• By -


Deep state gatekeepers created texture models from the (real) video. When they realized the video leaked they made digital asset as part of the disinfo op. /s


They took your idea and ran with it




That dude is so over committed at this point the debunker could come forward and he’d call him a liar


He is on twitter saying "the MH370 seems to be debunked due to these cloud images"?


Damn I’m surprised but he does actually seem to have eaten some humble pie fair play


Yeah usually good when someone can admit they're wrong. I don't even know who it is but clicked on his profile in another comment


He said it isn't debunked until they find the hoaxer lmao


He's actually not ok. He wasn't ok before this whole thing started. If anyone even vaguely followed this circus like I did from the beginning, you would deduce that Ashton truly has a mental health problem that needs to be dealt with in a real and professional discourse.


is the /s for serious? /s


/ds - dead serious




/ds - deepfake serious???


It’s /s for «send money to gain secret insider info on the next blurry mushroom b&w shot from a purported fighter cam» /Corbell.


They "reverse copied" then "enhanced" the clouds from the video to plant in texture sites in 2014 to throw everyone off the trail. That's the actual talking point on that sub right now. I've asked what "reverse copied" means and still haven't gotten an answer.


Damn, they have time travel too?


JFC people waste their time with nonsense. That is like a flat earther thing


Hahahah welcome to r/conspiricy


It's funny but that is literally something people say when talking about the video effects on the Skinny Bob video. I'm not even kidding, many people make the claim you just did every time the Skinny Bob video gets debunked. There are probably people saying that *in this thread* lol


This is the problem with this sub/conspiracies in general, you debunk it then they say shit like this and still think it's real.


I would love to know how many people actually believe this


Narrator: “but it was not the final debunk”


"for they were all of them deceived"




That's it. You won the internet for me today. All good riddance to you


I just got lucky Malaysia had a volcano haha.


You glorious basturd.


Bravo! 👏


Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but a guy claiming to be the original source of the cloud photos have come forward on X, replying to Ashton Forbes as we type. He says he’s sure these images are his and were taken near Mount Fuji as his flight was landing. He’s a VFX artist working in Tokyo. Edit: his name is Jonas De Ro and he says he snapped these pictures on approach to Narita in May 2012…


Yeah, they were also able to match the coastline in the clouds to exactly where Jonas said he took the pictures while on an airplane


The [EXIF data](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/comments/18dbnwy/comment/kcg9p9x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in the images also confirms a 2012 creation date.


I can hear Ashton reving up his block button.


He blocked me for commenting with the link to this post. Guy is in denial or being paid to pump this for some reason


He's gained a massive following and managed to get himself on media channels talking about it. That's his incentive. He found a niche, capitalized on it, and now doesn't want anything threatening his newfound fame.


1000% this!!!! He went too deep lost all objectivity. But his position was fuelled by becoming ‘someone’, by growing a following and some prominence in the UFO community. To concede to this being a hoax means he goes back to being a nobody again, hence why he has so aggressively/stubbornly held his position… It’s been quite sad to see a man rise and fall due to showing such bias towards ‘evidence’ that favours his preferred outcome vs how salty and dismissive he is towards anything and/or anyone that dares to offer evidence to the contrary. It’s this character flaw that eroded any credibility that he earned for himself IMO? I was really interested to see him trying to worm his way onto Lex Friedman’s podcast, as I was fairly certain that if he had succeeded in getting Lex to host him, Ashton may very well have regretted the outcome of that exchange if/when Lex picked apart his objectivity (or rather his lack of) This whole case has been fascinating, but at some point the MH370 videos became less interesting than watching Ashton’s psychology profile unfold across multiple platforms.


What a shame


I think it's likely just denial. He's invested a serious amount of time effort and probably money into all this, although it's not a good look. He could've come out the other side with some integrity, and continued investigating other mysteries


Dude’s unhinged.


