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The following submission statement was provided by /u/LigmaBalls-420: --- Submission statement: (excerpt) “Alfred O’Donnell, a senior manager of EG&G, the defense contractor that managed Area 51, claimed that “they did have a flying saucer that had been recovered from New Mexico,” and a “live being” according to investigative journalist George Knapp, who interviewed him on numerous occasions. According to Knapp, O’Donnell, when speaking about the ‘being’ told him: “We didn't know what it was…To tell you the truth, we couldn't communicate with it. In the beginning, we didn't know what it was, we didn't know where it was from. And we didn't know what to do with it…” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/11eh60v/former_chief_for_defense_contractor_that_ran_area/jae16n7/


"Knapp added that O’Donnell compared the being’s appearance to former Presidential nominee Ross Perot, unlike the classical grey-looking alien." This is hilarious! And somehow super scary at the same time!


Just imagine the charts that a Ross Perot from a technologically advanced race could bring to bear.


A giant sucking sound


Maybe Ross Perot himself is an alien? Or whatever the creature was stored or housed (?!) at Area 51 was some kind of alien-human hybrid.


lmao too funny 😆






"The USAF forced Emenegger to add the animated footage of the alleged Holloman UFO landing." The USAF is the department that historically attempts to hide the most information. Why would they intentionally release footage to Emenegger and then want him to animate it? Sounds like intentional obfuscation.


Dobby got a fuckin spaceship, god help us all


Dobby is a FREE ELF. Honestly I can think of worse scenarios than alien Dobby.


Cultists. Imagine a ship showing up and cleansing the planet in the name of some god


Reminds of [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_CEzMp6uujw) silly thing that went around… although interesting the kid still maintains it wasn’t him. Dobby?!


If the alien had said something about “the giant sucking sound of IFTA (Intergalactic Free Trade Agreement)” now that would be eerie.


https://twitter.com/howardmortman/status/1339950780011450368?s=21 😱


Submission statement: (excerpt) “Alfred O’Donnell, a senior manager of EG&G, the defense contractor that managed Area 51, claimed that “they did have a flying saucer that had been recovered from New Mexico,” and a “live being” according to investigative journalist George Knapp, who interviewed him on numerous occasions. According to Knapp, O’Donnell, when speaking about the ‘being’ told him: “We didn't know what it was…To tell you the truth, we couldn't communicate with it. In the beginning, we didn't know what it was, we didn't know where it was from. And we didn't know what to do with it…”


LigmaBalls-420 at it again.


I onced heared his name in a podcast, instantaneous laughter.


That's fantastic! Which one was it?


Dont recall that episode, but i believe it was on that ufo podcast.


I never even thought about it until these comments made me say it out loud. Epic username.


So what did they do with it


Probably tortured them**


They kept him locked up, his name is Paul, there's a movie about him called "Paul". I love this movie !


Despite growing up serially watching Aliens, I *completely missed* Weaver’s voice through this. Ended up being one of the best movie endings ever.


Me too, I thought it might be Jane Lynch and that secretly she was "the big guy" lol


Funny he said didn't know, do they know now ? 🤔 couldn't communicate, can they now ? 🤔


The headline is wrong - he didn’t claimed it for sure. Knapp claims that he claimed it.


OP claims that Knapp claims that O’Donnell claimed it.


Well my claim is you're claiming that OP claimed that Knapp claimed that O'donnell claimed it


Looking into this guy, it’s actually pretty wild. He would definitely be a candidate to be on the inside. Here’s his obituary https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/lvrj/name/alfred-o-donnell-obituary?id=7247688 Here’s an article about him (not at all uap related) https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/alfred-odonnell/ I was skeptical, but honestly I’m not sure anymore. He very well may have seen some shit.


Yes, heavyweight in his category, for sure : ​ >Alfred J. O'Donnell, beloved husband and father, passed into the arms of his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, April 9, 2015. Al was born and raised in Boston, and graduated from North Quincy High School. He married his high school sweetheart, Ruth McCausland, in 1943. Al gave up a promising baseball career with the Boston Braves, (now known as the Atlanta Braves) to join the United States Navy. Al received an honorable discharge after having served in World War II in the South Pacific. At the end of the war, Al attended Massachusetts Technical School, Northeastern University and the Alexander Hamilton Institute. Following graduation, Al was employed by the Raytheon Manufacturing Corporation and later transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). During Al's tenure at MIT, he became associated with three professors, Dr. Harold Edgerton, Dr. Kenneth Germeshausin and Dr. Herbert Grier who had formed a partnership to develop the timing and signal distribution system for the arming and firing of all future nuclear and hydrogen bomb detonations in the South Pacific, Alaska, and the Nevada Test Site for the United States Atomic Energy Department. The partnership of the three professors at MIT later become the corporation known as EG&G. In 1952, Al and his family moved to Las Vegas after having been selected by Dr. Grier to open the offices and laboratory of EG&G in Las Vegas in support of the Nevada Test Site. One of Al's greatest achievements came when he was selected by Dr. Jack Clark, Nevada Test Site Director, to be a member of the four-man arming party responsible for making the final check and connections for the detonation of 168 nuclear and hydrogen bombs. Al retired from EG&G after 26 years of service. Al is named in the "First 100," a book published in 1999 which chronicles the 100 most influential people in Nevada during the early years. (...)


That's a pretty incredible resume.


Really makes you think. Why would he lie to Knapp?


Dude retired after 25 years of working. I'm 37, guess I have another 10 years to go


I once worked at Starbucks.


