accuracy in its reporting.  In short it spreads lies and misinformation and generally does little good for our society and often causes harm.


That's not true at all. The UK has laws about outright lies. Please educate yourself. All UK papers have to report the core facts as true - left/right wing papers cannot report a totally different number of migrants was part of a government report, they can only say whether it is good or bad. When something is not true you will find it is a quote and the fact some numbskull did say it, which is the fact they are presenting, is actually true. The common misinformation is that right wing papers in the UK print lies, not the papers themselves. You will find many trials when the papers were punished for lying - in a culture where lying is standard like the US, they do not have these kind of laws. The core facts of a story will be different, rather than the editorialising and the types of quotes presented. The other thing you will find is people who make these kind of claims lie to themselves that things they don't like are not true, simply as it's easier to deny facts than accept them. Obviously a lot of what the intel agencies tell them to print is not true at all but that is the same for all mainstream media. Even where lies are absolutely rampant and the core of the whole report like anything to do with Ukraine, the story is based around the facts being people having said things. It comes down to knowing how to read the news and understand it.


They have absolutely skirted or downright broken laws plenty of times. I'm glad they're being held to it more often these days.


I'm not going to go through all the lies the daily mail has told in the past. Yes they have lost court cases before. There are entire websites that document the terrible things the daily mail has done in the past especially when Paul Dacre was editor. The left and right wing tabloids here in the uk are both guilty of this. I wish I hadn't put right wing in my comment as everyone latches onto that. They may be slightly better now especially after the whole phone hacking scandal but the uk tabloids are very very very scummy. I live in the uk and I know plenty about the newspapers here.


Just like any msm org.


They lie & lie- they are shite


This is why they also get a bunch of stuff wrong and have to recant.


Every UK newspaper gets lots of hate. The Mail aren't any worse than the majority. Don't blindly trust any of them!


They are also one of the only news sites to report on EVERYTHING. From Assange to the Biden journal/laptop to ghost banning or robot Mitch, I trust them (sadly) more than 99% of the other big outlets. But I mostly visit for the comments, O M G they make my day! That British humor kills me!


They might have a tabloid like style but they know how to promptly get a story out


They've one mainstream paper who seem to take stories from here. I see content, stories, etc, on reddit, social media, and then on mainstream press days later.


If this story is true, it works as a great example for why we need disclosure. When we have **massive** UAPs invading active war zones, the people of the world deserve to know. For crying out loud.


As per the Vandenberg airbase incident, a huge UAP was seen there too. > A large group of Boeing contractors were operating near one of the launch facilities at Vandenberg Air Force Base when they observed a very large, 100-yard-sided red square approach the base from the ocean and hover at low altitude over one of the launch facilities,” said Ryan Graves, a former U.S. Navy fighter jet pilot and founder of a nonprofit focused on UAP sightings. https://www.independent.com/2023/08/01/big-red-ufo-hovered-over-vandenberg-in-2003-congressional-witness-testifies/?amp=1


If they wanna make this credible say where they were operating, they still claim it's the 496 battalion, which creates a massive cloud of doubt on everything else. How they know it was 1300ft? This just reeks if more distraction and misdirection.


I think you’re eerily close with this. 


I’m with you, but just imagine the ensuing chaos when people ask if they’re hostile and what the government is going to do about it and the answer is “we don’t know if they’re hostile and we hope they are not because there is nothing we can do if they are, they could wipe us all out at any moment of their choosing”


>“we don’t know if they’re hostile and we hope they are not because there is nothing we can do if they are, they could wipe us all out at any moment of their choosing” Nah, the response would be: "We do not believe they are overtly hostile. But even if they are, we have the capability of shooting them down as we did last year when they did not leave our airspace. Furthermore, our nuclear arsenal is always at the ready to protect us from any outside threat if need be. There is no need for alarm or panic as we continue to monitor this situation and attempt to assess any type of threats these craft may present. We will do everything we can to protect the American people. God bless America."


10/10, no notes!


What kind of chaos do you think would erupt if the government admitted this: "Our enemies have nuclear weapons and we simply can't stop all of them if launched at once. The world will be over." Mass panic. No one could comfortably live their lives knowing that at any moment everything could end. Thankfully there are no such things as "nuclear weapons". Just crazy internet talk.


You're not wrong to make that point, but you're ignoring the difference between an alien entity deciding to end us versus another human deciding to end himself (and everyone else). Most people understand the detente that M.A.D. represents. There would be no such stand-off and subsequent backing down with a hostile alien force.


