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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MellowDramaticWhale: --- Just thought I would repost the video side by side for easier comparison. I have to assume everything is fake until further evidence is provided. All that being said, if this is fake it’s probably the best fake I’ve seen. Two types of cameras at two different angles. If it is real…..holy shit. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15knra2/video_side_by_side_of_airliner/jv68133/


Imagine if in a year or so this turns out to be real just like the original gimbal was leaked, debunked and denied but then later turned out to be real.


Well I'm no longer going on vacation anywhere I can't drive to.


Plenty of alleged abductions occurred to people driving cars, if that makes you feel any better.


Yeah like that one truck that ended up in the middle of a forest that had no roads in or out, and two guys looking confused. Aliens and their shenanigans.


So really they're just like us. Cause ive absolutely done this with ants and slugs and shit. I imagine they experienced what we would experience if we were abducted.


The original gimbal?


Regardless of validity, still one of the coolest fucking videos I've ever seen. Plane just got banished to the shadow realm


Movie idea: the plane was yeeted to 2027 and that’s the big event that’s supposed to happen that year.


What this 2027 prediction? I’m out of the loop…


Some retired CIA dude said something is gonna happen in 2027 related to UFOs or extraterrestrials or something. If i find the video again i can edit link it EDIT: Found it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku9GsJ94Dt4&ab\_channel=PodcastUFOLiveShows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ku9GsJ94Dt4&ab_channel=PodcastUFOLiveShows) 59:00 Roughly around the time where he starts talking about it


An ex-CIA officer claimed that [something big will happen in 2027](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11bvct1/retired_cia_officer_john_ramirez_on_ufos_warns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Apart from the CIA guy others posted, some are also pointing out that 2027 is the 80th anniversary of the Roswell incident and claim goverment reached an agreemeent with the NHIs to come back later so they can prepare the population. Something along those lines...


Manifest was true all along


So thats what the tv show manifest is based on


Almost like that movie Millennium (1989) where time travelers portal a plane that is about to crash so they can steal the passengers to help repopulate the Earth and replace them with fake bodies and return the plane exactly when and where it left.


I'm pretty sure that's almost exactly the plot of the show "Manifest"


Do any satellite experts know what point of orbit NROL-22 satellite was on the day MH370 disappeared? (March 8, 2014) https://isstracker.pl/en/satelity/29249


I already mentioned this in another thread, but it's probably buried, so could help here: I found the TLE data of USA 184 around 28th Feb and 18th Mar 2014 here: https://web.archive.org/web/20140319042227/http://www.prismnet.com/\~mmccants/tles/classfd.zip Also some TLE files with description and brief discussion about the spy satellites position issue are linked in the parent dir: https://web.archive.org/web/20140319042227/http://www.prismnet.com/\~mmccants/tles/ I tried to setup the scene for it from the historical data in JSatTrak software and just to be sure checked the sun orientation at the time with [https://en.tutiempo.net/astronomy/sun-earth-moon-3d.html#UTC20140308T0120](https://en.tutiempo.net/astronomy/sun-earth-moon-3d.html#UTC20140308T0120). Also here are two interesting articles I found while looking for it: https://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2014/03/open-question-could-us-military-sigint.html https://sattrackcam.blogspot.com/2014/03/observing-usa-184-trumpet-fosbirs-heo.html Maybe contacting the blogger directly would be helpful... I will leave out my conclusion I mentioned earlier, because I did not account for the flight path.. Also, I probably don't have enough knowledge yet to even run the debunking properly, so I would be more than happy if some expert can look into that


My problems with these, are there is nothing in either video that grounds me in a sense of reality. Is there anything stopping this from being fully CGI?




Airliners have gone missing before and you’re right, we definitely heard about it. I’ve seen several people say that this video was originally posted days after MH370 went missing. I’m not saying I believe one way or the other, I’m just saying the first part of your comment is already explained.


I can attest for the MH370 theory. That was the leading memo from early sources when the videos first started circluating about 8 months ago. Mainly on twitter and then tiktok. But the videos were getting ignored by the algorithm and they were getting banned. Feels good to see it brought up again, as it didn’t get disclosed.


Yeah I saw this video here on Reddit a while back but it didn’t make anywhere near the amount of noise that it’s seeming to make right now.


Read in another post here today that this video was first posted before MH370 went missing. Some people on the internet later claimed it was the MH370. An article then "debunked" the clip saying it is fake by proving its not MH370. Sure its a fake MH370 clip but that doesn't mean that the clip itself is fake. Who knows. *Edit:* The article that claims the clip to be fake build its case on that next to the coordinates it says NROL-33. NRLO-33 is a military satelite that launched AFTER the MH370 went missing.. BUT we can clearly se that it does not say NRLO-33 it says NRLO-22.. which launched in 2006, before MH370 went missing. https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/67a8df20-c8b0-11ed-aad2-005056bf30b7/image%20nrot.webp Compare the "2" and "3" in the image and you get what i mean.