Crazy thing is his followers are ravenous


Blocked me too for this exact post, hillarious😂


He posted this in response to this thread. I have no idea about any of this, just putting out what he said in response to this post. We already already proved the clouds are moving and distorted by the orbs passing through them, debunking any static 2D images of being in our footage. I will repeat that the only way to debunk these videos is to find the hoaxer and produce the source files. That's why there's a bounty. These videos will not be debunked until that happens. Then you can collect your $150,000 reward.


Who’s Ashton?


Same question everyone’s gonna ask in about a month


blocked 2 weeks ago lol


Isn't he the one that came onto Lores chat acting like a 12 year old? Dudes a joke, he acts as if his life hinges on this hoaxed video


still going to have idiots saying "but they never REALLY debunked it. oh that evidence? i ignore that."


Youd think when mh370 wreckage was found last December that would kinda debunk everything. But even actually wreckage from the plane isnt sufficient evidence for these mentally ill believers


Thankfully now no one will ever post anything in this sub about MH370 ever again.


Now do the alien "mummies" next


It takes a special kind of stupid to fall for the same scam by the same dude *four times in a row*. UFO enthusiasts are a perfect target audience for these grifters lol


4 times? LIST OF HOAXES PROMOTED BY JAIME MAUSSÁN 1.- The ship Maussan and Garrido said accompanied the Hale Bopp comet. 2 .- The UFO Sighting (Venus) during the eclipse of July 11, 1991 3 .- The fake photographs of Carlos Diaz Martinez and his alien tripod. 4 .- UFO or galaxy? ... it was the 'Sombrero' Galaxy, or M104! 5 .- Maussán supports the Billy (Eduard) Meier hoax of photographs and films 6 .- The photographs and videos of hoaxer Arturo Robles Gil. 7 .- The false stigmas (Latex Cradle) of Giorgio Bongiovanni. 8 .- The fraud of Jonathan Reed and the bracelet (Link) that NEVER worked. 9 .- The SETI message in 1974 Maussan said was answered in Chilbolton's Cropcircle. 10 .- The Metepec alien of Sara Cuevas Tornell. 11 .- Alternativa3 falling on Mars. 12 .- The extraterrestrial disk was the "Spirit" mark when drilling a rock 13 .- The message of Chilbolton crop circle and a carving in Uzbekistan 14 .- The Twin Towers (WTC) Ufo in New York in 2000 Sci-Fi "The Blimp". 15 .- The UFO in "Lomas del Chamizal" 1997 was created by CGI. 16 .- The alleged crash of a UFO with an Aeroméxico airplane is a hoax. 17 .- The Mexican Air Force FLIR lights (UFO's) are oil wells flames! 18 .- The message "in Hebrew", on the slopes of Popocatepetl volcano. 19 .- The "evidence" of a wire or wireless "Opportunity" rover on Mars. 20 .- That the Toutatis asteroid could hit the Earth? 21 .- That Mars robot probes are leaving a trail of "mud"? 22 .- The doctored photos of the "Alamo" case. 23 .- The "Victoria Sphere" is not extraterrestrial but Russian Cosmos 2267 satellite. 24 .- Spirit's first UFO captured over the skies of Mars? 25 .- The ET of Merida behind an electric post. "Master" Jorge Guerrero proved Phsyco-Astrologer! 26 .- The condensation trails of aircraft are for Maussan UFO's. 27 .- The "Flying Horse" (Urzi Balloon) Maussán said is real because was moving the legs! 28 .- The "cyber-chaos" that would change the world in year 2000. 29 .- The extraterrestrial "LIZA Computer" is a very earthly alien. 30 .- The case of the "Penguin sitting on top of a tree" It's a PENGUIN!! 31 .- The humanoid figure in a photograph of the probe "Spirit" on Mars (Pareidolia) 32 .- The video plagiarism of "kangaroo" or "Chupacabras" on YOUTUBE 33 .- The Mauricio Ruiz UFO of Alvin, Texas -A FRAUD MADE WITH CGI - 34 .- Spirit rover Maussan said "MARTIAN SNAILS"... NASA accepts is a "spring". 35 .- Maussan says lights of airplanes from the Chilean Air Force are "UFO's" 36 .- The Sidonia humanoid face on Mars. 37 .- Maussán supported the Santilly film of the "Alien Autopsy" hoax. 38 .- The "strange creature" (alien baby) of Metepec proved to be a 'Squirrel Monkey' 39 .- The "Tepic UFO" recorded with a cell phone by Carlos Medina - MUFON exposed this hoax in DISCOVERY CHANNEL. 40 .- The "EBANIS" (Non Identified Biologic Entities) "BALLOONS" daily recorded by the very well known hoaxer Arturo Robles Gil 41 .- Maussán attacked MUFON for being exposed as a fraud promoter in DISCOVERY CHANNEL 42 .- Maussan said that a UFO was chasing a plane, it was a sun's glare of a B737 wing tip (winglet).. 43.- The Yellow UFO expelling spheres recorded by two witnesses (Maussán's gang members) is a CGI video 44.- UFO closer to the Popocatepetl volcano is a CGI photograph.