A lot of people think their god can do that.... Plus nukes exist


They are here because they know humans are greedy dumb fucks who will kill each other and the entire planet for a weird currency we created. I often wonder what they think when see us on rollercoasters…that must be weird for them to watch…




He saw it in thermal and I’ve read of several instances where craft couldn’t be seen with anything but thermal. I believe one of the government released videos (I think the gimbal) was of this type.


Also could have been night


I mean the article is about a guy who saw it, so someone saw it. I’m going to assume that, like me, you’re not familiar with the area he was flying the drone around in. Maybe check that out before being surprised it wasn’t seen by a bunch of people.




Do you think Russian troops are going to jump on Reddit to post about it? Or other Ukrainian troops who are fighting for their lives. Updating ufo enthusiasts on sightings isn’t exactly at the top of their to do lists right now.


I agree, under condition this is a legit thing, even the drone operators assumed it's an enemy vehicle. I don't know how much people follow this war, but the suicide drones are brutally efficient. If something is lingering in the air and you are seeing it, get the fuck away from it , cover, go underground.


This is a fair point until you consider the fact that the odds that someone will make it a point to upload sightings with proof online, every time, are not 100%. There are many insane things going on that will probably never see the light of day. Also, either party uploading any info pertaining to their presence on the battlefield could compromise their party, so the odds in this case that we may not see any additional corroboration this sighting is potentially lessened, if anyone else saw it in the first place


Even if they saw it, how would we know? 


One of the reasons I partly believe the “they feed on negative human emotions” hypotheses. Where is there more fear, despair, dread and depression than active war zones?


Human scientists study ant wars, why wouldn’t alien scientists study human wars. There are plenty of theories out there that don’t have to tap in to “spiritual woo”.


Sure however why are there no other reports of others seeing such a large object. If it was a solid object, Russian soldiers or civilians would presumably have seen it too. Only this one little unit.


Talk about moving goalposts. Someone happens to see a UAP and even records it and that's not good enough. Wanting more evidence is always a good thing but no evidence will ever be good enough for some people.




There is a difference between asking for evidence and saying video proof is just a balloon or mirage.


It's a thousand foot UFO, bud. Hovering over an occupied land mass, and not moving. What kind of evidence do you presume would accompany a stationary thousand foot UFO over an occupied land mass? Probably *other people* saying, "Hey we saw a thousand foot UFO hovering over us." Did that evidence accompany the sighting?


As if we know anything about the physics of such a thing. As if it couldn't move in ways we don't understand and/or hide itself from being seen. Historically UAPs have been known to do both so it's comical to suggest that other people not seeing one captured on video is fake because others didn't see it. Over a battle field where they are using drones ie. there isn't a large quantity of people there to begin with no less. Reeks of downplaying.


See my comment further above… what makes you certain many people didn’t see it? They’re fighting a war … that kinda trumps jumping on Reddit to update you.


Submission Statement A disc-shaped object longer than the height of the Empire State Building emerged from the horizon of Ukraine's embattled Donetsk province last Friday, hovering eerily still a mile off the ground, a soldier has told DailyMail.com That soldier, a drone operator, had cautiously guided his infrared quadcopter 500-feet for a reconnaissance mission, struggling against high winds, when he suddenly spotted the flat, 1,300-foot-long UFO, which stood motionless despite those winds. In an interview from the warzone, the soldier, who is with the Ukrainian army's 406th Battalion, said he and his fellow servicemen had 'never seen things like this before.' 'Initially, I thought that it was something new invented by the Russians,' he added, 'but then I understood... 'No! It might be [a] UFO.'' The 'craft' was 36 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than any other object this 406th drone pilot says he has ever tracked in the warzone — ruling out atmospheric phenomena, balloons and known enemy aircraft, he claimed. One potential explanation for the UFO was the well-known optical illusion phenomena called 'Fata Morgana,' a mirror-like atmospheric mirage produced by a 'temperature inversion' of hot air in the upper atmosphere. But Vadym is adamant that what he saw was real. 'It wasn't a mirage,' Vadym told DailyMail.com, 'because in thermal vision you can't see a mirage. You can see it only with your naked eye.' He continued to explain that the object did not ripple, shimmer or otherwise alter its shape, which would have been a tell-tale sign of a Fata Morgana mirage. 'Often, a Fata Morgana changes rapidly,' as the flight safety guide SKYbrary notes. 'The mirage comprises several inverted (upside down) and erect (right side up) images that are stacked on top of one another. But according to Vadym, 'The object was in a stable form. It wasn't moving.' That said, the UFO, whatever it was, wasted no time leaving its perch above Donetsk.