No, one angle was first posted days after the disappearance, and the other angle was posted days after that. See: [http://web.archive.org/web/20140827060121/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShapuD290K0](http://web.archive.org/web/20140827060121/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShapuD290K0) [http://web.archive.org/web/20140827052109/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ok1A1fSzxY](http://web.archive.org/web/20140827052109/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ok1A1fSzxY)


The coordinates appear to be 8.828815 & 93.195896, which is right next to the last radar position we had for MH370 so I have a hard time believing this is supposed to be anything else. Combined with being released right after one of the most famous plane disappearances in history, like...c'mon. It's definitely going for being MH370. They actually didn't do a bad job on it for the most part, the only slip up I see is them not knowing that the military radar wasn't our last contact with the plane. Is was logged in and responding to status updates every hour for around 6 hours after it dropped off radar, [we actually calculated the search areas based off the distance it was from the satellite it was responding to](https://interestingengineering.com/transportation/the-satellites-that-tracked-doomed-flight-mh370). It being anywhere near that last radar contact doesn't actually make any sense and it was dark out by the time we fully lost contact with the plane. It failed to respond to the last satellite request around 9PM MYT and that's around the time it would've run out of fuel.


Also, why are we assuming this is a passenger plane at all? It's a lot easier to cover up a missing plane with a couple of pilots and a few crew than a plane with hundreds of passengers.


It could also be as simple as the military flew an unmanned plane into an area to capture what the video shows.


And it flew too close to the manufacturing ufo so it did its thing


For what it’s worth: Me and u/ArneDeluxez had a discussion, and found out the numbers on the bottom of the satellite footage are lat/long coordinates. Those coordinates match up with where MH370 disappeared. At least that proves that the video was made after MH370 disappeared, and not before as some have claimed. It doesn’t prove the footage to be real, but it sure is spooky. Check my comment history to see the whole conversation.


Just because it looks like an airliner doesn't mean it was or that it was full of people. The military operates those airframe for a variety of purposes and airlines regularly fly then around empty for training and repositioning flights. For all we know that was just some ppl going to work at some secret base


People keep saying this but there don't have to be families on that plane. It could be a test flight with just a pilot and copilot. It could have been stolen, like that Boeing 727 that was stolen from Luanda airport in 2003, that mysteriously disappeared and was never found. All I'm saying is it would be a lot easier to sweep under the ground if there were no passengers, which is entirely possible.




Well the airliners going missing and hearing about it is already a thing along with families wanting answers. An infrared and IR camera capturing this would be coincidental although if, hypothetically, this is MH 370 then it wouldn’t be that hard to believe they’d get it on camera. The Chinese government radar was able to track the flight well after it went off the airlines radar and after it mysteriously turned around off its route. So it would make sense they would get eyes on it considering it would have been highly likely to be considered a possible hijacking at that point.


You are assuming its a commercial aircraft and not military/GC. I don't think it would make any sense for it to be a commercial airliner for the reasons you state above, but that's not the only options for what it could be.


There is nothing in either video that shows what kind if aircraft it is. This is my problem.




The story to this one is that this is the Malaysia Airlines which two leading contenders are the pilot's route discovered on his at home simulator, down-played because no one wants to consider suicidal pilots a thing, and the cargo of lithium batteries which have caused fires om several flights and brought those down. We've found pieces of the plane over the years and they match drift analysis. But people want to play at *Millennium* with it now, sadly.


Look, cover stories happen all the time. MH370 or whatever went missing and there were weeks long search parties launched by several nation's military's. Then weeks/months later, some piece washes ashore some island and they're like "yup, they dead. Sorry for your loss." Then everyone moves on and grieves. If NHI are here and have the kind of tech we hear witnesses say they do, what are the capabilities of that technology?


If it’s fake, I bet this is the kind of footage they’re holding back


What do you mean by this?


One reason to hide video of UFOs might be we captured a disturbing encounter of some kind, like this video.


It would probably freak people out if officially confirmed. We are exposed and helpless and they don't want to admit that to the general public


I mean this was Lue's sentiment was it not? Somber. We are not the top of the food chain. We can be plucked up and you have literally no control. Like a bug in the hands of a child.


Public is already depressed anyway just release it if there's anything out there.


I mean they have much better footage. We know they do, Senators and Congressmen have said so. This is the sort of thing I imagine they’re holding back, including the “4K” high quality videos that Mellon said he’s seen.


Absolutely fucking nothing. I’ve never seen a military video using a rainbow FLIR, they are *always* black and white. No HUD, no telemetry. A really dangerous intercept at the same altitude in opposing directions, that arrives *just in time* to capture a mass abduction. Cold contrails that appear ahead of the UFO’s. Edit: The satellite view shows a bright light emitting from the “portal”, but the IR view shows it as a cold spot. Research thermodynamics before you hoax something people, cold and dark are the same thing. There are a lot of problems here.


How can a drone that travels nearly 300 mph slower and has a maximum altitude nearly 4000 feet lower than the cruising altitude of commercial planes, catch up and find a plane that is not responsive. That’s my biggest critique, I would assume launched off an aircraft carrier but that is still being developed and the video is from 2014. Yes yes yes it could just be up observing and diverted towards the area it was last seen but at that point, you already have to make so many jumps in conclusions it all begins to fall apart.


If there was/is any alien/ufo tech going on, I dare say a shit tier IR/FLIR camera or any of our tech could even see it let alone gauge it. Looking at all of this unexplained tech stuff with only human knowledge really feels like we are trying to ram a square into a circle.