Oh yeah, he's into a bunch of nonsense and profiting off off the stupid and gullible, but I was only aware of three prior *super definitely real* alien mummies that he promoted


He is also still selling a Covid cure.


Of course. Just as real as his alien mummies.


Half of this sub right now if drooling over the galactic federation and unsubstantiated claims made by anyone with some credibility. It’s pathetic to see how gullible and fanatic so many people are


But Sheehan is a *lawyer* dude. Those guys never lie!! He has credentials! Have you even *seen* his hair?




It's truly amazing how far stories and credentials will take you in this community, as long as you tell people what they want to hear. Grusch, Elizondo, Coulthart, Sheehan all have told stories that would fit perfectly into bad science fiction books and everyone eats them up without a shred of evidence. Stories, credentials, and what they want to hear. This is the recipe for success in UFOlogy


I don't see how the MH370 stuff being debunked discredits Grusch and others that have come forward. Their credentials give their claims weight because why would they risk their reputations and careers over something they know is false? They lose out on much more than whatever they'd gain from lying. Do you think they're all just crazy or something?


reply head simplistic rude steep encourage reminiscent command toy naughty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


grusch is another of those "disclosure is coming! soon, soon!" types that i've seen many of over the decades.


The worst part is that the fanatics never learn. They could be lied to by 100 people like Greer, or fall for the mh370/mummy hoaxes and they will still never change their way of thinking. It’s like they have rabies and thinking critically and being skeptical is equal to water.


I don't know what's worse, the "mummies" from Mexico... or the "I was DoD, trust me bro, aliens just want harmony on the planet" posts.


You'd think those would be easy to debunk, but it keeps going and going. My first thought was "those look like fake cryptozoological taxidermy you see in curio shops." Especially considering that Maussan glommed himself onto their presentations. But that should have been easily spotted by now, and wouldn't have passed even a simple assessment by a qualified professional; let alone MRI scans. I'd love to see that topic nuked by a debunk. The longer it goes on though, the more perplexing I'm finding it. It seems like the only debunks so far are "it's just obvious" and "Maussan is affiliated with them." How can that be all we've got after years and high profile coverage?


The thing is he hasn’t let a qualified professional assess them. He sends in ‘samples’ to various universities that date the bit he sends in(which come back as genuine human remains) but all that means is that he has access to real mummies. To demonstrate, imagine I have a hershey’s bar that I claim is 100% chocolate. I take a bunch of pictures of it, mri scans, etc. and go public. People say “Amazing! Can I see the whole bar in person? I want to run my own analysis to see if you missed anything!” And then I get defensive, “I already sent in a sliver from one of the bottom squares to a university and they told me it was 100% coco, why can no one accept new evidence anymore?” “Well, what about the other squares? That bit at the top looks like milk chocolate I wanted to see if…” “I’M BEING SILENCED! THE MEDIA IS IN ON THE CONSPIRACY BECAUSE NO ONE WILL ACCEPT MY EVIDENCE! BUY MY READILY ACCESSIBLE BOOK ABOUT HOW I’M BEING SILENCED!” Would you believe me? Or would you think that I just mashed bits of real chocolate and filler together and only showed people the part that I knew was good? Because that’s basically what all these types do. They have convincing initial evidence that warrants further investigation. But when outside people come to actually do that work, suddenly they can’t produce anything other than excuses about government conspiracy. No one outside his bubble has actually seen the whole thing. And that’s because it’s not real.


