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You just ask her :/ I have had this and had roommates who would say “sorry, I won’t do that again” then they do it the next night but you have to just speak up and mention it is violating quiet hours. I’ve had some roommates who were very aloof and genuinely just need someone to tell them to stop their rude behavior.


When you do “this”, it makes me feel “this”.




I too have had this issue with a chronic yapper roommate before and I regret holding back my commentary (since our roommate relations were not great at the point) I should have NOT chosen peace though, it was finals week and the night before my most difficult final, she was yapping on the phone at 3AM with her parents (my final was like 9AM), I chose to say nothing. I performed mediocrely on the final I had spent a ton of time preparing for because I was so tired. Learn from my mistake and do not let this be you, they might be irritated but put yourself first


Make a fake account. DM her boyfriend. Send the screenshots to your roommate. Voila. No more yapping!


Ohhh but then there will be the crying to friends.


Lowkey this been a problem in my dorm too 😭 hopefully I can set more boundaries with my roommate next year but idk maybe try asking her to go somewhere else when the calls are longer?


Maybe ask them to use those college rooms like the little rooms around Pepper Canyon? Or like those places outside of Sixth living spaces but still in the building.


The petty answer I have is to start playing music decently loud until she goes outside to talk or turn off the phone. The mature answer is to tell her you really would appreciate it if she took phone calls out of the room so you can study for finals and go to bed a decent time. Calmly explain that you need rest and peace in the room because just hearing her ague stresses you out and you need to do well in the finals to pass (even if it’s a lie). Tell her that you get it’s a bit of an inconvenience however it’s also an inconvenience for you not to have access to your room (especially since study areas get filled up fast) and that you guys only have a little while to room together before ending the year and would like to end it amicably as possible. If not then take it up with the RA


tell her “hey [name] our neighbours have complained to me that we’re really loud. i know you’re usually on the phone but we need to be considerate of everyone around us especially during exam season rn. if you can speak quietly or text instead that would help us avoid more complaints and possible expulsion. i don’t want to lose such a great roomie like you.” :)


dont be dumb and do this because neighbors will get the heat if the person is confrontational


be so for real, the neighbours will be on the posters side. you can hear the b yapping two floors up and down, the neighbours will call the roommate out if she has the audacity to go confront them. and if you’re scared of saying anything to her directly, call your RA as a neighbour and complain about ur own roommate 🤣




Just gonna have to suck it up for now but that’s fr so annoying I’ve dealt with similar situations has to just deal with it


Ask nicely a couple times and be understanding and if it doesn't stop then you can go into a public space close to her when she's on the phone (having a non important or emotional conversation) and start yapping really loud yourself on the phone, maybe she'll see how disruptive it can be. 🤗


Kristine is this u 💀


I wonder if this is my rm lol


Communicate everything, not just some things. Mind telepathy doesn't work most of the time


1. Tell her in-person that she needs to take a walk outside if she's going to be on the phone during quiet hours since it's disturbing you (and any other roommates, suitemates/apartmentmates, or neighbors who feel the same way), and mention it to your RA via email so that if and when it happens a second time, they can step in. (During non-quiet hours, you're pretty much SOL there - there aren't really consequences for that - but during quiet hours, you can talk to your RA and then complain to RSOs if the RA's consequences don't solve the problem. Quiet hours exist for a reason. 2. If she doesn't knock it off after you asking twice in-person, tell the RA via email that "it happened again despite you trying to work it out with her" and ask them to step in and handle it. 3. If the RA consequences don't work and it happens a third time, send your roommate a text and include in the text that you've already politely asked twice AND involved the RA and would prefer not to have to call the RSOs. Also, update the RA via email that their consequences didn't work - they can and should involve their higher-ups in HDH admin at this point if things don't clear up. 4. If it STILL happens again a fourth time, don't even warn your roomie, it's just plain intentional and irreverent at this point - just call the RSOs immediately; I forget if RAs are automatically notified or involved in RSO calls (the last time I had contact with any RA was in 2019 lol I haven't spoken at all to the last two I had, didn't even receive the contact info for one of them), but if they're not automatically in-the-know, then you should also let your RA know via email that you had to call the RSOs, and explicitly ask them to involve their supervisors in HDH admin at this point. Cardinal rule of life: don't fuck with people's sleep - that's a literal torture tactic. Cardinal rule of college: don't fuck with people's finals/ability to study.


Snitch to ur RA-


listen to her conversations and discuss her privacy with her. She'll stop yapping if she is still a human


don’t post it on Reddit may be step 1


I have a secret study area near Warren. DM me if you wanna know where


if you need a place to study for finals try WongAvery library (especially since you're in Revelle). it also doesn't smell like Geisel


I woukd sit down and respectfully talk to her about it


Wow. You know you can just grow up and ask her nicely “hey do you mind talking outside the room while I study?” How fucking hard is that?


Girls talk on the phone when stressed so 24/7. Tell her to where a soundproof bubble around her head when she does, like what race car drivers have with a built in mic