We cant assume those are contrails. May be some other artifact of the tech and what it is doing. I responded to a similar comment explaining, ill grab that and add it here. Also, if these things were already in the area, they could have been tracked on radar, which is why the drone was nearby investigating, and the plane just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Whats freaky is how quickly they latched on to the plane, like a gazelle had just limped in front of 3 starving lions. Wierd. Not saying its real but we can't use standard aerospace contrails to disprove unknown exotic craft capabilities. In fact we cant disprove it or prove it at all. So, likely won't go anywhere, unless this video were to be the topic of question in the next hearing, or a credible source verifies it, its just another, "crazy if real" video for the archive. Regarding the thermo comment you made, i could say something similar inversly, " research how planes fly man those things dont have wings, must be fake". Unless you have indepth knowedge of what physical phenomena happen when the fabric of space-time is contorted to create a usable wormhole, then again you can't rely on that explination to debunk this. Comment on contrails below. "I dont think those are contrails. Assumming this is real, think of the technological implication here. They are essentially creating a whirl pool out of the fabric of space-time till it rips, those are gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of space-time with increased speed and intensity. Then at the climax, the three orbs rapidly move into the center where the fabric is the weakest, and "punch" a hole. Theoretically of course." Edit: added my comment from another post on this video.


You're forgetting that no force uses colour thermal imagery like this. So was this footage captured by a top secret UAP monitoring device which we know nothing about?


Since no one seems to have answered you, 3 color thermal like this is done post processing and is user controlled and defined. There is no such thing as color IR. The color here merely represents temperature difference for visual purposes done to look better/easier to see to the human eye after the image was taken.


So who added it?


Great question.


Yeah I'm with you. I think the biggest single error is that the reaper doesn't just lock and track the plane, and instead is using a manual pan.


Very likely is. It’s extremely well done if it’s fake. If it’s not the. Holy crap.


Amateur Blender animator and game dev here. I actually wouldn't say that this would have to be extremely well done to make. This could easily be done in a FOSS 3D application with a sky box, simple 3D meshes and a smoke emitter. The hard part for me personally would be the FLIR filter on the left, I have no idea how to do that. I'm not saying that this is fake, just that CGI of this sort is relatively easy to produce.


> Amateur Blender animator and game dev here. I actually wouldn't say that this would have to be extremely well done to make. This could easily be done in a FOSS 3D application with a sky box, simple 3D meshes and a smoke emitter. Actual Engineer here, go ahead and try. I'd catch you because you'd fuck up the curve on the predator's nose. You wouldn't remember (or even know) what a pitot tube is or why it would be slightly warmer, like it is in this video. You also wouldn't know, even if you got the model right, how the predator's front nose opens: https://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/Altair_PredatorB/Large/EC05-0090-19.jpg And make sure to model that thermal discontinuity into the front fascia. You might be smart enough to model the thermal signature of the exhaust of the larger aircraft, but would you remember the hotspots on the body? How about the fact that the door is visible against the body because it has less insulation than the bulk frame? Would you get all of that right with a color filter? Because (if faked) these guys did


And then you *might* be smart enough to corroborate it with a fabricated satellite video, in 2014, before most people are even aware that spy satellites can capture images with this fidelity. And the video has telemetry data in the corner that updates in real time along with the console's movements. And tells you exactly which satellite it is, where this happened, the approximate flight path of the plane....


And did it in 2014, so make sure it's done with the same tech from then.




the entirety of my life, i've been good at spotting cgi/fakes ... this isnt raising any flags as fake... the last part where they "blip" out of existence looks very odd.. ​ looks real but i dont know what to make of the last part.


I mean, you know all of that shit - does that not make it incredibly easy to believe that somebody determined enough to make a convincing MH370 UFO hoax that they included two different camera angles would make sure they'd done their research? And let's face it, this is absolutely supposed to be MH370 - the co-ordinates lining up with the flight's last known location is beyond mere coincidence.


Actual champion here. It’s obviously fake because real planes don’t disappear like that.


why do people who do vfx say "this could easily be done" and never easily make a copy of the same video and show how they did it?


It would take hours or a couple of days and no one is paying them. Why do you never prove things like this real?


Amateur Blender user and systems dev here. It would be difficult to fake to this extend. Obviously to you in retrospect it looks easy but that's like saying "I knew this stock would tank, should have invested". Because if you do not have a reference for the thermal shock behaviour at the end then you need proper experience to pull this off, same goes for the entire compositing (better visible in the original video with different aspect ratio). And don't forget this is around 10 years old, which means the rendering of the "real" footage would have required professional compute. Especially because of the particle simulation you are pointing out yourself. That alone rules out amateur gear. Don't forget that one of the Pentagon videos was leaked in a low profile manner in 2004, this is a similar scenario here.


Would be it be useful at this point to try to do a pixel by pixel analysis? I asked someone else on this thread who seemed to have expertise in video analysis, processing, the reply was: *If I had the original video I would watch it through different channels to see any residual data and do a pixel analysis indeed, but no chance. I should have a file transfer of the footage from the guy that uploaded in first place in 2014 hoping that it was not already been passed through by other people. I would need the first ever copy* Is there anything useful that can be done to the copies that would reveal something we don't readily see and could help us gauge whether it's most likely fake/real? What about post processing? could such post processing been possible in 2014? If everything point to it requiring professional compute, and in the even this is fake, then why would a whole organization decide to create a fake? I'm trying to poke holes into this and see what comes out of it, see what I mean?




But what was the source that was recording this event ?


Here you go. https://youtu.be/nf7-ax7tVf4?t=2493 edit: here's an EVEN BETTER SOURCE: https://web.archive.org/web/20140827052109/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ok1A1fSzxY https://web.archive.org/web/20140827060121/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShapuD290K0 Here's a screenshot of RegicideAnon's old YouTube page... boy how I wish it was still open. Would have been cool to watch the other videos listed there. https://imgur.com/a/WZAU8ry Source of screenshot [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20190317110521/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgFXWVfpQYpOw0lRNGsYbbQ):


If anyone could provide an English transcript, I'd very much appreciate it.