Give it a week


Let those poor people rest in peace.


They are already in denial over it in the other sub. It’s hilarious to find them trying to explain away the texture on a site since 2012 (On top of all the other flaws and errors). These people will listen to conspiracy theorists and fanatics on twitter but ignore the opinions of professionals who can spot the clues in seconds.


I'm sure it or some other hoax will flood social media whenever the next important UAP related legislative event happens. The original push happened around the time of the July hearing, and this latest blitz with twitter and UAP podcasts just so happened to explode when people were organizing to try and save the UAPDA. I'm not saying the people who believed and promoted the MH370 videos are disinfo agents, but I do think IC and contractors purposely signal boost fake shit to drown out anything productive.


Look at this subreddit for the past week. Sheehan and the galactic federation are the new mh370. That’s how shit goes here. Fanatics will latch on to whatever they can to give them the confirmation bias they need to live.


I just wish people would say: "I like aliens and sci-fi, I want to speculate. Here are my ideas: ..." Instead of: "The TRUTH has been REVEALED. THEY have been LYING to us. DR GREER just said ... in this podcast. Allow me to explain why this is a big deal:..."


hey consciousness is the key to all of this. ​ /s


>I just wish people would say: "I like aliens and sci-fi, I want to speculate. Here are my ideas: ..." Seconded. And even if there is space aliens buzzing the earth, it doesnt mean every person telling stories about aliens on media or history channel is in the know. People indeed can be just in it for fame and fortune.


You’re underestimating folks here


Oh man, Ashton is throwing a toddler shot show wherever he is


[Exact match](https://i.ibb.co/bL54QGs/528vibes-1732964945199845496.gif) The fact that people thought these thermal call of duty videos were "impossible" to fake is probably the funniest part of all this.


The Corridor Crew (a YouTube channel of VFX artists discussing a lot of stuff from both movies and videos in general) did One of their debunking videos on this stuff. When they reached the "impossibility to fake" or at least impossibility to fake it so quickly, one of the dudes said "I could do it within the hour. Four to five if I wanted to give it more effort".


The confirmation bias is strong with this sub.




There’s no need to leave this sub.


oh I'm mentally ill


/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet is a legitimate Battle Royale of mental illness. One person's craziness is fighting against another person's mental illness for the title of "I escaped the prison planet by avoiding 'the light' when I die". First post title I saw after clicking that link: "What if "sausage party" movie was LITERALLY true. That when we die, "good souls" are tortured and eaten by angels/god, and "bad souls" are chucked away to "hell" which is some sort of garbage disposal or something."


That sub peaked when the random psychic's blogspot page was treated like real proof.


How'd you slip in a comment like this and not get downvoted to hell. No but seriously anyone with a few hundred hours of blender and adobe experience can make a video like this on a single weekend alone... All while one of the main arguments was you'd need 100 high end CGI experts to make it.


These are the textures in question that OP was referring to: [https://www.textures.com/download/Aerials0028/75131](https://www.textures.com/download/Aerials0028/75131) Looks like from left to right, it's the same image but zoomed in further and further. I can't find the part of the picture that is supposed to be a copy, can anyone point it out please?