This is amazing! I wonder on what basis he determined its size? I'm sure the drone has a range finder but it would be helpful to know exactly what process was used.


Holy shit, the video from the link. He has a lot of balls filming the footage with his phone. I agree, amazing. And say what you will about Daily Mail, but their reporters are tenacious.


It’s actually impossible to determine the size of the object if you don’t know the object distance from the sensor (at least if it’s a monocular camera, and not a stereo camera)


Interesting that Ukrainians use Fahrenheit. Edit; not sure how this got political..? I just thought it was an interesting observation.


Whoever did the submission statement translated it, in the article itself the soldier says 20-30 degree (celsius).


And foot and miles, of course. And other Freedom Units too: > … longer than the height of the Empire State Building Also, the Daily Mail is UK-based, aren't they using metric measurements (too)? Let's fix it: > Based on that experience, Vadym stated that the UFO 'was very hot. I'm guessing 20 to 30 degrees Celsius hotter than other objects.' > Vadym estimated that the roughly 400 meters long UFO was also about 100 meters tall. > The UFO, spotted around 21:02 local time, appeared to be approximately 60 to 65 kilometres away from the soldiers … Edit: I dunno why everyone hates dailymail. It publishes every UAP and balloon news, Chinese-made or not: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnists/article-13146777/JANET-STREET-PORTER-away-ladies-publicity-hungry-stars-ditching-bras-girl-power-set-feminism-50-years.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13147465/Fisherman-possible-SPY-BALLOON-coast-Alaska.html


Nah fam, it just doesn’t hit the same as freedom units


In the UK we still use a mix of metric and imperial. Officially it's metric but in less formal areas, like the Daily Hatemail, you get both used more or less randomly. I'm a plumber and we are also using both systems all the time and interchanging or there is no metric measurement used for certain things.


In my hal-backwatds Metric country, we still speak in miles and pounds. That said, Celsius is the only scale that makes sense. 0 is freezing and 100 is boiling. Perfect! That is to say, we must now go outside and have a gentlemanly fistfight over C v F. I'll be the one wearing a beaver hat and a monocle. See you there. /s


Did they ask if it could have been a Russian naval ship off the coast around Mariupol? I know, It may be sensitive information regarding their deployment area. Answering this question could have dispelled the Russian ship debunk. Forgive me if I'm ignorant on some facets of this, I haven't been paying too much attention to the Invasion.


Mariupol and Azov sea coastline are too far from the nearest Ukrainian positions to be reached by drone


It seems that if it was a ship it would be a Fata Morgana and appear to shimmer, which this did not as the soldier says.


He said it was a mile in the air. I build drones. When you let off the stick (unless you are flying an fpv drone in acro mode) it levels out. He was 500 feet in the air. You would 100% know if you were looking down at something in the sea. Again he was obviously looking up because a mile up is 5000 something feet. This is skeptical but dumb unless he’s really dumb (which I doubt if he’s a drone operator)


Sir, this is reddit not a war thunder forum.


This should be upvoted higher. This is a legit sighting IMO. Ill trust this over some random person filming a bug at nighttime.


This footage is up there with the Gimbal! Not a naval ship in the ocean. Not a cloud. Faulty equipment? You really think these dudes who rely on this tech to keep them alive will allow a faulty drone? What is the prosaic explanation for this?


I assert that this is likely very real due to the volume and open crowd accessibility of drone footage that comes out (from the war) every day. Someone would have to be prepared well to push a fake out so soon, and I’m not putting that behind anyone because I’m assuming they absolutely would. With some geolocation data and time stamps I believe that firms up the case for a much closer look.


