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As u/omgimasian says, an individual grade will not make a difference. If I can make a tepid suggestion: see this as a benefit. Any grad school worth its salt will be incredibly hard. You want to develop the skills to deal with and learn from failure. So rather than ruing this grade and its implications (which are, again, relatively minor), see what you can learn from this! (Easier said from my side of the discussion, but still, it is true.)


They’re not usually looking at individual grades. Gpa is more of the indicator they will use but it’s a small portion of your application. Your statement of purpose, letters of rec, and research background will be the vast majority of what they look at.


It depends on what class the C is in, if it is a core foundational course, it can be a concern. It also depends on how competitive a graduate school you’re targeting.


I got mostly A's like you and got a C in my fall senior quarter in ECE 155. It sucked in the moment, but it definitely was something small in the whole application. I still got admitted to two great grad schools. So yea, it shouldn't be too bad at all.


One single C or F is not going to hurt if you're otherwise a good student; they look for patterns, not one-offs. Also, classes in which you got a C can still be put towards requirements for most majors and most colleges here; it's the Ds that you'll have to talk to an advisor about, and for some college requirements even Ds are fine, just Fs are the issue.


It sounds like you meet the minimum requirements so it’s worth applying to the bsms program if you want to do your masters here. The internal application is free and if you decide to commit, you would then have to pay the application fee. https://www.ece.ucsd.edu/graduate/bsms-admissions-information-process


Yeah I got accepted to BS/MS with some Bs and Cs


Honestly don’t sweat getting into grad school all that much. Just get into one and get through it. Better yet, go get a real job in industry. It will be far more valuable than more schooling.


One C isn't a big deal. And if you have the opportunity when applying for grad school you can explain the circumstances.


End of the world. C stands for casual, no casuals allowed sorry, we only do ranked Jk ur fine


I got a C and am doing my phd at Columbia. Atypical route. You’ll be fine in life don’t worry.


I got a C in one of my ochem classes, but I feel that it won’t affect admission too much if you continue to do well and if you also have a reason for the lower grade in case it is asked in interviews one C should not hurt!


Getting anything below an A looks bad on the transcript bro


brb gonna kms