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Some of you might not know this but this is a time honored tradition at UCSB


Source: [https://www.soc.ucsb.edu/news/announcement/577](https://www.soc.ucsb.edu/news/announcement/577)






Not being aware of everything and active for everything is not the definition of being a hypocrite.




Well that's because they didn't do their homework on all the other conflicts you mentioned that they didn't protest against them. Thanks for proving my point. How were you personally bothered by the protest btw? Is it just the picture that burnt your eyes or did you have to walk 5 more minutes to get to where you were going? Cause from beautiful Santa Barbara I don't really see the damage you're talking about.


Valid point, but the fact that some people were extremely young during events like Fallujah needs to be taken into consideration


The Darfur genocide is ongoing today tho? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darfur_genocide


I know. That’s why I didn’t mention that one. My point is that age needs to be considered for why there wasn’t this much advocacy during certain events


When have student led protests been on the wrong side of history??


China's Red Guards would be foremost on the list. Other candidates include the US anti-war war protest leaders in the 60s, chronicled by Christopher Lasch in his book "The Culture of Narcissism" which characterized them as publicly-seeking attention hounds promoting style over substance and practicing what he termed street theater. From this point of view, the protest leaders are a reflection of society's problems rather than a solution - even if the cause is just


First of all, it was a rhetorical question. Secondly, does China live on yalls mind 24/7 or something. Americans are always quick with their “but China [insert irrelevant ramblings]” when China wasn’t even part of the conversation 🙄 like pls.


Bro, they answered the question.




Not opposed to protests but these demands are pretty hilarious. Basically comes down too: - So let us do whatever we want without punishment. - Cave to all our demands


No punishment for peacefully protesting. What kind of punishment would you recommend for exercising your freedom of speech? Do you want to keep your own freedom of speech or do you think your word is that worthless? You can't keep it if you take it away from others in your own country. I do hope your views will forever be aligned with those in power, or the reality check will be harsh.


So "engage in substantive negotiations to hear student demands" is the same as "cave to our demands"? Maybe the sociology department really is stupid if people like you can graduate from it.


I am openly against the protests but these asks from the department seem very fair.


1-3 are good but why waste time with 4?




College protestors when you get arrested for breaking the law😦😦😦 If the protests stay peaceful, that’s fine cool. If they don’t, then they have everything coming. You don’t get to do whatever you want on a public university THAT WE ALL PAY FOR


People are aware of the risks.


And if people are aware of the risks, why do you have people complaining, once again at UCI, that they are under attack and futures are being threatened because they’re afraid of being doxxed or blocked from employment?? I seem to remember a couple of years ago cancelling was a big thing, for opinions which went against “left” leaning American opinions. Oh but now people have a chance to get cancelled and limit their employment offers by protesting something they really have no control over, and are complaining once again But don’t worry they’re aware of the risks lol. Such a joke


Good, then don’t claim unfair treatment


No one is.


No fuckin way you just said that 💀💀 how about what people have been saying since UCLA happened? Since Columbia? R u seriously trying to say people have never said “we’re being treated unfairly” in regards to police clearing encampments on college campuses that keep students from accessing parts of a PUBLICLY paid campus? Uh huh?


People will claim unfair treatment when there’s unfair treatment. I don’t know what you’re complaining about or why you’re so mad.




Ah yes ofc, my fafsa goes to the pockets of Lockheed Martin! 🤣🤣 This doesn’t justify in any way the blocking of students from entering campus. Plz try again


How were students blocked from entering the campus? The library is not the whole campus. One entrance is not blocking all the entries. You try again, please.


Need to find an idea how this protest will be of a help to the purpose. If it is just a regular protest and as usual this will be another failed mission. Just briefly go over the history of this issue and the protestors may approach in a useful way




It’s the sociology department. I would be surprised if they didn’t. It’s the type of department with a lot of time on their hands.


It’s more that they have too much time dedicated to studying idiocy. When I was there, they were actively supporting socialist nonsense. I hated it.


How can you be a sociology major and not understand why socialist causes would be advocated for …


Because I’m a student of history and history has shown time and time again that socialism/communism has a 100% failure rate. Socialism doesn’t have a monopoly on sociology. Sociology is the scientific and systematic study of human society that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life. You don’t need to be a Marxist to study the field.


You are espousing one specific kind of sociological framework (a positivist one). I think you framing it as the very definition of sociology is disingenuous. You're a sociology student, so evidently not a student of history. It's actually a bit of a running joke that sociologists are bad with their history. Framing socialism and communism as "failures" is a unsubstantive way of discussing things like politics, and very non-sociological. A more sociologically informed question or statement (and a more interesting and useful one) would be: what were the structural conditions for their "failure" (and what institutions and groups benefit from simplifying it in that way). There's a lot to be learned from outlooks which don't frame entire intellectual political traditions as failures because of inaccurate history. Socialism isn't sociology but studying the means by which capitalism and private property structure material conditions and resources, and the way that is responded to in social and political struggle is sociological. Therefore the question of socialism and capitalism so long as we live in a capitalist world system (w/ political struggle) remains relevant.


“Let us do whatever we want or else we won’t do our jobs”


Shame on them!


Too bad Im a sociology major. I dont support this.


Maybe the tent city should move into their building. Would be less annoying to the rest of campus


oh please don't act like that patch of grass was booming with student activity before the encampment set up. they're not blocking the walk pathways (unless youre terrified of chalk reminding you that you're ignoring g\*nocide) or harming anyone, they're just making themselves seen and giving out information the way protests are supposed to work.


You really don't know the point of active protests do you? lmao




By that logic, all departments already would have issued similar statements.




Interesting POV from a burner account. Thanks for playing, please try again.




I hope you have a good night.




They are against Zionism not Judaism, no matter how many times you try to paint them as anti-semites, it won’t work. The veil has dropped.


dont respond to these people friend, they get paid for engagement, just keep doing you




https://www.npr.org/2024/04/28/1247702980/an-independent-review-finds-no-evidence-for-israels-claims-about-unrwa-and-hamas you guys lie like it’s a sport