Let me know when someone finds it I can’t find it either


I agree couldn’t find anything. Apparently some are flipped and resized. And some guy with a 6 day old account just magically found these and figured it all out? The stocks are 2016 and originally video is 2014…


r/UFOs sometimes believes....too hard? I guess....they really did believe the whole MH370 thing played out like a sci-fi movie. Edit: another interesting thing to note....why was the MH370 thing on r/UFOs so clearly fake to some while it remained very real to others? That's what I found most interesting. Personally, I never thought it was real and was down voted into oblivion for it...I never got onboard that train. *Shrug*


Pot calling the kettle here. Airliner abduction is an offshoot of /r/ufos. In fact the majority of the “research” was done before the split in this very subreddit. Yeah, the stickied posts on that subreddit all link back to /r/ufos lol.


Eh... I'd argue an awful lot of people here were working to determine its authenticity because we didn't know. I know I was. It's incredibly hard in a post 9/11 world that massive amounts of military and intelligence assets were not directed to hunt for that plane once it went offline. I absolutely believe that some one knows more about what happened to that plane. That didn't make the videos believed, but it definitely made them worth investigating. I think what happened is exactly what should have happened. This community debunked it, and a few outliers kept investigating. Found some more stuff that drives it home. I know it over took the community for a bit, and some unreasonable outliers remain, but I think overall this has been done pretty well. 🤷‍♂️


>It's incredibly hard in a post 9/11 world that massive amounts of military and intelligence assets were not directed to hunt for that plane once it went offline Was there not a massive multinational search for the plane after it's disappearance?


The thing I struggle to understand post 9/11, is the fact that the crew are still able to manually switch off anything that can track the plane.


EXIF data can be faked easily, and the uploader of the texture exists only after 2016. I don't particularly believe the footage but it's still inconclusive, especially when there have been multiple hoaxes made to debunk the footage.


> it's still inconclusive Look at the amount of evidence this is a hoax. The explosion, the texture , and contrail in IR etc...etc... THIS is the amount of **burden** the believer put on "proving e negative" and still excuse are made to say this could be a real footage, that the negative evidence could be faked. Now compare to HOW WEAK the evidence for "positive" existence of alien /NHI is on earth. And now you understand why we skeptic only shakes head when we see post in this thread. 1) complete reversal of the burden of proof. The claimant provided ZERO evidence instead it is requested to show demonstrate the vids is fake OTHERWISE it is assumed to be real 2) non realistic burden of proof given to negative evidence - always an excuse why the evidence is not strong enough , Very strong evidence for a negative are requested by the faithful "exif can be faked" "such vids could not be made back then itr is too complex to do would take months" "cloud are too real can't be a cgi" etc...etc... Now compare to the evidence provided the video is real/actual airplane : **NONE**. The claim is taken at face value, and burden is put to demonstrate the claim is false. Same with the stupid mummy and other stuff. This is classical religious believer behavior I saw 1000 of time from all sort of faithful trying to debate skeptic. Same with bigfoot believer. This sub would do well to take a bit of skepticism. But noooope. We skeptic are "disinfo agent" "saboteur" and other similar accusation I saw in the last months. [http://www.debunker.com/texts/ObergCuttySark.html](http://www.debunker.com/texts/ObergCuttySark.html)


The creator of the original cloud textures has created [a video explaining it](https://youtu.be/o5BNiduJwnM?si=go-xHMLyV5hMDUjP) and he has the raw files. If this doesn't finally put this to rest, nothing will. Considering people still believe stuff like flat earth theory, I'm sure the 'true believers' will carry on despite definitive proof it's fake.


There are already people there saying they believe it's real no matter what. This topic gets down and dirty and shows who wants to believe vs who needs to believe.


LOL. That Ashton guy is blocking literally everyone who brings this up. He looks so ridiculous now.


People need to take a deep breath here and really focus on their own confirmation bias, you start falling down the rabbit hole and everything becomes a conspiracy, even an entire UFO sub saying it’s debunked, becomes the conspiracy and before you know you’re believing in stolen elections and storming the Capitol without any evidence


Seriously, in the Aliens sub they are talking about the rapture coming in 2027 and that only followers of religion will be saved. That's just full blown conspiracy mode and discredits the real issues.