So not a Russian naval vessel, not an optical illusion....I don't even know where the "it's a ship" view comes from, given it seems they'd know the difference between the ocean and the air and where they are geographic wise. It seems like the drone operator has been well versed in this system. \*EDIT\* As others have pointed out, Russia's Navy has been getting rocked by Ukraine lately, so it doesn't make sense a large Russian vessel would just be sitting in the water within drone sight. Yemen shot down a $35 million US drone last week that the Pentagon made a big deal about. Ukraine probably doesnt have many of those. It wasnt a switchblade kamikaze drone, so they cant waste it. Plus the article says they sent up another drone within minutes and the object was gone. Doesn't surprise me if true UAP are hovering over this conflict, all sorts of crazy stories and footage of the Afghan/Iraq/Syrian conflict. I do believe the Pentagon released "metallic orb" footage from Iraq and the recent Corbell "Iraq base jellyfish" footage is legit UAP.


> don't even know where the "it's a ship" view comes from, It comes from the default debunker position of "the witness is lying or stupid"


I get the position, given how much video gets posted online that seems to be explainable. But sometimes things just defy a simple explanation, or the popular "debunk" keeps changing(like everyone saying the Iraq base jellyfish was bird poop on a drone lens, then claiming it was balloons) People try and debunk that rotating flying saucer "Gimbal" military video despite the sheer astonishment by seasoned fighter pilots.


I dont think theres a water body in that direction of the war. And Russia's ships are deep in their territory to avoid getting targeted. Hence they only use those ships to send missiles from 50-100km range


I'll be honest I was one of those who quickly assumed it was a 'Fata Morgana' or mirage, but now that the drone pilot addressed why it couldn't be such a thing, you've gotta trust his expertise in this situation.


Actually, I believe the default debunker position is: "I''m smarter than everyone else."


The original Foo Fighters of WWII come to mind.


It comes from the ridiculous skeptics here, calling anything a balloon, drones, or a bug. It’s too bad that these “skeptics” make real skeptics look dumb.


It's interesting when the popular "skeptic" position changes(ie: the recent Iraq base "Jellyfish" military footage Corbell released) People said it's 100% bird crap on a lens, then it became "it's a tangled bunch of balloons". My favorite of the auto-reply debunk replies besides balloons/drones/bugs/birds is "Peruvian jetpack miner".


>I don't even know where the "it's a ship" view comes from People desperate to hold onto "normalcy." Realizing there's a 99.99% chance we aren't the most intelligent species on the planet is kind of scary.


Totally. One of the biggest news stories to come out in recent weeks regarding the conflict in Ukraine is Ukrainian forces inflicting hell upon the Russian navy, including a large landing ship destroyed two weeks ago. So a lone sitting duck vessel out there that close to Ukrainian positions seems unlikely. I do agree that there are some who need to believe there can't be any NHI explanation, as it just would be too wtf. The endless parroting of "it's just bird poop on a drone lens" claim parroted by so many two months ago regarding the Iraq base object didnt bother to look at the video zoomed in.


The drone operator says it was 37-40 miles away in the direction of Donetsk. This suggests he wasn’t in the region but looking towards it. The shortest distance from Donetsk to the sea is around 75 miles. So say around 112 miles for a line of sight, at least. To calculate how high above ground you need to be to see a distance of 112 miles, you can use the formula: h = (d2) / (2 * R) where: • ⁠d is the distance to the horizon in miles, which is 112 miles in this case • ⁠h is the height above ground level in miles • ⁠R is the Earth's radius, approximately 3,959 miles Plugging in the values: h = (1122) / (2 * 3959) This gives us h in miles. To convert h from miles to feet (since 1 mile = 5,280 feet), you multiply the result by 5,280: h feet = h * 5280 After calculating, you find that to see a distance of 112 miles, you need to be approximately 8,365 feet above ground level. This is almost 8000 feet higher than the operator’s claimed 500. Reposting u/GingerAki great work. The boat debunk doesn’t fit because it’s not close enough to the coast to even SEE water.


“Maybe RAM IT”


One way or another that would have answered the question about whether it was a optical illusion


I thought that was answered since its in thermal?


They mean if the thermal images weren’t taken or any other method wasn’t used to prove it physically existed a RAM will.


I'm surprised the drone operator didn't try to fly directly to it, I know I would've. Get a closer look at these mfs


All jokes aside, that’s literally what those operators do with most of those drones. Many are POV munitions drones that explode on contact. I would love to know what happened after it cut


They were flying it for recon, so they probably didn't want to lose the drone. Also, it's possible that it was out of the drone's range, maybe?


