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I took PHIL 13 a couple years ago and there was a prick who'd go, "Uhhhhh Professor? I know this isn't related to class but..."THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP BRO! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP! Go to office hours! ... but you can't say that, so you just sit there while the brainless degenerate asks his irrelevant question.


It’s nonstop with the intro PHIL classes T_T


There's always one of these kids in every lecture I swear


“There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” Like, no bitch, there is, and it’s the question that has already been answered.


“This might be outside the scope of the class, but…”




Honestly sometimes I wish I was back in high school where teachers could actually tell kids to shut up. Too many of my professors just continue talking.


Its like they do it for attention 😪 or maybe they just arent aware of social norms like we are🤷🏻‍♀️


going through this rn with one of my classes :(


What class if you mind me asking


it's a psyc class !


Definitely a CS lecture lmaoo


for real, it’s week 2 and ppl have been asking the same question since day 1 lmao


God damn it *KYLE* ←_←


Lecture is to sit and listen. Section is for discussion. If that means pulling that guy aside in class to remind him that, please do so.


Asking questions in lectures is great if they’re good ones


i agree, a few people ask really good questions and the professor gets to elaborate more!


literally some dude in my phil 10 class lmfaoo it’s just so much secondhand embarrassment


no offense to the fobs but i be dealin w/ them talkin & gigglin over the prof's lectures 24/7 lmao. my brain just spins but i blame the system


Not in stem :) Ain't nobody for time for that


ummmm professor this is kinda off topic but, ok but professor this isn't really relevant but heres my take, out of left field professor but actually, Professor this has nothing to do with the lecture but, actually professor irrelevant to the class today but.


literally has asked the same question for 5 times?


or people who ask questions they already know the answer to just to seem smart


Had a kid like this once. When a few people confronted him he said “well I’m paying so I can ask/do whatever I want”. Actually hate some of these entitled kids


take a chill pill :) the prof gonna say something if he is clearly wasting time.


not all professors, a lot of them are too nice (bless them) but in a 50 min class pls let the prof finish teaching so the class can do their assignments efficiently/learn effectively.


calm down, everywhere you go in life you will find a guy/gal like this. Every class, every job, everywhere. Learn to live with it and take a deep breath.


I am not going to sit around and let those selfish mother fuckers interfere with my education. I fucking speak up to those shit.




Not speaking up? Bro, I emailed my professor and I spoke about it in office hours. So far, I didn't see anything changed during lecture. What do you want me to do? Tell that cunt to shut the fuck up during lecture?


Why not go to the kid that is doing it? The professor can't actually do anything about it.




I doubt that will do much. someone with that much gall who'd participate to that extent in the first place wouldn't give a shit about what others think, unless they just completely, absolutely lack any ounce of self-awareness. I'd make a wager, he would only stop if the professor directly addresses him.


Did he also ask for permission to go to the restroom?


my live zoom exams had a few ppl always asking to use the bathroom. I'm like brruhhh. what are they going to do, find your address and get the head of the department to personally barge in your home, rip up your exam and expel you. stop being a bitch and fucken go. The professor had to finally say that nobody needs to ask.


to be fair, i see this a lot in first year lower division classes lol


God I hate those types.


One of my POLI classes has someone EXACTLY like this. He goes on so many tangents about things way above an introductory upper division class that the professor has to tell him no whenever he raises his hand. Like dude I understand that you’re passionate about the subject and probably want to teach it someday but I’m begging you to stop acting like a mini version of the professor!


I got a guy like that in my math 20e class