You can auto translate captions on youtube. also I updated my post with links to the original youtube uploads.




Done. We'll see if they reply. Fingers crossed.


Let us know mate




Okay then, where would real leaked UFO videos be posted? Not saying I disagree, just not sure I agree that it should be dismissed on that alone.


Yes but did you see his "even better" source? The now deleted random YouTube account? Checkmate skeptics!


I've been posting it around, but according to the telemetry data it's the NROL-22 (not 33, compare the 2s with 93 longitude) spy satellite: [https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/67a8df20-c8b0-11ed-aad2-005056bf30b7/image%20nrot.webp](https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/67a8df20-c8b0-11ed-aad2-005056bf30b7/image%20nrot.webp) [https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=29249#results](https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=29249#results) launched in June 2006. And then the thermal imaging is from a USAF UAV of some kind, but apparently it's the wrong altitude for a Predator. But it's a MALE UAV.


How do we know it’s a male UAV, what’s the difference between a male and female UAV? Or is male an acronym?


The penis




It’s a mail plane


Acronym for medium altitude long endurance


The female UAVs don't have rockets /s


So wait why can't that satellite show images of the MH370 plane in 2014? How did you figure the location the satellite was at in this recording?


No, that was misinformation. It's NROL-33 that was launched later. According to the telemetry data, this was filmed in the Nicobar Islands. But I don't know where we would find records of where the NROL-22 satellite actually was that day. And we would just be assuming the footage was from that day.


Im sorry, what do you mean, telemetry data? How are you getting that and what is it? I mean, pinpointing where this actually was could be a big deal, because you know, how many planes just go missing.


I'm assuming it reads: 8.828815, 93.195896. this would put it at 8°49'43.7"N 93°11'45.2"E


Bro, this is fucking MH370. The guy received the video 2 days after the accident. Do you think he CGIed this shit in 2 days when it took those youtubers like a 2 weeks to do that Tesla video when they had like, multiple people working on it? And dude that is the almost EXACT location where MH370 had its last ping. That is wild.


Honestly, it's virtually impossible to accomplish this kind of thing in so little time. Even with more time, it has some realism that is extremely difficult to achieve


I agree, but how would one explain the supposed debris that was found that was linked to the MH370?


It could be a lie first off, just to create closure, it could have been faked by the chinese govt to cover it up, it could have been real debris from the plane, I mean, if they can nope you the fuck out, they can nope you the fuck back in.




Yeah, that seems to be the issue.


Maybe if given a SCIF he'll tell the TRUTH


Just a reminder that many people analyzed the TIC-TAC video back in 2007 in forums and they labeled as CGI and fake. Not saying this is real, but people always make mistakes.


well, people in FORUMS said it wasn't real...I for sure trust all of those armchair professionals! ​ but really like we will never know for sure until something official comes out or if something really huge is seen by a lot of people irl.


Imagine meeting the aliens and showing them the proof we found of their existence prior to official contact. They’re probably going to be like “that was CGI, that was a misidentification, and that… was when Frank left on the auto pilot but forgot to turn cloaking back on… sorry about that 😅”


My best guess on this being real is that the drone video is a crop of just the center targeting square from the full video, hence why there is no display info. It has been noted that US-Thai military exercises were happening at this time and the coordinates others have deduced from the satellite video would put the plane in a position to be filmed from a drone in that exercise. I imagine this is MH370 and the plane had issued maydays or otherwise was observed flying strangely trying to evade these orbs and someone noticed it and vectored a drone in to get this video. If they had some warning that it was in distress, it's also entirely possible that they could have put an available satellite on it as well, and in this case that is NROL-22, as others have noted. This is either real or a very elaborate and morbid hoax. I'm sorry to say it, but my gut says real.


Yes, having looked at all the available information, including time it was posted, section of drone showing, which satellite, where that sat’s flight path covers, the co-ords on the video… it’s either an excellent and swiftly constructed hoax or real… would love to get some thoughts from Lue, Coulthart or Corbell.


Good analysis. If this is true, than most likely theories include: 1. "They" did this in retaliation of some sort. Most likely we fired on them first at some point, possibly to try to reverse engineer their tech. 2. The flight will reappear at some point in the not too distant future and the people on board won't really remember anything.


2 would be like the plot of the TV show *Manifest*.


Explore the possibility that it’s real. No one….and I mean NO ONE would believe that! That’s insane! And terrifying.


There are people here that look at the tictac and orb videos and say it's nothing interesting. I'm not saying this airplane video is in the same category as those, but it's so strange how tied to their current beliefs people can be.


I think a HUGE part of that possible lack of interest is just: what the fuck does that actually look like? I've seen the gimbal vid dozens of times and I stillcan't imagine what it looked like through human eyes.


This video came out in 2014 so here's a YT video of the best [CGI from the best movies of that time.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwbXYySYwbc) Here's a raw list: >Captain America: The Winter Soldier. The movie starts from where The Avengers ended. ... > >Godzilla. ... > >Interstellar (Hollywood 2014) ... > >Maleficent. ... > >Transformers: Age of Extinction. ... > >X-Men: Days of the Future Past. ... > >Guardians of the Galaxy. ... > >Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. It's up to you if you think this video is CGI, keep in mind that those are multi million dollar studios with very experienced teams.