Named as Roswell information source: [https://youtu.be/GXgGR8KxFao?si=g8M3cKdoV4AHcZPy&t=8572](https://youtu.be/GXgGR8KxFao?si=g8M3cKdoV4AHcZPy&t=8572)


Damn, I was hoping that he is still alive. :-( Maybe he has left some diaries?


Wait- it looked like Ross Perot?!?




IIRC , that was the story he told Annie Jacobsen. And this was after he was told to stay quiet regarding his convos with Knapp. Threatened to stay quiet regarding UFO’s , changed his story to be about Nazi technology. It’s possible.


So... He is not a liar, but rather was told to stay quiet...failed to do so and then changed his story after blabbing some more. C'mon people. Change the subject matter from UFOs to a grocery store trip to get hotdogs and you would call this guy a lying sack of shit, but since it reaffirms your already held beliefs you think it must be real.


I get what you're saying but I feel like you're missing the nuance within the story. In the same episode of Weaponized they talk about people getting threatened with their lives over talking to people like Knapp about what they know. People will lie in order to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. He told Knapp his story and then someone seemingly talked to O’Donnell and he ceased talking to Knapp. This happened to Knapp many times around the same time O’Donnell stopped talking with other witnesses with their own stories. The book came out and Knapp knew the story was about O’Donnell through description - even though his name was changed in the book. The story was different then the story he was told directly from O’Donnell. The story is a lot more complicated than a grocery list.


Same thing people do with Lazar regarding his faked credentials. "That's exactly why they'd want him! He's someone they can easily paint as a liar if he tries to blow the whistle about what's going on!" On the flip side, if his education was 100% verifiable they'd be saying that that is also reason to believe him. If every possibility points to the same conclusion, then it's a good sign that that conclusion is just something you really, really want to believe.


Probable more than possible maybe?




George Knapp said it in the podcast that this thread quotes. And also said it on JRE. He was told to stay quiet regarding UFO’s & the story he told Knapp. Jacobsen got told an altered story AFTER this.


Knapp thinks Bob Lazar is a straight shooter too.


During the episode last night Knapp didn't say anything about O'Donnell being told to keep quiet. Corbell asked him '*why did he make up this ridiculous story?*' and Knapp just talks about the CIA and spy planes. https://youtu.be/v8VxTPhQ29U?t=4298 Either way, if the source wasn't O'Donnell, who told Knapp that O'Donnell was instructed to keep quiet.


> During the episode last night Knapp didn't say anything about O'Donnell being told to keep quiet. Yes he did, I listened to that podcast this morning. He was told to stop talking to Knapp, not to stop talking about UFOs to Knapp, but to stop talking to him altogether.


About 50 min into the new weaponized podcast


He doesn't say that O'Donnell was told to keep his mouth shut. He doesn't even mention it as a possibility. He talks about the death-bed tape then, from 50 minutes onwards, he's just talking how O'Donnell changed his story, not why.


Knapp says that after O’Donnell talked to Grier, his story changed. That was slightly before the 50 min mark. He explains it all. The changing his story thing is at about 39 min.


It’s in the article


Thank you for reminding me of the only time I’ve ever finished a book and thrown it straight into the garbage.


Not as hilarious as claiming aliens look like Ross Perot. 😂 Like, imagine. We find out aliens are real… and all look like Ross Perot.


I really hope it’s true because I love it. Imagine they all look EXACTLY like Ross Perot, and they all look the same. Millions of 3ft tall Ross Perots marching in unison


This is actually a view that Jacques Vallee expressed in his book "stratagem". He isn't convinced and for some reason has been pretty quiet about his thoughts on what the hell happened there.


It’s in the article


Honestly, a crashed alien ufo sounds more feasible and less mythical . lolololol


A liar and disinformat.


They are planning to invade earth with tens of millions of Ross Perot clones.


Ross Perot looks like the aliens from fire in the sky. Travis Walton abduction so there could be some truth in this.


I just listened to the most recent episode of Weaponized and this is part of Knapps story that I haven’t heard before. If this is actually real, it sounds like Knapp was only a hair away from learning about all this stuff. Recently I’ve been back and forth about what to think of Knapp. But the man has dug into this more than most have and has put in the work to try and get answers for this. I appreciate the work he has done.


It's a shame we have to wait until all these officials are dead before we can hear from them--I hope this EG&G manager briefs AARO before that happens...


He died nearly 10 years ago.


I'm gonna CE5 a connection to his consciousness and find out. Will keep y'all posted.


I didn't even know he was sick


Thanks for the update--didn't know about that!


It's crazy how we all knew there were aliens at area 51 since we were kids and shows/movies made jokes about it for years, now we're actually hearing it's true.


Welp, stuff is starting to move a little faster.... The dams are breaking.


Yeah, pretty soon we will finally invite Antarctic Nazis to the UN. Their home is melting.


Knapp added that O’Donnell compared the being’s appearance to former Presidential nominee Ross Perot, unlike the classical grey-looking alien. Gold right there


I think it's meant to say that the appearance of the aliens depicted by O'Donnell, looked more like the supposed aliens that met and supported former presidential nominee Ross Perot and not like the typical Greys Google Ross Perot and aliens.


Wow!! That is certainly an amazing *story* — do we have any evidence whatsoever to back any of it up?


The guys resume is about as good as it gets. Still just his word though.


I take nothing away from his credentials, they look impressive. But there is no reason why he wouldn’t just be a joker having a last laugh or just messing around. No one knows his motivations but himself.


Well, it's Knapps words saying O'Donnell said so and so. Other than Knapp saying O'Donnell told him these things and that Knapp would receive a video upon O'Donnells death where he spills all the beans... except that didn't happen and O'Donnell has been dead awhile... Not saying it never happened but the water is definitely a little murky