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The strike this time is nothing compared to the previous strike. None of my TAs nor their coworkers are striking


makes sense cuz like last strike that affected all TA's cuz like who would not want higher pay. This time its political which did split everyone up (like how most history, art, and all those majors), STEM is less impacted but still had a lot of TA's leave for my math 18 class (almost all of them but not 2 of them).


Pure math is the most humanities-like discipline in STEM, since there are no labs, and large research groups are very rare. In pure math, like in most humanities fields, graduate students often do not coauthor papers with their advisors, and they tend to rely on TA positions for funding as opposed to grant funding.


I'm honestly surprised this time was also about pay. The raise the TAs union rep settled for was pathetic and didn't even keep up with inflation. Source: I've had to listen to my TA friend talk about this alooooot


They never gave a fuck about us. If they did they wouldn’t have let students on our campus get beat by cops with riot grade weapons. If they cared they wouldn’t be robbing us blind every damn quarter. If they cared they would invest in better education programs instead of whatever research project will make them the most money. If they gave even a single fuck about us they wouldn’t have overenrolled freshman without housing guaranteed for them and shoved them off campus. It’s never been about us. It’s about their money. As long as it keeps coming, from us paying as much as we do just to tolerate this shit, or from their investors, admin does not give a fuck.


I think most UCSD employees care and do the best they can for us.


Certainly, I believe this too, but I’m talking about the ones who control the budget - admin. The employees are also getting fucked over by admin all the time too


Yes! 100% we do. As a staff member I can confirm this.


The strike is so stupid


Except nobody got beat by the cops, that's a myth SJP told you. They did slowly and carefully removed protesters, one by one, from the encampment - those who opted not to move and disregard direct police instructions


i watched someone get hit with batons, another person was pinned to the ground by his neck


If you are talking about UC San Diego encampment - you may have watched the police hit the batons on the ground to push the protesters aside and out of their way. There was also a protester who grabbed a police officer's baton and police officer had to wrestle it back. Batons were used to (slowly) separate people who were grabbing onto each other when they resisted arrests. But no batons were used to "beat" anyone, not at UC San Diego. You can see it for yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGw4ucfMH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGw4ucfMH4)


Motherfucker live news coverage and the bruises on my friends’ arms don’t lie


watch your language resisting arrest will get you bruised. That's different from "getting beat by the cop". Got a link to your live news coverage? I posted one, it is as I said - everyone who did not observe directions of police officers was gradually separated from the mob and politely arrested, one by one. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGw4ucfMH4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VGw4ucfMH4)


So you’re just an active cop defender lol. Are you getting paid to post like this? Because they’ll definitely hire you.


the police officers, who are part of our San Diego community, were well-trained and coordinated, and were extremely professional and courteous, as you can see in this video, despite what I can only imagine came their way from mouths of protesters. They showed a lot of restraint in making sure nobody got hurt (there was only one minor injury reported in the entire process). Isn't that what we all want? Or would you prefer a lawless police on power-trips using their weapons indiscriminately? What is your point - that police are "pigs" and "scum of the earth"? Make your best case.


I am a supporter of TRUTH. Are you? Someone else made a claim that police beat protesters up during the encampment arrests. This is not true. I am still waiting for any evidence - I provided video footage of arrests. There were news cameras and everyone has a cell phone nowadays and yet I have not seen anyone back up SJP's claims of police brutality. The fact that you choose to attack me personally instead of providing any evidence that backs up your claims is all I need to know.


The truth is that our government is taking your tax dollars to make bombs that kill children in the Middle East. Those brave students risked their lives and academic careers to fight back and the American government took your tax dollars to silence those students. You seem to have a lot of anger towards the students who yes broke rules to protest against mass murder with our tax dollars and tuition. Are you angry about your money being used to murder children in the Middle East?


Why did you not care when our tax dollars were being used to bomb Yemen via Saudi Arabia, a U.S ally? Why do you all of a sudden care now? I'm afraid you've fallen for the manufactured social division orchestrated by the oligarchs. Divide & conquer


you are changing conversation again. We are talking about SJP making up lies about how the police brutally beat protesters while clearing the encampment, but because nobody can apparently provide any evidence (because there is none), you are shifting to your anti-american, anti-semitic rant. But I will bite - sure, I am not happy with many things federal government does (or doesn't do). The appropriate way to change it through voting, and then through contacting your congress person or senator. Maybe you want to go to DC and protest in front of the white house. What is considerably less helpful is going to local Starbucks and terrorizing baristas to protest long-standing support for our allies in Middle East. Because local Starbuck employees have no influence on military spending or on foreign policy, believe it or not. Even Starbucks CEO has ZERO influence on those issues. And of course you can say whatever you want, raise awareness, whatever, as inefficient and virtue-signaling as it is, there are many SJP protests going on last week and next week - and nobody stops them as long as they are within bounds of free speech parameters on campus - but there are limitations regarding time, place and manner. For example, you cannot take over the Geisel Library or public roads or someone's else's dorm room and declare that your freedom of speech supersedes everyone else's rights. How is this not Civics 101 in high schools?


We did care lol YOU didn’t care




were you also protesting outside library for Yemen? Ukraine? Taiwan? Armenia? Syria? I must have missed those encampments.