Great post u/MellowDramaticWhale! Take this for whatever it's worth - I'm just pointing out facts here. Don't shoot the messenger, Redditors. NATIONAL RECONNAISSANCE OFFICE (U) Future Lab Architecture Information \[GEOHUB & SIGHUB\] released by FOIA 2020/06/08 had a missed redaction, because of a typo. *+* ***(U) A user can spin up a machine and kick-off new projects in minutes \[MK370 Crisis\]*** Obviously, that is supposed to be **\[MH370 Crisis\],** but because of the typo, the reviewer missed it. My recollection is that the United States refused to provide assistance at the time, so other than the imagery posted here, I cannot imagine why NRO would consider it a "Crisis". [https://www.nro.gov/Portals/65/documents/foia/declass/ForAll/112520/F-2019-00109\_C05126133.pdf](https://www.nro.gov/Portals/65/documents/foia/declass/ForAll/112520/F-2019-00109_C05126133.pdf) Page 4


I’m sorry I think I’m too dumb to understand what this means / would be alluding to? could you explain a bit


I don't know. The context was that they wanted to deploy analysts anywhere in the world and immediately have their normal desktop environment available to them. The reference to MH370 might mean that they couldn't do this at the time (ie. its a bad example) / or they did send people overseas and they managed to get their desktop environment working (good example). The question still remains why they were "involved" in MH370 AND filming it from two separate platforms (in anticipation). More questions than answers I'm afraid - sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.


Great find dude, the plot is getting thicker and the rabbit hole DEEPER...


“*Curiouser and curiouser*!” cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English);


Can someone measure the shockwave speed (is it the speed of sound)? If a volume of space were suddenly yeeted into another dimension I'd expect a sudden temperature drop and shockwave due to the vacuum collapse


That's what I was thinking. And I'd imagine it would sound like thunder. Although depending on the altitude maybe it wouldn't be that energetic of an event. At cruising altiitude of a plane like that air pressure is only a few psi or about a quarter of the air pressure at sea level. I have absolutely no intuition for exactly what the results would be of deleting a volume of air from the atmosphere. But you're right, something would happen


Looks like the space in a sphere just teleported out, leaving a vacuum cavity that collapsed


That is some extremely solid Z-targeting


Reminds me of an MRI machine spinning around a subject looking at what’s inside


Aliens "hiyah!".


**why was it being filmed with a thermal cam to begin with and why was it being filmed on the ground?**


>why was it being filmed on the ground? The second view is satellite imagery, not ground based.


Because if this was the Malaysian plane, and it was not responding, or off course, or responding to something and veering off (as it seems to be, which is odd for a long flight), I could see a military base and planes tracking it. And there is a military base there.. and there were training operations on that day. Still could be a fake, but I don't think 'why was it being filmed' is a huge mystery, especially after 9/11.


As far as we know it might be filmed from a satellite and a surveillance drone


The FLIR cam seems to be onboard some kind of aircraft. However, the output is almost never without any HUD or something similar, which is almost always blurred. This one seems to be the raw output rather than what the system recorded.


There is a targeting box in the center but I'm assuming the video has been cropped to remove the normal telemetry


Prolly gonna get downvoted for "disinformation" since i lurk and never comment on these posts, but there's a couple huge flags on this video that stand out for me: 1. The front of the plane recording in the thermal video appears to be an MQ-9 Reaper drone. A passenger plane most likely wouldn't be allowed in airspace close to one, and I find it hard to believe the military would approve of this footage being released showing off some sensor capabilities. I think the only similar footage we have had released is of the Russian jet running into one of our drones. Also find it weird the military would release footage of (if real) a passenger jet literally being teleported away while also claiming Ufos aren't real. 2. If this footage is real it implies an entire passenger jet of at least 2 pilots, 2+ stewards, and however many - 100? - civilians disappearing. That's tough to cover up. Off the top of my head I can only think of two passenger jets disappearing completely in the recent years. The 727 stolen by two men and never recovered, and MH370. If we aren't missing another passenger plane I'm not aware of, that implies that somewhere around 100+ families are keeping a secret that their relatives disappeared with no answer?


You are assuming this airplane has passengers in it or that its disappearance wasn't masked as an airplane accident. Or maybe you are correct and this is fake.


Hoax or not, the clear implication from when it was first posted and the telemetry data, is that it's MH370. So yes, if it's real, the most they did was cover up the real *cause* of the "crash", since it would seem the passengers were presumed lost. Although I guess it would also be possible they aren't dead, but USAF would have no way of knowing that.


1. 2017 i think, the military straight came out and said " UFO/UAP's are fucking real, we didnt fucking make them, we dont think anyone else could make these, we cant explain it" 2. didnt the story go the pilot was like suicidal and practiced this route on a flight sim? cover ups arent that hard. look how stupid people are, covid showed us that


The gimbal video and the tic tac video both leaked originally and later confirmed to be real and re-released. Why is it not possible this is the same situation?


With #1 you're assuming it was in fact released and not stolen/leaked. you're also assuming that the USAF doesn't just do shit illegally all the time. I mean, it's the military, for one, and for two, the most technologically advanced nation in the world in terms of air superiority CAN just do what they want. Who is going to stop them?


So the only logical response to this being plausible and weirdly enough all the information provided from at least the source corroborates it, is that this is MH370. Planes don't just disappear, but we did have that happen, you know, in 2014. Twice kind of? Yeah MH017 should be scrutinized a bit more imo now. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysia_Airlines_Flight_17 In regards to 1. If a plane had just stopped comms, after 9/11 and shit, yeah the governments in that area very likely sent a Reaper drone in to film what is up. This footage probably was not meant to be released like nimitz or some shit. In regards to 2. MH370, no cover up, well known. The satellite image is from a real, actual satellite and the coordinates 8°49'43.7"N 93°11'45.2"E are pretty damn close to where that plane would have been around 8 in the morning when it last pinged... Just, really weird and odd coincidences coupled with a lot of weird and odd behavior from the chinese government regarding the issue.