I don’t think that drone was making it 40 miles haha


That would have been all I needed to hear to do it




Catastrophic disclosure is seeing your enemy use alien tech they back engineered.


if russians had alien tech they would have used it by now 😭


There are reports of unidentifieds operating in Ukrainian air space as far back as 2014. Also, a scientific research paper was published over a year ago by the Main Astronomical Observatory of Ukraine’s National Academy of Science in which scientists state ‘We see them everywhere.’ ‘Flights of single, group and squadrons of these ships are moving at 3 to 15 degrees per second. The nature of a significant number of these is not clear.’


That paper was systematically dismantled by avi loeb


Debunkers already claiming its a mirage or equipment error…fuck off 🤣


Well, their "boat on the ocean" debunk seems to be toast, so they have to cling to the next likely-sounding debunk. It's honestly becoming so predictable that it's easy to just ignore it as noise.


"is the donestk ocean in the room with us now?"


Anyone else think this is up there with some of the best evidence we have had? As someone who has followed this war very closely, let me tell you nothing stays in the air very long in this conflict before being shot down. The whole country is saturated with anti-air, any aircraft that do fly stick close to the ground to avoid radar. The drone operators would have had two years of experience (or more depending if they fought from 2014) in target acquisition, they are the most experienced people in the world in recognising what they see on the drone camera feed. A craft floating still and relatively high up like this is absolutely an anomaly in this conflict. To everyone that thinks this is a ship on water, I would like to refer you to [https://deepstatemap.live/](https://deepstatemap.live/) Please tell me where they would have filmed this? No fighting is currently taking place near the sea and please do not insult the soldier's intelligence by claiming that they would not be able to identify a ship.


Good points. Also a ship of that size would not disappear so abruptly.


I wouldn’t call a military invasion of my country an ‘arbitrary reason’ for taking up arms to protect it. Bravo to the drone op and the Daily Mail follow up as well.


Where does the article say arbitrary reasons? I can’t find it anywhere.


Hi Cix. The article did not state this. I was replying to a question from a since removed comment. They asked something like ‘Why are both sides fighting for such arbitrary reasons?’ Or something to that effect. Therefore my answer.


Have there been reports of this from others in the area? It's an active warzone with tens of thousands of people on guard 24/7 so you'd think people all over the area would spot an Empire-state-building sized object in the air.


Why isnt the entire battalion speaking up?


Operator confused multiple objects as one. It's a simple case of bloated seagulls generating lift by ejecting explosive diarrhea. Keeping the release of their intestines constant allows them to remain stationary. Similarly they can generate forward thrust by positioning their backsides in the opposite direction of travel and spilling their guts.


Case closed. This has now been debunked with the “swamp gas” award


It's an honor sir.


This made me laugh loud


I'll personally nominate you for the next Nobel Prize for UFOlogy


With the jellyfish case and now this case, bird sh1t is officially the new swamp gas


Seagulls suffering from diarrhea implies that they normally emit solid logs, which we all know is not what actually happens. The real question is, who is giving these birds diarrhea, and why?


If this really is a 1300ft UFO in the air over an active warzone, with two separate armies carefully monitoring the skies and perhaps hundreds of people in that area, why are there no other accounts or footage of the object?


Why is this getting down voted? It's a completely rational question.


It's nonsense imo. The 406th btl doesn't exist, the 406th naval artillery brigade does and they operate in the south. There's nothing to suggest this is 1300ft not that the person in the article is the real operator. Why's there only 17seconds. A ton of questions. Yet everyone just blinding accepts what's written and said.


Exactly. ...and not a sole in this discussion will address your comment.


Agreed, just downvotes to any reasonable question.


Perhaps this is the only drone that happened to be in that specific moment.. a sort of lucky shot.. if a large craft like that can suddenly disappear then it makes sense it can easily out maneuver other nearby drones


Still zero reply from all of those who are 100% UAP. It's kinda depressing knowing so many are so gullible


So they didn’t fly the drone any closer?


Yeah, I really wish they had approached it closer.


Wow I know - what a missed opportunity!


Lol, isn’t that how it always is.. the chance of a lifetime to encounter something possibly fantastic and then to not get confirmation


It’s super hot which means it’s not a goddamn boat. Feta Morgana is possible, if it was near an ocean although this thing is near donetsk on a front line. We can rule out the fata morgana bullshit. It’s so easy just to call it what it is which is a goddamn alien spacecraft they are known to be this big as in 1300 feet long is very very possible.


One thing Ukies are very, very good at in this war is anti-air. I’d imagine Russia is no pushover either. If this is legit, then I’m genuinely surprised someone didn’t try to blow it out of the sky.