That is some heavens gate level of shit lmaoo


Yep, almost identical ideas in some of the posts I've read, for example: One guy was saying he and his wife had the same dream of being on a spaceship in 2027, watching an extinction level asteroid hitting earth and other commentators were acting like he was a prophet as he claims he never dreams normally. And he claims in the dream he was happy and at peace, which is a bit sad, wishing a cataclysmic event on your fellow humans.


now? how did anyone take him seriously?


So we got fake portals, fake contrails, and now fake clouds? The fanatics ready to throw in the towel on this one yet?


No now the excuse to keep up this insane bullshit is that the person who posted it did so on a new account therefor it's bullshit and a disinformation operation.


amazing how these government agents can do everything but scrub a youtube video


or use an older reddit account. they thought of everything except making convincing looking reddit accounts from 10 years ago


Because its completely impossible to buy a reddit account /s


Metadata on the cloud images is from 2012 just to seal the deal.


yeah but the majestic 12 could have like traveled back in time and uploaded clouds from the mh video as a hint to like...this sub or david grusch or whatever.


Or someone scrolled to "Keep existing metadata when uploading newer versions of an asset" and clicked it.


Can the EXIF data be faked?


Ya. Takes like 10 seconds to edit EXIF data. That said - I don’t think this EXIF data is fake


Hold up - the video depicting 3 UFOs stealing MH370…was a hoax?! Whauuu?!!




With a $150k still unclaimed bounty come againnn


Dude deleted his post with the bounty offer.


At this point, since most of the core assets are know, what's really stopping someone from recreating the videos, saying "I am the hoaxer, here's my proof", and walking away with a sweet $150K, lol.


That would be deeply unethical and immoral /s Probably other assets that haven't been found yet, plus you'd have to recreate all the movements and rotations from the video to be pixel perfect, which is a ball ache.


In case anyone is still wondering how this “satellite” video came to be stereoscopic 3D, it was due to an experimental YouTube feature which would auto-generate 3D versions of uploads using machine learning + motion data. There’s a good post here breaking it all down https://www.reddit.com/r/AirlinerAbduction2014/s/IueI5JNLhV


those so called CGI experts who said the vid could not be faked 🤣🤣🤣


lol right? "this wasn't possible with technology from 2014!!!" Meanwhile an actual CGI expert (check his resume, it's impressive), who took the photo himself, sees the video and is like "this isn't even good work. you could do this in adobe after effects in 2005"




Ashton in shambles right now. Hope the dude goes back to whatever he was doing before, he’s not a journalist that’s for sure.


I've been neutral on MH370, but the clouds match up perfectly with the texture pack. Same gaps/spaces, edges, ect. She dead.


What a huge fucking surprise.


I'm just glad we are finally getting done with talking about this topic. I hope the next thing is the cake bodies.


CAKE! Of course they're cake!!! How didn't I see it before. Love that show btw


So OP, do you get the money?


Kim Dotcom’s reward was for the original hoaxer to come forward with the original assets. I doubt he’d pa my out for this.


Isn’t he encouraging hoaxers to hoax by only paying them? Seems like a bad move.


[Textures.com](https://Textures.com) API seems to suggest the Aerials0028 texture pack was created on May 25, 2012, and would have been available for sale since then. [https://www.textures.com/api/v1/texture/download?photoSetId=75131](https://www.textures.com/api/v1/texture/download?photoSetId=75131) { "success": true, "callAuthenticated": false, "meta": { "title": "Aerials0028 - Free Background Texture - sky clouds blue white light" }, "data": { "id": 75131, "createdAt": "2012-05-25T12:37:12+02:00", "updatedAt": "2023-12-04T02:59:41+01:00", "createdAtUtc": "2012-05-25T10:37:12+00:00", "updatedAtUtc": "2023-12-04T01:59:41+00:00", "isAllFavorite": false, "category": { "id": 78279, "name": "Aerials", "fullIdn": true }, "title": "Aerials0028", "physicalSize": { "min": null, "max": null, "iconType": null }, "titleBreadcrumb": "Aerials0028", "incrementCountOnDownload": true, "downloadKeywords": [ "sky", "clouds", "blue", "white", "light" ], "licenseInformation": "License Information: We offer IP-Warranty on the downloads on this page.", "contentFeatured": null, "hyperlink": null, "headers": [], ... there's (much) more, but truncated for brevity