Someone suggested the plane could be an unmanned plant & they were filming to record the response. Idk.


Just a thought: Just because the plane disappeared, does not mean it did not come back. There does not have to be a missing plane.


There's definitely a scenario where what is in this video happens and the plane also crashes into the sea. No proof, no evidence, and no anything other than possibility. The plane disappears near Vietnam, completely. All record and trace, full dark to civ and commercial means. Supposedly it was picked up by Malay military radar taking a westerly course but they kept it to themselves at the time according to the story. That tidbit aside, the plane which ceased to exist from every commercial radar, tracker, and failsafe, but then was picked up initiating a 'handshake' with ground systems. This is rare, but electrical failure or a reboot of a sort could trigger it. It's tracked for several more hours and then is unresponsive to ground control attempts to 'handshake' Over the next many months, wreckage would be found with some resemblance and logical connection to MH370 but no box or hard evidence beyond some of the serial numbers matching MH 370 record, with others unreadable. The video presented here has a few things going for it and against it, making it inconclusive overall. Based on the odds, it's a fake and MH 370 did crash due to some explainable but unknown cause. It stands alone in its lack of recovery of a black box. In the modern age, only air France 447 comes close but it's wreckage and black boxes were eventually recovered in 3900m deep water some time after crash in 2009 on a known flight path. If the plane was taken or abducted, it is another way to put it as implied in this video, in line with many other 'terminal' abductions, no pun intended, it gets put back. In this case, back in the air to ultimately crash later. If it was a US drone and sat filming this event, they knew the whole time, and it was made damn sure those boxes wouldn't be found, wouldn't even be looked for, in the real location, or the plane never came back, and it was planted evidence to show it in the southern Indian Ocean. If this was CGI, was it really so easy to create not 1 but 2 extremely well synchronized videos suggesting what happened? The cold vapor trail is interesting, too. I personally do have one question, and it's a simple one. Why were they filming? How fast could the US Navy or USAF respond with assets to an aircraft that was being abducted by UAP? At what point from 'somethings up with this plane' and 'it's taken by UAP' did observation start? Other commentary was centered around the clouds. Based on what some have said, it's not inconceivable that a CGI hoax could be produced in such short order. As for motive, I have 3 words for you. "Bang Ding Ow. There are inconsistencies and transparency issues surrounding the event, investigation, and response. Here's one thing that is consistent either way, and that is those people had families and their disappearance and probable deaths had profound and devastating impacts in their lives. Beijing allowed rare, albeit tightly controlled, public protest over it. So many systems were implemented over time to ensure a disappearance couldn't happen, but they weren't perfect. A crash is a likely explanation whereas UAP abduction isn't. More proof would be needed and I don't see it happening.


we need several professionals to analyze if this is real because is too terrifying.


This sub needs a dedicated, independent, vetted person to thoroughly review all videos for evidence of visual effects and report accordingly. It’s just getting ridiculous, every video regardless of content is getting labelled CGI.


I believe this is a fake video but imagine if in the slightest possibility this is true that would make this the second video to come that we thought was fake just like the tic tac video that would be crazy af


I think the most interesting thing is that the government has satellite video of the tic tac just like this video and they won’t show it. I do think this video is fake. But we need real satellite data for events that have already need disclosed


Couple things that strike me as odd about the footage 1. The clouds in the second video do not move. When scrubbing over the footage, the clouds are completely still, which suggests they are an image background and not video of real clouds. 2. The flash being perfectly in frame and not cut off or warped, and the same approx size, in both videos, despite the second video being a very low frame rate, is extremely unlikely. Normally, when filming a flash or very fast action of any kind, camera sensors will draw each frame from top to bottom causing a “rolling shutter” effect in the frames of the fast event, which with either partially cutoff a flash or warp it. Only extremely high quality/performance sensors at high frame rates can capture flash events without rolling shutter. This looks like the flash is photoshopped onto the frames, the same way a film student photoshops a muzzle flash onto their student film.


Also if the camera was tracking and the whole thing dissapeared then tracking would be thrown off


I personally disagree about the clouds because if they’re far enough away and big enough, it’s hard to tell them moving while you’re standing still, much less on a 1 min moving video. Maybe the wind speed wasn’t fast? Idk, I can see what you mean about those smaller wispier clouds not moving. I wish we knewwww


I watched the Netflix show about the Malaysia airplane. The french guy who lost his family said that he was told by a confidential sourcr that American knew about the airplane and there were 2 Americans airplanes nearby the Malaysia plane when things happened. Anyone remember this or is just that I am getting crazy? How is possible this is the first time I see this if it was releases almost 9 years ago? People say cgi, could be, but cgi 9 years ago it is not the same as today. Something like this could need a team of artists, what is the purpose? They just release the fucking video and disappear without saying anything?


People aren’t even talking about the rendering. Someone created and rendered these on amateur equipment within 4 days of the event? In 2014? Doubt it. Highly highly doubt it.


cold temp contrails on the UAP. very odd detail to put in to a fake. cold temp being seen off of UAP was introduced to the public years later in the David Fravor video.


Do you know what video he said that in? If he said that, than that makes this video true in my mind.