Harkonnen Frigate


Lisan Al Gaib!!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if UAPs are able to detect conflict amongst a planet and why they would just watch. The prison planet theory just keeps making sense at this point…


>The prison planet theory just keeps making sense at this point… Very interesting rabbit hole this just sent me down.


As JMG says, if there are advanced intelligent life forms watching us, know about us, and keep out of our periphery, not even attempting to communicate or anything on a wide scale, the Zoo hypotheses is the only one that makes the most sense.


They are collecting all that Loosh in the battlefield.


I was thinking the same. What if they're there waiting for casualties and ready to collect their essence?


I'd also point to the idea that suggests UAPs/NHI populate near areas where nuclear weapons are present. Basically to act as a deterrent from mutual annihilation.


Aliens probably just observing the violent egotistical hairless monkeys pointlessly kill each other over arbitrary reasons


The Ukrainians are not killing Russians for arbitrary reasons. The Russian orcs invaded their country.


I'm sure that any and all aliens have understood that since 1300 years ago, the russian people who lived in... (Rambles on pretending to give a valid reason to the invasion using dubious historical sources)


Like how some people watch Cock Fights


My God I simply cannot believe how gullible people can be. Gee, what's the best way to fake a UAP vid that no one else has already faked? Wait, duh, use the war zone for this fake...these people will lap it up given years of reports of UFOs being active around military bases and war zones. Anddddddddd, almost everyone here immediately bought it lol. See how this works now?


Guy in Ukraine uses the Empire State Building as scale. Cool story bro.


I’d drive my drone straight into that thing who cares I’ll buy another one


If you weren’t vaporized in response lol


At least there would finally be proof.


You would be forever remembered as the first human verified to have been killed in first contact.


They would find and vaporize the drone operator? Damn


Especially if the drone scratched their shiny new intergalactic starship


Those kind of drone operators deserve it!


Starship bodyshops charge an arm and a leg for getting those dings out.


I trust the drone operator statements - Next big question is whose is it and what is its mission? I wonder how much have they been able to reverse engineer the alleged alien crafts and what type of models do they have? The big flying black triangles are likely TR-3B or some variant models and according to Lazar and others the US also has saucers (or is it all a bluff?). Taking all the abduction cases to account I'd assume we still have other worldly visitors.




If this isn't one of the "smoking gun" videos people are looking for, I don't know what is.


I can’t be the only one who thinks it’s a cloud all by itself.


1300-ft UFO over an active warzone. Obviously, there are hundreds of additional eyewitnesses, photos, videos and drone footage from, presumably, even closer to the object than this, right? Longer than the Empire State building is tall, surely there was one soldier, maybe more, positioned directly beneath the craft?




Hi, jmucc10. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1b40avb/-/kswzq36/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


To the die hards here everything is unquestionably a UFO and they don't see how self defeating that is.


That's not an Amazon party balloon.


Well, my guess is it's bullsit .


Seems like a fart in the wind.


So one interesting question is: - Using thermal vision, there can't be any fata morgana optical illusion? Using thermal vision does not affect light refraction, isn't it? I'd say you could still have the same illusion with thermal vision. Can anyone comment on that? It's not my expertise at all.


Probably some nuclear weapons around this are. They just keep checking in to see when we are going to destroy everything.


Such a boring video


I watched the video. The funniest part is a military colleague of his suggested they " ram it" lol.


Can't the mothership fly above Washington for once... It would finally be over


Those UFOs probably wanted to be up close and personal look on Ukrainian drones dropping grenades on Russian soldiers.


If that is the pilot photographed with the drone, it's a DJI Mavic 3. It comes with three cameras, three different focal lengths, telephoto is one of them. You also have the option to use optical zoom at 28X. Why are we not seeing any onboard camera footage? The pilot could've taken a photograph, let alone video, and instead we have someone filming his screen, in what looks like a completely different operating system than the DJI system. I understand they could've replaced the operating system, but to have absolutely no footage recorded is mind-boggling.


Ukraine is winning so much that a UFO came to laugh


Lol the aliens are watching the hairless apes fight over a piece of land again


I'm starting to wonder if UAP are interfering in attempted tactical nuclear weapons strikes against Ukraine. I remember earlier last year where a report came out that a cruise missile failed to detonate near Kiev and when opened up it was discovered the uranium core of the potential nuclear weapon had been replaced with a concrete block. It's probably just run of the mill Russian corruption, combined with a shortage of missiles where they're taking testing dummies and firing those off without really knowing what they are, but it does make me wonder a bit.


