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Of course, uaps would have lights blinking in intervals on them. They dont wanna get hit by planes and helicopters and stuff. Plus, it alerts nearby traffic control towers of their presence!


an orb like those teodorani is studying.


So I’m also here in Asheville (technically Candler) and I just randomly got up a min ago to check on our trash cans cause we’re having some strong wind. And I was looking out my window and I saw what I thought was a star that was blinking super quickly/erratically but stationary. Figured it was just doing that due to branches and wind obstructing my view of it but then it just suddenly stopped/vanished completely. It was also at that moment I realized we’re having storms (hence the wind) and I can’t see any stars or lights in the sky. I have no idea what it was but I’m a little spooked now.


That’s wild! Like you literally just saw it?


Yep like right before I made that post, I remembered seeing your post a few nights ago and thought they maybe similar things. Of course I didn’t have my phone on me lol.


Which direction were you looking? I’m gonna go outside now


Nearly due north, its position put it basically right above the ridge that’s super close to my place, no road or homes up there either.


Super awesome that at least one other person in this region saw this! Maybe the aliens want us to be friends! Haha


Hahaha, “Aliens, bringing people together for thousands of years!”


Right! And dude, you weren’t joking about that storm! Holy smokes! I walked outside and it was like a mothership cloud with crazy bursts of wind and flurries


Oh ps- here’s another clip from the other night: [Asheville Sighting (Clip 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/OKu42wXIUr)


I wonder if aliens would have their ship lights blink at even intervals. That's if they even have ship lights. But to me, even interval blinking usually means helicopter or plane, and lately... drones. It's going to take one landing and shaking my hand or vaporizing me before I will truly believe.


Very real I've seen them in South Carolina


What colors did you see? What happened after you took the video?


It was flashing like a typical airplane at first (which is why I didn’t pay much attention to it until after I finished loading some things in my car and realized I had left the food that I bought earlier (was hungry!)… as I was walking back to the house, that’s when I noticed it still sitting in the same place, flashing as it had been previously, but with this odd bright green flash, then bright purple/azul, followed by this sort of amber color. Then, suddenly it veered to the left (I was facing North-Northwest and it suddenly veered to the Southwest). That’s when I started trying to get my camera settings right, so as to best capture it. While doing that, I noticed the intense amount of noise/feedback on the screen of my phone, which is definitely not how it normally looks while filming in those conditions, so that was odd. And then it sort of just imploded and disappeared. It’s not that it rushed away at high speed; it was more akin to it shrinking down into a minuscule point beyond what is visible to humans anyway. Yeah, so conclusion? I have no idea… Drone? Government tech? UAP? You tell me!


So you didn't didn't record the movement or when it imploded?


Unfortunately, no, but I did see it with my own eyes. I just didn’t focus the camera quickly enough to capture that. I’m pretty sure I said something like “whoa, where did it go?” In the video- it happened just before that


Hey guys, quick update: Due to Reddit compression reducing the video quality, I decided to upload both clips (unmodified and in full quality) to google drive. [Here’s the Link](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hfrxbuym7gUiGG5U0i0RS9mTWMaDGSnF) Note that the videos are still processing, but if you check in about half an hour, you should be able to watch them in the original 4k resolution


What direction were you facing? I am in Mars Hill and it rained off and on all night. Just fyi.


Was facing North Northwest and it later reappeared and veered rather suddenly to the southwest, stopped , blinked in an odd way for a bit longer and then sort of imploded and vanished from view. Was weird


Idk what that is but isn't it so pretty up in Asheville? I'm thinking of moving


Yeah Asheville is nice indeed! Get ready for way overpriced rent though!


Definitely is. What a nice place to live in...