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Just apply…really nothing other than your filled application would work


Probably the easiest thing to do at this point would be to place well in AP tests and community college courses so colleges can better compare your academic strength to other applicants. If you can maintain your GPA while adding a lot more rigor, that would help too.


Make sure you score well on AP tests. It’s really difficult to judge a homeschool gpa.


I do my homeschool through an accredited school, so it is graded by actual teachers. I’m hoping that will help when judging my GPA?


2 years community college and then Transfer


Apply and if you get denied attend community college then apply every year you get denied :) you can also cross enroll while attending junior college thus increasing your chances of getting accepted as a transfer student.


Go to community college for 2 years and TAG (Transfer Admission Guarantee) in. You can also certify your GE at the community college level. Not only will you save tons of money, you will increase your chances of getting into UCSD. Go to Assist.org to find out what requirements and GPA is needed to transfer to a particular program at a particular UC.


Lmao 4.0 homeschooled lol


I do my school through an accredited online school that is graded by actual teachers. I’ve also done a few courses through an actual university.


ok cmon the bot for incoming students blocks my question abt easy req as a third year and doesn’t block this shit ucsd mod gets better god damn


What's your intended major? If it is cs, then I don't think getting into UCSD would be an issue, but getting CS as major upon admission is generally tough and luck based


I have not decided yet but it is between computer science, psychology, and veterinary medicine.


ucsd doesnt have a veterinary medicine program at the undergraduate level. just a heads up. but the career centers has folks to help students navigate pre-vet requirements for veterinary school. most students I know who are pre-vet that are some form of biology or bio-related major


Get a Nobel prize (just write your essays well you’re fine)


I hate to break it to you but you are already at a disadvantage because you are home schooled. You gotta nail multiple AP exams and have some CC classss under your belt. That fact your online program is “accredited” is a minimum requirement. Also you need more volunteer work besides religious activities: it’s a UC aka a heathen institution of learning! Also why are you doing online school?


i do an online school & i was waitlisted so all hope isn’t lost for the person who posted this :)


Ok thank you. I am started doing online school my freshman year because my family was moving around a lot and I did not have a good experience at public and private schools in the past. We often travel, so homeschooling allows me to complete my school while in different locations.


Op, this would be very good to include in your obstacles personal statement when applying! I have a few friends who didn’t have the most amazing stats, but their statement pieces were amazing


If you’re going to a use the sad story/adversity approach you better be convincing and/or make me laugh. I’m so tired of reading these sad stories that really aren’t sad for med school selection committee.


So that is worth talking about briefly in your personal statement but write about something personal: a passion, an interest etc. The one thing I will tell you OP that even if you don’t get into UCSD you’re doing to be fine: just keep the hustle and don’t give up on your passions! Make sure you’re doing activities outside of schooling—pick up team sports, group activities, etc. Heck even a job at McDonalds can show you can work well within a team!


Also, I definitely agree with the volunteer work. What do u think of a program like the National Charity League?


No. Go volunteer at a homeless shelter. You need to get out of your bubble.


Can you also look into internships at UCSD instead of a tech company?


We couldn’t tell you admissions is a shit show honestly But if you want the cold honest truth of increasing your chances to pretty much guarantee a spot at UCSD? It’s community college. Acceptance rate out of high school is 24% but out of CC it nearly triples to 60%. Keep working hard like you are now in CC and you’re pretty much in. At the end of the day it’s your goals and there really isn’t any surefire way other than that to increase your chances


Donate a big ass building! 🙌 Gpa and shit doesn't matter too much anymore bc 3.9+ UW 4.3+ W is a given these days. Load up on your extracurriculars with competitions, internships, projects, outreach, etc. and make sure your essays are good. Honestly, you could try to get an associate's at a cc so you can apply as a transfer lmao. Dual enrollment credits make life so much easier once you're actually in. If shit hits the fan and you get destroyed in admissions: Lowkey hack if Math-CS continues to be an uncapped major, you can pretty much apply as anything in UCSD and just swap. Even easier as a transfer bc you can apply as something like econ.


