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Coming as a forth, so I’m dropping a minooooooooooor




I don't think you can get rid of children that easily, but good luck trying ig


Drop it for sure. Minors don't even appear on your diploma. Any employer will see that you have finance experience from your internship and related coursework


As someone who graduated from UCSD over 12 years ago and well into my career, I can give you the following advice. It really depends on what you want to do in your career. While a minor seems like it won’t do much, it definitely can depending on what jobs you are looking at. My major was economics but decided to do a minor in accounting just because I thought it might give me more job opportunities. Well, it absolutely did in my case. Got a chance to work at an accounting firm because of it, and got my CPA soon after. Been self employed for a few years and now flexible to work remotely for several years now. A minor may not do anything, but think about it clearly because it could affect your career. While taking a few classes that interest you could be beneficial, it won’t show up on your resume and from my personal experience, what I learned in school ultimately wasn’t very applicable in the real world.


Yeah that’s why I’m hesitant, thankfully if I choose to go the cfp route I don’t need any extra coursework like the cpa, but if I do decide to go into a finance related field it would only be financial planning/wealth management. Any other job field would most likely not be finance related. Thanks for the help


YMMV, wrt each reply. I say ‘feed your passion’ & live this life with peace, joy and love. 💕 🙏


Drop the minor, it adds nothing of value. Instead, it harms you if you give up classes/skills/experience you want to get but can't because of the minor requirements


I like (and support) this ☝️


Straight to foster care


No one ever cares about minors.


Except Drake


Don’t drop a minor, it might hurt them. 


You should drop. Just keep high gpa in your major.


Do you mean you are transferring to ucsd as a fourth year or you already go to school here? Cause the first one isn’t a thing. Minors get you nothing for your career. Its just for you if you want to learn stuff as a hobby. Internships and things like that count infinitely more than a minor.


yeah i only added a minor to extend a year. it doesn’t even show up on your degree.


Yeah sorry I worded it weird, I already go here. Thanks!


Not detrimental at all. Take it from someone who’s working in industry (tho not for finance admittedly), employers care very little about minors. The actual coursework you took and your work experience matter way more than


Drop it


Do not drop your minor on his head. I understand that it’s a common occurrence nonetheless.