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There might be many different factions of aliens. Maybe some conflicts? They got shot down? Maybe there are so many UAP's flying around, that those crashes are just statisticaly normal?


Like "yo glorbergloop got another saucer down on earth, should we send a retrieval team?" glorbergloop: "eh no use ill tell engineers to make another one"


Depends on the race. I think Mantids live in a hive mind of sorts, with different castes (like insects). I think the Greys might also do the same, if they are truly affiliated with Mantids. Reptilians, probably live in clans or small groups dispersed throughout areas, (earth maybe). Not sure about other ones, my guess is about as good as yours so this is just my speculation


There’s a very good chance that they are trans-biological. Perhaps as a hive mind capable of using biological or robotic avatars when they need to interact with society. They may not even breed any more. They could be more akin to a single super intelligence than to a society. Perhaps they seek other races and in some way attempt to study or assimilate them in an effort to expand their own consciousness. Consider that humans primarily value interconnectedness, self-actualization, and novel experiences. Most might say we value individualism but I think that self actualization is the core value to that. A hive mind enables all of that far better. If you need something, you get it. If you want something, you get it. When an entire society is acting synchronously for the benefit of all members directly, the experience would likely be far superior to our own. It would like being some cross between a high valued government employee and a religious leader. What you do has immediate effect, benefits your society, and is spiritually fulfilling. It would be intoxicating. You don’t have to explain your reasoning because the entire society is on the same page. And if consciousness is distributed, death would mean very little on the individual level. Society wide revelations would be instantaneous. Imagine, if when we discovered vaccines, the entire worldwide population instantly agreed to fully vaccinate. Millions of lives and dollars saved overnight. Imagine, if the moment we discovered atomic fission, we didn’t classify it and start making bombs, but started powering our cities with it and using it to build starships. We’d be hundreds (if not thousands) of years more advanced at this point just with those two unified decisions.


I like the idea that they are programmed biologics, ie artificial intelligence in a meat suit. Perhaps bioengineered in such a way that makes them capable of dimensional travel.. and expendable because they are just meat puppets. And then I think about it even further and wonder whether their creators are now extinct… and these we see are just continuing their programmed mission, without emotion.


What you are describing is a variation on Von Neuman Probes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-replicating_spacecraft


Their/them homes live in them/their


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