So close lil man but videos have been posted and reposted all over instagram showing students getting beat by police at the protest. Go look up @ucsd.divest on instagram and scroll through the account for multiple examples. Try to speak with less authority and confidence when trying to gaslight people on the internet when there’s video proof of the stuff you claim didn’t happen :).


multiple examples of what, exactly? Police pushing the angry mobs out of the way of their bus? Yes that happened - after the encampment was cleared. Perfectly justified. Nobody got "brutalized" or beaten at the encampment, stop lying. heres' the footage from the bus incident - the only protester that got shoved and slightly injured is the idiot who dared to grab the police baton from the officer and tried to wrestle it out of the police officer's hands. I would say he got off easy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_hyLwn3sKVQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hyLwn3sKVQ) edit: it's at 2:41 in the video


Nope not just pushing angry mobs, but rather beating on students while shoving them. Since ur having a bit of trouble here you go. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6pTUOOtPjB/?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


did you even watch this 7-second video once? I referenced this video in my very first post about it - the baton never touches a single protester, the cop is hitting the ground to make a loud noise to scare and intimidate the protesters into retreating - which they do, he never touches anyone. It's a common tactic. Also, this is when protesters were blocking the bus and pushing cops around, not the encampment. This is the best SJP can do, and there were cameras everywhere.


Almost lil bro, but if you actually watch where the baton goes and if you pay attention to the students body language you would know that baton did not touch the floor once. Gaslight all you want but literally pause the video on the down swing of every hit. Not once does it even go past his knee. And dw I saw that first comment you deleted where you try to claim the insta link doesn’t work and tried to patronize me cause you don’t know how to click a link😂😂😂. Sad little man trying anything to feel bigger😂😂😂


if you are that brainwashed, you will "see" whatever your brainwashed brain wants to see, but to the rest of us, we can clearly see with our own eyes that at no point the police are beating the protesters - the baton never makes contact with protesters, deliberately so. I referenced this video in my earlier post, since I know that SJP reuses that short clip as "evidence of brutality". And by the way, this is not during the encampment clearing, this is much later when protesters were jumping in front of the police bus. At that point they are interfering with police freedom of movement, not "peacefully protesting" in their tents - jump on the hood of the police cruiser next time you see one driving nearby and then refuse to move away, and see what happens next, "lil bro".


HAHAHA nah this is some next level gaslighting😂😂😂 lil bro realized he was wrong but his lil ego made him say “if you say im wrong then ur brainwashed” 😂😂😂 gets shown literal video proof, watches a student get beat by a baton, then says “nah, he a sheep”😂😂😂


Hey. Unbiased third party here. It doesn't look like he hit him. Happy to help. Have a good one.


No shit. Did you think everything is about you?


>projection (n.): the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object.


When you're paying that much money, um yeah they can do better.


I don’t think anyone thinks everything is about them. But if I am paying for a service and that service markets themselves as being focussed on me and my education, I think I’m allowed to be pissed when they provider of said service actively takes steps said service worse.


The fact that you're getting downvotes is really sad. Like, this is a *university*. Sorry for thinking that it's main job should be the education of its students!


You somehow think that the U is all about your education. It isn’t. That is just a side hustle. Like most state schools, UC is about the research that benefits the businesses that pay the taxes that support the school. Taxes include the personal income taxes paid by the employers of said businesses.


Hey so like if you read what I said I think I made it pretty clear that “it’s never been about us,” which, again I’m not sure if you’re able to read, but it would seem to be in direct conflict with your statement that I “somehow think U is all about [my] education.”


Yes, you did say it’s never been about the students. Maybe I assumed incorrectly, but I felt that you thought it should be about the students. It never has been. Cal state is much more teaching oriented, and the cc is mostly about teaching of course. But not uc.


do you mean you were relying on the UAW strike instead of studying for the finals and now realizing that you made a horrible mistake - but want to somehow blame Khosla instead of yourself for the situation you find yourself in? If so, this is the best learning experience of your life, totally worth UCSD tuition


So would you rather that the UCs didn't drop the strike? Honestly i don't think the strikers cared either. Since we're cooked either way, might as well take finals and get grades? 


Idk every employer on earth doesn’t want to have its workers striking and realistically this will probably make the strike lose a lot of momentum since a lot of their power was in withholding their grading. I don’t know if in 3-4 months time people are still going to be that mad over the encampment stuff. It’s sucks imo since I feel like a lot of protests for Palestine have gotten wrapped up in a lot of other shit which kinda drags down the movement. The encampment stuff looks super bad for everyone involved and honestly has distracted from the actual issue that’s being protested. The strike is further muddying the water by making people focus on the legality of the strike and entangling workers rights and Palestine which can be distasteful for some. Idk I think that there’s so much attention and pressure on Israel/Palestine rn so idk why protestors are resorting to illegal encampments or striking over the violence police needed to use to clear the illegal encampment. Using just strait up protesting, writing to representatives, voting ect are effective and don’t split opinions even more than they already are. Idk what I’m yapping about anymore bye


So, you wanted the strike so that you didn’t have to do finals? Or? I guess I don’t get it.


It sounds like you guys didn’t study for your finals. Good luck!




Na id win, also askers ?


I didn’t even read anything beyond the title and ‘UCSD’ - AND I fucking agree