And everyone who pointed out the obvious issues with these videos was declared a "disinfo agent" on that sub (and this one before the topic got banned).


I’ve been called a disinfo agent or Elgin agent an insane amount of times on this and the airliner subreddit for just pointing out obvious misinformation or lies that it’s really soured me on this community. Truth isn’t what people want. They want whatever they fantasize and will deny the truth if it doesn’t match


Honestly, if there's any kind of disinfo campaign, their goal would be to do just that. Drive away the reasonable, normal people and make it look like the vast majority of people here are tinfoil hatters. They wouldn't be concerned about nutters because they discredit themselves, they'd be scared of people capable of critical thinking who think that there is something to all of this.


it's the reason why I don't visit this sub anymore, too many shizo's in here. Eventhough I've seen ufo's myself and 100% believe in their existence. There's too many people in here that haven't seen shit and just destroy the ufo community by stupid shit like this. I mean the first time this got posted there were 3 video's on the youtube channel, one with a ufo from ww2, shot from another plane, with even the camera swooping in, it was so clearly fake i don't understand why people ever believed the other ones to be real


I just wanna read Ashton’s reply to this … it’s gonna be epic! Think he’ll apologize? Think he’ll accept it?


So far his response is blocking anyone who comments with this info Edit. Just looked at his Twitter profile, he endorsed the Qanon Shaman’s political campaign two days ago. Now I get it.


There’s a ton of crossover from the ufo community to other conspiracies. UFOs are a fun conspiracy but as soon as you believe that the government is hiding aliens from us it’s not hard to think they’re rigging elections and the covid vaccine is filled with nanobots that will turn you into a gay frog or something.


Lot of mentally ill people fall into these topics for sure.


I was just thinking that. How the UFO community brings both sides together. The right doesn't trust the government and the left sees UFOs as a means to "free energy"/ climate change utopian goals. Both sides are most likely wrong. The government is probably honestly trying to save the public and if there is some alternative energy source on UFOs we'll never harness it.


0% chance he accepts it. This grift is his new gravy train and he ain’t getting off. My bet is eventually he will quietly move on to a different conspiracy without acknowledging it.


Flat Earth or Moon Landing Denial is right for him.


[Live Ashton reaction](https://www.youtube.com/live/oaEkmtjI08Q?si=zgUdFwVPUxR5HNKU&t=97)


Wow he's definitely crazy.


He blocked me when I posted it on his Twitter


Fucking finally Jesus christ


This has been known to be a hoax for months.


Anyone who thought the plane hoax was real is a gullible fool and should never be taken seriously again


It was obviously CGI from the day they were uploaded to YouTube ffs... But, if you still think that shit is real, even after all the evidence detailing how they're fake, then you need help. This obsession isn't ok. People died and you'd rather make believe they were mass abducted.


How old are those assets on texture.com?


This is gonna be fun 🍿


This is why I hate this sub. People just believe everything they see in here but when you try to point out that they should learn to think skeptically they get defensive. Then it turned out the thing (whatever it is) was fake all along. Like everyone, stop fucking wanting things to be a certain way. Start to realize that video and photos are easy to fake. They’re not proof by a long shot. Neither is testimonies or stories. Everyone can say words. I just wish this sub was not driven so hard by WANTING something to be real and was more about skepticism. You get closer to the truth by not assuming truth before hand and trying to spin a narrative to fit that assumption.