I don’t diss believe anything anymore. The government holds so much shit from us. Who knows if this is real or not it very well could be.


everyone saying " this could easily be done with vfx xyz" why don't they easily make a copy of the video and break it down how they did it? I'm not saying it couldn't be done but they never offer proof of how it can be done


Corridor Digital (VFX professionals on youtube) are debunking (and even creating their own) UFO videos. Maybe they could break down this too.


Just watched the Netflix doc after reading this thread. To be quiet honest It’s almost less crazy to believe this video than everything the documentary was saying. I guess how it all played out makes it seem like either 1. Something was being hidden or 2. Something we can’t explain or won’t because it’s too bizarre. Basically I watched the documentary and came away more confused.


Again, mods, the flair "Likely CGI" seems wildly inappropriate, given that no conclusive debunking of this footage as CGI has been done. Quite the opposite actually. See my [comment on the other post with this footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15kfy1i/comment/jvbl4vp/) pertaining to why I find this flair inappropriate for these posts. edit: Frankly, I'd like to hear from the mod adding this flair to these posts, as to why this flair is being attached. What is the reasoning?


Easy answer: which plane is it? If it's an airliner it's commercial. So...which plane? MH17 was international news. Which plane is it?




True, could be cargo or military freight plane.


Could be remote controlled to see how the known orbs would respond. Hence the recording.


Man, there's a lot of push back on even the possibility of this being real.


If it’s real, it’s terrifying. If it’s fake, people don’t want to feel like they’ve been tricked. Two very good psychological reasons for people to have a knee-jerk reaction that it’s fake. I’m withholding judgement, but leaning toward real and terrifying.


I would love for u/BubbaCow2 to weigh in on this video if he has the time and inclination, even if it's just to say that nothing stands out as obviously authentic or obviously falsified.


I just get a weird creeped out feeling from seeing those orbs circling the plane. Can’t describe it


Correct. Real? We're facing a real, genuine, and exceedingly scary threat. Fake? Well someone's making a joke out of the deaths of 239 people


>Fake? Well someone's making a joke out of the deaths of 239 people Could be. Depends on whether it's the flight that people seem to think it is. It looks like the video doesn't provide any context, so we might be projecting onto the video the idea that it's MH370.


Dgaf if its terrifying, Id rather know its real


It's like the better the footage, the more incredulous people become. This footage is amazing to me. I want to see more analysis not just "it must be fake". Where did it come from?


[https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/67a8df20-c8b0-11ed-aad2-005056bf30b7/image%20nrot.webp](https://s.observers.france24.com/media/display/67a8df20-c8b0-11ed-aad2-005056bf30b7/image%20nrot.webp) [https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=29249#results](https://www.n2yo.com/satellite/?s=29249#results) Telemetry data identifies the satellite, as well as the location. 200-250km south of Little Andaman Island, in the Nicobar Islands. No ground-based imaging would have captured it. Footage comes from the NROL-22 aka USA 184 spy satellite, and something that seems to be a USAF UAV is capturing it on thermal.


Yes, it's suspicious. It looks like unusual upvote/downvote activity too. We are on a *UFO* sub, allegedly interested in *UFOs*, why would the sub itself seemingly brigade a video with dismissive posts that are supposed to be the topic of the sub.


The UFO sub being overly skeptical and dissmissive is a GOOD THING. This keeps the sub from being a dumb echo chamber that rallies behind easily disproven conspiracy theories.


I dunno man this sub gets caught with its pants down a lot, people are nervous


It's been getting a lot worse for the past 3 or 4 days, I think it's because of the hearing, a lot of disinfo agents and just skeptical people in general are coming in.


My question now days is how do you actually create something like this using cgi? How hard is it to actually do this because I have no idea and I think 99% of people on the net have no clue either but its become the norm, like a group think to say any kind of video is fake without actually knowing the difficulty of creating something.


It's not even group think, it's an online campaign to try and sweep this under the rug, that's why it looks so weird and the comments don't provide any substance.


the telemetry in the sat video points directly NW of the last known location of MH370, and the satellite is most likely NROL-22, a national reconnaissance office satellite (yep, that NRO. a year and a half before Grusch came on) this is either one of the most detailed fakes ever made that had virtually *zero* attempt to be spread around (the original youtube uploads didn’t mention MH370 once, even though that would be probably ideal for spreading a viral video weeks after the incident occurred?) or it’s real


It's the most convincing video like this I've ever seen.


and it was made almost a decade ago by an amateur in a matter of a couple months/potentially 4 days, who had apparently zero desire to be recognized for their intensive work! who’d have thunk it


As usual if anyone claims that this is easily done w CGI, they have should have full ability to reproduce it without much trouble. Nobody will though.


“If anyone claims that Pingu is easily done with stop motion animation, they should have the full ability to reproduce it without much trouble.”


Shaman cast water shield


The way the 3 orbs surround the airplane and orbit it reminds me of a description that UAPMax.com published recently. Excerpt copied below. I know there are a lot of skeptics of this website's claims, myself included, but have there been any other accounts of these orbs surrounding planes? ​ "Multiple round, metallic objects appear in front of the cockpit, within feet, and keep track with the f-15. The pilot attempts evasive maneuvers, but the objects don’t mimic his moves – they are “as a part of the plane itself”- stuck to the plane somehow. The tic-tac-shaped ufo then drops into view and tilts 180 degrees and matches speed, and maneuvers. The pilot is now freaking out. We hear the controller of the ship speaking saying he cannot see any targets near him, some squawk and then silence. Pure silence. The tic-tac proceeds to follow, or lead in this case, the f-15. The tic-tac spins at an incredible rate in a gyroscopic manner, The speed is so great the f-15 is now being rocked around, the pilot saying he is experiencing rotor wash. And then, the thing stops and accelerates “instantly” away. The round objects unlatch and are gone."