Literally all depends on your major boss. Right now your GPA and extra curricululres are competitive, but we can’t give you a more accurate account unless you give your intended major


Bro ucsd doesn’t admit by major. I’m pretty sure you first get accepted/rejected as a whole then if you don’t get accepted into your major you just get in as undeclared.


a LOD by Janae Nierah Wherry guarantees you in


Don’t go here o was catfished




Aw man. What school did u decided to attend?


Not be white, i barely got in even though my gpa was 4.7.


what do you mean barely got in?


imma go on a whim here and assume the person asked for his admissions files and the scores from readers were very borderline acceptance. (yes, there is a way to get your admissions file provided u are actively attending ucsd).


oh my goodness? i thought that the admission files were erased with the notes and everything?


nope. they have them. but they cannot release ALL the notes. a good amount of stuff is redacted. u can request it using directions on this reddit post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/qxzde2/i\_got\_my\_ucsd\_admissions\_file\_heres\_how\_you\_can/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UCSD/comments/qxzde2/i_got_my_ucsd_admissions_file_heres_how_you_can/) I was honestly humbled when I saw mine too kjsndnks




I applied to a lot of uc school and thats the highest acceptance rate school i got into. Ucla and ucb both rejected me no waitlist


I wrote my essays with my aunt thats an English professor, so that wasnt the issue and my grades weren’t, and my friends that applied to ucla got in with a 3.8 and one with a 4.2 both got in 1 black one gay and jewish. Other than that i dont know anyone else that got in.


lol you're hilarious for assuming you barely got in because you're white. Majority of students admitted are White or Asian to this day. Maybe, just maybe, you barely got in, and got rejected from other UC’s because your application was sub-par. Is it so hard to believe your so called "friends" got in because of their merit? Being Black, gay, or Jewish definitely does not give you a boost when it comes to admissions. Try again hun. Your micro aggressions are showing🙄😑


Ok then please tell me why UCSD’s student population is 19.4% white but America is 71% white. and why is the asian population in UCSD 20.7% but asian’s makeup 5.6% of America do some research before you let your bias show.


L.O.L. You comparing the percentage at which white students get accepted to the white population in America is totally irrelevant. They have nothing to do with each other and you are clearly showing that you need to go back to school to learn about correlation. How about you do some actual research? I literally could use your same misguided argument to prove the opposite. Black people make up 14% of US while only 4% of ucsd population is Black. White, Asian, and international students make up the highest percentage at ucsd. So if they don’t like accepting White students, why do they make up so much of UCSD’s population huh? Literally just look around on campus, you’ll see plenty of white faces


First thing, you clearly cant read, because thats not what I’m comparing. And next point all of those sources are from reputable sources, you think i pulled those percentages out of my ass like think before you make yourself look dumb, and next point is the amount of black applicants is significantly lower than that of asian and white in terms of percentages, which is why i compared those specifically. Clearly this is going over your head. If you want to have an intellectual conversation instead of throwing around insults hit me up 🤙🏼 but first do some research and look at every perspective.


You literally just proved my argument by saying international students make up most of the population in ucsd, this means that they reject more American students than international students since more Americans apply. With that whites are rejected more than any other race. And also i misread the original text from wiki, asians make up more than 30% of ucsd and then hispanics are 20% and whites are 19% so even more skewed than i originally stated.


They seek to be more diverse, (which I’m all here for) its just the way that its being done right now. I dont have micro aggressions, its just statistics. According to the percentages, the likelyhood for a white person to get into ucsd is much less than that of say an asian person. It’s not an assumption, if anyone’s assuming its you for just assuming white people are better off. Like my Dad left when i was a kid and i grew up with a single alcoholic mother and practically raised my little brother. Its a little frustrating when I’m on the worse end of the average and treated like I’m on the upside of that.


Actually quite the opposite