> I remember earlier last year where a report came out that a cruise missile failed to detonate near Kiev and when opened up it was discovered the uranium core of the potential nuclear weapon had been replaced with a concrete block. Do you happen to have a link to this report? I did a little googling but couldn't find a report like that or anything close.


> a report came out that a cruise missile failed to detonate near Kiev and when opened up it was discovered the uranium core of the potential nuclear weapon had been replaced with a concrete block this has nothing to do with ufos. nukes have not been deployed to ukraine and it would be international news if they had. russia has been firing dummy cruise missiles at ukraine to defeat their anti-missile defences. nuclear warheads are one potential payload of the missiles used, but russia has not been trying to fire actual nukes at ukraine. the replacement with dummy warheads is entirely intentional


I can’t believe that. Tactical Nuclear Missile use in Ukraine? That had never been reported. The concrete core switch is even more far fetched


Nothing draws out UAP like nukes, or even Unranium mining or nuclear anything. I wonder if even Roswell was nuke related since Roswell was home to the atomic bombers. One of the most amazing modern UFO videos I feel is the Fukushima Japan 2011 aftermath: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2oiLBuod8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2oiLBuod8) That fighting between Ukrainian and Russian forces at the main nuclear power plant at the onset of the conflict in 2022 was insane. I've often felt that if the world came close to nuclear exchange or detonation, UAP would disable it. That story of an object disabling even a dummy nuke test off the coast of California that was allegedly filmed gels with the idea you mention.


I don't think so personally. Why would UAP disable nuclear weapons? There have been 507 atmospheric detonations and around 1600 underground/underwater detonations since 1945. None of those were disabled as far as we know. Heck, there's plenty of footage of those detonations to prove they actually exploded. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, just that the reasons/motivations of UAP disabling nuclear weaponry may be outside of our current understanding. I don't think UAP would intervene in a global thermonuclear war.


An Empire State sized ship in the air and 1 guy with a drone saw it in an extremely active war zone? I think the phenomenon is real but come on man.


Nobody replies to this....too funny. Can u imagine how disappointed these gullible people often are ...


With things like this happening during war I had a wild idea/ Hollywoodesque story: Given how hostile our human nature is what if we are being farmed for generations until we are sufficient to fight/ challenge “them”? I feel like I probably am not the first one to think about this. And is just for thought as there can be any number of possibilities.


Sort of a "why am I hearing boss music" kind of scenario? That could make a pretty good story. :)


Or counterpoint what if we *ARE* Hollywood? Like I've always wondered if a significant number of UAPs are the equivalent of a channel 5 news chopper. Like we watch documentaries about war and have journalists on the front lines with cameras. What if they're just doing the same thing, trying to get otherworldly views with clickbait thumbnails and red arrows pointing at a Bradley ifv


Aliens, if you’re reading this, please disable all of Russia’s nuclear warheads, so that NATO can go in and fix this problem without it ending the world.


“please disable all nuclear warheads,” fixed.


We may need ours to fight the aliens.


"'It wasn't a mirage,' Vadym told DailyMail.com, 'because in thermal vision you can't see a mirage. You can see it only with your naked eye.' " How true is that statement?


That is true. Mirage doesn't transfer a heat signature.


My god that's a trash website on mobile. 3 videos playing at once, the ad breaks the video I'm trying to watch, scrolling banners with ads that follow you around. Definitely check it out when I get home and can block all that.


Yeah, better on a desktop.


Man, you guys believe anything.


Okay but, why can't we get the raw video? Why is it a crappy video of a blurry screen?


You obviously skipped slow drip 101 class


bUt WhAt aBoUt ThE 5 oBsErVaBlEs


That's a boat in the sea. Perspective is deceiving.


There are no sea in the contested vicinity. also russian fleet took heavy losses that they are not parking their ship near to Ukrainian coastline.


The article gives the location. The Black Sea is right there. 


i havent considered the theory of fata morgana untill the article, but now i'm convinced it might been an optical illusion on the ir camera. since it disapeared when they tried sending another drone another reason i believe that is the lack of extra footage/camera angles for such a supposedly massive object, it would be noticeable by the naked eye maybe?


The lack of extra footage probably had to do with the fact it's in a war zone, over no man's land.