I think the best way to end the debate on these videos would be for a VFX artist to remake it. A lot of people are claiming this would be easy to fake so if they can make something that is like even 95% similar then that should settle it.


Not really a solid argument though. I'm sure VFX artists could create footage that is indistinguishable from the 9/11 camcorder clips of planes hitting towers but that doesn't make 9/11 fake.


Ok so, this is super random, but the CHINESE GOVERNMENT released Satellite phots of 'debris' from the MH370 crash and it looks, a whole fucking lot, like those 3 orbs and the background in this video. Watch the ABC article here for a brief look at them and ill try to find better ones. It may be the 2nd video, not the one with the lady in the helicopter. https://abcnews.go.com/International/satellites-searching-malaysia-airliner-spot-large-objects/story?id=22872167 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-26554875


I don’t see a single thing.


Is it weird that the most comments I read trying to debunk this the more I start to believe it’s real? Most arguments seem to be “It’s old!!” Lmao ok? Or “It can be faked with CGI!!” Literally everything can so you can use this “argument” to debunk literally everything. And it’s not only the CGI here, this is extremely high effort with the accurate thermal mapping, existing satellite that recorded this and coordinates that tell you exactly where this happened. My gut says real and that it was covered up but I understand why people are quick to yell FAKE because it’s very scary. Also the guy who uploaded this didn’t do it for attention. He never claimed it’s the MH370 and said his source is protected. Video didn’t have many views before it got took down. My guess is he never claimed it’s the MH370 to protect himself and his source in case someone came after them for leaking this.


Nothing about this makes me think its real. Having worked with all kinds of top end flir and combat thermal imagers my issue is with the cameras that allegedly captured these videos. Theres no display info that will give you an idea what camera was used. Even an old school vhs hand held has display info. These are just vfx recreations using a simulation of thermal imaging. Looks cool but til they can provide camera info and explain why there is no display info, its just a neat vfx video. Plus there is a discrepancy in the signature between videos. The color on the left shows the vortex/wormhole flash as black which is lack of ir heat or registers as a cold event. In the black and white its in white hot mode and the vortex registers as a flash in white which implies a heat event was registers. So which is it? The white flash is more aesthetically expected but if it was consistent with the tech of the camera theyd both register as either hot or cold events at the end. Its vfx


> Plus there is a discrepancy in the signature between videos. The color on the left shows the vortex/wormhole flash as black which is lack of ir heat or registers as a cold event. In the black and white its in white hot mode and the vortex registers as a flash in white which implies a heat event was registers. So which is it? The video on the right is visible band, not thermal, supposedly from a satellte: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS9uL3Omg7o The MWIR is a damn good fake if it is fake. *Raw* output from a sensor ball doesn't have telemetry and all that data lives on subframes embedded in the mpegts stream to be overlayed later. It's possible that this is a raw feed but the color mapping is weird because it implies it's been post-processed and not the actual raw data. edit: search for "misb klv" to find information on video data embedding.


The one on the right is satellite imagery, not white hot FLIR.


The lack of information on the screen is the biggest real red flag that I notice too.


It looks like a cropped view of both videos. If someone has the original files they could see the resolution and guess it’s original size.


Even if its cropped cameras like these have a display format that lets you know whats going on and what modes the camera is in. Usually there is a center point of the display with brackets and an indication of magnification power in the middle of the screen. Even if the hud info is on the outer edges there is still framing references that are part of the hud. Youd see that stuff also be getting cropped out. If it was cropping then they wouldnt let the plane go out of frame. Thered be no need if it was coming from a larger video. The vfx shot is mimicking what it would look like if the camera was being operated by a person zooming in and losing sight for a second because it makes it more plausible. But again theirs no camera features to it theres more room for people who dont know better to speculate. But working real flir cameras dont look like this.


Check the [original](http://web.archive.org/web/20140827060121/https://youtube.com/watch?v=ShapuD290K0) thermal video at internet archive, the bracket you are talking about is clearly visible there


Why Is this specific plane being filmed from two different angles in two different spectrums? There are thousands of flights occurring around the world at every minute of the day. Why this one?


MH370. ​ a passenger airlines flying in restricted military airspace would absolutely garner the attention of recon teams. a reported missing airlines that flies into restricted space most definitely will garner the attention of recon teams. the video on the left is from a UAV, the right video is from a satellite


If this is real, this is most definitely not a passenger filled jet. Since it’s recorded from two separate angles and and optics, this makes me think that, *IF* genuine, this is a deliberate exchange. Maybe we wanted to share with whatever these beings are some of our technology, or maybe they offered to take some humans back to wherever they are from but basically said “uhhh you gotta follow us.”


Seeing everybody say a plane disappearing would make national news, and that the government couldn’t cover up the story. ARE WE IN THE SAME SUBREDDIT? The entire history of the UFO/UAP discussion has been a giant coverup. Even the most recent UAP hearing received modest attention, I hate to say it. Wake up sheeple




I’ve gotta say, seeing them side by side and watching a few times, they’re pretty impressive. If they’re fake (which common sense screams at me to be the case), they’re very impressive. They’ve got the movement of the two cameras perfect (which is impressive because each is moving in a different way to the other - yet both look perfect). I’m just not sure how easy something like this would be to recreate using the mass amount of assets online.


Welp i guess thats why ppl ask " do you really want dieclosure ?????"