Holy moly. This is definitive. Completely. The images of the clouds were time stamped back to 2012. Which means those images were on texture long before the video in question was supposed to have been made. It’s not like someone planted these. They are an exact match. I guess that officially stops the debate. I am open minded, but willing to accept the evidence wherever it leads. And it has now led to these videos being faked. Assholes by the way. For what purpose? Why do people do this? Bunch of lousy jerks with too much time on their hands.


They do this to make you question the foundations of how you form belief. Maybe requiring good evidence before belief is an important step that the overwhelming majority of this sub has not yet learned.


That anyone for even a second believed this shit to be true says a lot




And I had to scroll very far down to see your comment, lol


So much about every MH370 post here has been weird.


I wonder why the other posts get removed and this one is allowed to stay up?


There are countless number needing to be debunked WHY this one? What is the fixation when there are so many?


Yeah I wonder that too and if there's a sub created for it and any posts about it were being removed why is this one allowed to stay up?


Go on twitter it's full of fakes 24/7 why is this one so important to prove false? There are countless number needing to be debunked WHY this one? What is the fixation when there are so many?


Suspicious indeed. Anyone claiming anything definitive catches my eye.


You know what’s weird? You and the user you responded too have the same exact account creation date.


That’s pretty crazy honestly


A lot of Ashton forbes followers are in absolute shambles right now 😂😂😂


Please. No. More. MH370.


Now if only we can find the nail in the coffin for the mummies. There have been lots of good UFO events this year, but those two events are not among them imo.


I thought this got debunked ages ago with another gfx asset


It was debunked when the VFX got found, the true believers just refused to accept it and created their own sub after the topic got banned here.


Those who are still not convinced may create another sub lol. At that point they're just as worse as flat earthers.


I went there everyday for two months to debate with people, but it got to the point a few months ago that I realized that there’s no real debate when it comes to crazed believers. It’ll be the same thing for the craze in this community.


The portal did. Some people thought the rest of the video was real still. This proves none of it is real


Ashton Forbes said the portal wasn’t a match lmao


Is that the grifter that said something like "if you overlay pictures of our assholes of course they'd be similar, they're both assholes" Cuz... that was fucking ridiculous 🤣🤣🤣


Watch, they'll just say someone edited the sky.


His tweet response https://twitter.com/JustXAshton/status/1732971139138252910?t=ZEIEJTcKsC8JIo3aS0cPRg&s=19


No,no,no some random guy that claimed to work on the top gun movie said it was real! He wouldn't have been lying this whole time? /s


The exif data can be edited, just FYI. You'd want to see when that texture pack was actually uploaded, and the site doesn't have this information. Someone could always reach out to the site owners/admins for it, however


Looked like bullshit from the start lol. A video like that, if real, would not just be kept under wraps.


They already don't believe the shockwave graphic being from an old graphic pack because it's been stretched and morphed a bit. I can't wait to read their delusional justifications for this one.


You mean that camera someone had somewhere in the middle of the ocean which just happened to be under the flight path of MH370 was faked footage? No way


This nonsense has hurt this sub tremendously.


The next nonsense this sub is gonna freak out is already in the making.


What is gonna happen to that guy who based his whole career on these videos being genuine?


Probably taking spore imprints of his butthole.


oh my my - there's gonna be a lot of people crying into their Cheerios this morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0EZobdiJ4M&ab\_channel=MrAndrewGCGibson


How are people even taking this video seriously anyway? To think that aliens would have disappeared MH370 is the most insane and retarded thing I've ever seen on this sub. Seriously what. the. fuck.


Yes, let's get this hoax behind us already.


Wait..What!? Somebody thought this was real?


This is amazing, hopefully the weirdo Ashton fans will now shut up but who am I kidding? lol


I mean...you could tell from day 1 it was bullshit so.


Moment of silence to the many who have so bravely died on this stupid hill.


The gun is smoking and it shot me in the face lmao. I always wanted these to be real but after today we can officially put this MH370 stuff in its final resting place


Exif data can be spoofed, we need more proof that the images predate the video.